- This topic has 21 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by
December 24, 2007 at 4:32 am #64966
ParticipantDisclamer: This is a story with unrealistic characters in an unrealistic universe, but tries not to be
For those who read New Flavor, I'm planning to continue it later, I'm enjoying more this one for now
For those who didn't read, the flavor is a drug found in the nature, a mix between an ornamental flower and a wild berry. it opens keys in the women dna, enhancing their appearance, their… secondary female characteristics, their sex-drive, their height, their strength, their auto-confidence and all that things that women pursue: beauty, control, lust, revenge, love, etc
For most males, is not the best place to live; But some of us are muscle lovers, like this one here:
Chronicles of a Muscle Lover in a New Flavor’s World
Maybe my love for strong women exists because I was surrounded by women since I was born; my family is almost all women, I have not only one, but three sisters, three single aunts, my mother has a lot of friends, my kindergarten was 70% girls; Some say that too much women in youth makes you to put pussy on a pedestal. Truth, in my case. But I stopped psychoanalyze myself since I heard about the Flavor for the first time. It changed my life, my friends, my family in so many levels, that I had to write about it.
Before the changes, only one person knew my… preferences. She discovered my hard drive. Hard drive in both meanings. “So odd”, she said to me. “And there is so few ‘odd’ women out there” I responded. “Not as few as you think” she added. Well, I never suspected she was talking about herself at that time.
At that time, I was just an invisible ghost in school; most people didn’t even care to know my name. And that was the way until I entered the film school, where I found my gift, to be an actor. As a ghost, I was a little fat, whished to have a smaller nose, smaller lips, blue eyes. Everybody does, and those unwanted features of that time is now what makes me ‘so exquisite handsome’ today. Of course, I fixed my teeth, and my body is now fit, my work as an actor demands it, and women falling on my lap was a collateral effect of that.
All my movies, all two of them, flopped. But I got really good reviews, my agent took me under her wings because I could be the next thing: “one step to be discovered” she says every time. Even my agent is a woman. She pays my bills, my rent; and in return, I had to give her my freedom, and believe me, she’s real bossy. If she wasn’t so fat, I would be attracted to her, well… she isn’t fat anymore, I’ll talk about her bossy temperament later.
I couldn’t say that acting was exciting; you can’t be excited when you are acting. Is exactly the opposite, you are the calmest one in the set. They call it of focus: if you are acting, you are not acting. No one can lie to the camera.
And then, I have all this free time; preparation and shooting is just 2% to 3% of all my time, the rest is waiting for the next call. You can say that my work is easy, and yes, you are right. Director, producer and the writer got the tough part. But I was gambling my life on a career that may not come.
Two of my sisters weren’t so fond of my ‘job’ –did I said that they manage a flower shop? To them I’m a spoiled irresponsible kid, and they are right about it too. Being the only male made my parents to forgive my sins; to my older sisters everything was harder. I can’t say that is my fault, but to them it was. They hate my movies, my acting, they joke about it. I hate when they talk about me, and looks like I’m their favorite subject. The same as my mother, my younger sister, my aunts, my mother’s friends, even of my high-school not-so friends, that’s the deal of being born in a small town while you try success, fame and money, you are all they can talk about. God bless that I was far away from them.
L.A. is the place to see the Flavor world flourishing, in my apartment block I could see first real world changes. My first contact was with an actress, working as waitress, of course. There is no shame in being a waitress here. Each day, in my late breakfast, I saw a little difference in her… breasts. She could have already a career because of them, not just they were big, they were natural. Rare species.
Her uniform a little tighter each breakfast. We call each other on first name basis “Hi, Nancy” “Hi, Lowe”. By the way, name is Louis, Lowe is my artistic name, if you bother to know. “are you taking the…” I asked not looking down at her… you know what.
“shh! Don’t tell anyone”
“why? Isn’t it obvious? Look at yourself, you look taller”
“do you think so?” she asked beaming at me. She wasn’t tall at all, but she wasn’t short anymore. “it make wonders, don’t you think so?”
“It does, indeed… are you planning to grow how much more…?” I asked as she seats in front of me, she already had a teasing cleavage before, now it was near indecent.
