- This topic has 19 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 6 months ago by
June 18, 2005 at 11:30 am #6566
ParticipantI’ve gotten into the groove of wanting happy endings for my stories, so here is another FMG story about one of my favorite characters that I had been longing to write about for a long time. Folks who have read previous stories about her will instantly recognize her, but for those of you who are new you can easily get introduced to her in this story.
The story however, came out unintentionally longer than Lohan vs. Duff so for your convenience I split the story into two small parts with each part containing the detailed muscle growth descriptions. Also for your convenience I proofread the story to make sure at least the glaring typos were fixed. Anyway here is the copy and paste for the first FMG sequence, enjoy!
**For future reference you can skip this entire top paragraph**
Gentle Hearts
Hey folks, this is another quick short story, which I’ll try to get through as quickly as I did Lindsay Lohan vs. Hillary Duff, but this particular one is going to be a bit more focused on character depth, still plenty of FMG action but I want folks to really like this character. Any way here’s the skinny of what’s going to happen in this story.
Quick descriptions ahead of time before I dig in:
– The character is a female doctor with short red hair, blue eyes, pouty lips, a sweet gentle smile, wearing the white lab coat, black pants, black shoes, and a blue t-shirt.
– Setting? Why the doctor’s office of course!
– Age? I’d say 29, fresh out of medical school with a natural talent for it.
– She’s very lean and about 5’5 somewhat short.That’s about all I’m going to tell you, enjoy!
(By the way it’s going to start off in 1st person and shift to 3rd person omniscient.)
CHAPTER X: The entire story is told in one sitting (Well kinda)
So there I was sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office with mild chest pains going on, I looked around and saw boring medical journal magazines etc. But they had this really cool TV with medical stuff and information I never would have even thought of. I had an appointment with Dr. Grace, ah yes; Dr. Sherrie Ann Grace… it would be my first appointment with this doctor, and I hear from my friends that she’s quite a looker and single! Not that I’d really ask her out or anything as a Doctor as smart as her would probably need someone a bit more intelligent than I could ever be. You know, being that she’s out of my league and all. Anyway, FINALLY after being told that my appointment was at 11 o’clock the medical assistant finally came in and said, “Elijah if you would step this way please?” The medical assistant was a cute girl who spoke with a bit of a Spanish accent, she had black curly hair, a short height, and a really soft voice which helps you at least feel a bit more soothed before going into the doctor’s office.
I went in past the receptionist desk and a few others who are naturally wearing those flower patterned clothes they make em wear, I don’t know what you call em I’m not a doctor but anyway I guess I was just looking at them to get my mind off visiting this new doctor for the first time. So the assistant leads me to the office, asks me why I’m at the office and I tell her, “I’ve been having chest pains recently, kind of like a dull ache.” She said to me, “No shortness of breath? Just chest pains?” I said to her, “Nah just a dull ache, nothing really stinging as of late but it has me worried.” She smiled and said to me, “Okay no problem the doctor will be here to see you in a few minutes.” A few minutes? Riiiight, more like a few hours! There I waited and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, until finally like thirty minutes later the door opened. Boy oh boy was it one of the greatest surprises in my life when I saw that petite, soft, white hand and one of the most beaming smiles I had witnessed in my life. The smile suddenly turned into a gaped shock as Dr. Grace walked into the room, sat on her chair, and said to me “Eli?” I couldn’t believe it! It was Sherrie, THE Sherrie the one who I had met so long ago. As I stood up she quickly gave me a big hug and said, “Oh my God I’ve missed you! How long has it been?” That was a damn good question! I hadn’t seen her since after the incident and I said, “It’s been about 10 years, what have you been doing all this time? Wow you even cut your red hair, it’s shorter than it used to be it looks great!”
Sherrie smiled at me and said, “Thanks and well after the ‘incident’ and some choices in life I decided to go to medical school. Melanie helped pay for a portion of it, but I took a part time job as a reporter and eventually by managing my time I got my masters, doctorate, Ph D etc. And voila! Here I am!” I chuckled and said, “Wow that’s amazing, hard to believe you were 19 when I met you, and now you’re 29 with a Dr. title before your name. That’s really incredible, congratulations!” Sherrie looked at me with those blue eyes of hers and said softly, “Thank you Eli.” I found myself falling into old habits from the past and stupidly said to her, “I’ve missed you, you even changed your name and everything all over again. Why didn’t you keep in touch with me?” Sherrie sighed and frowned saying, “You know why.” I said to her, “But I knew about your secret and I took care of you! Why couldn’t you just…” she placed her finger on my lips and said, “Shh… the walls have ears. You know why we couldn’t be together, I’m sick Eli and you know that if I ever got upset with you terrible things would start happening. I had to change my name AGAIN after those other accidents; I don’t want to change my life again. I’m sorry sweetie…” I knew it was true; I looked at her and felt so close to her even after having been separated from her all these years. I just wanted to kiss her again and tell her that I love her but I know that would only make her heart ache more at having to tell me no again. Unable to think of anything to say I said, “Boy you lost a lot of weight huh?” She said to me, “Yeah well… my condition has been getting worse over the years and I ended up losing a lot of weight because of it.” She made me start asking questions, as this new information sounded awkward and worried me a bit. I asked her what was going on and she said.
