First attempt at a story

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    I had the same problem (surgeries on the heart) at various times of my life. It's become a sort of identifying thing for me. While it doesn't turn me on, it's still something that makes me who I am and makes me understand other people who suffered the same. Dying and not ending up dead makes me happy, but also uneasy. I hope I didn't upset you, and guarantee that I'll hold back from now on. So, on to the next part!

    Hooray for boobies (I just had to)

    Kim spent the next week eating ice-cream, watching TV and generally not training. She spent her time on the couch, slowly getting used to the fact that she was unable to see her feet when standing up. Indeed, Louisa had done some marvellous work. The bandages had come off after five days, showing perfectly healed scars. Kim was astounded, but still preferred to rest the whole week. Nina came by every other day, telling her about her various sexual adventures and conquests. Apparently, she had literally picked up a few guys and carried them home with her, subsequently enjoying their company all night long.
    Examining her new assets, Kim slowly realised that her life had indeed changed. She started to like her new shape and enjoyed herself. When Nina brought her the newest outfits, it began to feel right.
    “Now this next one is an evening dress. It’s black, looks classy, and you can tie it this way to show off your shoulders and this way to show your boobs. Here are a few bras, they should fit you nicely. Not that you need them, but since it’s mostly for looks, they’ll be perfect.”
    Kim tried everything on, admiring herself in Nina’s tailor mirrors. She pushed her breasts together, showing a deep, swollen cleavage.
    “Jacob will love this. I’m going to be rich. Wow.”
    “By the way, do you have any idea how exactly you’re going to get his money?”
    “I think I’ll seduce him, then ask him for my share, and well, I can’t imagine that he won’t comply.”
    “That seems sensible, but where does Louisa come in? She engineered all this in the first place. She’s not a very trusting person, so why should she help you without a guarantee?”
    Kim looked at her friend, wondering. She had implicitly trusted Louisa to come up with a plan beneficial to both of them, but somehow it was coming apart now. What was she up to? She decided to call her partner-in-crime tomorrow. Meanwhile she concentrated on the job at hand.
    She spent the next two weeks trying to maintain her shape, occasionally improving smaller areas which she had previously neglected. Nina had developed a fascinating ability to point out these spots. At the same time, her friend was slowly turning into a broad-shouldered monster. Since she was a little shorter than Kim, her muscles looked even bigger. Still, she showed no signs of being done. She still pumped iron every day, apparently fulfilling her life-long desire. Oddly enough, her ongoing preference for junk-food and sweets had not given her Kim’s hourglass-like physique, but had rather maintained her overweight looks, complete with big breasts, proud belly and massive booty. Nina loved the sumo-style and radiated this enthusiasm in such a way that most men had a hard time resisting her.
    Kim entirely forgot to call Louisa. When she tried after a week, Louisa’s answering machine told her to call again later. A personal visit to her home didn’t yield anything either.

    BTW, spell checking disappeared.


    I'm surprised at how well this is coming along. This is definitely a long story, but it is still compelling to read. I don't know if you read the story that I posted here, but I also wrote a long story. Mine, though, didn't compel people to read in the same way that yours is doing. Also, don't worry about the surgery thing. It is really something that bothers me and should not force you to have to write differently. I normally wouldn't have said anything, anyway, but I do tend to be rather blunt and I am often viewed as being honest to a fault. That is a self-observation, so I know the truth of it. Anyway, enough of my issues and keep up the good work.


    The plot thickens, and it was really very thick to start with! 😉 I am really enjoying this story and am waiting with bated breath for the next part!


    Your daily fix. Well, I'm not quite sure yet, but I might have to take tomorrow off. Sorry guys.

    The return?

