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  • #16411

    ….of Art

    More Fifties style muscle babes.

    "Nice Sweater? I'm even wearing one."

    I bet a lot of you guys would go to ballets if you could see this there.

    Oh look, more fetish combining!

    Leather, check; lots of belts, check; weapons, check; Über buff'n'busty robot chick with a cute face, double check.

    And who says all Air-force Pilots are wimps.

    Guess who.

    Now, here's the lovely lady in red.


    Oh, wow. The second one, the sweater girl, is far and away my favourite. I love the way her left bicep 'shadows' her left breast. I'm not sure which one I want to be bigger! 👿

    Thanks very much for this work!


    Aw… you had me all psyched that it would involve pixel art of some kind…

    Excellent stuff regardless.


    Aw… you had me all psyched that it would involve pixel art of some kind…

    Well, if you really want some pixel art, here are some old sprites that I've made a while ago.


    Looking cool. Good job.

    Tommy Dreamer

    If I were a better ROM hacker, I could probably put Muscle Jasmine in the Sega Genesis version of Aladdin.  As it is, great sprite, great work.


    great stuff AD!

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