“It’s gotten out of control now, my sickness, the one that those people gave me now starts kicking in whenever the hell it wants. So to keep it under control I’ve been taking medication, which has made me lose A LOT of weight. I was hoping that when I lost the weight I wouldn’t get as, you know… but it just gets worse. I never asked these people for this so called gift they gave me and now I can’t get rid of it, I’m stuck with it for the rest of my life and it has ruined my life more than once.” I felt bad for her, I really wanted to help her out but she had kept herself away from everyone not wanting to destroy someone else’s life. Out of desperation and love I said to her quietly, “Let me take care of you.” She removed herself from her grip, sat back down at her chair and said to me, “So what’s been bothering you lately Eli?” I took the hint, she didn’t want to talk about it anymore and I gave up trying; instead saying, “Well… my chest has been bothering me lately. I’ve been feeling some dull aches on the right side whenever I breathe in too deeply. Not like sharp pains or anything like that but just a dull ache.” Sherrie said to me, “Lay down over here, let’s take a look at you.” First Sherrie took my blood pressure wrapping around that damn velcro pump around my arm squeezing it until I could feel the pulsing of my blood trying to squeeze through it. She said my blood pressure was normal and then got out her stethoscope telling me to breathe in and exhale which also turned out to be normal. Finally she started placing her hands on my chest and stomach asking, “Does it hurt when I go like this?” I told her only a tiny bit in this area but not too much. Finally Sherrie wrote down a few things on a sheet of paper and said, “Well Eli you’ve got nothing to worry about, have you been doing heavy lifting as of late?” I told her “Yeah I’ve been moving around plywood etc. for the carpentry job I was doing.” She said, “Well that would explain it, what you have are muscle aches and it usually happens when you have been lifting objects on one side of your body. Take a few of these aspirins, preferably Advil or Tylenol and you should start feeling better soon.”
That’s it, no more no less just muscle aches because the guys I hired to do the carpentry job showed up late and I, the contractor, had to get everything in place once they did finally show up. Anyway my appointment was done and after getting my blood drawn I saw Sherrie kneeling next to a little girl, saying “Hi sweetie your mommy is going to be just fine as soon as I get a look at her okay? Here have a lollipop sugar and you can come with me and your mommy into the office.” I saw her walk into the office and out of my life again, only because I don’t know if I’d be able to keep seeing her as my regular doctor. I walked out of the office, told the receptionists to have a nice day and voila that was the end of it…
*Or so it would have seemed for if only poor Eli knew what had happened after he had left maybe he would have come back into the office. As Sherrie was examining the mother in her office with the little baby girl sitting in the chair sucking on a lollipop, a familiar uncomfortable feeling came over her. As Sherrie had her stethoscope on the mother’s chest Sherrie’s eyes suddenly went wide catching the mother off guard prompting her to ask, “Is everything all right? It isn’t that bad is it?” Sherrie stared for a moment feeling a bout of sweat getting ready to come on and said to the mother, “No… no don’t worry its not that bad. It’s just a little… UGH! Oh!” The mother looked at Dr. Grace and the daughter stopped sucking on her lollipop as the mom asked, “Are you okay doctor?”
Sherrie put on her best poker face and said to the concerned mother, “I’m fine just my diabetes (lie) acting up again.” The mother said, “Oh I have a relative who suffers from diabetes all the time, you know that…” Sherrie grew panicked as the woman starting ranting off about diabetes and quickly tried to find a way to stop the mother before her own illness started acting up in front of the mother and the little girl. Sherrie quickly said with an impatient tone to her voice, “That’s wonderful, listen you’ve got a bit of heartburn but it’s only a mild case, just take a few of these and you may get lucky enough to cure it altogether.” The mother smiled and said, “Thank you doctor, I appreciate all your help.” Sherrie smiled and said, “No problem.” She knelt down to the little girl next to her and rubbed her head as she said, “You take good care of your mommy sweetie!” The little girl said, “I will” as the mother and her child walked off. With the two gone Sherrie quickly left the examination room and went down the hall to another empty examination office that she knows no one uses during this time of day. She shut the door behind her and made sure to lock it as she ran over to the counter, placing her hands firmly on the smoother countertop surface. She checked her pockets to find her medication and found the pill bottle she used to medicate herself, unfortunately when she took the bottle out of her pocket, “Oh God! It’s empty! Please no God! Please no! Not here! UNNGH!”
Sherrie threw the bottle down on the floor as she began breathing deeply feeling the uncomfortable sensation of sweat beginning to drip down her face. Her body began trembling as fear and panic began overwhelming her emotions! Outside by the receptionist desk everyone started hearing her groaning, yelling sounds traveled down the corridor despite the door being closed. They shrugged it off until suddenly everyone jumped up at the sound of hearing glass shattering in the distance. One of them asked, “What the hell was that?” and immediately the Spanish assistant who helps out Sherrie figured out what was going on. The receptionist offered to go look to see if Sherrie was all right but the assistant told her to stay put, as she knew what to do in this situation. She said to the receptionist, “Don’t worry I’ll handle it, besides you’ve got a bit of a line going on here.” The assistant ran to the storage room and quickly grabbed spare pile of clothes and lab coat while also at the same time grabbing a bottle of pills and a syringe. Everyone looked at the medical assistant wondering what the heck she was doing as the assistant ran down through the corridor as if someone was about to die of a sudden heart attack. Unfortunately in her haste the assistant had dropped the clothes by accident along with everything else she was holding and had to quickly pick up the items before “it” happened. Sherrie in the meantime felt the intense pain overwhelming her, she wanted to so badly fight what was happening to her but it was becoming too uncontrollable!
