Female Muscle in Product Placement – Fahrenheit

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  • #11594

    My downloaded Quicktime version doesn't work, too.

    I can watch the ad, but i like to have it on my HD.

    Maybe someone can help us out here.

    Definitly one of the hottest ads. I watched it 4-5 times …


    The downloadable version of the movie is encoded with H.264, which wasn't supported by QuickTime until version 7.  If you're trying to use an earlier version of QuickTime to play it, forget it.

    Windows: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/preview/

    Mac: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/mac.html


    Hey, thanks for the tip, Rob000! *applaud*  It's working perfectly now.  It was very frustrating before.  Don't you just love it when software goes 'ah, there's a problem' "What problem?!" 'Oh, I can't tell you, but it's one that'll totally prevent you from doing what you want to do' "oh… thanks".

    BTW – I STRONGLY recommend everyone who hasn't already done so get version 7 and watch the video maximised.  It's fantastic quality and at that size is even more amazingly impressive.  (wow!)  Thanks again to the people who brought this up and tracked it down – you da man! (er… men!)


    OK, sorry to ask a tech question, but how do I actually DL the DLable version? I can't seem to figure out the URL of the file itself.


    Are there any stills available?  I can't afford a DSL connection on several counts (not only price but the danger of destroying my computer for other uses; no, don't reply about firewalls–been there, done that), and I don't have the processing speed for videos.


    The downloadable version (for which you need QuickTime 7) is at



    I tried that link.

    When I try to download it, it tells me I must buy the "Pro" version of Quicktime, or it won't let me download it.

    Needless to say, I WON'T buy "Pro" Quicktime.

    Does anyone know where I can download a copy of this commercial?

    Yes, I have Quicktime version 7.

    Thanks for your help.


    Eric F., EnhanceMan

    David C. Matthews

    I tried that link.

    When I try to download it, it tells me I must buy the "Pro" version of Quicktime, or it won't let me download it.

    Needless to say, I WON'T buy "Pro" Quicktime.

    Does anyone know where I can download a copy of this commercial?

    Yes, I have Quicktime version 7.

    Thanks for your help.


    Eric F., EnhanceMan

    Are you clicking on the link to play the clip in your browser and THEN trying to download it? That, as you noticed, can only be done if you own QT Pro.

    Trying right-clicking directly on that link to bring up the contextual menu that lets you choose where to save the "source target" (or whatever your browser calls it).

    Hope this helps!



    THAT… IS… HOT!!!


    Ok so….does anybody know how to actually save this to their hard-drive?…

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