Everyday Amazon Encounters

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    Ashlee wrote:

    Ad_Meyer wrote:

    Something VEEERY Japanese… You won’t find it in NYC, I’m afraid…

    OHHH Hungarian Goulash!
    Yummy! :laugh:

    Chicken Paprikas, served w/ noddles, or rice. πŸ˜‰ B)

    β€œI like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Zespara Alathar

    AlexG wrote:

    Ashlee wrote:

    Ad_Meyer wrote:
    [quote]Something VEEERY Japanese… You won’t find it in NYC, I’m afraid…

    OHHH Hungarian Goulash!
    Yummy! :laugh:

    Chicken Paprikas, served w/ noddles, or rice. πŸ˜‰ B)[/quote]

    You’re both right! Both Hungarian dishes are amazingly good! Yum is right! πŸ˜›


    David S

    I was on my way to work this morning. When I got out of the subway I had to walk a few blocks down the street to get to the jobsite. There was a woman that was walking the opposite direction from me, walking her dog. She was in workout clothes so you could easily see her arms and legs. She had very well defined arms and looked rock hard. My best guess is that she had around 15-16 inch arms. she also had bulging thighs and calves. Needless to say all I did was think about her all day at work haha.


    We had the first meeting of the health club committee in my building last night. Eight of us showed up. And lo and behold, one of them that I chatted with is a natural bodybuilder. She lives here! Oh be still my heart!
    Tara Marie



    If she’s there while you’re getting in a workout,
    kinda all the more of a challange for ya to stay focused in the gym. πŸ˜‰ :laugh: B)

    β€œI like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Wal-Mart seems to be a magnet for them, at least in my area. Sporadic, but its not uncommon to encounter them somewhere in the store, especially in the pharmacy section where they have the nutritional supplements products.

    Most recently was while I was at the checkout – you know how it is, waiting incessantly to be processed. Purely by random chance I noticed that the woman directly infront of me had “the look”. Despite being covered up, it was fairly obvious to the trained eye at how her physique was displacing her clothing in all the right ways.

    Even, so, some additional confirmation is necessary. Observed what she was purchasing – all clean, fresh produce, meat, bread etc. Then at the very last on the conveyor, a large bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. Commenting to myself, just maybe a tad louder then I should: “Cheat Food”. She heard it, knew that I knew and gave me a wink and a friendly smile in acknowledgement.

    β€œI like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Trash Boat

    Thinking back I can remember only one everyday situation amazon encounter: it was in ballet half time. I don’t know who she was, because I didn’t see her face but her arms and back were quite impressive. I was accompanied in the situation so I didn’t have a change to get a closer look but there aren’t that many women that of such size in Finland.

    Trash Boat

    Or actually during athletics European championships last summer, I did see a lot of amaz0ns but those were not really everyday encounters. To be honest, even the biggest girls weren’t really that big. But I guess it’s due to a perspective — everybody looks small when they are next to two meters tall men thrower athletes.


    She hasn’t been around for a while. Fortunately there’s a health club meeting tonight which she’ll be at. I actually think she’s teasing me a bit. Looking at her it’s hard enough to keep my eyes off of her. She’s got great forearms. And what blew my mind today was doing research on her… she 47!

    Tara Marie!!!

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