Deleted Posts

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  • #10636

    Another one of my posts was deleted. Because I was told that should any posts be deleted the mod would notify the poster and I was not notified, I'm left to assume that this is some kind of glitch. This is the second time it has happened. This time, it was on this board:;topicseen#new
    I had a post right after Haley (so it should be between Haley and JustinCase) and now it is missing. If you can see it, let me know.


    Another one of my posts was deleted. Because I was told that should any posts be deleted the mod would notify the poster and I was not notified, I'm left to assume that this is some kind of glitch. This is the second time it has happened. This time, it was on this board:;topicseen#new
    I had a post right after Haley (so it should be between Haley and JustinCase) and now it is missing. If you can see it, let me know.

    I see a post of yours BELOW Justincase………….is that the one?


    Nope. I wrote my post yesterday, before JustinCase had responded at all. I came back to the topic because I was notified via email that someone had commented, and as I was scrolling down, I noticed that my post was missing.

    David C. Matthews

    I'm only mentioning this as a possibility: are you sure you clicked the "post" button on the message in question? Because that's happened to me at least once on the new board: I've composed the message, hit "preview" a couple of times to make sure it's correct, and then just plain forgot to click "post".

    If you're sure you did hit "post", then back to square one. I don't have any other answer to offer, because what I know about how this software works is… well, I don't know much.


    I's have not deleted any of your posts and any other moderator would have to notify and explain why -as per the rules set forth by us.
    Maybe it is as our dear David said, a mere mistake and nothing malicious. So, repost again and see if the same happens.
    No other advice can be give.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    It's a good suggestion and I would consider it a possibility except whenever I post, I end up double-checking to see if my tags came out correctly.

    Also, in the first incident in question, people actually quoted me. Thanks for the idea, it's just too bad it's not something that simple.

    Oh, and Pimp, yeah, you had mentioned the rules before so I figured that it wasn't a mod because I would be notified. I'm not thinking this is anything malicious, just that there's some kind of glitch going on. Like, maybe it's the amount of posts I have that the setup accidentally does this because there was some kind of error? Just a thought I'm throwing out.

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