Foot Growth

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  • #8094
    magnus knight

    Already have a Gwen growth in the works my friend, but if you want to write one then by all means go for it.  The more growth out there the better it is for us all.  Grow Baby Grow

    _M. Knight


    Now, the only good place for female foot growth is in artwork. I know a few people who have thankfully included foot growth as part of their overall growth sequences. They all focus on the She-Hulk, funnily enough. You may have heard their names already, they are "The Manic", "Chris Morea" and also "Tom Burgos". All three of them reside in an excellent Yahoo! Group named "A Growing Concern", which you may also have heard of, and I highly suggest you pay a visit to sometime.

    Oh, I don't know – it all depends on who's writing the story.  Typically, I include it as a part of the overall transformation process, but I don't dwell upon it, either.  I think the same approach to the subject could be said about Hi-Standard, Terry19d, Silent One etc.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    damn frenchy

    i agree in part with both Androxi and AlexG. then again, i just simply love foot growth, so ill take it which ever way possible.  😀

    i do find that alote more "quality" foot growths are being included in stories these days, and for that i must thank all that are responsible for such. now if only the drawing could follow suit (mind you, thanks to this GTS community, i have been able to find some great art work)

    has anybody had a chance, or even thought of taking a woman, and dressing her in clothing MUCH too small for her, rip it up a bit, and take pics? i figure that may be the closest way of getting the true image of a woman's growth…. hit me back.  😎


    . . . has anybody had a chance, or even thought of taking a woman, and dressing her in clothing MUCH too small for her, rip it up a bit, and take pics? i figure that may be the closest way of getting the true image of a woman's growth…. hit me back.  😎

    I think that Smitty was working on something of the like, "Moon of the Amazon", was the title for the video he was working towards producing.  But its been a long while since I heard anything about it.  You'll have to check w/ him over at his Yahoo group A Growing Concern.  Also, there's an Awefilms video movie called "The Growth Experiment", w/ a downloadable trailer for reviewing the storyline, where the female scientist bursts out of her garments, including nylons, if I remember correctly, as she turns into a femuscular powerhouse.  Lastly, and its a She-Hulk type TF, but there's a series of pictures on the Elena Seiple website of a guest FBBr poser doing a Gammazon routine (whose name at the moment eludes me).  I seem to think there were a few of her with the pre-TF garments torn up draped over her femuscular frame.  You might also want to check out for any foot related video clips / pics, too.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    I had a buddy who did that for comedic effect.

    It worked, we laughed.


    If any of you are interested, which I would say you might, I know of this truely awesome foot growth scene in the animated series "Teen Titans". It happens to Starfire, in the second series, in an episode named "Transformation". About 10 minutes into the episode, there is a close up, where her feet bulge and then burst out of her boots. It must be the best foot growth scene ever made.
    if you want a videoclip of it, you can get it from The Process site, which is hosted through the GTS Depot.
    I really loved it myself, it was something that was sorely needed.

    damn frenchy

    If any of you are interested, which I would say you might, I know of this truely awesome foot growth scene in the animated series "Teen Titans". It happens to Starfire, in the second series, in an episode named "Transformation". About 10 minutes into the episode, there is a close up, where her feet bulge and then burst out of her boots. It must be the best foot growth scene ever made.
    if you want a videoclip of it, you can get it from The Process site, which is hosted through the GTS Depot.
    I really loved it myself, it was something that was sorely needed.

    i must be blind or something, but i cant seem to be able to find any of his videos, more specificly the one you refered to me. can you help me out?

    Mr Burroughs

    Yeah, I can't find that clip either – The Process doesn't seem to have clips.


    Check under "Movie of the Moment" and "Starfire Transformation"

    damn frenchy

    yup. as i suspected… i AM blind! lol. thanks for pointing me in the right direction Lorekeep

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