Forum Replies Created
ParticipantOkay, here’s chapter four:
(for some reason, the forum didn’t keep my paragraph structure when I copy/pasted. Weird. Let me know if anything’s incorrectly spaced.)
Chapter Four
Patrick was swaying gently back and forth. It reminded him of his childhood, when he sat on a glider in the backyard of his home, drinking lemonade on warm summer days. The feeling was very relaxing, and he felt completely at ease… but, somehow, strangely aroused. The sun shone through his closed eyes as a warm red glow, and he imagined he sat on the seat with his beautiful new friend Brianna. She looked down fondly at him, her ice-blue eyes anything but icy as she regarded him.
“Mmm, so sexy,” she said and her voice slurred, as if she was talking with something in her mouth.
He pictured her perfect smile, her full lips, and her fine, yet strong-featured face.
The swaying became more pronounced and Brianna’s eyes took on a more carnal gleam as they moved down his body, settling on his crotch. He realized he was hugely erect, as erect as he ever remembered being, and Brianna again slurred as she spoke.
“So good, Patrick,” she said. “I want you to come in me. Come in me, little Patrick.”
He imagined her guiding his body until he lay on his side and his head hung over the edge of the swing. His legs likewise dangled and he swayed, back and forth. As he looked down, he realized he no longer touched the seat, but instead hovered just above it, floating, moving in that controlled way, like he was being rocked.
“Ooh, you’re so close, little guy,” he heard Brianna say, along with the sounds of her sucking on something. “That’s right, mmm, give it to me.”
The fuzziness of sleep left him, but he still felt the swaying. As he came to, he realized Brianna had him cradled in her arms and was curling his body upward repeatedly as she sucked him off. How long had she been doing it as he slept he wondered, but the sensations he had felt dimly in his dreaming state came rushing into him, and he jerked slightly.
Brianna’s eyes turned toward his face.“You’re such a light sleeper,” she said, moving him away from her slightly. “It took me nearly ten minutes to get you up off the bed without you waking up. I had to keep laying you back down when you’d stir. It’s such a bummer you woke up now. I must be losing my touch. Out of practice I guess. I wasn’t sure if I could get you off anyway. Your friend below the belt seems to have reached his limit.”
Brianna rolled Patrick’s body in her arms until he was facing the floor, then slowly lowered him until he was on his feet. He swayed unsteadily, but her big hand wrapped around his shoulder held him in place. He wouldn’t be surprised if he lifted his legs up and hung in the same location.
“So you like to pick up guys in their sleep and give them blow jobs?” he asked, still half-awake.
“Yeah,” she replied with a laugh. “Does that make me weird?”Patrick didn’t want to answer. She didn’t seem to need one anyway.
“So what do you want to do for dinner?” Brianna asked. “Say, would you like to come to my place? I can make us pasta.”
Patrick glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Seven-thirty. He’d been unconscious for a few hours, but he wasn’t exactly refreshed. As in-shape as he liked to think he was, his was a pale shadow of Brianna’s strength and endurance.
“You’re really hungry, huh?” he asked, then realized she was in yet another different outfit.“Very,” she said. “I did go home and get a snack, then go for a run, but it was just to tide me over, you know.”
Patrick had to admit that he didn’t know at all.“Um, okay, dinner at your place sounds good,” he replied. “Do you have any other plans? Did you have anything planned before you met me?”
“Sure, but that’s all cancelled,” Brianna said. “This is a special occasion. I want to get as much of you as I can before you’re gone.”
For some reason that sentence unnerved him.
“What do you mean, Brianna?” he asked.
She took a deep breath, which did enticing things to the front of her breezy blouse as it filled his vision.
“Well, it’s been my experience that men don’t stick around,” she said slowly. “Something comes up and off they go, so I just like to, well, tide myself over, until the next one comes along. Hmm, let’s see. I think the last guy I was really attracted to before you, Pat, was… maybe a year and a half ago. So you see, I need to fill up to ride out the dry spell.”
“You know,” Patrick said, surprising himself. “I only live two hours away by car. I like to come into town and stay overnight, so I’m refreshed for my morning presentations. It’s not like I’m leaving the country.”
Brianna looked down at him skeptically.
“Are you saying you’d like to see me again after this trip?” she asked.
“Yes,” Patrick replied. “Yes, I’d like that a lot.”
The most remarkable change came over Brianna. If she were a dog (which she most certainly WASN’T), he swore her tail would be wagging. Obviously trying to control herself, Brianna replied; the casual tone of her voice forced.
“Well, I think I’d like that, too, Patrick Boyce,” she said. “Let’s go get us fed, shall we?”
Patrick got as far as the door of his room when Brianna’s arms snaked around him. Unlike before, she was bent nearly in half to hug him from behind, at his level.
“Thank you, Patrick,” she said softly in his ear. “Thank you.”
A click and a turn, and the door swung open on Brianna’s smallish apartment. Or, seemingly smallish. It would likely be decent-sized, if not for all of the STUFF. Nutritional supplement containers, fitness magazines, and many different types of hand-held exercise equipment abounded; but the biggest percentage of the “stuff” was a huge assortment of envelopes, all looking like some sort of business correspondence, all unopened.
“Don’t mind the mess,” she said. “I get a lot of stuff to try, mostly from men who see me at fitness expos or whatever. I apparently make an impression.”
“You know,” Patrick said cocking his head, “I don’t think modesty is your strong suit.”
Brianna visibly breathed a sigh of relief.“Oh thank GOD,” she said. “I’ve been trying, I really have, but it’s SO not me. This is just the stuff that I don’t throw out right away. I’ve had every supplement maker and his mother begging me to endorse their shit for ages. I try them, though. Why not, right?”
She shuffled containers around, glancing at the labels. After the third container examined and tossed aside, she held one up to show Patrick.
“Oh, this one I like. Good flavor, but, honestly, I can’t see one really outshining the other. They all seem to work, though.”
Brianna flexed a shockingly large bicep and pondered it as she spoke.“I dunno about more impressive gains from this stuff, but it is definitely the tastiest,” she said. “The rep said he’d rather I endorsed it for its benefits, though. I said, ‘to me, tasty IS a benefit.’ Seriously, more people would take this crap if it tasted good, am I right?”
“I think if you were in a magazine, flexed like that, and the caption read, ‘Try it; it’s tasty!’ people would flock to it. Your results are pretty compelling.”
Brianna’s face lit.
“That’s what I said!” she replied. “They could put a disclaimer below that read ‘results atypical’. Hell, they could say, ‘Must be seven-foot giantess with incredible genetics to reap full benefits,’ for all I care. Haven’t heard back. We’ll see. Maybe I should mail them a photo to remind them who they could have posing for their yummy crap.”
Patrick laughed in spite of himself. Brianna laughed along with him, then snatched him off his feet, kissing him deeply.
“Mmm. Even your laugh is sexy. How’d you like to help me while I cook?” she asked.
“Sure,” he replied. “What would you like me to do?”
“Well, it’s kind of unconventional,” she said, then shifted Patrick until she had him facing the floor as she held him in her hands. “Let me see something.”
She shifted him around, then took one hand away.
“Aha!” she said, with a slight strain to her voice. “I thought so. Just the right weight for one arm.”
Patrick was flabbergasted. He was draped over her arm, and she was supporting his entire weight with the strength of her bulging bicep!
“Nothing vigorous,” she said. “I just want to… well, hold you, while I prep stuff, okay? Today was upper body day, mostly biceps, but I skipped out on a lot. I mean, I did a little for Mister Eight O’Clock, or as I prefer to call him, Mister Eight O’Cock, ’cause that’s about all he ever seems to exercise. I’d honestly rather inspire his fitness, not his fapping, but that’s definitely not what he’s there for. Oh well. Can’t win ’em all.”
Patrick was still coming to terms with the fact that Brianna was holding him with a single arm as she went around pulling out utensils, ingredients and bustling around her kitchen, all the while rambling on about inspiring erections. He wasn’t surprised to find he had one himself.
“Who cares, right? Fapper’s gonna fap, I guess,” she said, lifting him slightly as she tested out his weight in her hand.
“Oh, but, as for helping, this is definitely doing it… I was thinking of doing this a little more while I got the food ready. It’s not helping me cook per se, but it sure is helping me in other ways! Oh, you too, I see. Yummy.”
It was simply astounding to Patrick that Brianna had such phenomenal strength. Also astounding was the fact that he got excited at her merest whim. But he realized that he loved the fact that the two pretty much went hand in hand, Brianna’s power and her whimsical fickleness. He felt guilty as Brianna set him on his feet to use both hands in pouring several boxes of spaghetti into a pot of boiling water.
“What?” she asked as she noticed Patrick’s discomfiture. “Did I hurt you again?”
“Not exactly,” he replied sheepishly.
“Oh, you’re going all shy on me! After our all-day sex-fest, now you’re being modest. I love it!” Brianna threw back her head in a raucous laugh. Banging on the wall immediately began, and she abruptly stopped, looking frustrated.
“You’d think that guy was eighty or something,” she grumbled. “I swear it’s that joyless prick’s mission to get me evicted.”
