Trash Boat

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  • in reply to: Cory Everson #112096
    Trash Boat

    Thank god for hormone therapy. She’s looking great as ever.

    in reply to: The good ol’ days of female bodybuilding #112095
    Trash Boat

    Thanks for your recollections.

    Mix all that up and fbbing is dead. Strongwoman and things like that have potential as does women’s weightlifting. Even men’s bodybuilding is dead. I have no idea who is a famous male bb now. No Lou Ferrigno or Arnolds these days. The sport has become underground. The few women who are active are as good as ever. ‘Nutrition” and training have improved. However, way less girls. I used to just go to my gym and get a surprise show 10 times a year with some amazing monster…and we had a few world class fbbs. Nothing now

    It’s just not bodybuilding. Being strong was big in the 70’s when Vasily Alekseyev, the Russian superheavyweight weightlifter, got into cover of Time magazine and one athletic coach used to tell my how shot put and discus throw were big in Europe and relatively in the states. The women started to surface as well in the 80’s but the tone changed when drug usage become very obvious and the soviet block women with manly appearance basically become a laughing stock.

    The good news is girls are more involved in strength sports than ever before and thus getting bigger and stronger. Times have changed alot. Think of how DWI enforcement has changed over 30 years. The same thing has happened recently to roids. MLB players use creams that are out of your body in 12 hours now. No more hardcore stuff with testing always possible.

    This is one where tjere is room to grow. Since women weightlifting got into olympics in 2000, the level of competition has exploded. It’s still not a popular sport by any standard but at least there are some women setting an example that ladies can be strong too. In powerlifting I don’t really know has the trend shown any change and strongwomen is a really just a showcase for a very few ladies.

    One thing what seems to have become big in recent years is Crossfit. And it really uses women wearing just micro shorts and small tops to get coverage. It seems to get a lot of critique for poor form and unqualified trainers, but it’s a new sport and these things take time progress. Anyway, it has allured lots of women to grab a bar, do chin-ups and gymnastics etc. and that’s what matters the most.

    in reply to: Lee Hyeon-Joo ( 이현주 ) #112062
    Trash Boat

    She is bigger than the rest. But maybe they don’t want big women.

    So it seems. Quite funny since it’s heavyweight bodybuilding, not fitness or physique.

    in reply to: The good ol’ days of female bodybuilding #112061
    Trash Boat

    I think changing attitudes toward drug use are a significant factor. At this point, drug testing is certainly a necessary, though probably not a sufficient, condition for bodybuilding to be viewed as a legitimate pastime.

    But I think it’s also true that as BBers (of both sexes, though especially women) get bigger, they get farther and farther from mainstream standards of attractiveness, and hence less and less tolerable (I don’t think that’s too strong a word) in mainstream entertainment.

    On the women’s side, I think that fitness and physique will (continue to) grow in popularity as female strength becomes more universally accepted and praised. (Which I think is basically inevitable: culture, like science, advances one funeral at a time.) If BBing ever returns to the limelight, it will follow upon that.

    I agree with the drug issue. It’s hard to say how much the “war against drugs” has affect on PED use. Sweden made some headlines arresting muscular people of the street due to new drug policy when steroids were seen no different in legal point of view than other drugs.

    I see this kind of same like the attitudes towards smoking; before commonly accepted, but now, pressured more and more into a corner. Though in the other hand, public opinions seems to be more open with marijuana and other lighter stuff.

    As for the body image, fitness and physique should be more easily marketted as a healthy way of life. Ironic thing thought that there’s steroid use already in bikini.

    in reply to: Lee Hyeon-Joo ( 이현주 ) #112018
    Trash Boat

    Stumbled to this while surfing. Uploaded to Dailymotion since the Korean sites are so slow to watch. Korean championships 2011. Lee didn’t place in the top three. Can’t really see why.

    Lee’s turn @5:08

    in reply to: T-shirt w/ DCM artwork – Stolen Work? #112013
    Trash Boat

    Is this the old thing you’re talking about when Katil Luoto wore Tetsuko shirt in this grip strength competition?

    in reply to: Hey Everyone look at this!!!! #112009
    Trash Boat

    This brings a smile to my face for real.

    Quite. Female fitness world really needs more exposure in the every day media. And not always with the shock factor.

    in reply to: Mavi Gioia #111931
    Trash Boat

    Voi viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittu.

    in reply to: Natalia Romashko #111547
    Trash Boat

    She is incredible, beauty and power.


    in reply to: Official Thread: Just Who is this Muscle Babe? #111437
    Trash Boat

    Kathrine Bak

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