- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 11 months ago by
December 31, 2004 at 3:25 am #2235
GuestThis is an adult story, with very adult themes. If you are not of age, would be spiritually harmed by looking at something other than the Virgin Marry, or just a prude. Go else where please. If you have criticism, please use your computers build in “Download Elements for Literature Enhancements To Editor” key on your keyboard. Also know by its acronym, the DELETE key.
Automobile GTS
Part one.The day started out just like any other. Marry took a quick shower, got dressed, applied make up, and had a quick breakfast, before she finally got into her car and started the long commute into the city. In fact, she was feeling rather good When she stepped outside and saw the first hints of sunrise peeking out from in between the sky line filled with still lit sky scrapers. The silhouetted hues of fiery read to passion orange being framed as they were. Of course, this would be short lived as soon she would have to drive into rush hour traffic, with the sun directly in her eyes.
"Rush," of course, was far from being an accurate term. It was more like a giant, eight-lane by forty mile long parking lot. But she was ahead of schedule today, so she should still get to work a bit early. And the view greeting her was still spectacular, so she decided that this was plenty reason to feel good about the day.
But she had no more than pulled onto the freeway, and into the grinding crawl of traffic, when Mary began to feel a bit off. As the traffic continued to craw along, she began to actually feel feverish. So she turned on the AC, and pointed the vents to blast her self with cool air.
But it didn’t seem to help. The cold air was however, having an affect on her nipples, and she began to feel them becoming engorged, and starting to poke into her brazier. So she redirected the air to the floor.
Finally, traffic began to move, all be it slowly. The reason for the slow up became apparent when she drove past a quite common traffic accident. Only now were the police starting to redirect traffic and clear the lanes. Once past, she was able to make up some time.
But her discomfort continued to make its presence known as she squirmed in her seat. She began to take notice of her engorged nipples once more, despite the cold air being directed else where.
That was when she felt it. It was an odd sensation, sort of a quiver in her nipples. Then without warning, this twitching became a white hot, and exploded with a powerful sexual stimulation. The feeling was so intense and so sudden and powerful, that she veered violently in her lane, and had to struggle to regain control. Had she of been going any faster, she might have caused yet another car accident.
But the sensation continued. In fact, it was becoming more powerful by the second. Soon, Marry was panting for breath as her heart raced in her chest. She felt her nipples become more engorged than she had ever felt them before. In fact, she could swore she felt them actually stretching, pushing into her braw and blouse.
And she didn’t just feel it either. She could hear her nipples growing as well, sounding like stretching leather. She could feel the cups of her bra shift over her B cup breast, and the bra straps tightening behind her back, even as she tried to keep her focus centered on her driving. The combination of which pushed her dangerously close to the edge of orgasm.
This stimulation continued four about four minutes, but lasted for what seemed like an eternity to her. And that she had to focus driving first only served to frustrate her. But despite her concentration, she could still clearly feel her nipples stretching longer, thicker, and harder, inside her bra, making the straps tighter and tighter.
Finally, it ended. And Mary was left panting, trying to catch her breath and to calm her body from the quivers that resulted from this lingering lust. But some how, she dodged the pulled of an all consuming orgasm, and was able to focus her attention back onto her driving, even as the traffic continued to slowly crawl along.
Thinking that the stimulation was some how the result of her imagination, she felt around the front of her right breast. But it was very apparent this was not the work of her imagination. She could clearly feel a super sized nipple, poking into her bra like an iron tent pole. Just palming the top of her blouse was enough to make her gasp, as it was far more sensitive than she ever remembered feeling it. Her anarolles could even feel the raw heat radiating from her nipples.
But she had only managed ten more miles when she again felt that odd shuttering sensation again. This time, it wasn’t just her nipples, but the whole of both breasts.
At the same time, traffic crawled to a complete stop, so she planted on the brakes, and waited for the traffic to begin moving again. But her train of thought was bluntly interrupted when the twitching/quivering sensation, again exploded into white hot, raw, sexual power. She tightly gripped the steering wheal with both hands, using it as a sort of anchor in the real world she her breath sped, until she was exhaling with short grunts.
Again, she could hear that sound of stretching leather again, though louder this time. But she could also hear the sound of stretching cotton, as strain began to accumulate in the straps and stitching of her bra. Her nipples pushed ahead, like stainless steel rots intent on peaking there way out into the open. But this time, they were reinforced by the breast themselves as they rapidly swelled up in size, thrusting her nipples forwarded all the more. They surged ahead with each breath, and then held there ground with each exhale.
