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The Muffin man
ParticipantShe-Thulk sounds great so does shundra. And man this brings the count of Hulk children up to 3. I'd love to see a familly reunion…with alot of smashing.At the very least i want to see her meat her father.
I've been liking the mini so far.
HAMMER actually. I dunno, i kinda like it since you know he's enjoying every single second of it.
Sadly fell behind just after Secret Invasion, so I'm COMPLETELY lost. But I like the idea of making Norman Osborn a more influential character. He's one of the few Spider-man rogues who seems to get any mileage outside of Bullseye.
The Muffin man
ParticipantNot forgetting that they're forcing the Dark Reign stuff in there (I've no idea what that is, really beyond involving Osborne)… presumably to make it crossover fodder.
In short, Norman Osborn has become the most powerful man in the United States in that he is now the head of SHIELD.
The Muffin man
ParticipantI was vexed by the constant need to rehash, the regular flashbacks for no real reason and a great deal of talking and not much action… then I just went "Oh, yeah – this guy writes Lost."
What cracks me up is the solicits for each issue KEEP going on about this EPIC SLUGFEST and yes, comics are generally the worst offenders for massive hyperbole but with this title, it just makes me laugh.
Keep in mind the current EiC of Marvel pretty much hates the fans.
Or at least his attitude makes it seem that way.
(Of course DiDio is no better, since he just hates the characters)
The Muffin man
ParticipantTwo videos:
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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
So yeah, I'll take Palin over Obama any day of the week.
So you're saying you've never, once, in your life, said anything was retarded, gay, lame, etc?
Or said someone was a fag?
You've never said anything like this?
Ever?Also nice comparison.
I can easily find a video of her doing something less than noble and Obama doing something positive and pull the SAME bullshit, Lingster.
The Muffin man
ParticipantVery funny, but I'm serious. This can only end in tears. ::)
And I'm completely serious.
If someone gets hurt feelings over being wrong, well hell it's not my fault.The Muffin man
ParticipantYa know there are pictures of Katka that bare a striking resemblance to my girlfriend.
…You know, if my girlfriend was a bodybuilder.
(And yes, she knows of my fetish and is fine with it)The Muffin man
ParticipantSomething similar (Well, not really but a "sighting" thing) happened to me.
There was the time I worked at a Stop and Shop (local grocery chain) in Glastonbury, CT. A cute asian girl walks through my line, coat on (it was September/October, so it's varying between warm and chilly) with her items (a big, 30 pound bag of dogfood). I can't help but notice not only does she seem to have little trouble (other than the unwieldiness of the bag), she had a VERY muscular shape to her chest.The next time I see her (she came through my line, almost every tuesday, like clockwork at 8PM or so…seems she had a crush!) she had her jacket off, and I can quite clearly see she was in amazing shape, definitely at least an amateur bodybuilder. We exchanged greetings and a smile (but I wasn't exactly sure how to say 'Hey I think muscles are hot' without coming off as creepy).
Someone complained that "she looks like a man" (Fat lady. SHOCKER!) as she's leaving. I shrug and say "I dunno, I think it looks nice." I see the other girl turn around and smile (more a "Hey someone appreciates my work!" smile than a flirtatious one).Second separate occasion, an honest-to-god bodybuilder is at the front desk. She's wearing a dress that shows her (amazing) back, high heels, etc. I can SEE this woman is huge. And with her heels, easily 6 feet (I'm 5'10). She was with her boyfriend who I could care less about. ANOTHER fat lady says "how could anyone do that to themselves". This time I have to bite my tongue, or risk blurting out "Like you should talk, fatass."
Third (but not final!) was in Big Y, another local supermarket chain (but highly inferior…and S&S canned my ass so there's no company loyalty :P) It was only in passing, a girl right behind me (What the hell, do I like, give off a vibe that I won't recoil in horror?) as I'm getting some stuff for spaghetti for dinner. I can't exactly exchange pleasantries, but after realizing I was heading out the wrong door, I circle around and catch a glimpse of her flexing (well, reaching for her bag :P) her back, and it's definitely gorgeous and muscular. And she was cute, too!