Sherrie’s hands shook violently as her grip tightened on the counter so forcefully that cracks began to form on the surface. Sherrie felt her hands growing and trembled as if someone had placed her in the middle of Antarctica without any clothes. Sherrie felt the all too familiar stretching and bulging undertaking beneath her clothing. She panted worriedly as she placed her hand on her stomach feeling the sudden bumps of rock hard abdominals as if gliding her hands on top of mosaic tiles. She groaned loudly as her back began to expand outwards towards the sides causing her white lab coat to begin stretching out horizontally like an expanding piece of rubber. Sweat drops fell from her face as she clenched her teeth tightly and closed her eyes trying to will herself to stop growing but nothing could stop the wave of growth without some sort of medicine. Her muscles began to swell puffing up the sleeves of her jacket and the pant legs of her pants almost similar to stuffing pillows underneath clothing. Sherrie growled as the savage beast inside of her started screaming out for freedom in the form of roars which built up in intensity the further Sherrie came to fully turning into an ultra muscular, yet feminine she-monster. Sherrie’s back expanded further until finally a vertical rip split open in the center and slowly started spreading outwards displaying the blue t-shirt Sherrie had underneath.
The sound of tearing was loud, completely encompassing the room she was in as she felt her calves busting out of her pant cuffs, she looked down at her calves with the familiar white glow in her eyes and screamed, “NOOOO!” as the tears continued to climb up her leg revealing more and more skin infused with superhuman growing muscle mass. Sherrie, though she would never admit it, loves whenever her body starts growing in mass but she knew that now was NOT the time to go through a hulking transformation. Oh but it felt SOOO good, Sherrie curled her arm and looked at her bicep with her teeth clenched as she growled deeply staring at her arm. Slowly she would watch as a tiny rip would appear with a hint of peach skin inside the hole, then she would stare as the rip opened larger and larger in size as her biceps began billowing in size pushing her soft blue skin higher and higher through the hole as her trademark vein began to thicken shooting out towards her. She growled loudly and flexed her arm to the fullest causing an enormously loud, elongated tearing sound to completely overtake the room as her muscles grew larger and larger, taking on incredible muscular definition while also at the same time forming into huge mounds of muscle mass. With her newly formed wrecking ball biceps and log type arms Sherrie pushed aside several glass beakers off the floor causing them to shatter instantly upon impacting the floor. Sherrie’s feet began to grow as they usually did and she felt the ends of her toes pressing up against the walls of her shoes. She still tried to convince herself to stop growing before she became too large, but it was all happening so fast. Though it felt like an eternity she knew that this whole process was only taking thirty seconds to go through, but it feels like FOREVER.
Sherrie felt the weight of her muscles starting to push her down onto the floor, mainly her enlarged back muscles. So with the new weight pushing her down Sherrie began slowly squatting down on the floor as tiny holes began to appear from the front and back of her black shoes. As Sherrie’s knees began to buckle under the weight, which of course wouldn’t be long since her leg muscles will surely and quickly bulk up to giant proportions; Sherrie felt her butt expanding as she went lower and lower to the ground growing with each inch passed by. Sherrie knew that if she went any lower, the bottom of her pants would split open and her panties would turn into thongs. So before going any lower Sherrie actually stopped and tried to hold herself where she was currently so that she could at least preserve some portion of her pants. However, the muscles on her legs hadn’t yet fully grown and her back muscles which were exploding out of her lab coat were weighing Sherrie’s body down heavily like cement shoes. Sherrie couldn’t sustain the weight anymore and like a broken table leg she collapsed down low to the floor causing the bottom of her pants to split open revealing inside a huge enormous growing ass while at the same time having her pink spandex like panties quickly suck into her gigantic butt. Sherrie felt the cool air conditioned breeze start caressing her skin as the seams of her pants shred open, leaving the pant legs dangling like curtains while her own legs thickened into luscious fully formed pounds of muscle.
But her growth was just starting as her short red hair grew down to her upper back at almost the same time her lab coat and shirt fully ripped open leaving tatters of lab white and t-shirt blue hanging off her enlarging back. Her rear bra strap stretched out and dug into Sherrie’s skin as she continued to grow even further, the sting from the bra hurt and caused Sherrie to howl but at the same time she was too busy trying to keep herself under control as she felt her consciousness slipping away out of her grips. Sherrie leaned backwards while kneeling on the floor only to make way for her chest as it began to float upwards towards her neck with her shirt looking like it was stuffed full of balloons. Sherrie’s blue t-shirt began producing small triangular cones, which were clearly Sherrie’s growing nipples until finally her breasts grew so large that her shirt could not stretch any further outwards. Starting straight from the middle, Sherrie’s shirt ripped asunder like a stripper tearing off a button down blouse and Sherrie’s huge breasts shoomed out in front of her wobbling and jiggling in the air for a few moments before coming to a stand still in her super stretchy bra. As Sherrie continued to bulge and swell she heard a quick knocking at the door which made her turn towards the door almost immediately! Sherrie yelled in an animalistic growl trying to tell whoever was at the door to keep away, but she had difficulty forming the words with her mouth.
