FMG Bitch Fight

  • This topic has 15 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 19 years ago by Max.
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  • #15947
    Tetsuko Fan

    This is My first FF on FMG so people plz Understand if I make mistakes

    Ashling Bannon was sitting on her Boyfrineds Bed geting ready to be fucked Sensensless
    "oh god I can't Wait" she Started to take Of her Bra When she Spotted a Magzine lying on the Ground it was full of Muscluar women she looked at herself in despair she was Just a Skinny thing.
    "I can't do this, I don't turn him on" so ahe Put her Clothes Back On and Left Quietly without a Sound
    that night she Cried and in a desparte attempt to reignite her Teenage Sex life with her boyfriend she went hunting on the Internet for answers. As she looked she Saw Row after Row Of Women with spectacular Muscles it was then she Decided she had To become Buff like those women, Just then a Strange Pop up appeared and it offered her help she instantly closed it but it reopened so She Switched The Computer off at the Plug but the Sceen Reamined on with the pop up so she Decided She would look into it and Clicked on the Pop up and The Whole Room Flashed and she Fell back the Screen had Switched off and it was as if Nothing had Happened but she was about to find Out something Big had Happend.

    just as the clock hit midnight ashling woke up feeling weird and got up. she felt like running deep into the countryside. so she put on her high heeled boots her leather skirt and skin tight top and started running far in fact just as day broke she was stopping in a barren feild. she felt something diffrent this time it was like and orgagism and she flet pain a Good Pain though Flowing through her Body like lava…..

    sudenly her top which was already tight enogh on her started to streach the sleves startes to strain as her muscles Buldged and soon she couldn't even see her feet because her Breasts had Grown so big and The Aawful but plesuable feeling she Got In her legs brought her to her knees.
    The next thing she Heard we a Rip comeing form her Skirt she Saw Threads of leather skirt lieing on the Ground she tried To stop her body from growing more but it was To enjoyable the pain sudenly turned To plesure as she watche her body grow she didn't want it to stop she wanted More but by this Stage she was now 7 foot 8 with arms as big as Bolders her chest had gone form a modest C-cup to a Massive II-cup and her Legs where huge Ripling From muslce her Boots however survived  the transformation but on the ground lay scraps form her top and Skirt she got up and started walking she Felt diffrent almost felling good about herself which was unusal because she hated women with muscles because the looke Horrible but now she Herslef was one. As she walked she found a river where she looked at herslef and Cried "God I look God with muscles and my tits they are huge whoa i'm pretty tall" her hair was also Longer and it Glistened in the water
    sudenly she Remembered why she wanted this to impress her boyfriend but she wanted this all to herself and no longer wanted Sex with skiny men but super Buff men somethign to the Size of Herself…
    To be Contuied…

    So what Do you think i tried Getting everyting in in terms Of the Transformation but i hope You like it


    Very interesting beginning. I will really like to see what will be the impression Ashling will make on her boyfriend.

    Thanks for sharing your first story.


    Tetsuko Fan

    I'm doing this through a public computer because my computer at home has died (long live windows 98) so it may be While before i get the next part post don't worry i'l' try and do this soon
    and i won't have acess over holloween becasue i have to look after my neice while my brother and his wife are out of town so i won't be Posting again till mid november so bear with me


    There is no problem. I will wait to see what you come up with.

    Take care and good luck.


    Tetsuko Fan

    This Couldn't get any better…. i told my folks over in newry what happned and they sent me wee bro over with my old Laptop form high school it works fairly well but becuase i'm in belfast and he is in Newry i had to pay him he said "I cancled Plans with my Bitch for you now Pay up"
    £45 i had to pay him plus Use of my photoshop when i get me New Computer to mess with some picture of His 'bitch'
    anyway i'm going to add on part 2 of the Stroy

    Asling Stood there looking at her huge body of muscle but then the Tought passed through her mind does this Body have the strenght assocated with its form. so she Walked and Saw a Huge boulder "lets see can i lif this" she lifted it without any problem "No way! this Boulder shouldn't be this Light" she wanted to explore a bit more she took her Little finger and pressed it against the boulder it was Crushed "Amazing This Body it Perfect this Sould Defeinatly Get Michale Hard and ready for a Good Fuck in no time.

