Female GTS writers & Artists?

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  • #1912

    Are there any of them out there? And I am curiouse, what makes their work difrent than from there mail counter-parts? And if not, than – why not?


    Are there any of them out there? And I am curiouse, what makes their work difrent than from there mail counter-parts? And if not, than – why not?

    Not certain if you mean professionally or on-line fan fiction. I’m assuming, of course, for the purposes of this forum that you’re referring to the latter rather then the former.

    Yes, there have been some female writers of GTS in the past, don’t know of any at the moment who are still writing or at least posting their materials in public. Three of those that come most notably to my mind would be Kate (aka JenWalters), Cashia and Faylinn. There have been other female writers, but most of them seem to be more inclined to write SW materials then GTS stories. Interestingly enough, if I had to demark a difference between the majority of male writers and these three females it would be that women seem to have a preference towards creating Gentle GTS stories rather then action adventure / violent stories. Also, they like to focus on conversation / dialog and enjoy in-depth expressions of emotions and feelings between the characters then to dwell upon the physical transformation process itself.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Well, I found Walter’s story.



    Yes, that one, "A Mother’s Love" has been archived (it seems like forever) on the inactive Nadie8’s website for several years now. You can find the rest of Kate’s works at the http://www.giantess.com website. A couple of people were asking about her last story, "You Just Might Get It", of which she never came back to complete, so I uploaded it to the archive along with the others, including the one you already have found.

    Some of Cashia’s stories (meaning most recent) can also be found at the Giantess.com site – the rest are located on her homepage.


    Faylinn has an elaborate Keltic based website – in a sense, the site itself is a story.


    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Hmm, have to finish that one someday…don’t I?

    Seems something always takes precedence over writing time at the computer. What’s it been now, four years? 😕

    Thanks for the kind words, Alex 🙂 You’ve always been a gentleman!

    Yes, I still lurk around from time to time, but my personal life went to hell in a handbasket the last few years and I’ve moved frequently. Still, it’s nice to be remembered.



    Of course you’re remembered and remembered very well, indeed, Milady. 🙂

    Ever since the ZZZ boards dried up I’ve been mostly shuttling my forum time between here, giantess.com and the She-Hulk board.

    Please, do drop me an email, would like very much to catch up with you for the lost time.

    BTW – l left you a Private Message in your PM Box w/ my contact info.

    Alex Germain

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    The She-Hulk board? Where’s that?


    The She-Hulk board? Where’s that?

    **Doh** I should have included it :mrgreen:


    It’s part of the Misfit forums – http://www.geocities.com/misfitisland/

    Which are linked to the Alvaro boards:


    Lingster also has the link to the SH forum on his Blog site:


    Another(s) worth visiting, if you’re into female muscle artwork, also linked on Lingster’s blog page:



    **whew** hope that helps 😉

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Thanks a lot. Another few sites to bookmark. 🙂

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