- This topic has 78 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 3 months ago by
November 24, 2005 at 5:54 am #16712
ParticipantJust a short one. The showdown will probably be written on Friday.
Beat ‘em up
As they came in, Nina quickly assessed the situation, saw that the two warrior-women had caught up with Jacob, and acted. She took both of Kim’s wrists, threw herself around, and sent her friend spinning in a wide arc. Kim stared in horror as she left the ground, centrifugal forces propelling her towards her foes. They turned around, but everything seemed to happen in slow-motion. Kim hit the first one’s helmet with her foot, pushed herself back while still hanging in mid-air, and did a big step to hit the second one as well.
As she completed this manoeuvre, she was pulled back by Nina, who still hadn’t released her arms. She stopped, still groggy by the abruptness of the movement. In the same moment, the two armoured fighters collapsed into a heap. The kicks had clearly been strong enough to knock them out even inside their protection. Kim sat down, massaging her feet. They appeared to be quite bruised by the hard surface they had been struck on.
Nina walked over, removed the helmets and gave both of the guards a further slap to keep them knocked out. She then proceeded to strip the two women of their suits of armour. Jacob was still staring at his saviours, his mind only slowly understanding what had happened. He seriously wished this would end quickly and well, so that he could spend some time with those wonderful women.
When Nina was done, Kim had soothed her pain enough to stand. Clearly, the regenerative powers of the chemicals in her blood circuit were still at work. Any other person would have broken both of her legs in such an action. Meanwhile, her partner was busy putting the insect-armour on. In her now-expanded form, the plates were no longer layered, lying side-by-side instead. She looked like an enormous black ladybug. She then proceeded to get Kim to put the other suit on.
“Quick. We need to disguise ourselves. We’ll walk in easily, pretending that we captured Jacob while he was lurking on the compound.” Kim stared at her wondering as Nina strapped the armour plates on her back. She just had to ask:
“How do you know how to do something like this? I wouldn’t even think of trying anything similar!”
“Well, I did tell you about me wanting to be a superhero when I grew up, didn’t I? This is my chance. I have been practicing this in my imagination for decades! Also, it’s rather standard action movie fare for now.”
“Action movie? Nina, this is reality. Someone can get hurt. Seriously. Besides, it never works in the movies. The good guys always get spotted when they try to disguise themselves as evil henchmen!”
“That’s right, but as you noted, it is reality. It’ll work, trust me.”
Kim was clearly sceptical. Jacob just accepted his fate. Finally, they were ready for action. They walked out, doing their best to look like military precision. Kim whispered to Nina:
“How long do you think that you’ll remain in this “enlarged” form?”
“I don’t care. I hope it stays forever!”
“You’re crazy. You can’t even touch your armpits!”
“Right now, I don’t need to, so please let me enjoy this.”November 26, 2005 at 7:02 am #16713El_Roy_1999
ParticipantWell, it's the beginning of the show-down. By the way, happy thanksgiving to everyone!
Taking Jacob in the middle, the two powerful women walked to the main building. They opened the door and walked in. Nina’s heavy steps were quickly heard by two other guards who were standing in Louisa’s living room. It had been turned into a command central for this operation, the walls of the office having been removed to make more room. Louisa turned to them, looked at Jacob and laughed.
“I can’t believe you actually got in here. You’re definitely the most stupid person I’ve ever met. It’s hard to believe that you’re my brother. You two…” She shouted at the guards. “Get out and watch the gate. We don’t want any further intruders.”
Kim shut the door behind them, while Nina scanned the room: They were now alone with Louisa, her assistant was in the rear of the building, apparently fetching something. Several large tanks of liquids were attached to one wall, including complicated machines, apparently meant for the liquid’s distribution. Louisa was wearing a light grey bodysuit, apparently made from the same material as Kim’s implants. On it, several “ports”, for lack of a better word, were visible. She still wore her black her short, but had now opted for some bangs.