“My tips tripled since last month”
“I wonder why… are you taking every day?”
“When I look at the mirror, I… can’t control myself”
“What you mean?”
“I never satisfied, I mean, I should be happy by now, every week I say ‘that’s enough’ but then…”
“but then you want more”
“yes, look at them” she said feeling its weight.
“I’m looking”
“It would be weird to be too big up here… I mean, for tests… auditions”
“You never know what they need… my advice is: be yourself, whatever you are, or what you want to be” she gave me the million dollar smile and asked “do you want to see my… evolution upclose?”
“today, tomorrow, after tomorrow” she took my hand and near her breasts as she wrote down her number.
And so my deep relation with Nancy began. In my sloppy apartment, that at least had a decent view, Nancy entered wearing casual, a big difference for me. Never saw her out of the uniform.
“You want to eat something?”
“I want you to open my bra” she took off her blouse, showing her back. Closer, I saw some definition in her muscles, very subtle. It thrilled me.
“You look strong, girl”
“stronger than you, I bet”
“Wha… do you think so?”
She caught my forearm and pushed me closer of her. “Try me” She was smaller than me, half a feet smaller. No way she could be stronger than me. So, I pushed her back, she didn’t move, I applied some more force, and she starts to grind her teeth looking at my eyes, she was absolutely into it, determined to show me that she is no average girl. And she was right.
“Give up?” She put my arms together, Nancy was in charge.
“Never say never” she said near my ears and pushes me to bed, feeling me underwear, glad with what she has found. With her other arm she tore her undersized bra and push me to her breasts, I never saw a woman so… direct. Never in real life. She mounted herself over me, she was wet and hot as hell, in some seconds I shot it into her. But she didn’t stop, started to hump faster my dick as her life depended on it, she was all over me, licking my face, sucking my neck like a vampire.
People make the weirdest faces when have sex, Nancy was looking like a psycho. She was really turned on by submitting me on her will . We were made for each other. At the sex part, at the least. I put her breast in my mouth, she was near there too, she started to scream as Ms.Coco downstairs starts to bang on the roof with a broom. It made Nancy nuts, she started not to only scream but to shout out loud the sex she was having.
I lightened my cigarette to the best fornication I had in my life. Nancy looked slightly upset. “what’s the matter?”
“Do you think I was too forward over you”
I started to laugh “no, of course not, it was almost a rape, but that’s ok”
“I never did something like that…”
“Since I’m taking the flavor, I’m changing, I don’t know…”
“You say like it sound as a bad thing.”
“I don’t know…”
“But it felt good?”
“It felt amazing”
Nancy and I had sex on weekly basis, she loved show her growth to me. It was above all, a material relationship, she was there for the sex, my worship, my submission, nothing else. When we talk, she only talks about herself, how everything is changing around her, becoming smaller, how is to be stronger. It was the kind of relationship I was looking for. Well, she has a boyfriend. I’m the second guy. That’s fine by me. I love freedom, that’s the thing that no woman will take away from me. Only my agent.
She must be real sweet with him, real tender, because is on me that she fires off her fantasies. And the bigger she was getting, more tireless and demanding she was in bed. And still was the same nice girl bringing my late breakfast.
One day I got startled by her height, I’m a tall guy, average-tall guy, and now she was near my height at last “God, You are Tall” every time my eyes bulged, she urged to have sex anyplace anywhere. I carried along, because it was my fantasy too.
At the exit, waiting for her, two guys tried to sell me some weed, I plant my own, I don’t support traffic. “Look at that chick, man” said one of them. Nancy’s breasts now attracted the masses, her bare long toned legs, sinuous full arms, her waist, everything upmodded, but her huge breasts… her high heels makes her a great deal taller than me. I was hard by just looking.
“Excuse me” I said to the guys, going directly for her mouth, craning up my neck for the first time. We walk and she pushed me to an alley, tearing my shirt, she wanted fast and there. She couldn’t hold herself when I was ready to blow.
I saw that two guys coming in our direction, holding a gun. It didn’t stop Nancy.
