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ParticipantI hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes here, but I think an aspect to Ms Zellweger's situation that is not being considered.
Is Rene too thin? Absolutely! Are way too many female celebrities too thin? Yes! Should we discuss why this trend exists, and whether it can be reversed? Sure.
But I just have this feeling, maybe I'm wrong, but I have this feeling, that at least some of you are looking at those pictures and thinking, "That poor woman! She took her perfectly healthy body and dieted herself into anorexia just to be 'fashionable'!" If you're thinking that, or something like it, you're just off base.
Did you all read the line in the article about Renee gaining two stone (that's 28 pounds, fellow Yanks) to play Bridget Jones? The character of Bridget Jones is heavier than Renee Zellweger is normally. If Bridget had been a lot heavier, maybe Renee would have gone with a "fat suit", like Eddie Murphy in "Norbert" and "The Nutty Professor". But it was only 28 pounds, so she just forced herself to gain the weight. And when she finished making the movie, she lost the weight. Then she was aksed to do a sequel, and she gained the weight again. And when the sequel was finished, she lost the weight . . . again. The point is, looking at those photos of what you and I would call a "healthy Renee" is like looking at a photo of Boris Karlof in his Frankenstein's Monster make up. It isn't the real Renee Zellweger. It is Renee Zellweger playing Bridget Jones.
Okay. So I'm an annoying, obsessive nit-picker. And you'd probably be right not to give a damn about my central point. But before I submerge back to lurkerdom, let me try to save a little face by summing up:
Hollywood's obsession with dangerously, unattractively thin women is a worthy topic of discussion. But it just got under my skin that this time the discussion was kicked off by this on-line article that was using tabloid sensationalism (OMG Look what Renee Zellweger has done to herself!!!) to draw in readers.
I'm outa here before I rant again.
ParticipantI'm disappointed. And it's not just the lack of huge, bulging muscles thing. All the superwomen I've seen drawn by San in the past had boobs the size of beach balls.
It ain't just muscles that float my boat, troops.
ParticipantThanks for your concern. Everything seems to be working great.
ParticipantOkay. Today there wasn't a problem. 😀 Guess it's like the broken appliance that works fine when you get it to the repair shop.
As for tomcat's suggestion of signing in on the main page: good idea. BUT, yesterday the thing that cheesed me off enough to post was that I was signed in on the main page. Yeah, it said "Hi, Spicer" and everything. It was only when I clicked over to the forum that I became a stranger who needed to log in again.
ParticipantJeez! My monitor nearly melted!
Translation: she's hot!
ParticipantThe femuscle fans want WW to be played by a body builder. We'll be lucky if the actress is as buff as Linda Hamilton in T2.
The titmen won't accept a WW who is smaller on top than Linda Carter. Unfortunately, their bosom besotted brains remember quite clearly that Linda Carter was the size of Pandora Peaks.
There are people who think she has to be tall and leggy. There are those who think she has to look exactly the way John Byrne, Mike Deodato Jr, Adam Hughes, or (insert name of comic book artist here) drew her. Some think the woman to play WW can only be the actress, singer, or internet bimbo who gets their motor running these days. Some want a young Linda Carter. Heck, I'll bet there are some who still want Linda Carter despite her age. Seen Sky High yet?
But Hollywood is making the WW movie, and what Hollywood wants WW to be is whatever it takes to get enough people in theater seats for the film to make an obscene amount of money. What the femuscle fans, the tit fans, the comic book fans (and I count myself as a member of all three groups), and the rest want doesn't count for much. There just aren't enough of us to affect the bottom line.
The best we can do is pray the flick doesn't suck; and hope that there will be something in it to hang our fantasies on. (Or "on which to hang our fantasies." if you didn't sleep through English class.)Having said all that, let me throw out a really wild suggestion: Pam Anderson.
I know, I know! But suspend your disbelief for a moment and follow me. I remember reading once that Pam's muscles bulked up easily, so, believing her Baywatch character shouldn't be "muscular", she was careful to avoid exercise while shooting the show. So we throw her into an intense weight training program for six months before filming starts, and we get an amazonian body. Her boobs are already more than amazonian. Slap a black wig on her and, ba-da-boom, Wonder Woman.
What's that? Someone's asking about her height? Guys, this sweat-ex you've been going through about this or that actress's height is totally bogus. Hollywood has known ways to make a man and a woman look the right height compared to each other on screen since before movies could talk. and that's generations before they had the computer graphics technology to make Elijah Wood no taller than a hobbit.
The real question is does she have the acting ability to carry the role? To be honest, i don't know. Sure, she comes off like the ultimate blonde bimbo, but look at her. Blonde, sexy face, slim, boobs out to there. Maybe she's just giving the people what they expect from her appearance because it's an easy paycheck Maybe she's laughing all the way to the bank. Maybe, if challenged to do the part well, she could pull it off.
Not that there's a snowball's chance in hell of it happening.
But wouldn't you love to see the spit take if someone had the balls to suggest Pam to Joss Whedon?Your Friendly Neighborhood Spicer
ParticipantIt's the work of Orrin J Heller, father of Larry Heller of LH Art. The piece is one of the oldest OJH galleries in the LH Art members section. Just saw it there to verify my memory.
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