Nina approached Jacob, pushing him forward. She asked:
“What should we do with him?”
As Louisa pondered his fate, Kim sneaked forward, walking idly to the place were the other guard had stood before. Jacob looked at his sister pleadingly and asked her if she could stop this madness. Louisa laughed on.
Suddenly, Kim jumped forward. She flew over the sofa were all this insanity had started, hit the ground and threw a masterful punch at her step-daughter. With a resounding crack, the surgeon was knocked over, hitting one of the chairs of the sofa and disappearing behind it. Kim massaged her knuckles, exhaled and added:
“This feels so good. I should have done this in the first place!” Jacob gave her an odd look, then suddenly realised that Helena had recognised them. He shouted at them and ran, desperately covering the distance as quickly as possible. Helena ran to the communication system, clearly to call reinforcements. The two women sprinted past him and Nina slammed into the anaesthetist at full speed.
Helena, who was just wearing her usual simple black jacket-and-trousers, went down instantly. It seemed that she was knocked out by the sheer impulse of Nina’s charge, rather than the actual hit.
The two women gave each other a high-five and turned around to Louisa.
She had recovered from the blow and had staggered to the machine on the wall. She quickly connected some of the tubes to her suits “ports” and smiled grimly at her aggressors:
“I have something beautiful to show you, my friends. You should definitely try someone your size. Or rather me, for a challenge!”
With these words, she activated the machine, causing it to pump various fluids into her lithe body. She howled in pain, rolled herself into a ball, and…November 27, 2005 at 1:03 pm #16714gblock01
ParticipantWell, I come back, I see that you've been busy, I get into the story, and then you cut me off! Why do you have to end it just before a huge transformation? Regardless, the rest is great.
November 28, 2005 at 6:52 am #16715El_Roy_1999
ParticipantOne for the giantess fans out there.
This is the end, my only friend
Grew. As the three intruders watched, Louisa’s body lengthened, filling up with muscle as it did. Her lithe form quivered as her proportions changed. Her arms and legs became long and spindly, until she seemed like an enormous, five meter (17’) tall stickwoman. The clothing stretched, covering her in a tight, grey fabric. Seconds later, her back spread out, forcing her arms apart. Her screams of pain became more intense as her bones lengthened to support her enlarged frame.
Her arm muscles grew next, further straining the bullet-proof fabric. The growth spread to her body’s front, giving her huge, broad pectorals and large abdominals. Her legs then filled out, giving her a monstrously athletic stature.
Behind her, the machine shut off, empty. Louisa, now gigantic, stood up, spread her arms, and howled in triumph.
Her soon-to-be victims were shocked. The giantess laughed throatily and quickly snatched Jacob. He was lifted in the air, screaming with horror. She dropped him, let him fall and caught him by his leg, shaking him. His protests were rather feeble, the contents of his pockets fell out, and he was tossed back at his companions.
“This feels great. I should have done this years ago. Father would have seen that I was the better one of us.”
Jacob picked himself up and shouted weakly:
“You can’t be serious! Do you actually do all this to prove your superiority? I always said that you were the bright one!”
The huge woman smiled benignly. She replied:
“Well, it is a difference whether someone tells you something or whether you actually believe in it. And it is definitely easier to believe this way, isn’t it?”
Meanwhile, Nina desperately tried to figure out what to do. She saw no opportunity to tackle their enormous foe. Kim clearly saw something and charged, but was quickly brushed aside. She crashed into the command facility in the rear of the building, landing close to Helena’s prone form.
Nina picked up her gun and shot. The bullet struck Louisa, but she just laughed, picking the flattened shell from her clothes and flicking it at her aggressor. Nina went down. Louisa lounged forward, trying to grab her. The thick-set woman rolled aside, evading her assault.
At the same time, Kim got up. She saw the fight and decided that she could not hope to match Louisa’s strength or size. She had to find another way. Nina picked up the sofa, groaning. Clearly, her strength was starting to fade. She threw it at the giantess, but Louisa just turned her head aside. The piece of furniture landed in the background, breaking apart.