Sherrie heard the sound of keys jingling and started drifting into a primal mode preparing for whatever came through the door. Unfortunately, Sherrie was still vulnerable as her body continued to grow more and more like bread dough with way too many ingredients. Her specially designed spandex bra continued to conform to Sherrie’s body, but it was so tight that her breasts and thighs were beginning to bruise under the incredibly tight resistance. Sherrie knew that the underwear would only delay the inevitable but she held hope that her growth would stop. Her pants button popped open as the zipper began to slide down her groin, her abs began stacking on even more muscles as huge muscular bumps began to appear all over her obliques expanding away from Sherrie’s body as if someone were pushing a brick wall outwards with each brick protruding one by one. Sherrie’s clothes continued to shrink as her muscles continued to grow and what was once clothes that were too big for her body now became tattered rags which were hanging off her body by nestling themselves into muscle crevices or even hanging off her neck and body in general. Sherrie was crossing the point of no return, if she didn’t stop growing soon her fully enraged alter ego will burst out of her body and the REAL muscle growth will commence. The door suddenly flew open as Sherrie’s Spanish assistant rushed in! Sherrie looked at her with her white eyes as the assistant closed and locked the door behind her. “Oh God I hope I’m not too late Dr. Grace!” The assistant exclaimed as she quickly rushed over to Sherrie’s side with syringe and pill bottle in hand.
Sherrie growled as her enlarged forearm reached to grab the assistant, but the assistant knew how to handle Sherrie when she was in this state of mind. The assistant pulled Sherrie down onto her back forcing her to lean on her lap, Sherrie looked at her assistant recognizing her face allowing her to calm down slightly, but the dark side of her personality was slowly seeping out further and further. The assistant quickly placed her hand on Sherrie’s mouth forming a funnel and immediately dropped several pills down her mouth knowing that while she’s in this superhuman form she wouldn’t need water to swallow the pills. Sherrie tried to squirm out of her grip but being that she is incredibly vulnerable when growing Sherrie couldn’t even squirm her way out of her assistants’ small hands despite being infinitesimally much stronger than her. Suddenly popping noises could be heard in the distance, as the assistant looked to see where it was coming from she saw that Sherrie’s toes had just popped out of her shoes, emerging slowly out of the ends like a sharks fin climbing up towards the waters surface. Sherrie’s lightly pink painted toenails and toes began to wiggle around enjoying the freedom of not being confined inside the restrictive shoes. As her feet continued to expand outward they also began to grow in mass forcing the shoelaces to tear apart as her foot erupted out of the shoes themselves pushing the overstretched material away as if crying for liberty.
The nurse was too late, the medication will not be able to stop Sherrie’s growth now, but that’s why she brought the syringe with her. The only thing that can come close to stopping Sherrie right at the point of total rage takeover was a syringe filled with highly potent tranquilizers that also reduce the amount of adrenaline, testosterone, and estrogen build up within the body. The assistant plunged the tip of the needle into Sherrie’s bicep vein, which had grown to an enormously huge vine like size and breathed a sigh of relief when the tip of the needle didn’t break. She pushed in the plunger on the end of the needle and immediately the yellow colored liquid inside of it began to slowly sink into Sherrie’s arm, the dosage was filled up to a lethal amount meaning that a normal human would most likely die getting injected with that much chemical. Sherrie was grunting and growling like a primitive woman trying to learn how to speak a language, but as the drugs began to take effect her violent muscle spasms and squirming began to slow down. Sherrie began to calm down and eventually fell silent as her glowing white eyes faded into her normal crystal blue eyes. Sherrie’s human and rational mind began to quickly sink back in and as she realized what was going on she looked at her assistant and said, “Thanks Karen…” Karen kissed Sherrie on the fore head and said, “You’ll be all right Dr. Grace, you’ll be just fine.” Sherrie’s muscles began to shrink, the feet which had just emerged from the shoes shrunk back down to their normal petite size while Sherrie’s abdominal muscles faded away and reverted back into a lean but tone stomach. Sherrie’s bulging biceps which put wrecking balls to shame shrunk down like a bruise going in reverse and her wide back shriveled inwards as the large muscles which pushed it outward returned to normal human standards.
Sherrie’s breasts which had bloomed into beach balls went back down to their B-Cup size as her expanded bra continued to snug tightly around her chest almost as if her underwear were completely made of elastic rubber bands. Her panties which had gone under their own metamorphosis of turning into thongs had now flourished out of the dividing line between left and right hemispheres, and like an opening tent her pink panties flourished out, once again covering a huge portion of her butt which had now shrunk to the original shapely size that it originally was. Sherrie’s body went from a whopping 300 hundred plus pounds to a mere 107 pounds. She could have easily surpassed the 300 mark had her growth continued but Karen came just in time to prevent just that from happening. Karen wiped the sweat off of Sherrie’s forehead Sherrie’s long mane of red hair cut itself down back to its original size, as Sherrie drowsily looked at Karen almost as if she were falling asleep or dying of blood loss. Sherrie said to Karen in a completely dazed manner, “I didn’t hurt anyone did I? I’m not really in jail am I?” Karen chuckled and reassuringly said to her, “No you’re all right, I got to you before you were able to get loose. We’re still in the office and you’re still normal.” Sherrie breathed a sigh of relief and said to her assistant, “I’m so lucky Melanie sent you to keep an eye on me as I made my way back into the real world, thank you.” Karen merely smiled with an “awww” like facial expression and merely replied, “Your welcome.” Sherrie groggily stood up on her own power with Karen assisting her and looked at herself relieved that her underwear was still intact, but her blue t-shirt, lab coat, and pants were barely hanging off of her body in tatters. In fact the waist on her pants had stretched out so far that you would be able to fit three people in them, they were so wide in fact that Sherrie had to hold her pants up just to make sure they didn’t fall down to her ankles. Sherrie placed her left hand on her face closing her eyes and muttered, “God, I don’t have any clothes now.”
