Forum Replies Created
ParticipantNot everyone on this website "fetishizes" female bodybuilders….???
Honey take off those blinders and look around …for gods sake the website is call Amazons
the forum topics are..
Female Athletes & Muscular Women
Growth Fetishes
Fandom & Nerd Stuff
Art Q&A
Superheroines & Fan Art
Giantess, Goddess, Supernatural Art
Growth Stories
Strength & Muscle Stories
Fan FictionMy dear CptMatt you are a bit delusional if you think this website is not about FBB Fetish.
I'm not judging it…I enjoy it all…but just because you say " it isn't so…the fact speak for themselves.Also I think it is YOU who have a problem with contrary points of view…. specifically Caroline Wang's view
of how she presents her physique and her right to compete as a female bodybuilder.missmonstermuscles
ParticipantAn I'd just like to say that I AM a scientist. I hold an Honours degree in Biology and a Masters in Biomedical research. If missmonstermuscles wants to argue with me on science, well, better bring your best ammo.
Dear if you want to feel all superior and high and might, please be my guest. If controlling this thread with your Scientific mumbo-gumbo, if it makes you feel empowered to defend your point of view, please do your worst.
I actually came here to enjoy all the beautiful female bodybuilders … but if you want to entertain me by flexing your "ammo"…please fire away!
ParticipantMy point is that your post about this sudden evolution creating superhuman people is a fantasy and impossible. A pipe dream. "Reality is subjective" is a leftover of Timothy Leary and "tune in, turn on, drop out".
I wasn't being a Debbie Downer, I was being factual. Apparently reality down't play into your line of thinking.
I would say that this website glorifies and fetishizes Female Bodybuilders ( Thank God!) …this is reality. To get all " up in my face" about ..every god damn comment I make so that you can feel safe and secure knowing that you're in control…is a Debbie Downer. This is the impression you have given me and as far as I can tell you haven't written anything so far to change my mind on that fact.
Saying you're not a Debbie Downer… is not a fact, it's you're own personal opinion; an opinion, of which, I do not share with you.
Participant…yeah so what's your damn point…besides turning this conversation in your direction
ParticipantWell I suspect you're not a scientist … then it's just your opinion
which is exactly what this thread is about.So YES …Reality is subjective…and perception is relative . That is a widely shared opinion with a variety different people .
My opinion, regarding your comment, is that you're looking for something to disagree with.
So baby be my guest, disagree with anything you want. If that's what you need to feel in control..then
GO FOR IT.missmonstermuscles
ParticipantReality is subjective
…and perception is relative..and you my dear are not a part of the are part of the problem
if you all want to continue flaming …be my guest. I can deflect all the BS you can sling out.
ParticipantAnd most genetic "mutations" also come with serious downsides. Myostatin hypertrophy that a subject doesn't outgrow, (it usually manifests in childhood and disappears by late childhood) is accompanied by severe heart muscle damage. Its not just the show muscles that overdevelop, but ALL muscles, including the heart which is in its entirety.
..Well aren't you a Debby downer
ParticipantI think we haven't even seen the TIp of the iceberg regarding female athletes, who are bigger, stronger and faster then anyone on the planet.
There's a whole new LEAP in genetic mutation called Liam a rare condition loosely called myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy that causes the muscles to grow at an enormous rate . So far , what I've read, only a few male children have been discovered to have this condition . But I'm sure there's a little girl out there somewhere bending the bars of her crib just itching to get out!
Participantok ok we agree to disagree on this physique issue.
For those of you in this thread who have been critical of Caroline Wang's physical accomplishments
I would advise you to check out the link posted above.WARNING: What you'll discover on that link is a world full of hate toward ALL Female Bodybuilders
Muscular female bodybuilders who are referred to as " TRAINWRECKS" . Some of the images have been manipulated, however it appears that the critics on this website will distort the facts to fit their point of view. Hmmm … after reading the comments on this thread , it sounds familiar.Personally I'm appalled at the way this thread has treated a woman who has taken her bodybuilding to an extreme.
I advise those folks who have avaitars depicting Female bodybuilders with ultra Muscular physiques who are obviously living in a " GLASSHOUSE" to see how the world views Female bodybuilding.
As far as I can tell, after viewing the content on the LINK, is that most of you are no better
and far worse critics of female bodybuilding then the critics condemning ALL female bodybuilders.Bravo Amaz0ns ! Way to go!