“Hey, you two! We want some too” the beard guy said close enough to Nancy grip his arm and break it with a twist, leaving the gun on the floor, which I immediately took in my nervous hands.
“Bright, bright, fuckers” I yelled holding the gun pointing at them “Nancy, pick up the phone, call the cops”
“I have a better idea” she said looking down at them, going closer.
Nancy took guy with the broke arm and shoves him to the wall.
“I…m… sorry” he said almost crying.
“This is too much…” Nancy said laughing. And picks up the other guy banging his head on the wall, leaving him unconscious.
“Shit, Nancy, what the fuck are you doing?!”
“Teaching a lesson”
“They already learnt, leave them alone!”
“So, you really thought that you could rape me…” she said with her hand approaching his dick “you know what I should do with you and your friend?” she said flexing her other arm, the guy was sweating thinking in the possibilities. “I should save the world from your disgusting balls” he tried to close his legs, but couldn’t, she was too damn strong.
“Nancy! Stop it”
“All right, all right, now they’ll think twice. But if I see you again, anywhere, I’ll crush you both into little pieces, understood?” Nancy took his other hand and twisted backwards “did you understand?”
Nancy took a heavy garbage can and throws everything inside over them. Cleaning her hands she took the gun from me, and put in her purse. Walking back to street, she was walking happily “I feel so secure… being so much stronger, no one can do anything to me, did you see their faces? Is so awesome”
“Well, be careful, you still can be shot… what you are going to do with the gun?”
“Let’s see how far I can throw it” And in the pier, I couldn’t see where it landed.
“How’s Bill?”
“Is Bob”
“Bob, right, and he likes our… size”
“Yes… but in the last weeks, he seemed a little…”
“Yes, right. He is not as bright as you, he can’t talk about this kind of things”
“Understandable, you let him… on top?”
“Yes, nothing between us changed, I mean, he’s still think that he is the man, you know”
“The man. He is not a man, he is The man”
“The man. I think if I did to him what I do to you, he would freak-out”
“And that producer, did they call?”
“Yes, I saw the other girls, they were bigger than me”
“Wow, bigger than you?”
“Yes, they want a real amazon to play the part”
“So, you wont stop the flavor so soon”
“No way. I can’t lose this opportunity, is gold”
“So, how tall you need to be?”
”6’5, ‘6’7”
“Holy shit”
“You are already hard by just talking about it, don’t you?”
“How do you know?”
“Because I’m feeling wet right now”
And they called her, she begun to eat like a pregnant. Nice that she worked in a restaurant; they wanted her, but they needed to get her taller yet. So, until shooting, three months from now, good money will come for her growing needs.
But I had to visit my parents, for a year I said that I would stay with them for some weeks. So, I would not see Nancy’s transformation into a full blown amazon. But would be interesting to see the before and after, so we agreed that she would not give me a hint of what’s going on to her body.
Stepford, my little city… the name of a horror novel, and its slapstick comedy. Maybe the author was inspired by my city, known for such beautiful women that something had to be wrong with it. My grandpa is the mayor, always has been, my mother is the school principal, my father owner of the only supermarket; there is no Walmart here, grandpa didn’t let it.
Being the only son of such prominent family brought me more problems than advantages. But having three sisters relieved me of the burden of being the next mayor or next supermarket landlord. Well, my older sisters wanted it, they wanted to own Stepford. Fine by me.
Claudia, the older one, was short and fat; Eve was tall and skinny. I called them of Klump and Bones, and many other lovely names to remember them of my affection. I visit them in their precious flower shop, is almost the city principal attraction.
As much as we hate each other, we are family, it’s love/hate all the time. Eve looked better, a great deal better looking. She was always shy about her features, never used make-up, or revealing clothes. Not this time.
“What happened to you? Therapy?”
“You are beautiful, I never saw you like that, are you going out? It is 12 AM…”
“I just… brought new clothes”
I saw the big flower on top of the balcony “What’s that? Is that flower from the flavor?”
“Yes, beautiful isn’t it? I planted all over dad’s garden, they grow so fast, we are talking with grandpa to fill Stepford with those, they grow all year, except winter.”
