Celebrity Shmoes

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  • #9938

    I've always assumed that if I was in media, and in a position to, I'd advance the cause of female muscle at every given opportunity (without breaking cover probably). So who are the media types already doing this. I offer the following:

    1. Regis – His former cohost had decent biceps, as does his hand chosen replacement, I also understand that his wife is quite buff.

    2. David LeRoth – Teagan Clive in one video, and Tonya Knight in another, c'mon, Dave's one of us.

    3. JJ Abrams, creator of Alias and Lost. He picks Jennifer Garner to play the lead, and has her put on muscle, he gets Lina Olin, who's ripped to play her mother, casts a former Aussie soap star and tells her to hit the gym, and then gives Angela Bassett a recurring role (not sleeveless yet though). Then on his new show we get Evangeline Lilly. I think that we can concur that JJ likes them muscular but lean.

    4. This will make no sense to anyone not familiar with UK TV, but anyway: Noel Edmonds. The BBC's former mega star of light entertainment used to have a segment on one of his shows called Mr. Punyverse, the final was judged by the UK's only professional FBB at the time, Caroline Cheshire. Later in a quiz show called true or false he once had contestants decide if three fully clothed people were bodybuilders or not. The one that was was female, and proved it by disrobing. In another program (he was always coming up with new shows, I think he made more money that way) which was based around unusual things, he featured female bodybuilders on the first edition. There was a clip floating around of this at one time, so if you've ever seen a clip of a little bearded guy staggering under the weight of a dumbell passed to him by Joanne Lee, that's Noel.

    So who else? Furthermore, should we be supporting these people for doing the right thing.

    Thank you for your attention.

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