Forum Replies Created
the lonster
Your folks got you your Christmas stuff, not Santa…
… the brand-name uptown department store shirts are really just generic/Made-In-China duds with a stamp-size label tacked on…
… Max Headroom was a live actor…
… the Wizard of Oz was a guy behind a curtain with SFX machinery…
… there's more to art than big buxom muscle babes.
The shocking revelations you learn every day. ::)
Hey, if it's from the hecklers in the crowds, I'd say ride 'em out. If it's an honest desire to expand your horizons/try new stuff… I say go for it. Whichever leaves you with a clean conscience and undisturbed sleep.
After the break… you CAN live a happy, fulfilling life without a spouse or sweetheart. Stay tuned. 😉
OK…You make a valid point..In fact you just pointed out what I'm trying to say here….It's alright to change your style..But do it because you want to…Not because you were forced to.
the lonster
ParticipantBut i would like to know…Which volume of Violence jack does it have the muscle girl bending the barbell?
Never mind….I've found out…..Vol 7.
the lonster
ParticipantBut i would like to know…Which volume of Violence jack does it have the muscle girl bending the barbell?
the lonster
ParticipantJust downloaded Iron Virgin Jun………SWEET! ;D
the lonster
ParticipantYou don't think so? I kinda thought a more realistic approach might stand out a bit more these days, since there's not a ton of artists who approach it from that angle.
No Offense Chris…But I Would Rather Have A Massive Andrah than A Realistic Andrah ….But I'll Support Your Choice.
the lonster
ParticipantThanks man……
That means a lot to me…..It's validates what i do.
I hope i can enlighten people With what was said here today.
Folks…just keep an open mind and you've taken your first step to a bigger world. 😉Nuff' said.
the lonster
ParticipantI draw muscular women…Because i like too.
Nuff' said.
the lonster
ParticipantSorry…I meant to say shouldn't not should….My bad. ;D
the lonster
ParticipantI know…
But i guess the point i was trying to make here is.If you're going to change your style of art…do it because you chose to…not because you were bullied into it.Art is an expression. . .Regardless what the topic is.Guys like Kinsyo,Dr.Otto,Even my good buddy Iczerman are talented artists in their own level and skills. they should have same rights to express themselves they way they want to and not be ridiculed by small minded morons who just don't get and don't like things that are unique and different.I had that same problem over at shezzyart But i stood my ground and told them if they don't like my art….Go someplace else!I'm not afraid to speak my mind and they should be either.Be proud guys…Even muscle girls needs love too. ;Dthe lonster
ParticipantI won't…as long as someone wants to see it…I'll do it. . .True I've done art that's non muscle girl related. . .BUT I will not forget what got me on the net in the first place and i never will and i won't be bullied or pushed away either And if that's the reason why Kinsyo stopped….Then it's a damn dirty shame.
Nuff' Said.
Lonnie Gaylor