“Are you sure of that? I mean the flavor is a drug, isn’t it? It is like planting marijuana… and every girl on the street could pick it up, there is a lot of troubled girls out there who would upmod their size, their… strength”
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?”
That answer shut down my mouth, did she know? Did she go trough out my computer? Did Julia, my little sister, told it to her? “What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean”
“Shithead!” Claudia yelled at my back. Is she thinner?
December 24, 2007 at 10:15 am #64967cwmoss
ParticipantThis is some real top rate stuff Crazyfck. All of your stories that I've read are fantastic. The flower stories are ultra cool and Martha William's tale was great.
I can't wait to see what Nancy and her little friend do next.
Have a great holiday everyone.
And thanks for another exciting rendition Crazyfck.
December 24, 2007 at 10:40 pm #64968crazyfck
Participantthank you moss, happy holidays to you too
and to everyone
where we were… yes, the flower shop:
“Yes, beautiful isn’t it? I planted all over dad’s garden, they grow so fast, we are talking with grandpa to fill Stepford with those, they grow all year, except winter.”
“Are you sure of that? I mean the flavor is a drug, isn’t it? It is like planting marijuana… and every girl on the street could pick it up, there is a lot of troubled girls out there who would upmod their size, their… strength”
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?”
That answer shut down my mouth, did she know? Did she go trough out my computer? Did Julia, my little sister, told it to her? “What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean”
“Shithead!” Claudia yelled at my back. Is she thinner? Where is her double chin? I didn’t have to think to see that both are taking the flavor. And the thought of Eve knowing me more than I wanted, the thought that Claudia and Eve must have talked to death about it, frightened me.
Claudia embraced me harder than usual. I knew her too well, it was something.
“I can see that you both are taking the flavor”
“How do you know?” Them both asked.
“What? That no one else notices? Come on.”
“Look, grandpa will be at dinner tonight, behave yourself” Eve told me.
“Let’s make a deal, don’t tell dad that I’m here today, I don’t want to fight grandpa right now”
They agreed with me. Every dinner he and I would crash over the table. I needed some relaxation. So I called my old buddies to drink until tomorrow. Kevin was already married, married to his first girlfriend, I don’t recall any other girl that he kissed. I was against this marriage, even being the best man. She was the girl who fights with him over the silliest things; always bothered by something that wouldn’t tell anyone. I despised her. Negative energies come from her all the time. And Kevin was a nice guy, he didn’t deserve to be tied with her for life.
And there is Craig, who will never marry anyone.
“Crazy thing is this flavor, is driving every chick nuts” He said to me drinking the beer “Did you saw Dawn recently?”
“Almost a year” Dawn was Kevin’s wife.
“It will be a shock”
“She’s coming over?” that bar was exactly the kind of place she hated.
“I guess, Kevin can’t go out without her anymore”
“He cheated her?”
“No, of course not, silly me” and then I saw Dawn coming into the bar “no fucking way that one is Dawn” she was close to seven feet, she had to duck to pass the door. And all eyes were directed to her. Near her was Kevin, almost invisible. She walked in slo-mo to our table, I couldn’t help but gawk from her legs to her absurdly imposing breasts in a red tight shirt. I gulped the empty air and said: “I’m shocked”
“I’ve grown a little”
“I can see that, what is that? two feet taller?!”
“One and a half, I’m using heels” her high heels weren’t that tall.
I embraced Kevin and we chatted, but all attention was in Dawn. She seemed to loosen up herself, not seemed to be bothered as always, she was laughing, she was happy. Can’t say that about Kevin.
“So, when we gonna have another movie?” she asked to me.
“I’m working on that, but to tell the truth, don’t know, can be anytime” I lightened a cigarette.
“You shouldn’t smoke” she said in a low tone reproving my sick habit; even her voice seemed bigger.
“I know. And you Kevin?”
“I… quit”
“You? Good for you” I knew that Dawn would make him quit smoking. And seemed that everything he does needs her approval, even to answer me. And Dawn was drinking, something also new to me, an LS for sure. I meet some amazons in Dawn-class in LA, but never someone that I knew before. Every amazon is alluring, and I thought that it was by chance, but now I can see that beauty is really something that comes along with size. That’s why women couldn’t stop taking it.