Karen energetically replied, “Don’t worry Dr. Grace I brought you a spare change of clothing!” Sherrie looked at Karen grinning broadly and said, “You are a GODSEND Karen! You really are! Thank you so much I really was hoping I wouldn’t have to escape through the ventilation ducts, they’ve caused me problems in the past.” Sherrie quickly took off her clothes in front of Karen having done it before, really wasn’t too difficult to do either all she had to do was let go of the pants and brush the tatters off her shoulders. With Sherrie standing there in her lean body, flat stomach, small yet still shapely breasts, Karen handed out articles of clothing one by one as Sherrie quickly put on a blue pair of button up jeans, a gray long sleeve shirt, white socks with brown hiking boots, and finally a replacement white lab coat already set up with Sherrie’s gear.
The nightmare was over for now…
*If you’ve made it this far, note that the asterix in the story is where the muscle growing action begins. I did this so its easier to find where the action starts in case you decided to re-read it again or were lazy and wanted to skip straight to the FMG. Part II is already completed and will be posted after I proof read it.*
June 18, 2005 at 12:44 pm #6567Vic
ParticipantCool beans dude.
June 18, 2005 at 11:21 pm #6568Matthew Lim
ParticipantGood lord that’s a great story. I love how descriptive you get with the growth process. Can’t wait for part II, and I like the idea of the asterisk being right where the action starts.
June 19, 2005 at 12:52 am #6569TC2
ParticipantWell then if you really can’t wait for part II here you go! Expect to see some Extreme Strength for this closing conclusion. The story has a longer conclusion and not really much of an intro so I don’t need the asterix really to point out where she’s going to start hulking out as the whole thing will go through rather fast.
Yet it resumed once again only but several weeks later when something completely out of Sherrie’s control literally fell into her hands, risking once again the nightmare of being pursued by those who think her only purpose on this planet is to destroy everything that she touches. Poor Sherrie was cursed, but despite all her hardships and everything that she has experienced in her life, she continues to strive forward and endure no matter what. Unfortunately like a badly scripted disaster movie Sherrie was going to have another difficult time adjusting to this new life she had just recently acquired. It was a gorgeous day out, Sherrie was wearing button up white jeans and a light blue shirt with a short sleeve so that you could see her bare forearms but not her biceps. She was wearing Addidas white running shoes and was merely going for a jog around the city as the St. Patrick’s Day parade was going on.
As Sherrie was running around the little children would wave hello and Sherrie would simply shine that beautiful smile of hers and wave back as she jogged past them. Everyone was having a blast as the balloons were all over the place, vendors were selling their parade gear, and lots and lots of people were drinking tons of alcohol. Sherrie used to be a big drinker, but after becoming a doctor and also realizing that she has a major responsibility to keep her ‘condition’ in control, health and discipline has been Sherrie’s top priority. Why did today out of all these days, did a one in a million shot have to happen to Sherrie now? Unbeknownst to Sherrie and the city down below, the space shuttle explorer was returning from a mission in space when some electrical malfunction in the avionics of the space shuttle forced the ship to head miles and miles away from its intended destination in Florida. The news was talking about the space shuttle on TV and the radio was clearly speaking about it on all channels, but Sherrie was out during the parade where most people were too drunk to really notice that something terrible was going on.
With the avionics of the space shuttle gone, the astronauts themselves have to actually pilot the space shuttle manually in order to make it land safely on an airfield, which is an impossible task in itself. Unfortunately, the ailerons and elevators on the shuttle were damaged by large chunks of debris in space, which also caused the avionics to fail, meaning that the pilot could only steer in one direction and would have to make a complete 360 in order to make a turn that was missed. The shuttle had thankfully already entered through orbit past the threat of incinerating within the Earths atmosphere. But the electronics were so heavily damaged that the space shuttle even with the pilots best steering was being forced in the direction of the parade where Sherrie was conveniently running by. Meanwhile down below an unsuspecting populace was happily drinking away to their hearts content until it was time for the festivities to be over. Eli had spotted Sherrie jogging by on the sidewalk out of sheer luck, because during the St. Patrick’s Day parades A LOT of people come out to party. Either way, he ran up towards Sherrie and quickly started jogging besides her saying in a friendly tone, “Hey Sherrie fancy meeting you here!”
Sherrie quickly stopped and looked at Eli with an almost worried expression on her face and then she said, “Eli! What are you doing here?” Eli looked at her a bit dumbfounded by the question and was a bit hesitant by her reaction and said, “Uhh… I’m enjoying the parade?” Sherrie smiled and said, “Oh cool, that’s nice!” Her face looked as though she really didn’t want to talk to Eli and yet at the same time she actually does want to speak with him and even hug him tightly, but something was holding her back. Eli picked up on her expressions and said, “Are you all right? Did I bother you at a bad time or something?” Sherrie looked apologetic, quietly saying to him, “I’m sorry, I really want to talk to you but I’m having a hard time focusing out here in public.” Eli quickly perked up and said, “If you want we can go somewhere quiet? I know this place close by that won’t have as many people because of the parade.” Sherrie looked excited at the aspect of spending time with Eli but then quickly leashed her emotions and said, “I… I don’t know Eli, I’d like to but.” Eli lifted Sherrie’s chin up to his eyesight and said, “Come on Sherrie, Dr. Grace. You know that I have more than enough experience in handling your wild side. I promise that you won’t flip out if you spend some quiet time with me okay?” Sherrie looked at him lovingly and turned away as she said, “I just don’t feel secure enough to really trust myself Eli. If I get too emotional I’ll start becoming unpredictable.” Before Eli could get in another word the police sirens began blaring in relatively close to the parade!
