Forum Replies Created
ParticipantWow…That's really damn tasteless.
I did ask politely, so I really don't need ur criticism joey
ParticipantSince u bought it, can u please share the rest of it for us. ;D In either
megaupload or rapidshare?? 😉
or if not the whole thing just some fmg shots of everyone.
ParticipantI've bought it 🙂
Since u bought it, can u please share the rest of it for us. ;D In either
megaupload or rapidshare?? 😉
Participantwow that was pretty messed up. I'm sure if I knew the whole story I'd really get into it but that scene was pretty harsh. I'll have to check out some of the others and see what their like.
This is to everyone who is interested in this series. I recently found a manga viewing website which contains All the chapters for Claymore including the new Chapter 73.
ParticipantWell actually there is a certain claymore girl named Undine that her yoma power is to increase her muscles and strength but she dies soon as well. If the anime follows the manga order then you should see her around episode 11 to 14. There was also a post about that certain girl here in amaz0ns where she went through a huge growth. But if the anime is exactly like the manga then all you gonna see is one episode with FMG about Undine and nothing else. I can tell that for sure cause i have downloaded and read all volumes till 12 which is the most recent and there is no other FMG or muscle notice expect some transformations to ugly monsters.
A little notice though that when Undine dies after the battle another claymore girl(dont remember her name) gets one of Undines swords (she was carrying 2 of them) which it seems its the one that has the muscle yoma power so yeah she might be use it as well in the future, but so far until volume12 she hasnt.
That claymore's name is deveve(#15) and she takes undines actual sword not her fallen friends. also vol 12 is already released. out of all the claymore form that battle only 7 remain and now are hiding from the organization. oh the most recent chapter for the series is chapter 72. there is a site where they are all translated.
Oh there is a another claymore with muscles cept she looks quite mannish. Shes # 5 Racheal(call her Ray in the manga)u see her fighting Riful the Abysall lord with 3 other claymores.
ParticipantYou can also youtube them, worked for me.
well its not youtube, but there is a site to check all the eps full length. sure u register to see all the eps)
the link above is ep 8
enjoy every one!!
Participantsorry bout the not puttin down any info, was rather busy. anyway, if anyone wishes to watch this episode the have to download via bittorrent –
PS all of the claymores have the ability to FMG when they fight so keep watchin this series.
Participantheres some pics if u can't download by volume. I admit it does take a while to download from this site, but I use a program called Orbit download accelerator. u can do multiple downloads and it does download faster.
PS – 3rd image is when she uses too much yoma power and her muscle growth goes out of contol for a little while.
hope u enjoy this little preview ;D
Participantit already finished, but only that has forgotten upload in deviant art =P
too finished claire redfield (ink and color version) ^^U
"kagome's Bag":'m not sure if u realized this but there is a spelling error in what Inuyasha said.
Shouldn't it be: "Maybe its Me, …" instead of "Maybe its My,…"
Either way nice coloring,
Shinigami Raziel
ParticipantWhoa ho hey there amigo, you need to add a little NSFW/Nudity tag to images that show nipples and other naughty bits.
Otherwise… the first image was pretty damn nice.
My sincere apologies, i haven't posted in a while and forgot some of the rules