Forum Replies Created
Eric JohnsonParticipant
1.) These characters look to be too much like rip offs. There’s not an ounce of originality in these characters.
2.) For some reason this feels very demeaning for women. It looks like gratuitous fan service, and I’m not really into women being treated as sex objects.
Valid points, and don’t think this comic will be for everyone, but I would say:
1) I think the characters are meant to be homages and archetypes. I think there’s a difference between that and a rip-off. In Astro City comic books, Samaritan is basically Superman with the serial numbers filed off, but he’s an variation on the theme, not a rip-off. Not saying this is going to be Astro City level quality of course, but it’s possible to do interesting things with characters that fit well known models.
2) I think it’s more supposed to be a deconstruction of the fanservice archetypes. As I understood it from Shade’s previous journal posts, all the main characters are supposed to be super-powered celebrities in that world to some degree because they fit the fetishes and fantasies they represent. Then they are called upon to save the world from a serious menace.
Admittedly, that could go either way. It could degenerate into low-brow humor and porn-y fanservice. Or it could have fun with the idea, and be sexy while showing there’s actual character development behind the fetish-serving archetypes the characters first appear as.
I think it will come down to how well it is written.
Personally, I can’t point any fingers if a comic writer for using a fetish as a starting point. My claim to fame over at AC comics is mostly doing stories featuring Marla “Humonga” Allison, who was created by Bill Black as a pretty one-dimensional character (“prima donna blonde starlet”) with giantess powers. I’ve tried to flesh out the character beyond the initial concept, and tried to tell good stories, even if the initial character was entirely based on sex appeal.
I have no idea how good a writer Shade is, or even if he tastes are such that he aspires to more than fanservice with this project. But it seems like he wants to play with and have fun with the idea behind these “fetish archetypes”, and that has potential. Whether he can deliver on that potential, remains to be seen.
Eric JohnsonParticipantYep, just got her. Now I’m leveling her up. She does look good. On a side note, Shulkie needs an update, right now.
Completely agreed. She-Hulk is arguably the character they most need to update in the whole game.
They gave amazing buffs to Nightcrawler, taking him from “worst character in the game” to “viable in high-level PvP”.
Even Iron Fist got nicely buffed, with his self-buff made a quick action.
She-Hulk is down there with Luke Cage among the least popular characters in the current game setup.
She needs both a revamp of her attacks, and maybe and alternate uniform with some powerups.
Maybe a “Savage” outfit which lets her gain “Hulk Up” buff stacks, like her cousin?
Oh, and for others reading, here’s what Thundra looks like in the actual game play. Nice abs.
Eric JohnsonParticipantSome promo art from the Avengers Alliance website
Eric JohnsonParticipantWoo-hoo!
Thundra! Thundra was added to Avengers Alliance today.
And she looks gooood….
Eric JohnsonParticipantIt’s published now. Here’s the link to the AC Comics website:
From the text on
“Finally, a double-dose of alien giantess excitement with TWO episodes of the GAMMAZON HOUSEWIFE saga. First, Gammazonian giantess emigree Kar’Ri Conquest risks life, love and home against a group of former government elite troops gone renegade in “Alien Combatant”, written by Eric Johnson with art by Dan Gorman and Jeff Austin. It guest-stars SYNN, STARDUST and ROBERTA STROCK. Then, in “Living Like A Queen”; old Gammazonian cohorts invade Kar’Ri and Tom’s quiet suburban neighborhood for a showdown in a tale co-starring the FF’s own TARA (“Too Tall”) FREMONT!!”Eric JohnsonParticipantI should say further that having the combination of both height and muscularity makes you very unique, as I’m sure you are aware.
I hope that really opens up doors for you. Not only should you be able to secure yourself a distinct place in the record books among muscle athletes, it should give lots of special promotional possibilities (“world’s tallest female bodybuilder” and so on)
But, also, in the long term, it may lead to other options and opportunities. TV and movies are built on visuals that stand out. The more “one-of-a-kind” someone is, the more you can find a distinct niche that no one else can fill. Perhaps your ambitions don’t lie that way, but if fortune smiles on you someday, you might be able to fill roles almost no one else in the world could.
Eric JohnsonParticipantWelcome Maria.
I’d say with both your height and physique, you’re a perfect fit for many, many fans here.
Thanks for sharing the pics. Lots of great ones there.
Hope to see more of you in the future.
Eric JohnsonParticipantActually, Shag, now I am curious; can you give us any more stats on your characters (Pc and npc) tote your game? I have wanted yo know for years.
Well, to start with, I posted Fuerza’s stats in another thread here on Amaz0ns about 4 years ago, although I think the formatting may be borked a bit now:
Fuerza stats in old Amaz0ns topic
and about 8 years ago I posted Olga’s stats on a yahoo group.
whoa, is this version out of date now. She’s spent a lot of xp since then. 🙂Olga’s stats at aberrantcampaign yahoo gorup
Other than that, are there any particular characters you are interested in? I don’t have a lot of the characters in digital format (I still do a lot of write-ups on handwritten character sheets), so it might take some typing time in some cases.
Eric JohnsonParticipantShag,
I don’t know if I’ve already asked you this but have you ever posted Powera’s stats?
Not talking about her physical dimensions because they’re pretty obvious in that fine Jean Sinclair art.
More along the lines of her game numerals.
You mentioned she was a NPC villain in your Aberrant campaign.
Just wondering the sort of Node enhanced literal “Powergaming” that Powera put herself through for the second eruption of power.
Never posted Powera’s exact stats anywhere online.
For one thing, my players might Google search and find the character sheet. 🙂Before she was Powera, Dr. Luann O’Donnell had a pretty quick list of superhuman abilities.
Basically, Mega-Intelligence 4, with Medical Prodigy and Investigative Prodigy.
Medicine rating of 5, with specialties in Genetic Therapy, Superhuman biology, and superhuman genetics.After the transformation, Powera kept her boosted mental abilities, and gained a whole slew of physical abilities, and other powers.
I used the “Extreme Density” extra from the Aberrant Player’s Guide and a Permanent Power aberration on Density Increase to let her have a maximum Mega-Strength of 6 (instead of the normal max of 5). (Fuerza also used the same trick, only right since they have linked origins. Although Fuerza used weakness and multiple dots to take the Extra TWICE for Mega-Strength 7)Key attributes are
Mega-Strength 6
Mega-Stamina 5
Mega-Wits 1 (for Quickness enhancement)
She’s recently picked up some Mega-Appearance and Mega-Charisma at low levels (from interactions with another PC, Alundra)
Powers include several defensive Invulnerabilties and Flight, including Hyperflight.
She’s got some powers and enhancements which represent her channeling energy into her punches for extra damage (Claws and the Crush enhancement to Mega-Strength)Basically she’s a good physical fight for RiesigeFrau (Olga is stronger and tougher, but Powera is mobile and hits more often), while still being a danger just as a super-scientist.
Her Backgrounds have been all over the place during the campaign, changing often. Her early resources and assets were lost in confrontations with the PC heroes. Then, she had a bunch of backgrounds based on Dr. Zarathustra taking her under his wing as a junior partner of sorts. Now, she’s been building back up her own unique powerbase, although she’s sharing some of those assets with Alundra, as they have this very dynamic heroine-villainess partner-on-the-other-side-of-the-fence relationship going on.
One payoff from an earlier scheme is that she has a Node rating of 6, even though her Quantum is still too low for that. She subdued a very powerful nova and harvested some of his node tissue for transplant.
Eric JohnsonParticipantThe lastest Powera commission I got from Jean Sinclair
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