Patrick was sure he’d be banging on the wall himself if Brianna’s booming laugh were coming through it.
“All right, all right!” she bellowed and the banging stopped.
“I really need my own place,” she mused, but abruptly switched gears. “Of course, who needs the bills? I’m barely here as it is. You’d think that jerk would realize that, but he apparently never leaves his little troll-cave.”
Patrick winced slightly. He didn’t exactly venture out a lot himself.
Brianna didn’t miss the look.“Ha! Are you a little troll, too, Patrick? Come here my little troll,” she said with a laugh as she switched arms and lifted Patrick with her other hand. More wall-banging ensued, and she sighed.
“I need to live near a little old deaf lady,” she said in a lowered voice.
Patrick nodded agreement, which felt a bit strange in his current position as a human dumbbell.
“I don’t live close to anyone like you do, so I tend to spend more time at home than out and about.”
Brianna looked at Patrick with appraisal in her eye, raising his body until she could see his face.
“Yeah, you probably have a big ol’ house in the country, huh?” she said. “You have that look about you.”
He nodded. I live out of town,” he agreed. “And a lot of my design work is done from home. I do have to get away though, or cabin fever starts to set in.”
After a brief pause, Patrick surprised himself when he opened his mouth next.
“You’ll have to come visit sometime,” he said, and nearly covered his mouth with his hands.
Brianna paused mid-rep, and then hefted Patrick upward again until they were eye to eye.
“Sure,” she said. “What are you doing tomorrow after your sales pitch?”
Patrick paused, and Brianna used the pause to continue lifting Patrick’s body slowly over her head with her single arm as she stirred the pot of pasta. Between her great height and arm-span, she managed to press Patrick right against the ceiling as she regarded him, obviously waiting for his reply.
“Um, well, I was going to drive home, brief my designers on how the presentation went, then do a little work.”
She looked up at him, a sly smile on her face. Her incredible arm didn’t even quiver, and Patrick realized she could probably push his body up through the ceiling had she wanted, and neither he nor the ceiling would likely survive intact. He was sure she knew just how intimidating such a position was. Apparently, she was aware of its other effect too, as she glanced briefly at his pants before looking back into his eyes.“Why, are you free tomorrow?” he asked finally, knowing the answer.
“I am now,” she said, and lowered Patrick until her face was inches from his. “I could use a little getaway. Are you offering?”
How could he say no?
“I did invite you to visit,” he said, trying hard not to stumble over the words. “Why not?” he sighed, “It’s a little quicker than I had planned, but tomorrow should be fine, too. I just need to get some of those other things done. Shouldn’t take long.”
She stood Patrick back on his feet and buried his face in her chest.
“Great!” she chirped. “I have one appointment tomorrow, but I’m sure he’ll be fine postponing until next week. He was having a little trouble with the initial routine anyway, so this will give him a little time to… no, wait. Maybe I’ll just bump him up to when you’re doing your sales thing.”
Brianna let Patrick go and fished through the pile of stuff on her dining room table until she uncovered a cellphone. She looked at it briefly and dialed.
“Eric.” she said. “Hi. Brianna Cummings. Say, something’s come up tomorrow, and an earlier spot opened up. How would you like to get together at the gym at nine instead of ten-thirty? Yes? Great, see you then. Sure, I can do that. Mmm hmm. Okay, it’s a date. Take care.”
She bounced back to Patrick and hugged him briefly to her bosom again.
“Perfect!” she said excitedly. “I think this will be a fun little trip. Oh, how’d the whole insurance thing go?”
“Oh shit!” Patrick exclaimed.
“Were you sleeping? Hey, don’t sweat it,” Brianna said easily as she drained the pasta into a colander. “They work for you, right? That’s why you pay premiums. Lighten up, little guy. You can just reschedule for tomorrow.”
Patrick was a bit disconcerted that he had slept through his appointment with the adjuster. No, wait. Brianna had been fucking him silly at 3 pm. She didn’t leave until 3:25 or so….
After a moment of mental calculation, Patrick looked wryly at Brianna. She glanced at him as she prepared the food and a side salad, then worked her way around the kitchen, putting dinner on plates. Pasta sauce was out of a jar, but it wasn’t something too awful, Patrick noted. Food wasn’t exactly on his mind at the moment, though.
Patrick continued to look up at Brianna until she paused and looked at him blankly.“What?” she asked.
“I didn’t sleep through it. We were in my hotel room at three o’clock,” Patrick said, smiling. “But, frankly, I was in no condition to meet with anyone then.”
Brianna gave him a naughty smile, and her hand traced lazily down his shirt, then suddenly tightened. It continued until he gasped at the pain of his shirt constricting against his body. A moment later, Brianna’s arm bent upward, and Patrick rose until he was facing her, inches away.
“Not true,” she said, her eyebrows lifting sexily. “You were in the perfect condition to meet with ME; I’m hardly nobody.”
She held him, dangling like a hooked fish, and regarded him. Patrick wrapped his hands around her forearm, his fingers tracing the striations of the muscles holding him so easily. He sighed as they watched each other.
“Hardly,” he replied.
“God, I could just eat you alive!” she moaned at Patrick as he hung passively, hands playing over her forearm, then pulled him to her lips and kissed him.
They made out that way until the sound of tearing stitches, nearly accompanied Patrick’s drop from Brianna’s stratospheric height.
“Oops,” she said as her other hand caught him, lifting him back up to her face. “I did promise I’d be super careful, didn’t I?”
“I’m holding you to it,” he replied, and they kissed further.
“I’d say I’m the one holding YOU,” Brianna murmured between kisses.
Patrick’s hands made their way up the front of Brianna’s shirt to find her huge breasts. He rubbed her erect nipples through the fabric.
“How about now?” he asked, hefting her heavy hooters.
She pulled back momentarily and gave Patrick a look that could melt glass.
“Oh my!” she said. “Are you coming onto me, Mister?”
“Not me,” he said with his own naughty smile. “I prefer to be more subtle.”
With a deep, sexy growl, Brianna spun and pinned Patrick to the wall with her chest, squashing his hands between them. Her urgent hands left him and fumbled with his pants. Moments later, she yanked his body upward until his cock hung before her face.
“I don’t do subtle,” she purred, and took him in her mouth.
For several long minutes, Brianna held Patrick high in the air, fellating him nearly to the point of climax. Then, she suddenly pulled him back, holding him out to arm’s length.
“What?” Patrick moaned.
“Dammit, I almost did it again!” she said. Her brow furrowed and she set Patrick on his feet.
Patrick looked on, confused and unfulfilled, as Brianna scrambled around the kitchen, tossing random bits of clutter aside… until she turned to him. In her hand was a bottle of olive oil. For a moment he wondered if she was going to start cooking something else.“Aha!” she said. “Found it. I HATE not keeping my promises!”
She set the bottle down quickly, and put her hands to her blouse. With a flex of her sinews, her hands spread apart, ripping it open. Buttons went flying, and Patrick flinched as several shot past his head. Seconds later, her sports bra popped open with a few undone clasps in the front, and her breasts spilled out to jiggle before Patrick’s face.
She handed him the oil. “Care to do the honors?”It took him a moment for his addled brain to process the request, while Brianna looked down with a smirk. She shook her chest in his face a moment later to make her point.
“I think you’ve run your course today, my little Sex Machine, considering how much time that blow job took to get results. But I DID promise to let you fuck my titties. Sounds like a perfect place to finish the day, wouldn’t you say?”
Wordlessly, Patrick poured some oil in his cupped palm and reached up to Brianna as she pulled her breasts apart. He rubbed the oil in the deep ravine between them, and, unable to resist, poured a second handful to continue his ministration. He added his second hand after setting the bottle aside and began to fondle her left breast. Brianna’s glistening chest hung before his eyes. She placed her hands on her hips as she tilted her head upward, a broad smile on her face. Her back arched sexily, and Patrick saw the muscles etched on her incredible torso tighten as she puffed out her chest. Her lats spread wide, far past the width of his shoulders, and her breasts rose until he had to look up at them. She appeared to swell even bigger before his awestruck eyes, and Patrick couldn’t help but shudder at the sight.
Brianna sighed at the look on his face. He saw her body tremble much as his did, only he was sure awe at him wasn’t the cause.“Oh, you are such a keeper!” she moaned as Patrick pulled her nipple down to his height and latched on.
Her hand found the back of his head, and she played with his hair while Patrick suckled and bit and fondled her breasts and nipples. Several minutes of breast mauling passed, while Patrick happily continued his task. Brianna eventually slumped against the kitchen counter and Patrick slipped between her gigantic thighs, still suckling away. He barely noticed when Brianna’s hand left his hair, joining the other on his hips, and she lifted him up with her hands nearly wrapped around his waist. Patrick rose, mouth detaching from her breast with a little POP, until his dripping cock nestled into her cleavage.
“If you had kept that up much longer,” Brianna slurred, “I think I’d have lost my mind. Better you finish up here. Besides, I still have a little upper-body work I wanna do. Put your hands back on ’em, my beautiful little Patrick, and hold on tight.”
