FMG and me

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  • #17581

    Actually, I have been wondering the same thing. I am most curious to see how you are doing.


    hey it's barely been a month give her some time. 🙄


    Hmmm… That may be true, but knowing where she is coming from is a good idea. That way, we, if she approves or even wishes, of course, can track her progress and possibly give advice or, at the very least, offer encouragement.

    Erika calhoun

    sorry for not replying, wow, thanks for the support,

    i have started going to the gym more, with a small amount of progress, but on the evening of the 3rd i was on my way back from a club, and, a little worse for wear, i tripped whilst walking down a flight of stone steps, leading to concussion, a broken arm and ankle. which, well, sucks, um, as far as building, i might (might) return to it eventually when im feeling better, but ill remain on these forums, pestering all the artists and morphers  😀 , and if i do return to my plans i will tell you, but they're put on hold for now, due to injuries and other reasons which id rather not go into depth about,

    keep up all the good, hard, and damn sexy work


    p.s. if i put a pic of my up, will you guys morph it/draw it (i can dream)

    David C. Matthews

    p.s. if i put a pic of my up, will you guys morph it/draw it (i can dream)

    Oh, I'm certain someone will get creative with any pic you'd care to post… we're like that. 😀

    Erika calhoun

    sorry to be a complete doofus, but how does one upload pictures on this forum

    David C. Matthews

    sorry to be a complete doofus, but how does one upload pictures on this forum

    First, you have to have your images hosted on the Internet. If you don't have your own website, you can use one of the several new image-hosting sites that are springing up. I suggest Image Shack; it's already being used by many of the members here, and they seem to be the least obnoxious about throwing pop-up ads at you. Once you create an account with them, they'll give you instructions on how to upload your images to them.

    Once your images are on the server, you're ready to post them here. Click on this icon there above the message window:

    Put the URL of your image between the second and third square brackets of the "img" code, and your image will appear at that place in the posted message. (It'll work in "preview" as well, so you know you got the link right before you hit "post".)

    Hope this helps.


    Actually you can add attachemnts if you click on Additional Options but try to keep them small.

    Erika calhoun


    its the pic (of the few) with the most potential

    David C. Matthews


    I took the liberty of modifying your post; the URL should work now.

    (I tried to get the image to display in the post, but I guess Image shack doesn't allow direct linking to images, only thumbnails.)

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