An officer quickly got on the loudspeaker and said, “Attention! Attention! The explorer space shuttle is going to make an emergency landing! We need you to clear the streets and evacuate the area! Please leave calmly and slowly in an orderly fashion!” One of the men who had just a bit too much to drink said, “Yeeer just trying to ruin the party! Fuck off man!” With that comment thrown out into the air another person started saying, “Yeah!” and before you knew it everyone started agreeing with each other and suddenly an officer’s worst nightmare had come true. The peaceful fun loving crowd turned into a violent angry mob that didn’t want their fun ruined by a bunch of cops. Next thing Sherrie knew: people started yelling, glass bottles started breaking, windows started shattering, people started fighting, cops started pushing, and all Hell had broken loose. Eli quickly turned to Sherrie and said, “We’ve gotta get you out of here.” Sherrie put her hand on Eli’s shoulder and said, “But we need to get these pe—“ before Sherrie could finish her sentence Eli was tackled by an angry drunk and was literally dragged away from Sherrie as he stretched out his arm to reach her. Sherrie tried to chase after him but someone from inside the huge group of people pulled her into the crowd of angry rioters forcing her to get stuck between the masses of people.
It wasn’t long before scrawny Sherrie got pushed down onto the ground smacking her face onto pavement, she felt the taste of blood in her mouth, a taste which she hates sensing inside of her mouth but she knew it would heal up if she transf—wait she had to put the thoughts of transforming aside. Sherrie was getting annoyed, very annoyed but she held her level of annoyance into a manageable level so that she wouldn’t trigger her transformation. But the longer she stayed in the crowd the more difficult it would get as people began to trample all over her back like a herd of gazelles. Sherrie felt her anger getting ready to trigger like a gun ready to fire a bullet, but she used all of her willpower to resist getting upset. She allowed people to push her down and step all over her, but she refused to yield and allow herself to lose control. Sherrie crawled along the floor of the street knowing full well that a space shuttle is going to be dropping down from the sky at any minute and literally crush all the people in its way. But Sherrie didn’t want to do it, she didn’t want to grow, there had to be some other way to get these people under control. She crawled along the floor with the footprints of other people all over her body, she knew that sooner or later the pain would go away and tried her best with all that she could muster to ignore and avoid getting emotionally upset. Unfortunately something of such awful terror happened that Sherrie’s willpower would truly get tested to the fullest extent.
As Sherrie crawled around on the floor she heard a terrible scream, “Dr. Grace! Dr. Grace! Help me! My daughter is in front of you I can’t get to her! She’s choking! Oh my God Dr. Grace please you have to bring me my daughter!” Sherrie immediately thought to herself, “WHAT!?” as she recognized the woman as the patient who came into her office just the other day. Sherrie then looked forward in front of her with her bleeding injury already healed up and saw that the mother’s daughter had fallen onto her bottom sitting on the floor and was choking on a piece of food thanks to the ruckus that became of the riot. Sherrie’s already developed strong maternal instincts kicked in to full gear, but she knew she had to keep control! She just couldn’t afford to lose herself not when she was needed most! Sherrie crawled over to the choking child who has miraculously not yet been stepped on and Sherrie screamed through a strained voice, “Don’t worry… UNH! Sweetie I’m coming to… Aaaah! I’m coming to get you!” Sherrie managed to fight her way through the crowd while crawling on the floor and reached the little girl who was struggling with whatever got caught down her throat. The mother had not intentionally let this girl go, the crowd was so fierce that they simply managed to tear the two apart without even realizing what they were doing. Sherrie was at the little girl when she noticed that the girl was beginning to get paler and paler. Sherrie knew she needed to start doing some sort of Heimlich maneuver on the child but the people weren’t letting her! There wasn’t enough room to even move! Sherrie placed her hand on the little girls chest and saw on the back of her hand a huge vein popping out.
Sherrie knew that was a warning sign, basically the enlarged vein says to Sherrie that you’re coming dangerously close to hulking out but if you can calm down within the next few minutes then the entire transformation into a gargantuan muscled giant can be avoided. Sherrie kept trying to keep her hand somewhere on the girls upper body so that she could perform ANYTHING to get the piece of food lodged into her throat! But people kept on kicking her hand by accident every time she tried to do something, and once she would finally get a chance to perform a maneuver someone’s leg would bump into Sherrie’s head and knock her over as she tried to protect the child from harm. Sherrie with her hands on the child’s body started saying, “Please stop, just give me a few minutes, please! Stop… Stop I need to help this girl! Ungh… stop… Stop… STOP… ARGH! STOP!! STOP IT! DAMMIT STOP RIGHT NOW! URGH!!!! STOP!!! STOOOOOOOPPPP!” Sherrie couldn’t take it anymore! There was too many people, too many people were kicking her and putting the safety of the child in danger! It was too dangerous the child was going to die in Sherrie’s hands if she couldn’t remove the food from her throat! Sherrie was panicking, she was freaking out at the thought of losing this girl! She could feel what the mother was feeling; that very emotion of despair, fear, and anger was what quickly started pushing Sherrie off the edge like a massive bulldozer.
