Farewell to uberbuff She-Hulk

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    October is fast approaching, and with it Shulkie's re-launch… and that means going back to Bobillo art, which means going back to "quaintly buff She-Hulk". Though I must admit I wasn't a great fun of Pelletier's Hulkified version, when I think about The Jade G. (which I do, on occasion), this is what I have in mind:


    Beautiful Jennifer there Yatz. I've mixed emotions about the return of the She-Hulk book. My hope is Bobillo only lasts a few issues. But there's always the chance we get some dweeb who draws her as an anorexxic stick with boobs. I loved Pelletier's version BTW. Then again I bet you knew that.


    A sad Farewell indeed…

    In addition to Yatz57's wonderful picture post…

    Beautiful pic.

    Let me share the kinda muscularity of She-Hulk I will miss…



    We'll probably see…for the moment I guess its more about the story than the art (which I don't mind in some ways), but we do wantt o eventually see a good Shulkie artist.  (then again, I still say Bollibo does a good Jen…well, Jen, not Shulkie, but that's me)


    They are all very nice. Keep up the good work Yatz57 and fbbfan.


    Ah Sir Yatz, a man after my own heart . . . and must be looking over my shoulder while I'm working on one of my novels.  😎

    BTW – I think you're confusing Pelletier (who's version was very good in the solo SH title) with Scott Kolins (veiny Hulk-ette version in Search for the She-Hulk / Avengers).

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    ze fly

    October is fast approaching, and with it Shulkie's re-launch… and that means going back to Bobillo art, which means going back to "quaintly buff She-Hulk".

    Wonderful job Yatz!!

    As for Bobillo, his style is sure a little special, but as long as the issues don't get too "physical", he isn't that bad… Of course I prefer Pelletier, but we have to be realistic: in order to sell a sufficient number of issues, Marvel had to decrease the muscularity of the character. Too much muscle still frighten most of the readers. It goes well on villains like Titania, but not on the good girls…

    So, I'd say that if Bobillo can make the serie last, I wouldn't be too sad (as long as they keep Dan Slott), and who knows: maybe Pelletier could come back for some kicking issues… 😉


    Well, Alex, I have to say I'm deeply offended by your insinuation… MOI, confusing She-Hulk artists?! For shame, sir! If I had a glove handy, I would have demanded satisfaction at dawn (or whichever way it's done). I'm actually a fan of Kollins, and of his buffed-up Shulkie from that Avengers tale. He has his own unique style (as does Bobbilo), which can be quite fun (once you get past the crudeness); Pelletier, on the other hand, is a good technician, but has still got to find his own voice.
    But my main problem was with the body depiction itself – and I didn't like it when it was done the same way by a much better artist (Finch in Avengers Dissassembled). She needs to be a woman – and for me that means curves (among other things, obviously). That, btw, is my general biff with modern women's body-building – but that's a disscusion for another forum.


    Well, Alex, I have to say I'm deeply offended by your insinuation… MOI, confusing She-Hulk artists?! For shame, sir! If I had a glove handy, I would have demanded satisfaction at dawn (or whichever way it's done). I'm actually a fan of Kollins, and of his buffed-up Shulkie from that Avengers tale. He has his own unique style (as does Bobbilo), which can be quite fun (once you get past the crudeness); Pelletier, on the other hand, is a good technician, but has still got to find his own voice.
    But my main problem was with the body depiction itself – and I didn't like it when it was done the same way by a much better artist (Finch in Avengers Dissassembled). She needs to be a woman – and for me that means curves (among other things, obviously). That, btw, is my general biff with modern women's body-building – but that's a disscusion for another forum.

    That's one of the big problems: She-Hulk is a woman, but she's one with muscle.  In what I've seen in artist renditions of muscular females, the best ones are the ones that seem to perfectly balance between the feminine curves and the powerful muscle.  But the problem with muscularity is that you have to find a perfect balance.  You don't put enough on her, then she doesn't seem to exhibit her power.  You put too much muscle on, they end up looking too bulky and masculine.  Sure there are artists that can perfectly stretch the limits of musculature while remaining feminine, but its a very tough proposition.  Thus you have to find a perfect balance: allow for enough muscle to make her look powerful, but not take away "her" or make her look like a "man with boobs".


    Brilliant pic, Yatz!  Thanks for posting it!  I love the way you've made the contours on her muscles stick out with shadows and shading – looks very realistic.  You should be doing the art for the next Shulkie comic instead!

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