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  • in reply to: Avatar #89066

    To me, it seemed like a tedious, exorbitant Crying Indian ad campaign where the Crying Indian gets a happy ending.  What was enjoyable was that it was visually stunning, and the various CG aspects (lighting, particle effects, etc.).  What ruined it for me was the contrived, pockmarked plot (The material in contention is "UNOBTAINIUM," for Pete's sake, and my parents spent the remainder of the day trying to figure out how the Na'vi spoke English.), the high-handed sermon-like quality of every single monologue, and the cardboard presentation of the majority of the characters.  Directors have done more with less money and time, and didn't require 2.5 hours for an 80-page script.

    tl;dr version: So much money for so little entertainment!

    in reply to: Massive, Androgynous Caroline Wang #87753

    I'm not the person to say that an FBB should be graded on attractiveness (I'm a silent supporter of Iris Kyle's Olympia win and I agree with the belief that FBB contests should leave out attractiveness as a judging standard).  There is, however, a serious problem with this picture: "she" has an undeniably male face, narrow hips, a deeper voice range than mine (I'm a high school and college baritone singer), and not even a hint that she is female.  God help me, the first thought I had upon seeing the pics was, "Why the hell is a male bodybuilder wearing a bikini top?"

    Well, I'm not sure.  It may be that the short hair with all those characteristics threw me off, or perhaps cpbell's opinions are wearing me down.  However, I have to say that if Caroline Wang is indeed naturally female, that's a bigger gender bender than Renee Toney.

    in reply to: 12 Hottest Geek Girls #87467

    Does this website know/remember the havoc wreaked upon the internets by Jade Raymond stalkers?

    in reply to: Yorkshire Muscle Mum Jenny Garside #87248

    mus·cle·bound also mus·cle-bound    (m?s'?l-bound')   
       1.      Having inelastic, overdeveloped muscles, usually as the result of excessive exercise.
             1.      Hindered by or as if by overdeveloped muscles.
             2.      Characterized by inflexibility; rigid.

    Sauce: American Heritage Dictionary, 5th Ed.

    She most certainly isn't Gregg–AAAAHSHITMYARMS!–Valentino, so I'm baffled by how anyone who can walk, and, say, use a normal toothbrush would ever be considered musclebound.

    in reply to: Yorkshire Muscle Mum Jenny Garside #87246

    However, she'll probably sound like this: Yorkshire Accent

    The hottest chick I have ever ever met, no jokes, when she opened her mouth and had some gutteral Scottish accent…well imagine the sound a deflating balloon makes.

    Sad that you can't appreciate a thick brogue from a woman.  I would love to hear her go on, musing about the halcyon days of her youth with her mates.

    I could only hope it would sound like [shadow=red,left]this[/shadow], in the alto-to-soprano range of timbre.

    All joking aside, why do these pop media outlets keep attributing the term "musclebound" to people with any significant muscle tone?  Mrs. Garside is nowhere close to being musclebound.

    in reply to: Oblivion Muscle Mod (NSFW?) #63615

    Now, where can I find this default female eye candy mesh by Exnem?

    On the series of tubes, fetcher!

    Actually, there's some version of it on the major Oblivion mod sites, but from what little I've "googled," only TES Nexus has both the original nude (former link) and underwear (latter link) meshes.

    in reply to: Some pictures I found…(definitely NSFW) #35223

    the first one seems to be one of Tigersan's

    It's from his Fem-Power website.  I've checked it out monthly ever since I heard about it (about six months ago).

    in reply to: Courtney Morley #27947

    Why do I think she would be perfect for the role of Wonder woman

    Probably because she's the buffest option for the part.  Healthy olive skin, long dark hair, and thankfully, eye color need not be an issue.  She's a dead ringer for a Grecian female, especially a Themysciran.  I would concur, but can she act?

    in reply to: Strangest place to find female muscle? #27931

    lol that's pretty awesome!

    Although…that's sad that that dude stripped the title of "Miss Body" from her…

    It was expected, because her agent confessed that she had been using steroids in the next panel.

    Nevertheless, that's still interesting.  Which edition is it?  I think I have that book.

    in reply to: Flat feet a pain #26482

    My suggestions?  Jogging/running and calf raises on boxes.  I did them quite a bit when I wasn't as much of a fatass as I am now, and I have very high arches to this day.

    EDIT: Oops.  Sorry.  What I'd recommend are ankle rotations before and braces/support while training.

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