Patrick was now used to doing as he was told. The irresistible force of Brianna’s sexuality was something he marveled at as much as her unbelievable body. And he was hardly about to deny his satisfaction any longer. Even after the marathon of sex he had experienced that day, the earlier interruption had been a bit jarring. Patrick realized, though, that he definitely had to roll with the punches where Brianna was concerned. Or maybe the right saying would be to take his victories where he could. Patrick wasn’t sure. He never was sure around her, and he was beginning to find that was okay with him.
Brianna’s upper bodywork was to perform short curls with Patrick’s body while sliding his cock in her well-lubricated cleavage. He squeezed her breasts tightly together. Brianna would occasionally angle his body toward her, sucking his nipples and craning her neck back to kiss him. At one point, as his body bobbed up and down with little jerky motions, Patrick was stunned to realize she was only using her wrists.
“Oh, that’s a nice burn,” she moaned between kisses, and his body continued its bouncing until she froze, her wrists bent upward, and slowly eased him down, sighing with pleasure as her powerful limbs used him as a weight. She resumed her bicep curls after that, and the length of the stroke grew until Patrick’s cock almost left her cleavage on the bottom of the curl and pushed so high at the top that Brianna was able to bend her neck down and lick the tip of his cock.
“Oh God, Brianna,” Patrick moaned, and her smile grew broad.
“Like that, do you?” she said, looking up into his eyes. “Me, too. This is so much fun! I don’t look up at guys too often, but it’s a neat change.”
“I’m happy to oblige any time you like,” he replied.
“Good, because I’m going to ambush you whenever I feel the urge to do this to you. And there’s not a thing you can do to stop me,” she added.
A thrill shot through Patrick’s spine at her words and her smile grew broader still. Brianna increased the speed of her motion as she watched Patrick with wide, excited eyes.
“Ooh, yes!” she crowed. “I was hoping that’s what I’d see when I said that! You keep getting better and better!”
She didn’t give Patrick a chance to reply. Instead, lifting upward strongly and taking his cock fully into her mouth, she blew him for a while and then paused, holding him high overhead.“Mmm, I love being so strong, Patrick, did you know that? I love picking up little guys like you and doing anything I want with them. But what I REALLY love is when they enjoy it, too. You know how rare that is? Little guys always seem to have so many hangups about a girl being bigger and stronger. And that makes stuff like this no fun. If it isn’t fun for everyone, then what’s the point, am I right?”
She paused for a moment, then smiled.
“Oh, dammit!” she said. “I’m forgetting myself, aren’t I? Such lousy manners to my guest.”
Brianna lowered Patrick and nestled his cock between her breasts again.
“There we go; back where your yummy little buddy belongs,” she said. “Let’s finish up here, shall we, dear? Grab on again, little Patrick. Oh, and you can be as rough with them as you like. They can take it. *I* like when you’re REALLY rough with them!”
Patrick tried his best to be rough, but in the end, fatigue from the most amazing day of sex he’d ever had got the better of him. He hammered his hips into her big cushy breasts until he finally came with an exhausted cry, starting off a new series of thumping on the wall. His hips were actually sore… just from ramming them into Brianna’s firm tits!
Brianna held Patrick to her, kissing down his chest, then sat him on one of the kitchen chairs. The pile of stuff previously on the chair lay strewn on the floor around him as he slumped into it.She flexed her arms in a double biceps pose several times, smiling broadly as she watched them swell. Far below, Patrick watched her arms bulge so thickly he wanted to rub his eyes and see if his vision wasn’t playing tricks on him.
“Yeah, that feels good!” she said with obvious pleasure. “I think you’re pretty good for me little guy. Just perfect!”
She leaned toward him and planted a kiss on his forehead.
“Look at that! What a great pump!”
She leaned down and placed her bicep before his awestruck eyes, and flexed it hard. The peak rose astoundingly high on her long, long arm.
“Can you do me a favor?” she asked, softly.
Patrick looked up at her, his look questioning.
“Can you give it a little kiss, right on the top? That drives me absolutely crazy.”
He almost wondered if he should push her any farther along, but the thought was fleeting, and Patrick reached his tired arms up to feel the hardest muscles he had ever touched. His eyes went wide once again, and Brianna’s smile grew broader still. It seemed that every time he thought he’d become accustomed to Brianna’s body, it amazed him further.
“Nice, huh?” she asked sexily.
“Incredible!” Patrick said. “It’s like a rock!”
Brianna let out a little squeal of joy, accompanied by more thumping on the wall.
Her look darkened.
“Okay, that’s it,” she muttered, and started toward the door.
Patrick gripped her arm harder, but trying to stop Brianna was useless, and he was jerked from the chair to his feet.
She paused as she looked down at Patrick hanging from her arm. She raised it further, and watched Patrick hungrily as his feet left the floor.“Oh, sweet boy,” she said, raising him up to her mouth for a kiss. “I don’t have a mean bone in my body. I’m not going to hurt the guy, just… talk. But that’s not to say that I don’t use my body once in a while to get my point across.”
Participant[quote=”Pac” post=128951]Wow, there’s a whole lot of zero replies to this story. Does it suck that badly?
Short answer, no. I scanned over it, your wordcraft seems fine.
Long answer, lack of responses . . . stories just don’t get the respect, at least in the way of open acknowledgement, the way they did back in the day when forums were the place to go, and stories pretty much ruled along with photo collages.
Keep in mind, you’ve had 500+ hits on this topic, so there are people reading, but in general are unwilling to comment. Participation (both providing content, and offering commentary) is something at a low these days. Runs in cycles, I’ve noticed.
If you love to write, don’t let it dissuade you from doing so. Write for yourself, not for audience approval. This from someone that’s done far more than just several stories of my own.[/quote]
Thanks for the reply. This is in line with the other forums I visit that aren’t specifically literature-based. I appreciate the comment, since it is in line with what I tell people elsewhere.
ParticipantWow, there’s a whole lot of zero replies to this story. Does it suck that badly?
Anyway, in for a penny, in for a pound, so on with the show.
Chapter Three
Patrick quickly realized Brianna liked to run things, or maybe it was just her unconscious understanding that people usually deferred to her since she bigger and more powerful than pretty much everyone. She decided that she wanted a new outfit instead of a quick change at her place, so she donned her hastily cleaned clothes and bought a pretty – and very expensive – outfit at the hotel store. Patrick was somewhat mollified that the store clerk appeared just as baffled by the gigantic, unusual woman who smelled like a day’s worth of sex as she roamed through his store, taking items off racks and pulling Patrick along almost as an afterthought.
Three credit cards were attempted and denied, and she nonchalantly reached for a fourth in her tiny purse before Patrick magnanimously — he felt — put the outfit on his Platinum AMEX. Her eyes watched the card from the moment he pulled it from his wallet to the moment it returned there. It was fairly unsettling.
Afterward, she pulled him into the changing room to help her put the outfit on, and he felt absolutely tiny crammed into the tight space with Brianna’s gigantic body taking up nearly every inch. He didn’t mind her breasts rubbing against his face with her slightest move, though, and she obviously enjoyed it, despite her grumbling stomach. He wondered what the view from outside must look like with Brianna visible over the top of the changing room stall. She was totally oblivious at any rate, so Patrick tried his best to put thoughts of people gawking at her naked antics out of his mind.
The clothing finally chosen was ill-fitting, though Patrick had to admit the overall effect was devastating. Brianna probably had to improvise like this all the time, he thought. The pants were made for a large, but regular-height woman, and were very generous in the waist, but they were skin-tight in the hips and thighs. They also looked like capris on her. She solved the waist by using a belt and cinching the waist in very far. The shirt was roughly the correct size, but , like the slacks, a regular-length. It subsequently ended up being a midriff-baring shirt on Brianna’s long torso, exposing her strongly-defined abs. She rolled the sleeves from halfway up her forearms to elbow-length, and ingeniously folded them to make them appear to be the design of the shirt instead of a quick fix. His favorite part, though, was that, while the shirt fit snugly everywhere else, it was stretched extremely tightly across her chest. The sexiest strain-lines appeared between the full globes of her breasts as she adjusted and worked them into place. He had to admire that her breasts looked good even without a bra, courtesy of her powerful pecs. They were good at “keeping the girls riding high,” Brianna joked. Patrick even sprung for shoes, and she ended up selecting a pair of men’s sandals, since the women’s shoes stopped far short of her size.
After that, Brianna dragged Patrick to the small convenience store in the hotel, where she bought nearly fifty dollar’s-worth of snacks with the fourth credit card she hadn’t tried earlier.
“You drive,” she said, gobbling a bag of pretzels down in less time than it took for Patrick to eat a handful.
“Wow… don’t choke,” he said with an incredulous laugh.
She gave him a playful push that nearly knocked him off his feet as they approached his car.
“Okay, little smart-ass,” she said between mouthfuls. “We’ll see how many blow-jobs YOU get like the one earlier with that attitude. Ha… kidding! I’d probably be torturing myself more than I would you!”
Hardly, Patrick, thought, reliving the most incredible bj of his life. If she was really that into them, then he could definitely see himself getting used to her astounding zero-g sexual antics… maybe even enjoy them on a more frequent basis. He only lived a few hours away by car….
