Trash Boat

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  • in reply to: Some muscular female athletes #79990
    Trash Boat

    Hanna-Maria Seppälä 173 cm (5'8") 64 kg (141 lb)  Swimmer from Finland who has won several championships and medals from mostly 100 m freestyle or medley. Website:

    Working as a beach guard:

    in reply to: Some muscular female athletes #79989
    Trash Boat

    Aneta"Van Horn" Florczyk. 168 cm (5'6") 75 kg yeah, right (165 lb)  A Polish strongwoman who has won world strongest woman title four times. Some record lifts:
    Squat          245 kg
    Benchpress 135 kg
    Deadlif         270 kg
    Snatch         105 kg
    Clean and jerk  135 kg

    Lifting men:
    Rolling a pan:

    in reply to: Some muscular female athletes #79988
    Trash Boat

    Marit Bjørgen (Bjoergen) 168 cm (5'6") 64 kg (141 lb) Half squat 170 kg (375 lb)

    Buff cross country skier from Norway. World champion in sprint and 30 classical 2005 and several medals from other years including 2002 and 2006 olympics.

    in reply to: Elena Oana Hreapca (Romania) #33383
    Trash Boat

    Well I'm not a FBB judge, but according to the back picture you posted couple of weeks ago, you seem to have quite a wide lat spread, and I've always thought, that your shoulders are pretty big. Now that said, big is always comparable in bodybuilding, but I guess the strength is more easely measured; 95 kg shoulder press is huge for a woman. 

    But I now stop these stupid questions before I make a total fool of myself. Good luck in your upcoming competitions.

    P.S. your most muscular poses are incredible  😉

    in reply to: Re: Gymnasts vs. Football Team Strength Challenge #79650
    Trash Boat

    ;DA women's NFL….now you are talking. The WNFL. ;D

    Would really love to see that. Women are in boxing, wrestling and in others masculine sports – which is good – so why not. It seems that they are already playing rugby at some level, but I don't know much about these, because those are not popular around here.

    in reply to: Re: Mavi Gioia **NSFW** Amazon Bath Girl (nuff said!) #67126
    Trash Boat

    Her glutes and thigs….are just….well…errr…out of words…

    in reply to: Elena Seiple #40940
    Trash Boat

    In point of fact, in the past when she was into powerlifting/strength contests I did post about it here – HOWEVER, that said, the problem is she's not given to posting much in the way of any (free) pictures @ her blog/website.  This is a visually driven media, after all and to grab the attention of the membership (here or anywhere) requires photographs to make it a subject worthy of interest and discussion.

    Yes, I understand you here. It is difficult to keep up the conversation, if you don't have any material for it. My last centences were stupid. Sorry, no meant to put any words in anybodys mouth.

    What I really meant to say, that it is nice to have people like Elena, who are knocking down boarder fences between different events. Good ambassadors of their primary sport, and good example for the junior athletes.

    in reply to: Elena Oana Hreapca (Romania) #33381
    Trash Boat

    In your homepage you say: "I realized that I didn’t possess the perfect bone structure for bodybuilding, I had a deep drive to change my body, and did so with time." So what do you mean by that? What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses to be as a bodybuilder?

    in reply to: Kristi Bruce! #79661
    Trash Boat

    It seems if I recognised right, that somebody has just uploaded some new videos of her in dailymotion.

    Great chest and arms.

    in reply to: Re: Gymnasts vs. Football Team Strength Challenge #79648
    Trash Boat

    As many times already said in previous posts, this test was really made in favor of the gymnasts. Of course they are better in events, which are very close to their sport. But nevertheless they both are amasing athlets both. Especially gymnasts have really good upperbody strengrh, but their legs seem to fall behind, if you judge them like you would look at for example bodybuilders. But they train for their own sport, and they don't have to think that way.

Viewing 10 posts - 881 through 890 (of 905 total)