    On the night of Jacob’s expected return, Kim fell into an almost meditative state. She washed, checked her haircut (she had been to the hairdresser earlier that day), prepared her make-up and put some moisturising cream on to soften her skin. She had decided on a very reduced styling, so as not to detract from her tremendous physique.
    After this, she put on her underwear, lifting her huge, soft breasts into her bra’s cups one by one. She loved the feeling they gave her. They were warm, heavy and so oddly natural that she instantly hugged herself. She slowly realised that the last two-and-a-half months had been the loneliest time in her life. Even her attempted fuck with Diego had left her even emptier than before. Kim thought about her situation for a while, looking at her mirror dreamily. She had taken all this on her to please a man. Was he worth it? The prospect of wealth was still there, but had been forced into the background by her wanting to become Jacob’s fantasy. She had definitely started to love him. A complete stranger so to say.
    She put on a black silk robe with golden details, mostly depicting Asian dragons. Nina had been very strict on this one. She had talked about dragon-symbolism for an hour, before finally showing off her budding tattoo on her back. Since she still wanted to become larger, she had only a small part done to avoid further stretching.
    Kim turned off the lights, went down to the living-room and laid down on the beautiful white leather sofa Walter had always been so fussy about. She seriously wondered why he hadn’t wanted to be buried with it. She looked out of the window into the garden.
    At eight pm, nothing happened. Jacob’s flight was supposed to land at 7, so she started to wonder. She waited 15 more minutes, then checked the arrivals on the television. Everything was perfect. The machine had landed on time. She sat back down, waiting.
    After a while, she turned on the TV. She turned the volume down so she would hear him, but still nothing happened.
    At ten pm, she got up angrily, turned off the television and went up to her bedroom. Fuck him, she thought. She stripped down to her underwear, laid down on her bed and tried to sleep a little. Still, she was too nervous to doze off. She looked at the ceiling, feeling angry. Suddenly, she heard a clicking noise. The front-door key? She got to her feet, put on the robe and opened the bedroom door. The noise came again, this time louder, then the front-door opened.
    Kim let the lights turned off so as not to spoil the surprise and went down barefoot. All of a sudden, she heard two unfamiliar voices.
    “Can’t you open it a little quieter? Stupid fuck!”
    “Aw, do it yourself if you’re so smart.”
    “Shut up, I heard something!”
    She sneaked downstairs to get the phone and call the police. She found it on the sofa-table, vaguely aware of the burglars’ steps by the library door. She dialled the emergency phone number, not realising that the phone would play a fancy little beeping tune while connecting. Instantly, the voices in the library went silent. Just as she heard the operator’s voice, the a shadowy figure appeared in front of her. The man pointed a gun at her and motioned her to turn off the phone. Just as she wanted to comply, another man rushed in, slapping the armed one over the head.
    “You goddamn stupid fuck! Why the hell did you bring a gun with you? Do you want us to go to fucking jail? If the cops catch us with a bloody pistol, they’ll get us life for attempted murder.”
    The first one ducked down, looking aghast in the darkness.
    “I’m sorry. I just brought it for self-defence, I thought the house was empty…”
    “If the stupid house is empty, you don’t need any stupid weapon for self-defence!”
    As the argument went on, Kim tried to retreat into the darkness. Suddenly, the first one screamed something about her getting away and charged at her. Kim lifted her massive arm as a reflex, the burglar hit it, let out a weak scream, and fell down panting. The guy at her feet desperately tried to get up, but apparently he was completely smashed. He wheezed a little while getting on all fours.
    Suddenly the lights went on. The second one had turned them on. He looked at her and muttered a “shit!” under his breath. The two burglars ran as fast as they could, the first one significantly slower than the other one.


    Ouch! That had to hurt! 😮
    Ah well, I'm sure that her little episode of self-doubting will end swiftly after she realizes just how strong she is.  😀
    Please post another tomorrow! If you don't, I will probably go into withdrawl!  😉


    Really love this part,she doesn't know her own strenght, that's great. Perhaps we need to know more how she looks now, but I imagine you keep it for later.

    Really great story man, I'm expecting once again the next chapter soon, (nothing today???)


    Just a short one for today, more tomorrow.