Brianna suddenly froze and looked down at Patrick guiltily.
“Oh shit,” she said.
“Another late appointment?” he asked.
“No, but I just remembered I said tit fuck and ended up giving you a blow job in the hotel room,” she said. “I hate changing in mid-stream like that. It’s the only thing that really annoys me about myself. I’m sort of a stream-of-consciousness kind of girl.”
An older couple goggled at Brianna’s vulgar statement as they passed by in the parking lot.
Patrick simply stared, flushing crimson, and Brianna laughed loudly, tucking him under her arm.
They took Patrick’s rental, Brianna folded nearly in half in the passenger seat, as he pulled out of the lot. With directions mumbled through her relentless assault on the snacks, Brianna directed Patrick to her favorite lunch spot. They greeted Brianna by name, made a fuss over her, and seated the couple outside at a secluded table. Patrick was surprised to see the chair they brought outside specially for her sat much lower than his, and when she was seated she was roughly Patrick’s height at the table. The only drawback was that her legs were nearly unbent from her seated position and stretched all the way into his space. His ankles rubbed against hers as they sat, and she smiled saucily at him as she shifted her legs every so often.
“I like your seat,” Patrick remarked, “but why so low?”
“It cuts down on the gawkers that walk by,” she said. “You’d be surprised how many people stop to take pictures of me cramming food in my mouth. I finally had to tell people to fuck off until Andre made me my “throne” here. He’s such a sweet guy. If he wasn’t so damn tall, I’d have been all over him the first time I walked in here.”
The way Andre doted on her from the moment they arrived, Patrick knew the man would welcome the attention.
“You seem to leave a trail of broken hearts everywhere you go,” Patrick remarked as Andre left from checking on them for the fifth time in a half hour.
“Poor Andre. I don’t think I ever led him on,” she said, watching to lovesick man walk away. “He’s been sweet on me ever since I found this place a few years ago. I don’t know how to get it through his head that he’s just not my type.”
“Lucky me he’s not,” Patrick said.
Brianna grabbed the front of Patrick’s shirt and lifted him bodily from his chair to lay a kiss on him. A few startled passer’s-by gawked as Patrick hung over the table next to Brianna.
“Ha!” she said once she deposited him back in his seat. “I say lucky ME. You’re such a hot little guy! I totally lucked out when I saw you. I’m just glad you’re not attached. You’re just my type!”
Patrick still couldn’t believe the whole weird fetish she had.
“So when did you find out you had a thing for short guys?” he asked. “It’s hardly something you hear about every day.”
She paused, looking thoughtful.
“Hmmm… I guess the first time I found a shorter guy attractive was when I was still a kid, maybe ten or something like that. There was this cute boy in my school that a lot of the girls liked, and, of course, I towered over everyone even then. I was pretty much the tallest person in the school aside from the tallest grown men, which was no picnic, let me tell you. But I eventually cornered him and I… well, I sort of forced him to kiss me on the playground. I think I scared the poor kid, but I found a way to get him alone a couple more times before I got caught and had the principal call my parents. I just couldn’t help it. Something made me want to kiss him. I’m sure he’s scarred for life.”
She laughed at the memory, and gave Patrick a naughty glance.
“I hope you’re not scarred for life, sexy,” she said.
“Scarred, no,” Patrick replied. “Swept off my feet, yes. Ruined for other women, without a doubt.”
Brianna’s smile grew broad.
“I like the sound of that!” she said, reaching across the table to ruffle his hair. “Once you’ve had the super economy size, regular portions just don’t seem like enough, huh?”
“Not for you, though, right?” Patrick said, eyeing her nearly-empty plate.
“In most things, yes,” she said. “Just not in guys. I like my guys in nice, bite-sized portions. The nice part, though, is I can have many, many, MANY servings.”
Brianna begin flirting in earnest now that she was nearly done with her lunch, and what a lunch it was. Patrick was amazed at the sheer volume of food she was able to eat. Four heaping bowls full of salad, each topped with a large chicken breast, disappeared almost as fast as they were set before her. She finally seemed to be slowing after most of bowl number five, though from the banter between Andre and her, the snack food she binged on during their drive must have put a dent in her usual consumption. It was enough food for five or six of him, not counting the snacks!
Patrick was simply unable to keep up with Brianna in anything, it seemed. She finished her fifth bowl of grilled chicken salad before he finished his meal, and became extremely amorous afterward. Her long legs reached under the table and had fondled him nearly to an orgasm as he tried to finish. As voracious as she was, he knew he would need every ounce of energy to keep from being run into the ground by her raging libido.
After settling the bill, Patrick drove Brianna back to his hotel. She sat directly behind him in the back, fondling him all the while. Brianna attacked him before the door to his hotel room was closed, pulling him off his feet and carrying him into the room, where she had Patrick maul her breasts while she fucked him standing at the foot of the bed. His feet didn’t touch the floor even on the downstroke, and he had the most surreal afternoon of zero-gravity sex until Brianna rushed from the room to meet her three o’clock client a half hour late.
He slept like the dead until an urgent booming knock awoke him.
“Hey, Patrick!” Brianna said through the door. “I know you’re sleeping in there. What a waste of an afternoon!”
He groaned as he staggered out of bed, and pulled open the door. Resplendant in yet another incredibly revealing exercise outfit, Brianna resumed right where she left off. Her hands reached out for him and swiftly lifted him until his lips were pressed to hers and his chest was crushed into her huge breasts. His feet swayed as he dangled above the floor, making out with the sexiest woman he had ever known.
Most of their third sexual encounter was an exhausted haze, but none of it was what he would call ordinary… or safe. Patrick realized somewhere during that crazy event that nothing even approaching safe sex had been happening. He was just too wiped out to keep up, much less think of precautions.
“You’re going to kill me,” he moaned as their latest sexual marathon concluded with her spooning his much smaller body on the bed.
“Nah, you’re doing fine,” she said, tightening her arms around him. “Just fine. I knew you would. You’re in good shape. I’ll see what I can do to get you a little better, though. It’s what I do. We’ll work on your endurance first.”
Brianna began fondling Patrick again as he lay wrapped up in her huge body.
“Seriously, Brianna,” he groaned. “I don’t think I’ll ever be a match for you in that regard. You’d burn through me if I were a triplet… through all three of me!”
“Oh, I WISH!” she said. “God, wouldn’t that be fantastic. The only thing sexier than you would be a couple more yous. I’d love to be buried up to my neck in hot little Patricks!”
He shook his head in disbelief.
“What?” she said as she curled her arms tighter around him. “You still having trouble with all this?”
He had to admit he did.
“I don’t know why little guys like you have such a hard time realizing how special you are,” she said, like she’d spoken the words before. “But the nice thing about being me is I don’t have to stroke your ego to get my point across. I prefer to stroke… other things.”
Patrick felt her hand on his penis again, and, as impossible as it would seem to him, he began to respond.
“How in the hell can you do this?” he asked in disbelief. “I haven’t been this, uh, eager, since I was a kid!”
“You’re a sexy little guy,” she whispered in his ear, as she coaxed his cock to its fullest. “but I’m not so bad myself, wouldn’t you say? I’ve got a few more tricks up my sleeve.”
“I’m surprised to hear you be so modest,” Patrick said as Brianna rolled onto her back, lifting Patrick above her, and turning him in mid-air until they were face to face.
She laughed, rubbing him against her breasts as he hung above her. After several minutes had him squirming, she lowered him until his chest rested atop hers.
“Who, me? Not a modest bone in my body, but you talk like that a lot, so I can do too it if it makes you more comfortable. Speaking of….”
Patrick felt Brianna’s hands engulf his shoulders, and she slid him downward until his face was between her breasts. “Ahhh, there you are.”
Easing his hips upward with one hand, she slipped him into her and squirmed beneath him until they were perfectly lined up. She felt as sensational as the first time she had taken him into her, but she didn’t commence another epic sex fest. Maybe she realized he really had reached his limit… or maybe she was just being cautious.
“Mmm,” she sighed. “NOW you can fall asleep if you want. I’ll just help you relax. We can have a little catnap, but not too long. I’m starting to get a bit peckish. Ohh, this is SO wonderful. Isn’t this a great way to cuddle?”
Patrick chuckled sleepily.
“Wonderful,” he said with a yawn.
“You nice and comfy down there in the valley?” she asked, kissing the top of his head.
“Completely,” he said, already drifting off.
“Good,” she said. “Go ahead and rest, little guy. Sweet dreams. Get lots of rest… you’re going to need it.”
Patrick was already asleep, and Brianna stroked his head gently as he nestled his head into her chest. A contended sigh escaped her lips as she felt his small body, light as a feather atop her. She resisted the throbbing of her sex as she held still beneath him, her hands playing lazily over his body.
ParticipantThanks. I need to stop by here more often.
Maybe this will inspire me to write and finish up some of the stories that have been languishing.
