Wapsi Square

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    Speaking of Wapsi Square, I bet I’m not the only Lakshmi fan on the net. Am I right? 😉

    David C. Matthews

    Speaking of Wapsi Square, I bet I’m not the only Lakshmi fan on the net. Am I right? 😉

    "You are correct, sir!" I’ve been waiting for Lakshmi to return to the strip for awhile now… although lately Shelley’s been looking nicely buffed…

    Zespara Alathar

    Lakshmi last appeared a couple of months ago in the strip in which she practically mauled her beau. She’s a strong one that’s for sure.



    [quote="Axel3.14"]Speaking of Wapsi Square, I bet I’m not the only Lakshmi fan on the net. Am I right? 😉

    "You are correct, sir!" I’ve been waiting for Lakshmi to return to the strip for awhile now… although lately Shelley’s been looking nicely buffed…[/quote]

    There was a character overhaul, and every character started looking different. Lakshmi actually seems less bulky now. 🙁

    Back to Monica, what do you all thiunk about the other superheroine spoofs. Spider girl is the one that protrudes in my mind, but i think there might have been a superman one.

    Deadly Pixxxie

    The art does look really different…but Monica looks cuter now…

    And I’ve seen the superheroine spoofs….I love ’em.

    "Monica Bounce!"


    Muscle Growth Nut
    Zespara Alathar

    Yeah, Shelly is at it again. 🙂

    It might be time for some good old fashioned flexing from her.


    David C. Matthews

    Oh, it keeps getting better… see Tuesday’s strip:


    There are a lot of guys who’re thinking what Heather is thinking in the last panel! 😆

    Matthew Lim

    I’m definitly on the same thought page as Heather 😀

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Some necessary thread necromancy. This week's strips have seen some great shots of Shelly's arms, but today's in particular is worth mentioning.

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