“Didn’t you had a birth mark over the neck?” I pointed, searching for it, it was quite a mole. But only a velvet skin was there.
“It’s gone, disappeared by itself. Amazing, huh?” she smiled as I could see a little tear in her shirt near her shoulder. Only then I realized the curves of her muscles coming from her neck to her biceps. She perceived my eyes probing her.
“you have a little tear over here”
“where?” as she moves the tear expands more “shoot. Kevin bring me another shirt in the car” he didn’t even reply, he just gone to the car. “I always carry extra” she saw some of her friends in the balcony, one of them outrageously muscular, and there she pointed at me, probably telling them that I’m a Hollywood superstar. Probably not telling the bankrupted part.
“the whole town is into it?” I asked Craig.
“not yet, but soon… you know that you are a celebrity around here, don’t you?”
“Well, it is a small town”
“And you know that you are the Mr.Right to all these girls? And that you have that strange attractor?”
“Why are you telling me that?”
“Just checking… do you recognize those friends of Dawn?”
“Holy shit, yes, is that Margot? And Betty?” Margot was a girl older than me that tried to defend me from bullies at school. But to be defended in school by a girl… is not something that really helps.
“Yes and yes”
“Margot is enormous, look at her arm”
“well, she was an athlete in school, so you can imagine what this stuff can do a girl who was strong already”
I was sweating, all my life I fantasized unreal muscles in girls, since I was a kid. And Margot hit the spot. Her walk had a bulk, her short blond hair showed her muscular neck and shoulders, but at the same time, the proportion of those muscles emphasizes even more her breasts and buttocks, with a waist so thin that makes her upper part even more magnificent.
“You know that I had fantasies with her as a kid?”
“Betty… she’s hot”
“No, I mean Margot”
“Really? She was such a… tomboy”
“Weird, isn’t it?”
“Well, now you have Margot times ten”
December 25, 2007 at 3:03 pm #64969alex
ParticipantExcellent start! Can't wait for more!
December 26, 2007 at 2:57 am #64970Rudi
ParticipantThis is a superb christmas presant for your fans.. 🙂
I love this new flavour universe you've created, keep up the good spirit.December 26, 2007 at 5:08 am #64971KeithXZ
ParticipantThank you Crazy! I love to read your work too.
December 27, 2007 at 2:43 am #64972crazyfck
ParticipantThanks again, people. I love to write it too
I was sweating, all my life I fantasized unreal muscles in girls, since I was a kid. And Margot hit the spot. Her walk had a bulk, her short blond hair showed her muscular neck and shoulders, but at the same time, the proportion of those muscles emphasizes even more her breasts and butt, with a waist so thin that makes her upper part even more magnificent.
“You know that I had fantasies with her as a kid?”
“Betty… she’s hot”
“No, I mean Margot”
“Really? She was such a… tomboy”
“Weird, isn’t it?”
“Well, now you have Margot times ten” yes, he talked like I was the hot shot, but I felt embarrassed like a ten years old with a crush for the first time. Perhaps because that was the age when I met her. I looked at her but she turned aside, avoiding eye contact, I couldn’t say, but then she looked at me for a fraction of a second. Something was in the air, I could taste it, I was salivating. I imagined those muscles surrounding me, engulfing me, making me hers. “you are into hers, don’t you?” Craig asked me.
“Is that obvious?” I said as I swallowed the beer finishing it. It was the time hour of Louis Merchant II, that’s my full name. I stood up to her direction; thought that I had the power to do, but when I spoke to her, my mind clouded “M… Margot, aren’t you?”
“You remember!” She could knock me down with a whisper; it was neck or nothing:
“Margot, our swimming champion… how could I forget you?”
She silenced for some seconds, not only her, but Betty and Dawn also. Margot looked at me like we knew each other for ages and came closer… and kissed me in front of them. Like we should have done ten years ago; I lost myself in her, I didn’t give damn of anyone looking at us, it was the best kiss in my life. I felt her muscles, her tongue, and her arms over me, holding me to her. It was better than sex, at least the sex I had until then.