Sherrie started holding her arms outward over the little girls very pale body and looked at her forearms as they literally began to bulge right before her eyes. She started whimpering to herself, “Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!” as her veins began to engorge with blood, she felt the familiar tight feeling of suffocating clothing wrapped around her body. Sherrie knew… and as she sat there on her knees over the little girl all Sherrie could hear was, “Dr. Grace! Dr. Grace what’s wrong!? Please bring me my baby! Dr. Grace please she’s going to get hurt!” Sherrie suddenly realizing that in a matter of moments her sanity will vanish, Sherrie placed her body over the little girl and literally became a human shield. With tears in her eyes she looked at the little girl and said, “I’m sorry sweetie, I hope you can forgive me.” With that tearful final moment of awareness Sherrie held the little girl tightly and closed her eyes, quietly allowing herself to let go and give in! Several seconds later…
Sherrie’s head suddenly shot upwards as if she were looking towards the sky, and as her head was up in this position her eyes had shifted into a white tint and her neck suddenly thickened and swelled with enormous veins and muscle! As she breathed in and out her voice had deepened and sounded like some sort of deeply breathing angry bull with each inhalation and exhalation she took. Sherrie then saw the little girl she was holding in her arms as if she didn’t know who it was or where it came from and felt as though her hands were going to start crushing the little body. The beast inside of Sherrie was awake, but it was angry that its strength had not yet even begun to form and it was afraid, even panicked by all the people that were clamoring around. Sherrie’s enraged alter ego wanted to crush something between her hands, but it did stop to begin examining the little child closely. The once savage beast that would destroy anything in its path looked at the small young one and immediately felt Sherrie’s strong maternal instincts begin to overwhelm it. The monster that Sherrie was about to turn into felt as if she needed to protect this child and therefore instead of wanting to cause mass destruction the creature took it upon herself to protect this child until its strength was fully blossomed. Sherrie’s beast like personality was being slightly pushed aside in favor of a more protective instinctual loving personality, Sherrie’s dark personality forced the body to once again cover the girl as the swelling of muscle commenced and began to take shape.
With Sherrie’s body now tightly hugging the girl the growth of muscle began to rapidly begin, without Sherrie trying to fight back her transformation the multiplication of muscles all over her body went with a lot more ease and a lot less strain and restriction. Sherrie is going to get big, REALLY big and the crowd better pray and hope that they don’t piss her off or there’s going to be Hell to pay! It started with a bump, it looked like a simple swelling going on her back, but of course it wasn’t some type of allergic reaction. Sherrie’s loose light blue shirt which had plenty of folds in it from not being loose originally, was slowly protruding upward and as it continued to protrude and expand the folds on her shirt would begin to stretch out and disappear as it began to appear more like a skin tight second skin rather than an article of clothing. As she felt the aching of muscle expansion Sherrie grunted and growled with deep grating breaths like a lion awakening from its den. Sherrie’s white jeans began to fill up with several pounds of muscle as her petite feet began to rub against the sides of her Addidas shoes slowly stretching them outwards with a skin like stretching sound associated with it. The pants snuggled around Sherrie’s bottom began to push outward as her shapely rump pulled her pants further and further like the tip of a rocket coming out of a missile silo. However, there must have been a canvas that latched on to the end of this rocket for as Sherrie’s butt began to grow her white pants would slowly start falling downwards, the waist of her pants was so tight around her that as the pants began slipping down it tugged at Sherrie’s super strong pink panties by making the elastic band slightly nip down before folding back up to its original position.
Sherrie’s growls were becoming louder and deeper completely uncaring as to whether or not the child would be frightened by her. Sherrie’s hands lengthened and filled with mass as her breasts began to increase themselves with massive amounts of volume. Her arms were quickly filling her sleeves, which seemed to lift themselves further and further away from her forearms while drawing nearer to her biceps which had not even commenced the full muscle building process. Clothes were stretching and becoming skin tight almost ready to give off that one signal which is universally understood to say, “She’s coming out.” Clearly that signal was only spelt in three letters… “Rip”. Sherrie let out another violent growl as she felt the fabric of her clothing finally beginning to rip! The ripping sounds were dulled out by the loud commotion of the crowd but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t happening. As her body grew larger and larger the rips would become longer and louder as if growing in accordance with Sherrie’s body. The first rip was on Sherrie’s lower back on the bottom of her shirt, as her white skin continued to stretch and push, the small rip on the very bottom of her shirt in the middle would start to open up just a tiny bit more with every breath and expansion. Finally it was time and with one massive burst of muscle explosion her light blue shirt starting from the rip immediately began shredding open as if tearing a piece of paper into two slices. It was incredible to watch the whole process happen, first you’d see a petite young woman with a tiny tear in her blouse and smooth white skin, then suddenly as if your face was pressed up against the back of her body you could literally watch the rip on her shirt quickly travel upwards towards the shoulder blades, and as the tear climbs up her bra stretches out and the muscles just continue to stack and stack upon one another growing larger and larger turning her rail thin back into an expanded mountainous powerhouse!