    She started Walking but felt a Breeze against her Bare Skin "Oh i can't walk into Newry looking like this" she looked Around Her there was nothing So she Needed to sneek back into town without anyone Noitcing her so she Started walking back the way she came the next nigh she was back at the Outskirts of newry she was lucky not to have been spoted by now she walk down the Back street and There Stood 4 men armed with guns Shotguns to be exact "Well well waht have we got here a Babe ready for our personal Seal of approval the Men Took Out their dicks "Now Lie down and let Us Go about our Business or else we shoot you and dump you on the street" Asling Stood ver still but she also wondered becasue of all this Muscle was she inverable to bullets so She walked towards Them The Leader Smiled "Well aren't we eager?"
    Asling Grabed the Gun twisted it and Stuffed It in her mouth "Mmmm Gun… You know waht Lads I want More" the men then started Shooting at her but they just Rickocked back of her skin "Stop It that Tickled" and She gigled Grabing the Rest of The Guns  and turned them into a Huge Wad of Gum and Started Chewing eventually Sawoling them "mmmm now maybe a Bit of Man for desert" the men Satrted running "Aghh this Isn't right we're out of her" They soon Ran out Of Sight…

    She Eventually Got Back home and Now she had a Dialema….."None of My clothes fit me exect my G-strings"
    so in despetaion she Ripped Some of her old Clothes and Tied them Together To from a Bakini and Skirt now the easy part was over she Needed To face Her boyfriend but something sinster was brewing in background a unecpxted problem…..
    To be Contiued

    Tetsuko Fan

    Part 3
    Asling left her House pretty quickly after sorting out Her 'big crisis' and dashed To her boyfriends house very egarly… but when she Go there the door had been taken off its hinges she walked in and called Out for her boyfriend "Michael where are you are you okay?" She satrted Running to her Boyfirends room and She Saw Blood runing form under the door and as she Ran in She saw the Corpse of her Lover lying on the bed  fixated with a Face of fear Asling walked up to the body and Noitced something in his hand it was a box and When she opened it it had an engament Ring.. he wasn'y goin to Fuck her he was Going to ask her to marry him…….

    She started Crying the tears Flowed Down her cheak and Touched her Large Viumptious Breasts but it was weired as the Tear Turned Into a Ball of Strange Balck Water when it dripped on her makeshift Bra it sudenly cahnged It into a proper one but it was Black the more she cried the more of these black water Appeared on her body eventually her body was covered in a leather suit one of which she created Herslef From her Greif and Darkness within….

    She Stopped Crying but her Eyes had cahnged from bottle green eyes to coal Black she Clenched Her Fist
    "I'm Going to find the bitch who did this and Kill her with this Body if mine… those words of Vengace and Hate trigered the process again her breasts became bigger and pumper her nipples we frozen as they were now diamond hard her fingernails became long and sharp, her spine started to create small bumps on her  back her Back itself  became well scupted and her shoulders broder her arms buldged beyond reconsion and her legs grew to unusal propations her lips were as balck as Coal and so was her Hair, "I going To kil the Bitch and eat her.. as she left she noitced she had Grown even bigger "Yes No i can put the Bitch in her Place" on the Ground Lay the dust of Her once engament Ring……


    Interesting twist. I wonder how her boyfriend died? There is a piece missing of her memories. She was in her boyfriend bedroom when she passed out. Then she runs in middle of the night when her transformation took place. What happened between those events? Also, how is Asling sure that a woman killed at her boyfriend?

    Interesting power Asling has acquired. I will be looking forward for more of this story.


    Tetsuko Fan

    Okay i didn't claify this..
    Asling Saw the mag stromed out of her boyfriends House
    went home and saw the opo up on th computer at her house
    she then went out and Transformed went home and went to discover her boyfriends Corsp
    She knows it a female Becuase….. well that would spoil the suprise of who the Murder is so your gonna have to wait for it

    Tetsuko Fan

    That wait wasn't very long…. heres part 4

    Asling was in th depth of Darkness and on the rampage she knew who killed her boyfriend and why she did it but you need to know about The Death of Michael.

    Michael heard the salm at his front door "did i do something" he asked himself when he went into the bedroom he saw laying on the bed the magazine asling had saw "I thoght i threw them all after i started dating asling? who would have put one of these here?" Michael and asling had been going out for since they were 16 and he finally found the Courage to ask her to marry her but someone had been telling him not to ask because it was too soon aside from asling there another girl Jenifer Sinclare she and Michael had Been good Friends since they were little and as Michael went into computing Jen pursed her caeer as a weightlifter but jen always had a Crush on Michael and thought he was Too good for Asling but micheal was determined to date her. Micheal sat on his bed fixtaed on the engament Ring "this was sagotage but who would Do such a thing" then michael heard a thud "asling is that you.." and As michael got up Jen walked into the Room "what do you want jen?" She Smiled Evily "Your Muscles…." *To claify michael works out alot so he's Not Just a Computer nerd* "what!?" jen took out a Ruby couldered Straw Like thing and stabed michael with it and with his last breath Michael Hit the enter Button on his Laptop and sent a 'pop-up programme' Now that Michael was dead jen walked up to the straw and started sucking the Muscles out of Michael jen became radiaclly buff raidacly fast and Michael became radically Thin and Blood Spilt everywhere "Revenge never Fealt so good" Jen then walked out and left Michael for dead with only his face Filled with terror and the engement ring…….
    To be Couniuted


    Thanks a lot for the explanation and for this 'flashback'. It seems that we can expect a great catfight very soon.

    Thanks also for the quick update. I enjoy it a lot.


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