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Cindy Tortio
ParticipantSorry for the long delay…wow where does time go? Here is the She-Hulk again with too many mods to list but I tried to get them all. The torso length was an eye opener..haha. Still rough since I am sure I will need a rev 3, I plan on adding a small dog barking in the foreground with a little boy staring on in amazement. Any and all input is greatly appreciated! Thank you all that have already helped me so much!
Cindy Tortio
ParticipantGreat character and I love your development. It is so nice of you to post the drawings and then the coloring seperately. It really shows the impact that color has on a drawing.(when its done well)Great work.
Cindy Tortio
ParticipantWow! Just beautiful.The colors are just incredible. My favorite is crouching woman,or maybe the gymnast but Virgo..oh hell. They all are. Now do the rest of the Zodiac immediately! 😉
Cindy Tortio
ParticipantI'm learning my way around an anatomy book now! Lol.I will be away this weekend but I had to check in. I really appreciate all your wonderful input and sharing your obvious talent with me. At first I thought her torso was fine,then I cut and pasted her shorter and wow…dead right. Ab area is too long. You can see it instantly when its fixed. Breasts definately need "relaxing" and I cut and copied her in a straight on pose but the drawing became very "massive" for lack of a better word.I am going to try an adjustment to her hips and knee to try to correct her balance. I wanted to give her an aura of super power thats my excuse why the beam is crumpled like tinfoil. I read she can lift 75 tons. Her bicep rise has even twisted it. I agree that it isn't very realistic though. Maybe I can hide it with more hair. 😛 Well more to say but no time, thank you again and I have sent good Karma checks out! Now what the heck is a "Rectus Femoris"!!?!?!?!
Cindy Tortio
ParticipantThank you Mika! I had no idea.. ::).There is so much to learn! With all this help I am getting here I may even look like I know what I am doing…in 6 or 7 years. ;D
Cindy Tortio
ParticipantGreat beginning! Listen to your heart and draw what you like,you will never fail. I can't wait to see more.
Cindy Tortio
ParticipantI cannot thank you all enough for your input and personal stories.If only I could turn back time. Mistakes are part of this journey though and I guess some lessons are best learned the hard way. I still wish I would have read a thread like this first though. This experience has made me do some serious soul searching and thinking about art and my feelings.I even talked with my husbands lifelong friend who has been a bodybuilder since his youth. I am by nature a sensitive person and I really believe that you need to be secure in what brings you joy or you will be constantly hurt. I simply have to ignore the negative influences who want to label or degrade me and satisfy myself. They will never understand and really do not need to.Thank you all for your help.
Cindy Tortio
ParticipantWow,words of wisdom. Being a newbie myself I made the catastrophic mistake of responding to the "established" artist. He had critiqued my drawing with a single word….grotesque.I pointed out that a critique was a assessment of form and technique not just a personal opinion. He hates body builders and bulging veins but it is OK on the hulk because the hulk should have them(not she hulk though!).I tried to point out the hypocrisy of this and the point that art should spark thought and questions of why we feel this way.As my time at Amazons has for me.I stated that everyone has different tastes and there should be room to explore those tastes as long as we play within the rules,no porn etc.
Yup,reason will win right? LOl. I was ripped apart. None of my points even mentioned and a wave of personal attacks began.One person stated he had shown my picture to coworkers and they had hated it as well.Wow! I was labled a no talent hack and dog piled on by a bunch of people I never knew. To be fair a few people loved it and even requested more and I did get a great pdf of all the loomis drawing books.Ha ha. The venom in some of these peoples posts was scary though. Just drawing a woman with a massive physique warrants this? I am stunned.It is simply amazing the intolerance and hate people will vent over a sketch.Great art gets a single post and a amateur sketch with muscularity gets 3 pages? Just scary.I have learned a valuable lesson though. I will speak through my art and keep my mouth shut!Cindy Tortio
ParticipantThank you for the advice and support. I was feeling very down from this. I have never been attacked like that before and frankly,it hurt.Hunter ,you express yourself very eloquently,you must be a writer. I guess a callous will come with experience. Thank you all for the pick me up. I have a house to go burn down! 😉
Cindy Tortio
ParticipantUgh! I wish I had more time. I just found this and it could have saved me so much headache! Thanks to all, great leg references.