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  • in reply to: 3 new pics at deviantART #73385

    Always fun to see you post new pictures :)! Keep up the work. And if you post more pictures of the cat fight, be sure to let us know. Love this series!


    I'm with Jimmy's camp in that I nor my characters use the lord's name in vain when I write, and swears are reserved for very special circumstances.

    Mostly with anything else, I do my best to not censor myself as I go along. Censorship usually comes later when I try to tailor a piece of material for a specific audience.

    As for the minors issue, particularly with the growth crowd, I think it's one of those things that has to do with extremes. For a growth fan, usually the more extreme the growth from beginning to end, the more tittilating it can be. However, that's still no excuse to use minors in a story for things that could get you in trouble. That's why in all of my stories, none of the growth related devices will work if the subject in question is under the age of eighteen. It's part joke and part failsafe so I don't get in hot water.

    in reply to: To create a comic…Halp! #72045

    If you're after some good examples to look at for help in creating a good comic, check out some of Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo collections. I know it's a black and white comic about a ronin bunny samurai warrior in feudal japan, but when it comes to how to set up pages and panel construction, I think he's one of the best in the business.

    in reply to: Shawna Walker #25600

    I think I'm in love, dude… whoa…

    in reply to: FMG Cookies For Xmas. (NSFW) #65053

    Super awesome and sexy! Well done beyond words! Thanks, Atariboy. Merry Christmas to you too!

    P.S.: We need to put some of those in the amaz0ns lobby.

    in reply to: Re: Schoolgirl morphs (NSFW) #64747

    That was uber hot! Stellar morphing and then kudos to Lingster for putting the comic together. Very well done! You both did spectacular with what you had to work with.

    in reply to: Are your growth fetishes secret? #63001

    Secret for me. Virtually no one knows about that i have this fetish, I'll bring it up every once and a while with some friends but they usually all freak out and go ZOMG MAN, THOSE CHICS LOOK LIKE DUDES. My dad walked in on me once when i was younger and i was looking at muscle growth vid by Annie R. and he just looked at me weird and hasn't talked about it since. I've tried getting away from this fetish cause i spend a lot of time on the pc looking for new stuff. For example, during lent i decided to give up FMG for 40days and 40 nights… i gave in the next day =P.

    I tried that one year… didn't work. It's like the plot of that one movie, 40 Days and Nights; trying to give up sex and fetishes, while probably the best thing one should give up for lent, well… it's probably such a big thing that you will cave hard. Don't beat yourself up over it  :).

    in reply to: Are your growth fetishes secret? #62986

    Outside of folks I know online and maybe a close friend or two, it's a locked down secret. I'm very guarded about telling people about my DA site and the artwork I produce. No one I know of in Warcraft knows the kind of work I produce, and I do wonder how they'd react. Some of my City of Heroes friends were very positive about what I do.

    in reply to: My first (well, fourth really) animation (NSFW) #62893

    I will work on brightening the image more next time. I was told earlier that flatscreens make things brighter than they do on other monitors. Will do better!  🙂

    in reply to: My first (well, fourth really) animation (NSFW) #62891

    Will do, ze fly!  😀 TC2 just gave me some sound effects to incorporate, which should be really cool!

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