Louisa stuck her tongue out, kicking the couch table at Nina, who barely managed to jump away. In this moment, Kim understood. She tore the containers from her harness, binding them together with the straps. Soon, she had created a tight bundle of injection canisters.
Nina turned to her for help, rolling away as Louisa’s huge fist smashed into the ground close to her. Kim made a few signs, which the red-head answered by rolling her eyes. She put her hands together, forming a makeshift step.
Jacob had recovered, and Louisa immediately noticed him. She stopped attacking Nina and stood up straight.
“Hey little brother. Look at you, trying to emulate your daddy. Guess what, I’ll make mince-meat of your little fuck-toy!” She picked up two of the large, empty containers and lounged forward to crush Kim between them. The blonde buxom goddess ran between the approaching metal cylinders and stepped on Nina’s waiting hands. The now-shrinking woman instantly tensed, throwing her partner in the air. Kim flew through the air, flailing her arms. Louisa turned to her and opened her mouth to scream.
Kim landed on her face, slammed the canisters’ needles into her tongue and dropped down as rapidly as possible. The monstrous women howled, noticing what had happened. Instantly, her tongue started to grow, the muscles in it filling her mouth. She toppled over, her face turning blue as her throat covered with thick muscle fibres.
Kim ran over to Helena, waking the still unconscious doctor.
“Is there an antidote? We need to shrink her, or she’ll choke!”
Helena looked at her groggily, assessing the situation and pointing at a nearby cabinet. Kim opened it and found several self-injecting containers.
“Which one?” The anaesthetist indicated the biggest and passed out again. Kim carried it over to the suffocating titan and applied it with Nina’s help. The red-head had shrunk back to her still muscular self and seemed quite dismayed by this development.
The monstrous woman started shrinking almost instantly, passing out from the strain. Finally, she went very pale, but was alive. Jacob approached her, looked at her in disgust, and went on to bind her.November 28, 2005 at 7:01 am #16716gblock01
ParticipantI never saw that end coming. It was short, but sweet. Hopefully, one of the two heroines will be able to grow further and stay that way.
November 29, 2005 at 7:39 am #16717El_Roy_1999
ParticipantAnd here's the end. Enjoy, and please, give feedback. (Thanks for your continual support, gblock!)
Three strikes
Nina stepped over to the communications system, picked up the headset and ordered the fighters to retreat and surrender. She did her best to emulate Louisa’s stern voice, and was apparently successful, since a chorus of sceptical okays was heard over the PA. Minutes later, the militia soldiers overran the compound, capturing the surrendering warrior women. Soon, the soldiers entered the loft-turned-command-centre. They held everyone up, waiting for their commanding officers. They arrived seconds later and questioned the captives.
Nina, Kim and Jacob managed to explain their role in the capture of the insurgents and were escorted to waiting ambulances. As they were given blankets and tea, they noticed that the lights had been turned on again.
Suddenly, there was a commotion. Out of a melee of soldiers, Louisa emerged, carrying a handgun. She screamed, aimed at Kim, and shot. The soldiers seized her, but Kim toppled over, spilling the tea on the ground. Jacob and Nina dropped their stuff, called for help and pulled away the blanket. Kim looked at them blankly, staring at the small read wound on her bosom. The bullet stuck there, bent and flat. It had struck her massive breasts, but had been stopped by the implants.
She pulled out the projectile, stared at it, and smiled. Then, she fainted. As everything around her faded to black, she heard Jacob hold her, saying he loved her.When she woke up again, she was at the mansion. In bed, actually. She rolled in the sheets, enjoying the fluffiness of the eiderdown. Slowly, she opened her eyes and recognised Nina. The red-haired woman sat there, covers draped over her legs. Her soft and heavy breasts rose and fell with her breath. She was naked, her big tummy displayed freely. She brushed a strand of hair from her face, her arm muscles rippling.
