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  • in reply to: Tress-NTN1 #32034

    I like this "Next To Nothing" concept, and am looking forward to more! 

    …er, I mean less!  πŸ˜†

    Keep up the great work, Iczerman!  Hope to see many more "Next To Nothing" pieces in the future!  πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Not JLU, but . . . #32698

    Instead of his regular voice actor, they got Gorilla Grodd's voice actor to do Lex.  So, uh…he's being mind-controlled!  πŸ˜€

    in reply to: DCM Tetsuko – p14 (Slight update) #28658

    Well, why not?  Sure, it'd remove the primary villainous character (and presumably his entire organization) from the story, but then the next several hundred pages would simply *have* to be devoted to chronicling Tetsuko's bodybuilding/lingerie/bikini modeling career without any other distractions!   πŸ˜€

    At least, that's what *could* happen in DCM's next "what if?" tale!   πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: So.. what makes the art? #27957

    I suppose one way to put my interpretation for artwork is this: content will get me to look at (and enjoy) an image, the art style of that image will have me checking out more content, and an accessible, progessing story will completely hook me.
    For me, your work has been consistently great…while I enjoy the big muscles and big boobs most of all, I'll look at anything you've posted, as the characters and poses are quite expressive and always interest me.  Unfortunately, while I understand some things about, say, your "Lu" character (some kind of half-demon breed, uses a "mutagen" compound I believe), I don't know a whole lot…I haven't found a lot of info or a storyline/bio/background about her (I may just be dense, since I'm a novice at finding archived stuff at DeviantArt).  So, while artwork of Lu (and your other characters) always looks great, it doesn't necessarily interest me as much because I don't understand what the characters are about and I don't have a context in which to put the image.
    I'm sorry to admit that this would put me in the camp of people who really would like you to continue producing artwork (of whatever subject matter moves you), yet might not check or comment on it as often as you might prefer.  😐

    in reply to: On cartoon Network "Xiaolin Showdown" May 5th #27545

    Perhaps the show is "Xiaolin Showdown"?  The first word's pronounced like "Shaolin" I believe.  I've only seen random ads for it coming to CN, so I'm guessing that's what this is.

    in reply to: Wow, it’s FMG #27129

    WOW, indeed!  Very awesome work (as always)!

    in reply to: Fonzie’s Superheroines-FMG Style! #27087

    Excellent stuff!  I think I've seen some of this artist's stuff before…a lot of clothes-ripping sequences, if I'm thinking of the right person.  Does the artist have a website/gallery somewhere?


    I'm pretty sure I haven't changed any of my settings, but the Show Recent Posts link on the main Amaz0ns page now works, displaying unread topics and such.  I don't know what was done (and probably wouldn't understand anyway), but thanks!


    The "Unread Posts" still isn't working for me (as before).  I changed my password and have visited fairly regularly with the main Amaz0ns site recognizing my user-id/profile, but it still never shows any new posts.  Is this part of the current problem, or is there something else I might need to try?  Any help is appreciated.


    For me, it always displays "no unread posts since last visit," which I know can't be right.  And even when I have the "Remember Me" box checked, I still have to log in each time I come by.  Perhaps the two problems are related?  On the other hand, I'm using Internet Explorer so perhaps that's the problem?  Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

Viewing 10 posts - 321 through 330 (of 350 total)