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ParticipantSo… in ten years time… we will not be satisfied until the growing woman has breasts the size of the moon and biceps the size of the earth and a six-pack you could recreate the United States of America on?
Great! Now we just need to find a woman who wants to get this big 😀
ParticipantI dunno… if the girl of my dreams suddenly hulked out in front of me and had this insane desire to rip my clothes off (but not rip me to shreds), I'd be pretty happy for that cliche.
Not too keen on the homicidal rampage aspect of FMG, but the potential of a female expressing her inner rage after growing would probably be pretty high.
ParticipantOh… I have an idea.
Cliches are not bad! Some seek out cliches in order to best emulate them. So, in short, cliches rock in some instances, like FMG ;).
So bring on the magic potions, gamma radiation, bad milk, and alien drugs to make an awesome button popping, seam tearing, bust breaking time!
Participantlol… we will not flame you for a few reasons 😉
1) Do not flame female posters in what can be called 'a fetish oriented site revolving around females'. It's just bad and will probably make most of the female lurkers feel bad.
2) It sounds like you take it serious enough to make your personal fantasies come alive, whether they be cliches or not. And letting personal fantasies come to life is just plain awesome.
3)I'm darn skippy happy that the genre has a fetish at its heart, whether there is sex involved or not.
4) Not an actual writer? Your stories sure are good enough to me at capturing the FMG moment, which is a big reason why people come check such stories out in the first place.
Honestly, writers can concern themeselves with metaphors and plot and character development a lot, and that's awesome… but when a story is a FMG story, what one REALLY wants is it to have some nice spotlights on the FMG
It's like Orson Scott Card's (omg I just brought up Orson Scott Card on a FMG message board) MICE quotient for stories: Each story has its fair share of mileu (setting), Idea (like a question in a mystery), character, or event (saving the world by destroying the one ring). Now, I would hypothesize that for a FMG story, the I in MICE is really big, centering around the idea of FMG, or there's a really big fifth letter (F) for the FMG. In short, the nuts and bolts of a story are nice, but… it is bare bones pornography, even if there's no sex taking place 😉
Tara = not flamed!
ParticipantOne thing I might add; I think my personal limits in what is too big have progressed over the years.
When I first started out, I thought breasts like Readyart's and muscles like SyberStyk's were too big. Now I'm rather quite fond of both lol. Anyone else have this problem? Uh… not that it's really a problem… 😀
ParticipantWell… where is that FMG bible, dude? lol
I read the 100 laws of BE Physics and that was hilarious! I could really see you doing the same thing for FMG and just cut and paste one acronym for another.
he he he… really funny if you've seen a lot of BE/FMG cliches come and go.
ParticipantMeh, keep on talking SyberStyk. You can't fillibuster in forums, especially on a friendly topic like this :D.
I kept listening to Evanescence's Fallen CD and kept imagining more and more of their songs being put to FMG, including:
Going Under
Bring Me to Life (appropriate but everyone's heard it approximately one million two hundred and two thousand nine hundred fifty three times)
Everybody's Fool
Taking Over Me
My Last BreathCall me crazy, but I kept finding their lyrics to be a little suggestive for a FMG scene, which I liked lol.
I also was listening to the Xenosaga soundtrack the other day and thought "Battling KOS-MOS" would make a nice FMG song because it has that nice heavy hitting rhythmic quality some of our posters have mentioned, but I think it loops too much for it to be really effective.
But for a quick short one that felt epic in nature, I think it would work.
Also, SyberStyk, given the size we've seen some of your girls get up to, what's wrong with having some 'epic' metal in the background? Unless of course you were going for a totally different word :D. I think they reach epic size in a good way.
ParticipantWow, looks like someone in Brazil got SyberStyk's mutagen to finally work on humans… She is ripped!
ParticipantShoes/Footwear/Hosiery: Soccer slides, knee high lace up boots with heels, SOCKS (when she's wearing JUST socks. ugh hate it), Birkenstock clogs (vomitewwwgrossfrigginhipstercrap), skate shoes and friggin' CHUCK TAYLORS. CHUCK TAYLORS ARE SO UNLADYLIKE. THERE SHOULD BE A NATIONAL LAW BANNING WOMEN FROM WEARING THEM.
I just have to say, on some girls, growing out of some Chuck Taylors would be hot. The shoes were made for it. One piece of shoe leather that pops right off, and then a good solid guard of laces that would put up a good fight only to give away one at a time.
Poor guys never really stood a chance, thank goodness lol.
And yes, I've met girls who wear Chuck Taylors. They look quite well in them. However, if said girls were growth inclined, they would probably save their Chuck's because they are quite fond of them.
ParticipantOh hell yeah, man! A symphony of ripping clothes, bulging muscles, and gutteral moans… although with Amy Lee, those moans might not be so gutteral :D. Almost lyrical!
I agree on the no narration part. Let the growth speak for itself ;D
Also, what's so bad about a flute? I could see it underscoring the vulnerability of a woman hulking out. Confusion, ecstasy, I think the flute could help retain the wispier bits of the woman in the beginning, but by the end it had better progressed to some hard crunching heavy metal already or some such.