Chapter Two
Patrick spent the morning rehearsing his proposal pitch, reviewing and tweaking charts, but mostly thinking about his unusual encounter at the coffee shop. The insurance adjuster was due to meet him in his hotel parking lot at 3 pm, and he was concerned about any further mishaps when meeting his most peculiar lunch date.
He still couldn’t believe he was going on a lunch date, but, as the hours crept by, he found he was eagerly anticipating his second meeting with Brianna. He thought about her words as he continued to work on his proposal slides. He always considered himself to be fairly laid back, but Brianna made him seem positively uptight. The fact she’d left her identification had him squirming with discomfort about forgetting such vital identification, but her seeming indifference to her appointment with a paying client had really made him cringe. He wouldn’t dream of being so ambivalent about taking a customer’s money, much less providing a less-than-engaged service for said money. But Brianna seemed to be such a spur of the moment person, he wouldn’t be surprised if there were days where she just didn’t “feel like” meeting with clients, and whether she actually contacted those clients to cancel or postpone probably depended solely on her mood at the moment.
How could she possibly stay gainfully employed with such an attitude? Then again, maybe he was way off-base. Maybe she feigned indifference. She certainly didn’t work out with an indifferent attitude, not with the incredible physique she displayed… or didn’t display, as the case went. She almost seemed to be taking pains to conceal her body, where most personal trainers advertise such a body, their best “calling card,” prominently. One would think that, if indeed your physique is your advertisement, that such an ad would be out there for everyone to see as often as possible.
Such a curious woman, he thought for the tenth time that morning.
A loud bang on his door startled him out of his thoughts. Someone was knocking on the door so hard it shook in its frame. Only one person Patrick ever met could do that.
The first thing Patrick saw upon opening it were two of the largest breasts he had ever seen directly in front of his face! They sat, no sag whatsoever, at the same height as his head, actually slightly higher! They struggled to free themselves from a spandex shirt that clung like a second skin. Brianna was shockingly busty, so much larger than he expected — the partial glimpse he saw earlier today did a good job hiding just how large her breasts actually were. After a moment of stunned silence, his eyes traveled upward to see Brianna’s smiling face. She stood close enough to the door that she barely needed to lean forward to touch her nose to the doorframe. A doorframe that was more than a foot above Patrick’s head!
“Hi!” she said brightly as she bent slightly to see him. “Are you hungry? I am. Ravenous.”
The gleam in her eye made Patrick feel like the Main Course.
“Uh… yeah,” he said, recovering his wits. “How did you know I was here?”
“Oh, I saw you get in your car this morning,” she replied. “You practically followed me into the coffee shop parking lot. I just asked the desk for your room when I got here. Hope you don’t mind.”
The tone of her voice sounded like she wasn’t concerned whether he did or not.
“Okay, great!” he said, trying to match Brianna’s enthusiasm.
He also struggled mightily to keep his eyes from wandering back to Brianna’s astounding chest, a task made nearly impossible by the appearance of two sizeable nipples that began to protrude through her tight shirt immediately after he opened the door.
“Heh, I guess I should back off,” she said in the same sexy purr from their encounter in the morning. “I don’t want to poke one of your eyes out. I thought about taping them down, but that really sucks when you work up a sweat, so I just set ’em free. Hope you don’t mind.”
There was that statement again, and, again, it sounded like she could care less.
“I… don’t mind,” Patrick said with what he hoped wasn’t misinterpreted as excitement, though it could hardly BE misinterpreted, he realized as the thought ran through his mind. “But I do want to, uh, keep my eyesight. Would… would you care to come in for a moment?”
“Don’t mind if I do,” Brianna replied quickly, ducking under the doorway to enter.
Patrick barely had time to back away before she rose again, seeming to thrust her chest toward him. Had he been standing in the same spot, his face would have been buried in her shirt. He heard the door close with a slam.
“These are nice,” she commented, looking around. “Always wondered what the rooms looked like. I’ve lived near it long enough….”
“It’s my favorite hotel to stay in while I’m here,” Patrick replied, still trying to keep his eyes anywhere but on Brianna’s now fully engorged nipples.
“They sure keep the rooms cool, though, don’t they? Brrr,” she said, shaking as she spoke.
Oddly, her motion would hardly be considered a shiver, more like a shimmy, shaking her healthy chest directly before Patrick’s eyes.
“Ha!” she laughed. “I knew THAT would make you look.”
Patrick immediately blushed a deep crimson.
“Sorry, they’re just right THERE,” he said.
“Mmm hmm,” Brianna purred. “Right… THERE.”
She accentuated her words by thrusting her chest toward Patrick visibly, and a groan from her shirt’s overtaxed fabric sang in harmony with her voice as she stretched with a throaty “mmm”.
“Jesus,” Patrick said, staring openly. “Are… are you coming on to me, Brianna?”
Her laugh brought his eyes upward to her face. The look in her eye was definitely what he would call ravenous, though it didn’t seem to be from hunger.
“Like I said this morning, so perceptive, Patrick,” she said, her shoulders shaking with laughter. “I was a bit disappointed when you stepped back. You’re more than welcome to return to your original spot. I’ll welcome you with open arms… and a LOT more.”
Before he could utter a word, Brianna reached down and pulled her shirt up with a quick tug. The braless breasts he had been ogling rose high above the height of Patrick’s head, then dropped heavily onto her chest, jiggling before his awestruck face.
“Hmmm, I’d venture to guess that look means you’re impressed,” she said smugly.
“Are you kidding?” Patrick said. “Jesus….”
Her arms were reaching for him.
“Come here,” she said, and pulled him strongly into her. “I like them bitten, especially the nipples. And sucked. A lot of sucking. And licked. Oh fuck it, just go wild!”
Patrick could scarcely believe his eyes, but soon his sense of touch was added to the unreal situation as her breasts closed around his face, turning his world dark. He breathed deeply, smelling her freshly scrubbed skin, her bath products, and a splash of perfume. His moan of pure lust was muffled by Brianna’s chest, but she sighed along with him.
“Ohhh… that’s more like it,” she moaned. “I wanted to do that right in the middle of the restaurant today, but you looked like you were ready to pop as it was. I’m glad a few hours let you chill out. Mmm, nice, huh? Feels fantastic from up here. I like your stubble.”
He wanted to pinch himself. He stood in his room, face buried in the bosom of the most outrageous woman he’d ever met, a woman he barely KNEW, and she was obviously enjoying it. No, she had been EAGER for it! Next stop, The Twilight Zone, he thought to himself before he was incapable of rational thought. A burst of strength from Brianna’s arms squeezed her breasts tightly around Patrick’s head, making it almost impossible to breathe. He was hardly complaining, though.
“Oh… God… how you doing down there, Patrick?” Brianna moaned. “Ready to use that sexy mouth?”
She released her strong grip on him, and he staggered backward. Her hand shot out and stopped him before he fell on his butt. Stopped him, as in completely brought his body to a halt, so forcefully that he jerked.
“But… but….” he sputtered, “Why ME?”
Brianna’s face was flushed as she regarded him.
“Because you’re hot as HELL!” she said and shoved her breast against his face. “And guys shorter than me make me super WET, and you are right at the perfect height for a short guy. I wanted you the second I saw you. Oohh, Patrick, bite it! Just a little bit. Oh, that’s perfect!”
How could he refuse? WHY would he refuse, he thought. Before he could finish his thought, he felt Brianna take his hand and shove it down her tight pants. Sure enough, she was as wet as advertised.
“See?” she moaned. “I fucking love tiny guys! I have a, um, bit of a fetish. Lucky me, right? My whole world is filled with tiny guys. But, YOU, you are the right tiny guy… in the… oooh… the right place… at the right time, my hot little friend. And so is your MOUTH! Oh, yes! Bite it harder, baby!”
Patrick chewed on her thick nipple as she cooed and moaned, and her hand pressed his face deeply into her breast as her hips ground against his hand. He slipped his middle finger into her and her body jolted, lifting his feet completely off the floor for a split second as she arched back.
“Oh, God… that’s… perfect!” she moaned loudly. “Right there! God… keep biting, baby! Ohhh, perfect!”
‘Jesus, she’s practically fucking herself with my hand!’ he thought in a mad rush as Brianna began to come, drenching her pants and Patrick’s open palm.
“Oh… FFFFUUUUCCCCKKK,” she cried, bucking wildly against Patrick.
He was buffeted by her big body colliding forcefully with him, and felt for a moment that she was going to remove his head from his shoulders as tightly as she held his face to her breast. His body swung back and forth from her strong gyration, his feet barely scraping the floor as she held his head crushingly tight to her breast. His hands slipped down to her waist to hold on, and he felt hard, tight abs slide beneath his fingers, such a fascinating contrast to the soft breast crushed into his face.
The entire experience took a turn farther into unreality as Brianna bent down and effortlessly scooped Patrick off his feet, cradling him against her. He no sooner got his bearings when he was thrown bodily at his bed several feet away. He landed in the center of the king-sized mattress and had barely touched down when Brianna was above him, sliding his body around to straddle his hips. He realized with shock that she had already removed her pants, which went flying past his head with a flick of her wrist as her legs closed in around his body.
“More,” she moaned. “More, Patrick, I want MORE.”