It was now all too apparent that there would be no dodging the orgasmic bullet this time. So there was nothing she could do but clamp down on the brakes, grapple the steering wheal, and hold on, bracing for what was coming for her.
The stretching cotton finally reached a crescendo, and snapped, as her back straps finally gave way. She could feel her breast flesh spilling out from underneath the cups of her bra, and noticed that her blouse starting to become filled to capacity as well, with the buttons down the front starting to strain. But still they continued to grow, pulsing larger with each breath she took.
Finally, she could hold back no longer, and her guttural panting collapsed into a full blown sexual cry. Her whole body violently quivered as the full force of her orgasm asserted it self. Her eyes flew open, as she let out a loud primitive scream. Her body shook with orgasmic quakes. "Oh yes!" she shouted, over and over, encouraging the sensations, even as a part of her continued to try and resist.
Her boobs continued to grow, until the seams of her bra cups finally split open. One by one, the buttons along the front of her blouse failed as her nipples and boob flesh pushed them aside. The seams under her arms also failed, giving up more room for her womanhood to expand in.
Her orgasm only peeked when her boobs finished there growth spurt. This left her quite drained, and panting from exhaustion. That was when she suddenly noticed that the freeway traffic had moved up, while she was still parked. Horns were honking rudely behind her, demanding that she keep up. So she let off the brakes, and crawled ahead the few car lengths that was open to her.
Only then did she take stock at how large her breast had become. They were still covered with remnants of blouse and bra alike, as very little was holding them around her bosom, and neither could contain them. It took little work to pull them aside to expose her womanhood underneath. Her nipples had grown as large as her thumb, and looked to be quite rigged. But each boob had gone from B cups, to the size of basket balls in the mater of a few minutes.
She suddenly felt very naked. As luck would have it, she just so happened to have a sweater with her, just within arms reach. It was intended to be used once she got into the office. The air-conditioning was always turned way too high. When the traffic stopped again, she snatched it from the back seat, and pulled it on, literally pulling the wool over her bust, and the sensation of wool being pulled over her ragingly hard nipples was almost enough to send her back into orgasmic throws. But she managed to contain herself, still noting that the sweater still did little to contain or hide her thumb sized nipples.
The way the stitching stretched over bosom made her boobs seem larger than they were, openly advertising just how much space they took up between her and the steering wheal. To steer, Marry had to reach around them, feeling the raw volume of boob flesh force her arms out.
That was when she noticed that she had overshot her exit. Looking at her watch, she calculated that this mistake would eat up nearly all of her spare time. In fact, if she didn’t hit all the stop lights just right, she could easily be late. So she began to force her way to the next exit ramp. Again, she found herself waiting in line as some idiot ahead of her was foolishly attempting to make left turns into dense city traffic. She was tempted to lay on the horn. But that would bring attention to her that she didn’t really want to attract at this point in time.
She sat there, waiting at a dead stop, when she felt that quivering pre-growth sensation again. She gulped nervously as this sensation was now even more wide spread than before, now including her hips, thighs, and legs. Of course, there was one erogenous zone that was going to explode with lust once the next growth spurt struck.
"Oh no," she said, "not again."
She began to hyper ventilate, bracing herself for what was going to come. And as she knew she would, her cunt exploded with a fire storm of sexual power, and she cried out. With that stretching sound, her tits began to swell into her sweater. But now her hips were widening as well, and her legs lengthening to absolutely erotic proportions. The meat of her legs began to fill her pants. Her belt began to tighten around her waist. Her knees began to rise up and became entangled with the steering wheal. Her tits swelled to such a size that they began press into the steering wheal, and soon applied enough pressure to lay on the horn. The seams of her pants finally split open, exposing the creamy color of her leg to the outside world.
And soon, Marry was launched once again into the blissful world of her own orgasm, but not so much so that she could not watch her own body as it continued to change proportions at an alarming rate. Eventually, this growth spurt came to an end, just as all the others did. And when her spurt died, that was only when she was finally aloud to come down from her orgasmic peek.
Her knees were now wedged up against the steering wheal. Her tits were now the size of watermelons, filling the space between her and the steering wheal. Her left boob even pinned her arm against the door. And as impossible as it seemed, even her bulky sweater had ran out of room, and was starting to rip open. But it was far from defeated just yet.
Her right hand reached under her boob, and past her leg to let the seat back. Once released, her tits sprang her back to the furthest notch. This also let her legs out as well, but they were still cramped into too small a space. But even if she could let the chair back more, the steering wheal, thanks to her boobs, was not fully at arms reach. Driving like this was not going to be easy.