“You’re awake. How do you feel? You’ve been out for a day. Must have been the shock, plus the exhaustion.” She grinned mischievously and added: “You should get some exercise, you know.”
Kim rolled over, propped herself up on her large forearms, and slowly realised that the whole situation was odd.
“Why are we in bed together?”
“That’s easy: I wanted to be there when you woke up, and besides, I was quite tired myself.”
“Where’s Jacob?”
“He’s downstairs. I sent him to watch TV. I wouldn’t want him to see me naked without you okaying it.” Kim gave her a suspicious look, wondered what to say, then settled for:
“Thanks. By the way, what became of Louisa and her soldiers?”
“You’re quite curious for someone who just escaped death twice. They arrested her and locked all the people up. There’s going to be a trial in a week or so. It was on the news.”
“Wow. We did it, didn’t we? Any word about it in the newspaper?”
Nina blushed, then picked up the paper from the ground.
“You probably won’t like it. Louisa got the last laugh…”
Kim frowned and looked at the headlines. Her eyes went wide.
“MUSCLE PERVERT INCEST THREESOME SAVES CITY FROM GIANT SURGEON. This is the single most stupid sentence I’ve ever read!”
Nina pointed to some photos and added: “These are good, perfect side-shot.”
“MAYOR EXPRESSES THANKS, OFFERS KEY TO CITY. So we’re heroes, aren’t we?”
Nina smiled, flexed her arm, making a huge biceps appear and answered:
“Definitely. And I have three more surprises, one for each of us: First, Jacob got his money back and gave you most of it. Second, I got Louisa’s suit, and I’m planning to wear it at night as soon as my costume is ready. Third, I have a little something for Jacob…”
“What is it?”
“I called your two scientist friends and they gave me this:” She reached on the bedside table, grabbed a little pill-jar and shook it. “It’s the special serum in pill form. Works just as well, only slower and without the needles. What do you say? For once, the stuff in the newspaper could be true. What about some MUSCLE PERVERT THREESOME?”
Kim stared at her crazy friend. All this was going way too fast. On the other hand, everything had come out fine. Also, she had always been a little bi-curious. Anyway, rich people had to behave like decadents, so why not?
“What’s the dosage?”
“One is three weeks of growth. I’ll take two.” Kim could see Nina quivering with expectation.
“I’ll have to take three to keep up with you, won’t I?”
“Okay. I’ll fetch some water, you call Jacob.”While Jacob walked up the chairs swiftly, the girls put on matching lingerie which Nina had brought, some nice black satin pieces, complete with lace and fitting their outrageous bodies tightly. As they wrapped their massive legs in self-holding stockings, Jacob knocked.
“Are you decent?” Nina answered:
“Not at all. Come in!”
They swallowed the little red pills, clinked their glasses and crossed them. They drank up as Jacob came in and glanced at him seductively. His jaw dropped. Kim nodded, luring him into the bed.
Instantly, the girls grabbed him, freeing his well-trained chest from it’s textile prison. Seconds later, he was covered in kisses, his trousers tenting gladly. He caressed the two powerhouses, feeling their laterals with incomprehension. Kim opened his fly, Nina pulled at his trousers, leaving him in his shorts.
Suddenly, Kim felt the pills kick in. She looked at Nina, who was clearly feeling the same. Keeping him down with their knees, they started embracing, kissing gently. As their tongues interlocked, Kim felt the growth coming. Nina’s hands moved to her arms, touching her trembling biceps. Clearly, the formula had been improved. The pain Nina had felt the first time had been replaced by a slight tingling.
She closed her eyes as her back spread out once again, only wider. She felt her belly being lifted by her monstrous abdominals, her huge breasts pointing forward, brushing against Kim’s humongous boobs. Gripping the other girl’s biceps, she felt her fingers being pushed apart. Kim’s back had grown in the same way, giving her a meter-wide lateral spread. They could hardly touch each other’s armpits, let alone their own.