He couldn’t form a rational response as her hands wandered to his pants, making short work of the button, then the zipper, yanking them so forcefully down his legs that he slid down the bed until her legs clamped tightly on his naked hips.
“Oh, no, no, no, no,” she moaned. “You’re not going anywhere. I want you NOW.”
Even if he had wanted to go anywhere, there was no way he would be able to resist her. Her hands felt strong as steel cables as they gripped his hips and slid him back up the mattress until his erect penis was stabbing upward at her glistening pussy. Her hips descended upon him, just beneath his shaft, and she began to grind against it, taking one of her hands and pushing his cock against her wetness. Her hips writhed and slid up his shaft, her plump lips parting to encompass him from the side. The feel of her juicy slit wrapping around his cock made him groan loudly.
“Mmm, nice,” she purred, “so nice. Just perfect, Patrick. Perfect. I want you in me.”
A reply was not necessary, he noted somewhere in his overwhelmed brain. She rose up quickly and plunged down upon him, impaling herself with a shriek.
“Oh, fuck… even your dick is perfect!” she moaned loudly, and dropped forward until she loomed above him.
“More, baby, more, more,” she moaned, shaking her chest as her breasts dangled above his face.
Brianna planted her hands on either side of Patrick’s head and arched her back as she rode Patrick’s cock. Her swinging breasts slapped him silly, their heaviness packing a solid punch as they crashed against him in time with her thrusting hips. His head rocked side to side with the blows until he reached up and grasped them both to stop them from giving him a black eye. They were much more than a handful he realized, and extremely firm and heavy. Jesus, what a body, he thought as he glanced down to watch her strong thrusts push him deep into the mattress. The muscles of her core flexed and relaxed in a dizzying display of physical perfection. She was extremely toned everywhere, and as his eyes roamed, he saw that the generous curves of her hips were more muscle than anything else. It seemed every ounce of fat she possessed was smacking him in the face as she jackhammered his hips with her frenzied fucking. His hands unconsciously squeezed her breasts harder as he started to feel pain from her hips dropping down on his over and over.
“Oh, fuck yes, Patrick!” Brianna cried. “Punish those bad girls! Pinch ’em, bite ’em.”
His hands gripped Brianna’s breasts even harder, and he pulled his back off the mattress as his lips sought her nipples. He bit and sucked and grabbed her tits so hard he was worried about leaving bruises, but Brianna simply cried out even louder in ecstasy and sped up her punishing motion, her thighs pistoning her up and down stronger than before. He tried to hold on, but the pain was getting to be too much for him to bear. His hands moved down to slow her thrusts but could not do a thing to deter her. Instead she dropped down to her elbows and buried Patrick’s face in her breasts.
“More, Patrick, suck them MORE!”
He felt one of her hands slip behind his shoulders and they rose from the bed as she pulled him upward. She was holding his back off the bed with one hand and pushing off the mattress with the other, and not even seeming to notice, he thought. His hands were getting crushed between their hips with each thrust, so he instead wrapped his arms around Brianna and pulled himself tightly to her. His body completely left the bed and dangled between her thighs and she slowed. He felt like he was pinned between two logs. They were that firm. Shockingly so.
“What? What’s wrong?” she asked, and her voice didn’t sound the least bit winded.
Patrick was very winded, though more from the punishment than any exertion.
“You’re going to crack my pelvis, Brianna!” he panted. “A little easier… please!”
“Oh!” she said in surprise, easing him down to the mattress. “Yeah, getting carried away. It’s been a while, but I don’t want to break you… oh, hell no! Grab my titties again, and I’ll change things up.”
Patrick did as he was asked, and cupped her breasts, but Brianna placed her hands over his and crushed them into her breasts so hard he had to stifle a yelp of pain. She then leaned back up from looming over him, and he marveled at her body. How had she been able to use both hands to cover his as she leaned so far over him… the act seemed to defy physics, he thought.
“Hard, grab ’em hard!” she cried. “Like that! Perfect!”
Patrick was squeezing her tits so tightly he was worried he’d gouge her skin, but Brianna didn’t seem bothered in the slightest. Maybe she likes pain, he thought. He completely lost his train of thought as Brianna’s hips lowered slowly to the mattress, her leg muscles bulging impressively from supporting her weight.
“Let’s try this, hot-stuff,” she said, and curled her hands around his hips, gripping Patrick by his butt.
Suddenly Patrick felt Brianna’s arms surge with strength, and then his entire body was wrenched off the mattress, slamming his hips upward into hers! The rest of his body collided with her immediately afterward, and his head wedged into her cleavage. It was soft, but extremely firm. The rest of her was like a rock, though, and he rebounded back down to the mattress, stunned.
“Oh, fuck, too hard,” she said as she heard a grunt of pain. “Okay, easier. My bad. I misjudged how heavy you were. How’s this?”
Brianna lifted him again and this time Patrick rose upward slowly! The sensation of weightlessness was something he never dreamed possible as Brianna’s pussy clenched powerfully around his cock. It was overwhelming, and he felt himself rising to climax in a flash as Brianna moved him up and down with her strong arms. He was still holding her tits in a death-grip, but she was simply moaning with each achingly slow thrust of Patrick’s shaft into her.
“Oh FUCK!” she screamed, “it’s so good! Slow is even better! God your cock feels so good in me!”
Several minutes passed of her unbelievable feat, and she began to speed up again, moving in time with her mounting climax. Patrick struggled to keep from coming as she worked herself into a frenzy.
“Oh… oh… Patrick, are you there?” she screamed as he felt her pussy begin to spasm.
“Yes… fuck YES!” he yelled and let go of Brianna as he came like a geyser in her sopping slit.
Brianna’s body began to convulse as she rammed Patrick’s hips upward into her and held his hips suspended off the bed. A low guttural groan escaped her lips as she threw her head back, arching so hard backward Patrick was afraid she was going to tumble right off the bottom of the bed and take him with her. Her abs flexed strongly, though, stopping her cold and tossing Patrick’s shoulders upward toward Brianna’s bouncing breasts. He swung up and crashed heavily into her, even harder this time. He saw stars and the world grew fuzzy for a moment as he gathered his wits. Her body hadn’t budged an inch, but he was nearly knocked unconscious from the impact. He imagined it was what being hit by a car felt like.
“Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh,” she groaned, coming for what felt like an hour to Patrick as he lay staring up at her shaking upper body. Her legs were flexed so hard the muscles bulged hugely, deep striations visible on her thighs. Her arms were also flexed hard, and he was surprised at how big and defined they were. She looked as muscular as the bigger male NBA players he had seen as opposed to the WNBA women. She was indeed a remarkably well-put together woman, he mused. Her entire core, though, was a marvel. Muscle was etched over her torso so deeply he could barely believe his eyes. Apparently he hadn’t noticed that from all of the other amazing features he has focused on previously. The amazing features in question heaved and bounced on her chest as Brianna’s explosive orgasm continued on.
Finally, Brianna’s eyes opened and she eased Patrick’s hips to the mattress, guiding him down until her hips lay atop his. She released him and stretched her arms high into the air, arching back with a satisfied purr.
“Ohh, that was WONDERFUL, little guy!” she cooed sexily. “God, I could stay here all day fucking you silly, but I’m starving!”
“I don’t think my hips could withstand an all-day marathon with you, Brianna,” Patrick said.
He was thoroughly exhausted, even though Brianna had done most of the work. She sounded like she’d just gone for a quick jog around the block, even after the insane, strenuous workout she had just done. She must have thrust his hips upward dozens of times, but her arms weren’t shaking. Before that, she held Patrick off the mattress, all of him, while still leaning forward. It was like one long deadlift, or worse with all of the thrusting and gyration. Despite all of that, she wasn’t even breathing hard, and only the lightest sheen of sweat covered her spectacular body. The woman was a juggernaut!
“We’ll work you up to it,” she said, leaning down to look in his eyes. Her big breasts pressed into him, and he found it hard to breathe from their weight bearing down on him, but the feeling was so incredible he found himself enjoying everything about it, even the tightness in his chest.
“That sounds fantastic,” he said, “but I may not be able to walk from just this time. You have buns of steel, girl!”
She laughed lightly.
“Yep!” she said, reaching back and slapping herself with one of her hands. It sounded more like a gunshot than a light slap. “Maybe harder than that. I work my glutes hard. I like them to look nice and round when I turn in profile to the mirror.”
“Mission accomplished,” Patrick said, reaching down to slip his hands onto her ass. “They looked like two bowling balls in your pants this morning. Hell it FEELS like a bowling ball wrapped in your skin!”
“Then all those squats and hips thrusts have done their job,” she said. “Mmm, you have nice hands. I especially loved them squeezing my tits. I was about ready to come from that alone. You really know what I like.”
“I was afraid I was going to bruise the hell out of you,” Patrick admitted. “You’re one of those people that likes pain, aren’t you?”
“Huh?” she asked, surprised. “Oh, no, didn’t hurt at all. It felt fantastic. And don’t worry about bruising. I don’t think I’ve ever even had a bruise in my life, let alone felt pain. Watch.”