She wondered if she should even try to go to work like this. She was starting to feel like a freak. But it was a moot issue at the moment as the car ahead of her was still trying to make its left turn. Eventually, the fool gave up, and made a right turn, cutting across traffic. But the flow was restored, and now limited only to the timing of the stop light ahead.
Mary decided that she needed to pull off the road as soon as she could. But traffic moved along at an absurdly slow pace, and she began to wonder if she would even reach the light before her next growth spurt hit. And once it did, there would be no way she could continue driving, because she wouldn’t even fit in behind the wheal.
She breathed a sigh of relief as the light turned green, and the traffic began to move again. But they were too slow in getting started. The seconds ticked by as the green light became more and more stale. Than the light turned red again, and it was the car directly in front of her that chose to respect it.
She gulped nervously. This was taking too long. It seemed that all hope was lost now. So she prayed that the light would change one more time before the next spurt hit her like a run away, locomotive of pure lust and carnal pleasure. Come on, come on!
But with the light still red, she began to once again, feel the subtle shuddering that announced the coming of yet another growth spurt. This time, it was her whole body. She could feel this sensation from the tips of her fingers, to the tips of her toes.
She had to give it up. There was now no way she should continue to drive safely. So she took the car out of drive, and into park.
She then began to pant, advancing her breath, as she gripped the steering wheal once more. "Okay girl, here we grow again," she said to herself.
Like clock work, her entire body exploded into a super nova of carnal force. But she resisted, trying to keep her growth contained, as she was now out of room. If she became any larger, she would be wedged inside her own car.
That was when the light turned green. The car in front of her sped off through the intersection, but Mary’s car didn’t move an inch. It didn’t take long for the cars behind her to start lying on there horn, demanding that she moved along. There was Hummer immediately behind her with its driver completely run out of patients as he laid on a blaringly loud and rude horn.
Mary barley took notice, as she was lost in the sensations of her ever expanding body. This time, it was every inch of her that was growing. Her toes pressed into her shoes, her blouse began to be pulled apart by her widening shoulders, as she could feel her head rise up above her head rest.
But she did however note that the driver behind her in the hummer, seemed to be grossly overweight, and looked as it he hadn’t bothered to shave in three days. She even made use of this, latching on to his repugnant form in a vain attempt to fight off her orgasm.
When the driver behind her realized that she was not responding to his horn, he rolled down his window, and began to shout obscenities at her as he.
This would prove to be a very bad mistake. Something within her suddenly switched. Marry no longer resisted her growth spurt, in fact, she began to want it to happen, if only to put this puke behind her in his place.
With all resistance brushed away by a single changed of attitude, Marry was instantly launched into the most powerful orgasm she had ever felt. Any and all sense of reality had instantly left her. Her orgasm hit her with such force that the entire car began to shake. At the same time, her growth mysteriously exploded even faster. The sound of stretching leather competed with the sound of ripping fabric and crushing seat springs under her. There was a loud snap as her belt gave way. Her knees pushed up past the steering wheal, and into the underside of her breast. Combined with there own surge, they quickly pressed against the steering wheal again, blaring her own horn once more. But this did not even slow down her growth. Her left breast began to press against her door, directing even more force forwarded against the steering wheal, and the pressure began to mount. The steering wheal itself eventually gave way, bending forwarded. But boob flesh quickly took up and the room as quickly as it was surrendered.
Her toes pushed into the end of her shoes, even as the heal of her foot pushed back. Her toes were curled from her orgasmic onslaught, as if to make them smaller. But too little use as they seams quickly burst under her toes. The shins always quickly forced there way to freedom, overcoming there own seams.
Mary’s head finally bumped up against the ceiling as she was rapidly running out of room. She might have even been Closter phobic, but there was absolutely no room other than lust in her orgasmic state. She was even begging it on.
"More! More! Bigger! Yes! YES!" she cried as her head bent over.
The added weight, and the pressure from her boobs finally overcame the back of the seat, and she fell backwards into the back seat. She flexed her legs, pushing the rest of her into the new space. But her head ran into the rear window long before her legs were fully extended.
Her tits, now the size of extra large beach balled, quickly expanded into the new space above her, pinning her left arm to her side, there swelling volume continuing to take her sweater apart, stitch by stitch. Her nipples, still the size of her thumbs, though now considerably larger thumbs, managed to poke there way out of her sweater, and were once again thrusting into the cool, open air. But there new freedom was short-lived as they pressed against the ceiling of the car. But her nipples did not yield, and instead began to deform roof with the groaning of steal. Her left boob virtually covered the rear passenger window in its never ending quest to fill more volume. The pressure began to build.