Jacob was completely ecstatic. His every fantasy seemed to be coming true at this moment. He had found two perfect partners, sharing his passion and enjoying each other. Kim grabbed Nina’s still-growing ass and started massaging it. Her partner moaned sweetly, covering her massive pectorals in kisses. Finally, Kim noticed that her trapezius muscles overtook her ears. She wondered what she looked like now, but was still in complete rapture.
The girls lifted their legs, freeing their partner. He pushed Kim to the side, signifying that he wanted to try a position befitting the all. The girls complied to his panting orders, the three of them merging into a sexual triangle. Kim licked his penis, in turn feeling Nina’s powerful tongue on her clitoris. Jacob’s face was now trapped amidst the red-head’s monstrous legs, his tongue buried deeply in her snatch.
The circle now being closed, they brought each other to ecstasy. After a while, they shifted positions, taking turns at working one of them while the other two tried their best at pleasuring him or her. Indeed, the girls’ massive forms allowed positions normally impossible.
Sadly, Jacob was soon exhausted, spilling his load and confining himself to watching the two women in their love-making.
Nina lifted her muscular counterpart over her head, licking the now seemingly weightless blonde to a screaming orgasm. The massive horseshoes on her back came out, but she went on until her friend went limp. Nina put her back on the bed, laid down and spread her legs. Jacob crawled over and gave her her share.
At last they were satisfied. The three lovers enjoyed the calm, Nina occasionally letting her masterful muscles jump.
Kim thought about the whole situation. There she was, lying in a bed with her stepson and her best friend, who was as enormously muscular as she was, having the best sex of their lives. After a while, she lifted her arm, flexed her handball-sized biceps and smiled.It was alright.
Kim went on to have three children and become part of the nation’s high society. She even spawned a short-lived muscle craze amongst her fellow upper class women.
Jacob stayed with his two girls for the rest of his long and enjoyable life. His “futbol” clubs played an important role in the world championships of the following decades.
Nina protected the city from organised crime and bizarre attacks as “Queen Crimson”. She managed to shift the world’s taste in women, at least for a while, giving the full-figured girls a little boost.
Frank and Taehan stayed on good terms with their patrons, eventually shifting to pharmaceutical research and finding a cure for muscular dystrophy and speech impediments. They were also bitten by a huge chimpanzee.
Officer Mia was promoted, married her boyfriend and was happily ever after. She also became “Queen Crimson”’s police contact.
William R. Sonborough choked on a fishbone and died.
Colleen followed every trend of the fashion industry and came full circle when Nina caused the full-figure revival.
Helena was acquitted of most charges, became good friends with Kim and stayed in public service until age 72.
Diego and Craig got married, divorced, married again and stayed together, writing a book about their life and becoming best-selling novelists.
Louisa spent two years in prison before she was acquitted and was sent to the south to put her organisational talents to good use. She modernised most of the states there and ended world hunger. Many cities built monuments to her achievements, making her a world-wide hero. She died at old age, penniless but strangely happy amidst her numerous grandchildren and the statesmen and women she had taught.
November 29, 2005 at 8:03 am #16718gblock01
ParticipantThat "happily ever after" ending is certainly Final Fantasy-ish. Aside form that minor complaint, the rest was sectacular! Or, I wish it was. To actually see something like that… Too bad my talents don't include being aristic… Well…I guess that I could make modern art, but so could a chimpanzee. 😉
Excuse the bad humor. I seriously wish that this was literally spectacular. It's just too bad that such a good thing has to finally draw to a close. 😥
December 2, 2005 at 9:06 pm #16719Fonk
ParticipantThat was an incredible story. Thanks so much for sharing it all with us!
December 2, 2005 at 10:19 pm #16720El_Roy_1999
ParticipantThanks! I'll see if I'll be able to write another one soon.
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