Brianna sat up and punched herself in the stomach so hard Patrick winced from the loud SMACK of the impact. His body jolted from the impact. She clenched both fists and pounded repeatedly on her stomach, so many times he finally reached down and grabbed her wrists. His entire body was yanked up off the mattress and she stopped as she saw the shocked look on Patrick’s face.
“What?” she asked, her face puzzled. “It doesn’t hurt. Look, nothing. I don’t think I CAN bruise. Never had one in my life as far as I remember.”
Patrick was amazed as she took her hands away. Her skin wasn’t even pink from all of the hard punches! He would have been exhausted from pounding on a heavy bag as hard as Brianna had been pounding herself, but it didn’t look like she had even touched her abs. They flexed sexily as she wriggled her torso like a belly dancer, and different muscle groups popped and relaxed as she moved to demonstrate that she was completely unhurt.
“See, no bruises. Same with my tits, look.”
How was that possible, he wondered. His hand rose unconsciously to her left breast, and he caressed the skin, feeling for indentations, knots beneath the surface, but there was nothing to even indicate he had pinched her breasts at all! Even her nipples, aside from being swollen from her excitement, were a healthy pink. There weren’t even indentations from him biting her, and he had bitten her hard!
“That is amazing!” he breathed as he rubbed her breast. “God, what a body, Brianna!”
She smiled broadly.
“Why thank you, sexy,” she replied. “I think you have a fantastic body, too. And it feels so good in my hands. I could feel you up all day long.”
Her stomach grumbled in protest.
“But I need to EAT!” she said. “This big bod needs fuel. I worked pretty hard to give my eight o’clock a good show. He was very appreciative. Even paid more for a longer session. I don’t think he exercised anything more than his eyes… and maybe his hand afterward in the locker room.”
Her throaty laugh made Patrick’s cock stir beneath her hips, and she ground against him as she felt it stir inside her.
“So, Brianna,” Patrick said. “Your ‘eight o’clock sounds crazy about you. What made you pick me instead of a sure thing like him?”
“Oh, he doesn’t do a thing for me,” she said. “He’s not even remotely as hot as you, first thing, and second, he’s about six-five. Way too tall for me.”
“That just blows my mind,” Patrick said. “You’re really that into smaller guys?”
“What can I say?” she said, leaning down to kiss Patrick as she squashed him beneath her breasts. “I like what I like — like the way you’re into my big tits.”
Brianna rubbed her breasts back and forth across Patrick’s chest, and his cock stirred again.
“Mmm, maybe YOU can be my eight o’clock tomorrow,” she said. “I’ll give you an extra, EXTRA-long session for free, baby. All the great big titty play you could ever want.”
Patrick wanted to protest that her “eight o’clock” didn’t happen until nine-thirty, but kept quiet.
“If I’m not in traction tomorrow, I may book you a little earlier than that,” Patrick said. “I rescheduled my proposal pitch for tomorrow at nine. I can’t miss it twice, or I can kiss that account goodbye.”
“No, I can’t mess you up twice, Patrick,” she said. “but I’ll definitely get you nice and relaxed for your meeting. Sound good?”
“Sounds fantastic,” he replied. “I’ll spring for lunch, gorgeous Brianna. Would you like to get cleaned up?”
She rose off him and stood at the foot of the bed, hands on hips. What a woman, Patrick remarked to himself.
“Nah, I’m fine,” she said. “I barely worked up a sweat. I’ll use your bathroom, to ‘dispose of the evidence’, though. It’s about to run down my leg. I’ve been clenched tight as a drum for the last ten minutes.”
“I could tell,” he replied. “I was completely flaccid, but you still held onto me.”
He watched as Brianna turned on her heel and strolled sexily into the bathroom. She didn’t look at him, but her smile said she knew his eyes were riveted to her.
“Mind if I grab a shower while you do?” he asked. “You didn’t work up a sweat, but I drenched the bed… and you did all the work!”
“That wasn’t work, baby,” she said. “Not for me, at least. I’ll show you my version of work some time. I think it’ll blow you away.”
“I have no doubt,” Patrick said as he eased himself to the edge of the bed. His hips burned like they were on fire. She may not bruise, but he was going to have some beauties tomorrow.
He tried his best to walk casually into the bathroom, but he couldn’t totally hide his discomfort. Brianna watched as he came in.
“Was I a bit too rough?” she asked. “Just say something next time. I can get carried away, and I’m a big strong girl, so don’t feel bad about asking me to go light. Hell, I’m usually stronger than guys MY size, so it’s… just don’t be afraid to tell me I’m being too rough, okay? I can never tell. Sometimes I wonder if I even feel pain like other people. Oh, shit, look. Your hips are already starting to get black and blue.”
She reached out to Patrick and pulled him toward her as she sat on the toilet. It was weird and uncomfortable, but he couldn’t do a thing to prevent Brianna from lifting him right off his feet and sitting him on her lap like a child.
She began rubbing his hips lightly with her hand as she kissed his neck.
“I’ll make it all better, Patrick,” she purred in his ear. “Your poor hips. Your sexy, cute, totally fuckable hips….”
Brianna leaned heavily into Patrick as she looked over his shoulder. Her other arm wrapped around him and massaged his other hip as she traced kisses up his neck. He started as her right hand worked its way to his newly-erect dick.
“Any bruises here, Patrick?”she whispered in his ear as she stroked him.
“Ohhh… not yet, but the day is young,” he said, as Brianna stroked his shaft.
“That’s the spirit,” she said, licking his earlobe as she mashed her breasts into Patrick’s back. “I have a three o’clock, but I’m yours before and after, or maybe I should say… you’re mine? Mmm… all mine.”
He couldn’t argue. Or, he thought, he could, but it wouldn’t matter.
Brianna stroked Patrick off to nearly the point of orgasm, then stopped unexpectedly.
“How’d you like to fuck my titties instead?” she asked, rubbing them across his back. “I’d love to have your dick between them. I’ll bet you’d love that, the way you latched onto them.”
“How can a guy say no to an offer like that?” he replied, sliding off her thighs. He turned around to admire her breasts as she cupped them. “Or to tits like that? Damn, Brianna, they’re incredible.”
“Thanks. Grew ’em myself,” she said with a laugh. “It’ll give me a chance to get pumped before lunch.”
“How?” Patrick asked.
“Grab that lotion off the sink and I’ll show you,” she said.
Patrick turned to grab the lotion and stopped as he watched Brianna rise to tower above him in the mirror.
“Wow,” he said. “That’s so dramatic.”
Her eyes took on an excited shine.
“What is, watching me stand up?”
“Yes,” Patrick said as she moved to stand behind him, wriggling her chest so her breasts rubbed against the back of his head. “Holy… that is, too!”
“Oh, I like that!” Brianna said in a low sexy drawl. “Your eyes look ready to pop out of your head. Keep looking at me like that. It’s making me so wet!”
Brianna’s hands rose to either side of Patrick’s head and begin to knead her breasts, rubbing them against the sides of his face, and Patrick watched in awe as she stimulated herself by twisting and pinching her nipples. She worked herself into a frenzy, then reached down and grabbed Patrick roughly by the wrists, wrenching his hands up to her swollen nipples.
“You do it,” she ordered. “I want to watch YOU do it! I’m so fucking close, Patrick! Again! God, you’re so hot!”
He nodded and grabbed her breasts on either side of his head, gently tugging her nipples. He got a lilttle thrill when he saw her put her hands on her hips and flex her muscles as she stood behind him. He watched her shoulders swell and her lats grow beyond the width of her full breasts and his excitement rose as he watched her magnificent body in the mirror.
Her face was flushed, and she seemed to be getting off more on their size comparison than on his stimulation of her thick nipples.
“Pull them harder,” Brianna barked, and her hips ground against his back, leaving a trail of wetness on him. “Harder!”
Patrick pinched her nipples as hard as he could and pulled strongly forward, amazed that he couldn’t move her body into him. She further amazed him by flexing her pecs and arching her back. His hands were yanked upward and his body pulled back until he collided with her solid body, jarring him so hard his teeth rattled. He wouldn’t be surprised if she could deadlift his weight with ease from the force of her strong pull. Of course she could, he realized, she had been doing it almost the entire time they had fucked earlier!
“Jesus, Brianna!” Patrick exclaimed, but she wasn’t listening. She had removed one hand from her hip and had it thrust between their bodies, working her fingers into herself. Her hips were bucking in time with the probing of her slit, and a low growl was coming from above Patrick’s head. In the mirror, the sight was incredible: Brianna loomed above him, head pointed toward the ceiling. Her right arm was a blur as she masturbated. Patrick let go of her nipples, but as soon as he did, Brianna’s free hand left her hip and reached around his chest, grabbing him in a crushing hug and lifting him upward. She held him to her big breasts until he was above the height of her thrusting hand, which hit the back of his thigh hard enough to make him jerk his leg out of way.
She lowered her head to Patrick’s neck, kissing and biting him with abandon. Patrick was stunned: not only was she strong enough to lift him right off his feet with one arm, but she was getting off on it. The moment his back pressed into Brianna’s chest, her hand sped up further, and he imagined the amount of friction her fingers must be causing would be enough to start a fire. He was waiting to see a wisp of smoke rise from below.