Fourth (And final!) is fairly recent. Was in another Stop and Shop (Tip to all muscle fans: SUPERMARKETS!) one afternoon, when a woman cuts us off. Me and my friend roll our eyes, and my eyes instinctively head to the floor, where I see her calves. At first I put it out of my mind as just a fat chick with fat legs, but as I get another look at her at the checkout (again, directly behind me), I notice she…well, for lack of a better term, LOOKS like a bodybuilder. Her neck/chest is fairly defined, and her skin has that look that it's taken a bit TOO much fake tan spray in its' time (or at least recently).
Oh, not really final…but this one was far more "incidental".
I was at Ozzfest one year (well okay, like, the past FIVE years, and she was there 3 of those 5 from what I saw) there was a very muscular bodybuilder who was about 5'7-5'9" (I'm a terrible judge of height. She was DEFINITELY shorter than me) standing around. In fact she may have been the woman from the third encounter (Connecticut's not exactly a big place).
Anyway, I'm lookin' for my friends, so I'm trying to squeeze through the crowd. I place my hand on her (very muscular!) should and say "Excuse me." she smiles as I touch her shoulder and notices me noticing it (I was trying to get through! Honest!) and says "Hey I usually make guys pay to touch!" I laugh and say "Shit, where's my wallet" and whip out my *empty* wallet as part of the joke. We (me, her, and her friends, etc) all laugh as she courteously steps aside for me to look for my friends.And (AGAIN SORRY GEEZ) I guess not final but not exactly fantastically muscular, my friend used to cut meat at a deli counter, and it made her right arm pretty buff and solid. I used to joke that she could knock someone out with it.
The Muffin man
ParticipantShal we leave the evolution debate behind, gentlemen?
Not really a "debate".
It's one side with facts and one side flailing their arms and demanding their Magic Sky Daddy throw lightning at me.
The Muffin man
ParticipantHmm… this thread might get a little too political for this forum. It's best we just go back to focusing on beautiful muscular women.
Hey if Dave wants to take it to PMs I'll more than happily do it.
I'm just sick of the "OH MY GOD EVERYONE LOVES OBAMA" crap when the media spends its' days pretty much talking about how he's been in office almost 2 months and OH MY GOD WHERE'S MY JETPACKS AND KITTEN FARTS!
Hell even I gave Bush up until a year or so into his first term before I went from silent grumbling to outright complaining.The Muffin man
ParticipantI will agree that the word "bitch" is out of line here, but…
We have to go by what we see on TV or read in the newspapers, since none of us will ever (except under some extraordinary circumstances) get to know her personally. But if I interpret GWHH's second sentence correctly, he may have been trying to refer to her "mean country" remark. Since those remarks, as well as her insistence that it's only now that she can feel "proud of [her] country", were reported accurately, those remarks do become a legitimate reason for criticism of her.
As far as "biased" TV and press coverage, it's been overwhelmingly positive bordering on sycophantic toward the Obamas.
You don't get out much, I take it?
My friend, Democrats did a lot more than simply "groan and roll their eyes." They called Republicans, and especially Bush, every nasty name in the book. "Moron", "idiot", "fascist", "Hitler", "dictator", "racist", "sexist", "homophobe", the list is long and disgusting.
Well, he's not exactly bright (or doesn't seem to bright when he fumbles over simple words, and can't be bothered to turn the book upright during a photo op), he took away basic human rights with the patriot act, I dunno about racist or sexist, but definitely homophobic (And no, Clinton wasn't exactly a saint either.)
Now, what about the Republicans? Do they get a free pass, suddenly?
They spoke often about how they wanted Bush to fail. They wrote novels and plays and made movies fantasizing about the assassination of Bush.
I call BS. Either put up or shut up, as they say. Give me one (NON-BIASED) site that has an actual "Bush assassination fantasy" film, book, or play.
And no a bunch of drunk idiots on Youtube doesn't count.On top of that we have people OPENLY saying they want Obama to fail.
Not under their breath.
Not rolling their eyes.
Hell, they didn't give him a MONTH (hell, a week) before they called for his impeachment.And would you like to remind the class who insisted Obama couldn't POSSIBLY be an American Citizen? Because I'm pretty sure no one claimed Bush wasn't a citizen.
Additionally, they did everything they could to destroy anyone who dared criticize Obama, from political figures like Sarah Palin to private citizens like Samuel J. "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher.
…Except Sarah Palin is an idiot(NO "What newspapers do you read" IS NOT A 'GOTCHA' QUESTION) and Sam Wurzelbacher is not only NOT a plumber, but he pretty much dove head first into punditry in order to try and look good, and ended up failing miserably.