As Mary’s legs continued to grow, and running out of room to lengthen in, she found her head moving into the area under the rear window, even as her feet were painfully pinned against the fire wall. But she was still only barely aware of this, still deeply lost in the throws of her orgasm. She continued to cry out. "Yes! YES! Y-E-S! More! MORE! M-O-R-E-! Bigger! BIGGER! B-I-G-G-E-R-!"
The car itself however was starting to reach it’s own limit. The ever increasing weight overcame the lift of its suspension, and the car sank down to the bottoms of its range. Eventually, with the grinding of mettle, the pins began to shear away, and the axles that mounted the wheals began to bend from the strain. Both left side tires exploded as the increasing tire pressure finally burst them. The frame groaned under the added weight, the thrashing, as well as the forces of the ever growing girl inside pushing out in all directions.
As Mary’s body continued to relentlessly grow, filling the cabin of her car, her movements became ever more constricted. She was beginning to have difficulties breathing. And without deep breaths, she could not cry out in ecstasy. Of course, this did not diminish the force of her orgasm in the least. Her head continued to press against the glass of the rear window, bending her neck over at an uncomfortable angel, reducing her thrashing to a bare minimum, until every fraction of an inch of room was now occupied.
But Mary’s orgasm did not cease, because her growth did not ebb. The pressure of her left breast against the rear passenger window finally overcame the glass, and it burst outwards. But despite the reduction of pressure, they continued to surge upwards, forcing the roof to dome upwards, with her nipples leading the way.
Her head finally broke through the rear window, and was pushed onto the trunk, where she was again free to thrash about, and try out in ecstasy, begging for still more. “More! MORE!!” Only this time, the world around her could hear her cries.
Her powerful legs finally challenged there confinement, and stretched out for all they were worth. Her massive feet burst past the fire wall, and against the still idling engine block. With a sudden explosion of mechanical guts, the engine block was kicked past the front end of the car, and out into the intersection that was still green. For a brief moment, the disembodied motor continued to try and run and turn over, until it ran out of fuel.
Her breast continued to surge against the roof, until finally her unyielding nipples burst past the steal, and were now once again able to thrust into open air. The split quickly spread across the breath of her bust, as her woman hood continued to expand.
Her shoulders began to stretch out past the rear window. Her feet, continued to explore deeper and deeper into the empty engine chamber. Until they peeked out past the front bumper, where the radiator use to be, and slowly started to slid into the space in front of the car.
Finally, her growth began to slow, and then stop all together. When the growth stopped, the fuel for her rising and falling orgasm was finally consumed, and once again, her senses were permitted to be directed back towards the real world. The whole experience left her panting for want of air.
Again, she took stock of her new size. Her tits were enormous, even from her perspective, larger than beach balls to her. It was even questionable on whether she could reach her nipples now, let alone hug the full breath of her womanhood. But to a normal sized person, they were monsters that must of weight three tunes each. She was now taller than the car itself, with her knees now peeking out past where the radiator use to be, and her head resting in the middle of the trunk.
That was when the drone of car horns behind her reminded her of the real world. It seemed that a lot of cars further back realized that some one was not going through the green light, backing up traffic past the off ramp, and onto the freeway itself. They probably figured that it was another ass hole trying to make a left turn. But if they could see what was really going on, they might have been less inclined to draw attention to themselves. The reason why they could not see was the Hummer directly behind her.
"Oh yay," she said, "I almost forgot."
With a sweep of her right arm, she began to extricate herself from what was left of her car. She ripped apart the steal as if it were cardboard. Once free, she stood to her full height, an aw inspiring, twenty five feet. Then with heavy steps that dented the asphalt she stood on with spider-web like fractures, she stepped up to the Hummer.
Her tits were enormous. It was amazing what she could no longer see below her. Yet despite there shear size, her tits seemed to defy gravity, instead, bouncing and swaying from there own foundations. It was still quite satisfying to see her early morning shadow fall over not just the Hummer, but a number of cars behind it as well. And certainly every one could see her.
In fact, several cars on the freeway were so distracted that they began to run into each other, like a comedy of errors. Mary beamed with joy, and shook her shoulders ever so slightly to send gyrations into her tits. “I always wanted a body that could stop traffic,” she said, “now, where were we?”
She then stood before the Hummer, allowing her tits to obscuring most of it from view. She placed her hands on herb hips, and spread her legs, in a clear challenge.