Several tireless minutes passed as Brianna’s cries increased in volume and urgency. Her grip on Patrick also increased to the point he was finding it hard to breathe. He put his arms on her forearm to loosen her grip, but it only tightened further. He put an increasing amount of muscle into it, but he was still unable to keep her from squeezing the breath out of him. Fortunately her orgasm crested before he ran out of air, because he found he was unable to get her single arm to budge, even using BOTH of his!
With a cry that made his ears ring, Brianna came, her body convulsing much like it had earlier, and after a quick jolt of immense strength from her arm that had him seeing stars, her hug relaxed as she started to recover.
Patrick, hung, defeated, from her arm as she shook, her body swaying back and forth as she panted and moaned, a sexy, throaty sound that had excited the deepest recesses of his mind despite the frightening position he found himself in.
The woman’s strength was terrifying! She didn’t seem to even notice him trying to pull her arm from around him. He wondered just how much stronger than him she was. If her one arm was stronger than both of his, than apparently twice as strong… at least! He had a feeling it was much more.
With a loud yell, Brianna opened her eyes.
“God DAMN was that incredible!” she yelled. “Hey… how you doing? Did I get too carried away?”
She looked at him through the mirror and seemed at the point of being concerned… or maybe not. He couldn’t tell. She seemed so casual in everything she did that he had no idea how to read her expressions.
“Aside from a few bruised ribs, I-I think I’m okay,” he said, his voice as calm as he could make it.
“Uh-oh… did I freak you out?” she asked. “I get a bit carried away sometimes. Did I hurt you?”
Brianna made a show of setting Patrick lightly on his feet, and then took a step back.
“Did I scare you, Patrick?” she asked again, bending slightly so she could see his eyes in the mirror.
“Yes,” he admitted. “It was… frankly, it was terrifying that I couldn’t pull your arm from around my chest and it kept getting tighter the more aroused you got.”
Brianna paused for a while, like she was digesting bad news.
“Yeah… I didn’t mean for that to happen,” she said, her voice somber. “Do you still want to get lunch, or is this it for us? I do still owe you for being such a good sport about today… but I understand if you’re not interested anymore.”
The moment dragged on, and Patrick realized Brianna’s words may have been her version of an apology. She didn’t look apologetic, though. She looked more like a child regretting the loss of a favorite toy.
“Hey, don’t sweat it,” she said as she gathered her clothes. “It happens. I don’t realize my own strength, sometimes. It is what it is, I guess.”
He watched her assemble her clothing, her fabulous body rippling with her motion. She picked up her pants, and then wrinkled her nose as she held them up to examine the big wet spot in the front.
“Aw, shit,” she murmurred. “Made a bit of a mess here. That should make going home a bit awkward. Good thing I’m close.”
She stood, holding her pants, lost in thought. Suddenly she turned and advanced on Patrick so quickly he shrank back.
“Listen, let me make this up to you!” she said, her voice desperate. “How about I… well, here.”
Brianna dropped her pants and wrapped her long hands around Patrick’s waist until her fingers nearly touched. His hands dropped to her wrists in surprise, and he gripped her tightly as she raised her arms upward, lifting Patrick easily from the floor. He rose upward quickly until he was high above Brianna. Thankfully the ceilings were high, or he would mostly likely have added concussion to the list of injuries Brianna had already inflicted that day.
“Whoa!” he exclaimed. “Jesus…. B-Brianna….”
She shushed him as he squirmed in her grasp.
“Hey… shh… it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you, I promise! I’ll be super-duper careful.”
That wasn’t exactly the point, he thought. The point was she pretty much tossed him around like he was a baby. Strangely, he realized that it didn’t seem to be as big a deal as he had thought earlier. Maybe his mind was becoming numb to the unbelievable events, like becoming desensitized to a very violent movie.
She held Patrick at arm’s length for a moment, like she was admiring him, then pulled him into her body, and began licking and sucking his cock as he held frozen. The sheer power she was capable of numbed him further, but his manhood responded to her attention immediately, rising quickly to its full length.
“Mmm, you have such a nice cock,” she murmurred, then, with a mighty thrust of her arms, began to fellate Patrick as his feet dangled high above the floor!
His hands held Brianna’s wrists tightly as she moved him back and forth, sucking greedily, and Patrick felt a thrill he’d never even dreamed possible.
“Oohh,” he moaned. “Jesus, Brianna! How… in the hell… can… uhhh… can you do this?”
She paused a moment and held Patrick out at her arm’s length again. She didn’t struggle at all to do it! She was way more than twice as strong as him, he realized with a distant sense of shock.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
Patrick stared down at her with wide eyes.
“How the hell can you hold me like this?” he asked.
Brianna laughed lightly.
“Oh! You’re light as a feather, little guy,” she said, eyeing his manhood. “I could hold you like this all day. You might have noticed I’m pretty strong, not some skinny twig like other people my height.”
She gave Patrick a gentle shake to emphasize how easy her practically superhuman show of strength was.
“See? Piece of cake,” she said. “Now, just relax. I’ll make it up to you for being such a big clumsy bitch.”
It was impossible for Patrick to relax while the huge woman held his body in the air like he was weightless, but her attention to his penis had him squirming in her strong hands in moments. She was tireless, just as before, holding him high above the floor while her mouth worked its magic on him.
The memory of being crushed in Brianna’s grasp vanished from his mind as he curled his hands into her short blonde hair, guiding her lips. She followed his lead and her lips slowed to a snail’s pace on him, pulling his cock completely out of her mouth at the end of each stroke and licking the tip before plunging him back in.
The sensation was unlike anything Patrick had ever experienced; the complete powerlessness was a feeling he had never known before Brianna, and he found the utter release, the total surrender, to be a joyous feeling. His hands relaxed in her hair and the tension left his body, and he watched the muscles ripple in Brianna’s arms as she moved him back and forth seemingly without effort. A light sheen of sweat made her skin glow, and her breasts rose and lowered from her muscles’ flex with each stroke. It was the most incredible sex he’d ever experienced, and he quickly found himself happy to surrender completely.
It was so unlike him to not want to be in control, to simply go along for the ride, but he found he enjoyed it more with each passing second. Brianna was such a far cry from the long string of normal, dare he say, boring, women he had dated until then. He found himself realizing that he’d missed so much by always playing it safe, by refusing to step outside the comfortable little bubble he’d made for himself.
It took Patrick maybe a half hour to come after his earlier orgasm, but she didn’t slow or even seem to tire during her incredible blow job. She seemed lost in the moment much as he was, so intently focused on his cock, as if he wasn’t there at all, just that part of him she teased and licked into total submission. As he curled downward from the force of his ejaculation, Brianna stopped, sucking lightly on his cock and moaning as he felt her gulp down every bit of come. As he slowed she pulled his body back and lowered him into her embrace, then wrapped her arms around him as he hung from her majestic chest. She seemed to be making a big effort to hold him gently.
“There, how was that?” she whispered in his ear. “Everything cool?”
“It’s… cool,” Patrick said. “But, Brianna, you didn’t have to do something like that as an apology. I want you to enjoy yourself, too. Don’t feel like you owe me anything.”
Brianna set Patrick on his feet and crossed her arms under her breasts, practically shoving them in his face.
“Don’t be silly! That was completely selfish. I enjoyed every second,” she said, looking down from her lofty height. “But this was hardly an apology. The way I see it, I don’t need to apologize for being who I am any more than you do. I’m a big, strong girl, and you’re a cute little guy. It just is what it is. No aplogies needed. You’re not apologizing to me for not being strong enough to take it, are you?”
That line of logic baffled Patrick. He wasn’t the one crushing Brianna’s chest. He was definitely the wronged party!
“So does that mean you’re not sorry you hurt me?” he asked.
“Of course not,” she said. “I’m just saying I can’t feel bad about being me. I like being me. People have tried to slap me down for not being normal before, and I just don’t want to deal with that from you, not when things are going so wonderfully, so let’s not go there, okay?”
Patrick paused as Brianna resumed gathering her clothes like the whole argument was closed… or maybe she never even thought of the exchange as any kind of confrontation. He was totally perplexed… again. He’d never met anyone like her, physically or mentally.
“Believe me, I don’t want you to feel bad being, Jesus, like some sort of goddess,” Patrick said, staring at the huge breasts hovering before his eyes. “If anything, you should feel damn lucky to be so far above everyone else. I can’t imagine a single woman who wouldn’t look at you with anything but envy.”
Her neutral expression melted and she looked down at him with burning lust in her brilliant eyes.
“Aw, that’s so sweet,” she replied, pulling Patrick’s face into her breasts. “I definitely like being so far above YOU! But, as much as I want to fuck your brains out some more, I am STARVING. The fuel tank’s totally empty now, and this bod needs a lot of fuel. Let’s go eat, or I’m going to start eyeing up your dick for lunch, and I don’t think you can make enough come at once to keep me happy.”
Not from your lack of trying, he thought.
“Well, let’s get you to your place so you can change,” Patrick said.