Are we being updated slowly?

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  • #9875

    I think this belongs in this topic area.

    Most of the features in this forum are now broken images. The reply buttons, for example, are just red X's. The background is plain white, the quoted text doesn't show up properly, and the lines between threads are non-existent. This happened on Wednesday, and I figured the site was undergoing some renovations, but it's still like this (Friday). Is this some kind of slow update, or is there a bug? I didn't see this on the Announcements and Updates section.

    Also, why did we change the time between two posts? I didn't see anyone spamming.

    The problem has since gone away, and I really like the new logos and buttons 🙂


    Try clicking her 'refresh/reload' button.
    I's have no trouble with the images but have experienced similar troubles on other forums -usually due to ISP and internal computer problems.
    If the problems continues, best to scan your hard drive for errors and e-mail Lingster to see if your codes are not compatable.
    That is the only advice that can currently be offered.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    Try clicking her 'refresh/reload' button.
    I's have no trouble with the images but have experienced similar troubles on other forums -usually due to ISP and internal computer problems.
    If the problems continues, best to scan your hard drive for errors and e-mail Lingster to see if your codes are not compatable.
    That is the only advice that can currently be offered.
    The Pimp NeonBlack

    Thanks, Pimp. I will try logging in on another computer to see if the problem persists.



    i had this problem yesterday too…broken links…and control panel images

    Muscle Growth Nut

    I had the same problem a couple of days ago, but everything's fine now.


    Hmmm…what's going on? I mean, is it an update? Lingster was mentioning something about more smilies.

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