Any idea what this woman must be thinking?

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    There must be a story (or two, or more…) behind this.

    One idea I had might be for a woman who quits smoking, and, after a period of weight gain, attempts to control it by working out–only to be surprised by the results… and decide on different goals…

    Well, that’s one idea–any other inspirations perhaps?


    And among other things, this sculpture does remind me of the Tom & Jerry episode, "Dr. Jerry and Mr. Mouse" (of course, in this case, it would be a "Ms."…)

    If this superhero/supervillain could have a name (other than that given by the artist), what are some good choices?

    Mark Newman

    She’s thinking, "Not only are my muscles twice the size of these silly, puny men, but I’m also hard as steel. Heh-heh-heh"

    Seriously, it was a sculpture of a goddess like this at the Brooklyn Museum that I saw when I was two that no doubt started me down the long road of amazon fetishes.


    It’d be nice to see a story of how she got that way!


    What would be the legality of using this image–or even the sculpture’s name–for a comic book, or novel, or a movie or TV show?

    If this was a comic book character, can anyone suggest a good character name?


    The artist name is Gaston Lachaise. He married the woman of his dreams of the day, early 1920’s. He had a serious muscle fetish which he bought forth in this amazing bronze statue. The statue shows the raw power of woman. The artist was able to bring to life what was in his mind not much unlike Scoundrel, Cancuz etc.


    It’d be nice to see a TF story inspired by this–the story of how this woman might’ve gotten this way…

    And I still would like to know the legality of using tis image for, say, a comic book, a novel, or even a TV show….

    Perhaps there might even be a "fanfic" kind of angle…


    One more thing:

    If this woman was real, what would her strength level be?

    How long would it take for an "average"-sized woman to develop herself into this way? What sort of exercise or diet would help?

    could biofeedback or hypnosis help in any way?


    Wow! Some great sculpture there! I look forward to other Femuscle artists from round here getting their work exhibited in galleries some day in the future…


    Y’know, she does look sort of like a mutant version of Virginia Madsen…


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