"Did you just call me a bitch?" she said with a loud bombing voice. It was a rhetorical question. Without warning, she lifted her right foot, and sent it crashing down onto the hood of her Hummer, driving its engine block into the pavement.
This action sent her tits into gyrations. So she placed her hands on either side to calm them. They were beyond belief, but clearly all her. And despite the girth of her tits being wider than her shoulders, they still managed to push out even further in prouder, melon like shape. She was moment distracted as she felt herself up, but then decided to be generous.
With her left hand swinging free, and her right hand back on her hip, she began to saunter over to the driver’s side of the Hummer.
"I strongly recommend that you abandon your little ‘battle ship,’ ass hole," Mary said. She had no way to know if the driver managed to get out, or weather he was too stunned by her sexuality to even try, as her boobs still concealed this from her. But she didn’t particularly care one way or another.
Bending over, she reached under the Hummer, and lifted up. The Hummer was heavy, but still lighter than she thought it might. So it still took some effort on her part to role it off the road. Its engine however remained in the middle of the road. So as she sauntered back, deliberately gyrating her hips, she kicked the engine block off to the side. She then did the same thing to her own car, rolling it off to the side of the road.
She then stepped past the street lights, which were about shoulder height to her, and into the intersection. It took both hands to lift the engine block of her car, and to shot put it to the side of the road. She then took up a position at the center, placed her feet together, and began to direct traffic, specifically, to empty out the off ramp. She even let the left turners go through. Of course, this backed up the rest of the city traffic, but she didn’t particularly care about this.
Once the off ramp was empty, she stepped aside onto the traffic meridian, and aloud the traffic signals to take over. She then drew herself to her full height of twenty five feet, and looked around her.
"Now that I have done my good deed for the day, I think reword is in order," she said to herself, "Time for me to have some fun."
(Yes, this is to be continued.)
January 1, 2005 at 10:06 am #2236Anonymous
January 1, 2005 at 7:15 pm #2237Anonymous
GuestMore than nice. This is an awesome beginning. Keep it going! 😈
January 5, 2005 at 3:55 am #2238Cowprobe
ParticipantGood stuff. Some spelling errors but who gives a crap.
Great opening I can’t wait to read more of it.
25 feet tall with monster boobs. A very good combination and you always keep a sense of scale with the surrounding envoronment.
Thank you for sharing Code Name D. You keep on posting and I’ll keep on reading.
January 5, 2005 at 4:40 am #2239Anonymous
GuestJust some notes that you might find interesting. You may notice that there is very little by way of plot or character development. Normally, you simply have to have these things. But erotica seems to be able to get away with out it.
Of course, it still can’t compete with other stories found here. Young Giantess, seems to get a great deal more attention here, than the stuff I have shared. But YG isn’t really what you would call erotica either. Personally, I think that it leaves a lot behind. But on the other hand, I am coming at it with different expectations.
But this douse come with a consequence. Without plot or character, there is very little to keep the reader in. With Mary, once she stops growing, that’s it. In fact, I find it worse than that, once she runs out of things to burst out of, that’s it. If it works, it works for the same reason a strip club works. No one goes to a stripe joint to have her read poetry to you, you want her to take it all off. Well, once she dose this… then what? You’ve seen every thing; she has nothing left to offer.
But I have done enough studies to know that there is a balance. You give her a personality, a history, a character, and motivations. You just can’t throw her in the mud-pit and expect it to work as good erotica. The reader would come to care about her, and seeing her just do it has consequences, for both the character and the reader. And its difficult to cross that bridge. Not to say that it can’t be, or hasn’t been done. Just that I haven’t figured out how yet.
The reason I am telling you this is the hopes that you out there might take pen in hand, and try writing yourself. That said, while there are lots of books on how to right fiction, I can’t seem to find any that shad insights into erotica. So perhaps if I share some notes, it might help you guys (and girls, this is equal opportunity smut here) with your writing.
March 4, 2005 at 5:20 pm #2240Anonymous
Guestah but the reasom why your story (though written differently, and ‘plotted’ differently) is so popular- at least to me, is becuase of the suspense. yes thats right – suspense. Will the now-gigantic feamle continue her growth spurt? How will those with authority deal with the new-found situation of dealing with a 25 foot giantess who, from all accounts clearly enjoyed her growth spurt. the erotica adds much, yes thats true. But the rest of the story is left to ouer each different imaginations, so that we can all envisage an outcome, or follow-on story that we desire.
You simply provide our imagination, (and our sex drive in this case =p ) with a step in a neqw direction.
thank you – I and my imagionation enjoyed this story very much, and you have encouraged me to ponder on what stories I would like to contribute
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