    When the fuzz arrives

    Minutes later, the police were there. They had located the Carland Mansion via the phone number and had sent a squad car to apprehend a group of criminals. When they got there, they found two rather pathetic burglars caught in the hedgerow. After capturing the two men, the police sergeant went to inspect the damages. He photographed the door, whose lock had been opened. After that, he went to see Kim. She sat on the sofa and had a drink to calm down. A young female officer was interviewing her. When the blonde told her about the burglars’ dialogue, the novice policewoman had to stop herself from giggling. Kim looked at her oddly, mirroring the woman’s occasional double-take at her body and lingerie.
    The older officer, complete with moustache and pot-belly sat down opposite to her and waited until the younger one was finished. He then put on his glasses, gave Kim a good look than said:
    “Well, miss, I must say you did impress me. Keeping your cool, leaving the phone on and taking care of one of the bad guys. Wow. Anyway, we might need you for the trial, so please stay around. We’ll have two officers on patrol in the area for the next few days in case that more criminals were around.”
    Kim thanked him, smiling weakly. She was vaguely aware that Jacob still wasn’t home, but the sudden rush of adrenalin had given her a boost. She was elated at her own strength and somehow, the older man’s admiration increased her confidence. Also he desperately tried to ogle at her soft breasts but did it in a “I’m married, so I really shouldn’t be doing this”-way. He actually blushed a little when she dropped one side of the robe, exposing just a little of her right breast.
    “OK. I hope that you’ll sleep well tonight. And don’t forget, you we’re very brave tonight, but you shouldn’t take any risks.”
    In the end, the police left, occasionally giving her an inspired stare. She turned off the lights, desperate to calm down, then went to the kitchen to fix herself a night cap. She made a mental note of calling the locksmith tomorrow. The front-door had been broken open, so it would have to be fixed first thing I the morning.
    She opened the fridge to see if there was any Bacardi left, feeling the cold chill on her bare skin. Her nipples got hard instantly, swelling to half-inch long bolts. She gently stroked her breast, when she froze. There was something at the door. She waited, lit only by the fridge’s lamp. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice.
    “Kim? Is that you?”


    Short but sweet. At least I've had my fix.  😉

    No withdrwal symptoms yet!  😀


    Late, but I hope it's OK.


    Kim turned around slowly, the fridge’s light illuminating the soft ridges between her muscles. Jacob stood there, wearing a beard, his hair long and unkempt, clad in torn jeans and a T-shirt with a southern football-club’s logo on it. He seemed slimmer than before, and very tired. As he looked at her, his face brightened. She shut the fridge’s door and walked to him in the darkness, seductively swaying her hips. She touched his cheek gently and whispered a perfect “Yes.” at him.
    As she moved ever closer, he started caressing her huge arms, feeling her powerful, hard muscles under her soft skin. She gave his trouser fly a pull, tearing it open, the button rolling away in the inky blackness of the kitchen. His hard-on literally burst free, his hands moved to her enormous breasts. He groped them, massaging the full softness gently. She turned him around with well-meaning authority until his back was to the kitchen table and lifted him on it easily. There was some clatter as a fruit basket fell to the floor, spilling it’s contents on the ground.
    She kneeled above him, quickly shrugging off the silk robe and flexing her pectorals to trust her breasts forward. He extended his feeling exploration to her neck, her massive trapezius muscles pushing upwards as she lowers her arms. Jacob moved his hands behind her back, fumbling for the bra’s hooks. Finally, it came off. Kim pulled at her g-string, loosing it quickly thanks to Nina’s tailoring skills. She lowered herself on Jacob’s erect member, feeling his welcome fullness in her. She intuitively started massaging him internally, making him grow further. He started to moan, pant and breathe heavily. She ground herself against his pelvis, almost causing him to come.
    Before he could, she grabbed him firmly with her vaginal muscles, strong and perfectly controlled, and forced him into a calmer state. She then started to slide gently back and forth, caressing him both internally and externally, kissing him softly. Their tongues intertwined, and she realised that she loved this man. This unknown man. She allowed him to leave her, sliding down on him and grasping his member with her huge breasts. He looked at her, fascinated that her hands were still on the table and that she was massaging him by the strength of her pectorals alone. Then, she lowered her mouth on his dick and started suckling on it.
    They got down on the floor, slowly moving into a 69er position and starting to please each other. Kim wrapped her powerful legs around him, forcing him into a lock.
    At last they reached the peak and collapse. An enormous tiredness enveloped them as they laid side by side on the kitchen floor.

    The police were called to the city’s central bank. The woman stood  before her peers:
    “I have decided to provide for funds in my way. It will be an excellent testing ground for our projects. I very much regret your lack of support…”
    “Miss Carland, we will judge the project by it’s success, not by fickle demonstrations of power.”
    “I see…”


    Oooo! Intrigue! Keep it coming!

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