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ParticipantI don't know enough about art to offer helpful critiques like CPBell, but I know what I like; and this is it! Please continue coloring more Wonder Woman drawings! ;D
ParticipantHah! Sounds like some good, campy fun. I had similar qualms about "The Batman" but when I gave it a chance it was pretty good (in a different way than both TAS and this series, apparently). This new show seems like it'll be enjoyable, so now I gotta find out when it's on, and if/when they show reruns so I can catch up.
ParticipantSorry I couldn't be of more help. 🙁 I'm planning on converting my VHS to DVDs eventually, and presumably from there it would be easier to create a video file that can be sent over the Internet. Unfortunately, I have a LOT of stuff on VHS so it'll be a while before I'd be sure that I have the episode, much less doing all the conversion stuff. In the meantime, good hunting. 🙂
ParticipantWell, that's probably because the Ferengi spend all their free time counting and stacking their gold-pressed latinum; that stuff's heavy! 😛
ParticipantI'd been avoiding this show because I'm still close to the Batman:TAS/Superman:TAS/Justice League/JLU series (I liked it a LOT, so I probably won't be over it for a good long time, if ever). But, I did check this out and it could definitely grow on me. The fact that they got the same voice actors for the Booster Gold/Skeets duo certainly helped. Now I'm interested in seeing that Huntress episode…have they had any other heroines on this show?
ParticipantI'm pretty sure I taped this episode…but it was when the episode aired back in 2002, so it'd take me a good long time to find it if I do have it (and assuming the tape is still in good condition). Also, I don't have a way to convert VHS to a video file. :-[
If it helps, I'm fairly certain the clip is from one of the first 2-3 episodes of the series.
ParticipantAfter posting in the other thread and before coming here, I did a quick Wiki check and it is stated that Vulcan has a much stronger surface gravity than Earth. Presumably this is a factor in the strength of Vulcans; while their genetics may produce someone with a higher muscle density, it won't develop to the higher strength level in the absence of the stronger gravity. I'm not an expert on biology, but I'd see it as similar to a human being (whose genetics are designed to function under Earth's gravity) growing up on the Moon; with its weaker gravity, such a person wouldn't naturally develop the same levels of strength as a human that grew up on Earth. The Moon-dweller could still work to develop his strength to the level of an ordinary Earth-dwelling human, but it would take some effort. In a similar fashion, your Vulcan-diluted humans would have the potential for greater strength, but would have to either grow up under conditions similar to those on Vulcan, or would have to work out a lot, to actually develop that greater strength.
ParticipantI was under the impression that the planet Vulcan was larger/more massive than Earth, so the stronger gravity was the reason why Vulcans possessed higher muscle density. No idea about all those other aliens, but it certainly does seem like humans are frequently the physically inferior species.
I think one of the things about humans on Star Trek (and more explicitly stated on Babylon 5) is that, despite being less physically and scientifically advanced, we form communities of diverse individuals…and the unity-yet-diversity that human society promotes is stronger and better overall in the galactic scheme of things. It's a nicely optimistic outlook.
Though I liked the twist they used in Farscape: the human Crichton is inferior in every way to the aliens he interacts with, but when an adversary uses a special light to turn everyone paranoid, it's Crichton's lousy eyesight that gives him an advantage. Plus the fact that he's been coping with being flung into the middle of these aliens for quite some time, so he's also kinda better at dealing with craziness.
ParticipantRocinate's stuff is always great, but this is AMAZING! 😮
Thanks for the heads-up.
ParticipantHello! Always good to hear from new members! 🙂
As for the question…while I would also like to see all 3 options, the stronger and more buff options are the two that I'd prioritize more highly than her height.