In the end, my seduction never worked as I expected… but I had exactly what I wanted, by not playing at all. I should know it, acting is just like that.
Dawn and Betty left us alone, the loud music and the alcohol were the only thing between us. My hand crossed over the leaps of hard muscles, and for more than I was addict to it, it was something that existed only in my imagination until then. Feeling it alive in my hands was an out-body experience.
Then I opened my eyes, I didn’t really know her, but I had already a life-time memory of her. “Come” was the only thing she said as she took my hand to the exit. In all that appears Kevin, with a shirt in his hand:
“Is not many stores that remains open at this time” Kevin said rushing at Dawn’s. With him at a distance I saw Betty and Craig flirting; happy ending to everyone, I guess. Margot carried me away to her car, accelerating to somewhere. I lay down on her lap while she was driving, feeling her tights with my cheek, smelling her, I could feel a tremor coming inside her. It just made me more intrusive, raising my lips to her left breast; I could feel her heartbeats thru the nipple I was sucking over her bra and shirt.
As I reached her neck, she stop the car somewhere in the deserted highway, she opens the roof of her convertible at the same time she goes over me. We couldn’t help it, we tore each other clothes and had sex under the night sky. Margot lost control of herself, and inside her I felt her cunt tighten around me, and then she kissed me, and then it tighten all over again, and then I was kissing her nipples… hard to say who was in charge; I guess she was, but Margot was so sensitive to everything I did that her reaction was more than I thought it to be.
She was so much stronger than me that I felt like a puppet. And that’s the way I always fantasized about Margot, she picking me up, putting me inside her, toying with me, sucking me. I wanted to feel her more, her muscles, her power, but my batteries were drying off. Too much beer, too little sleep, but she was restless and continued until I passed out.
I wake up in somewhere unknown; I saw the curtains moving, the strange wind in my face and her curves screaming at my face. Margot was sleeping in the nude. In the shadow I saw her tights, longer than mine, much longer, much thicker, so more powerful than mine… if she woke up in alarm she could crush me. It was a dangerous thought, and I wanted this danger:
I entered my face between those tights, finding her clit. Each leg weighted a ton, and I embraced them, feeling them with my arms, understanding my powerlessness over them. She tasted a little more acid now; her clit wake up as I heard a humming coming from her breath, she was liking it. So I gone faster, swallowing it, rubbing my face on it, sucking it, biting it, and then her thighs close over my face as she wanted to squeeze my face into her cunt; I wasn’t sure if she was awaken or not. I couldn’t do a damn thing to stop it anyway. Margot come on my face and continued to sleep; I was still locked between her muscular thighs, too tired to get out of her heavy legs. Not that I minded.
I woke up again looking at her over me, watching me waking up, kissing. “Rise and shine, rise and shine…” she kissed me with a menthol taste, her towel drying her hair, wearing a braless white shirt, her breasts were pointing up, her biceps contracting at the smallest movement of her towel. I was feeling hard again “look at your hair…” she said touching it “you are smelling pussy… did you… that’s why I woke with you between my legs!”
“I think I need a shower…”
She bitted her lips “go fast.” In her closet were marks on a door, probably her height progress over the months. It started with 5’6 and it ended with 6’3, it didn’t seem to slow down, and it weren’t. I saw a box full of old clothes, all destroyed by her growth; I took up a ripped bra, and it was different from the delicate material of a ordinary bra, it had to be stronger as her. I think that I couldn’t tear it up with my own hands. I the wall I saw photographs of her in every stage of the drug, she was fit before, but her muscular development was unstoppable; I could see in her eyes over the photographs that she was addicted to it. Some photos were around her family becoming each month smaller at her side. “what are you looking in there?” she asked me from the bed.
“Your development”
She entered the closet.
“Do think… that I did too much?”
“You are asking the wrong guy”
December 27, 2007 at 11:29 am #64973cwmoss
ParticipantVery cool
December 27, 2007 at 2:42 pm #64974alex
ParticipantAwesome! More! more! ;D
December 27, 2007 at 3:47 pm #64975Fonk
ParticipantVery clever, very sexy. I like it!
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