Her light blue blouse hadn’t fully ripped off just yet though as there was still more material left to tear, but for now Sherrie’s back slowed down in growth in order to allow other parts of Sherrie’s body to ‘musclify’ (new word!) Back down by Sherrie’s legs several tears had already formed on the thighs where the seams were and on the cuffs of the pants where the calves were. But before the calves’ explosion could commence Sherrie’s toes decided that they would come out and party first. So as Sherrie felt the very tips of her toes bunching up on the walls of her shoes she could feel her feet aching almost as if being crushed inside of the inexpensive running shoes. Her feet had grown to such an immense size that despite all of the restriction the toes finally popped out slowly one by one on the ends of her shoes. First her big toe popped out while still covered inside the material of her sock followed by the next toe after, with each appearing toe she would wiggle them a bit causing her socks to stretch out and her shoes to pull themselves away from her expanding feet. From the surface looking down onto the shoelaces, the laces themselves parted like the red sea and ripped open rather violently like a clam shell opening up only to reveal Sherrie’s still sock covered foot. As the shoe lay beside her feet in two separate pieces her feet continued to grow even larger, so large that her foot was now beginning to cover over the two pieces, which had just, torn off. The socks could not tolerate the expansive growth any longer and eventually like rotting socks which were just too old, her big toe ripped out creating a hole followed by the rest of her toes, wiggling them as the cold air touching her feet tasted freedom. The sock fabric expanded outward until finally the cuff of the socks shred open like scissor cutting through wrapping paper releasing Sherrie’s feet from any physical restrictions.
With Sherrie and her light pink painted toes free, the muscle transformation started traveling up her legs at an incredible speed! Her calves BULGED out of the cuffs and split them open like Samson against the pillars and continued to rip and shred upwards climbing up her leg as pounds and pounds of muscle mass seeped out of every tear, crack, opening, and hole it could find! The rips and holes that were on the seams of her pants pulled apart with loud “Shrrrriiiiiiiipppp” sounds allowing her leg muscles to wobble out of the white colored jeans turning what were once jeans that covered the ankles into shorts with curtains attached. The area around Sherrie’s waist began to fill outward as the area beneath her belly button turned into solid rock hard muscle and pushed itself onto the top button of the button down jeans. With the muscles pushing onto the buttons and her waist along with thighs increasing with mass at an incredible rate the top button eventually popped off and landed on the floor making the sound of a penny drop. Sherrie’s shocked expression caused her to breathe rapidly and deeply forcing another button to pop off! As the second button popped off beginnings of her pink panties could be seen starting from the elastic band up top. Another button popped off followed by another and another until in rapid succession all of the buttons had been pushed off of her pants leaving only her pink panties in between. As her leg muscles continued to push the groin area of the pants farther apart Sherrie’s vagina could also be seen growing in size! Imprints of her vagina were starting to appear on the panties and even portions of it were; even able to be seen from the top almost as if she was pulling her underwear down to her ankles, which she wasn’t!
Once again the elastic was stretching with Sherrie’s body to keep her self dignity protected, but at the rate she was growing it became painfully obvious that Sherrie could potentially break free of her modified super underwear; if her growth continued beyond what it was designed for! But for the moment she stopped growing in that particular area and instead her butt blasted out of the back of her pants similar to when if a person squats down in a tight pair of jeans they could possibly rip the back of their pants open. Well that’s what happened to Sherrie and as her butt rapidly ballooned into a round, plump shape; the pants tore off completely, sucking her panties into the crevice and immediately removing all tatters of her pants off her body completely. With her legs now fully muscled, her calves fully formed, her feet fully expanded, and her butt fully inflated the rest of the muscle groups on the upper body began to grow again; while the crowd still paid no heed to what was happening to her. Sherrie’s arms began to shudder as she held the child in her grasp; the sleeves covering her biceps began to inch higher and higher until they were at max distance in the middle bicep region. Once the sleeves stopped moving upward Sherrie’s arms began to flex on their own forcing her to bring the child closer and closer to her chest. As her arms forcefully drew the child closer, her biceps began to pulse like a heart pounding beat, with each beat taken the biceps would grow in size almost as if stacking bricks for the foundation of a building. Each pulse made her biceps grow larger and LARGER forcing the sleeves of the fabric to stretch around the growing bowling balls which locked incredible power within! Sherrie’s bicep grew up to such an incredible size that the sleeves immediately started tearing down the sides, and even though they were already tearing, her biceps continued to grow LARGER and LARGER! Until finally a burst of growth came upon the biceps causing the sleeves to go “SHHHHRRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPP!!!” her deltoids and triceps exploded out of her sleeves with “wrecked” out proportions!
Veins began to make small roadways on her biceps as her arms transformed into almost steroid infused blocks of super human muscle! Tatters of the sleeves were pushed aside off of her arms completely as Sherrie’s growing biceps practically rubbed against the child’s face. But this was not the end of her growth! In a sudden sensation of pain Sherrie looked up at the sky again and roared as her breasts started jutting forward at a rapid speed! Her breasts filled with milk and grew to ENORMOUS sizes making stretching noises as her light blue blouse began to lift itself upward off of her stomach onto her breasts making it seem like she was wearing a shrunken tank top! As gravity began to pull her breasts down and her bra increased resistance, Sherrie’s stomach began blasting out rock hard abdominals one by one creating a thick wall of carefully stacked together cement pillars of muscle! Her lats spread out from under her armpits making her back spread out even further than before! Muscles began to dot near the lats and obliques almost as if trying to fill every single blank canvas of skin on Sherrie’s body! Her breasts inflated into such a voluminous size that her blouse was now stretched across her chest revealing only the under portion of her breasts covered in bra garments. The elastic holding the two halves of the bra together stretched for what seemed to be miles as her breasts took a mind of their own and grew in whatever direction they wanted facing away from each other! Her nipples began to erupt off her thickened breasts like miniature volcanoes! Within a few seconds Sherrie had large, coned, mountains sitting on the ends of her breasts pushing her blouse forward making it rise even higher!
The growth of her breasts was uncontrollable! They grew and Grew and GREW until finally the blouse could restrain them no more! The light blue blouse immediately split vertically in the middle and opened up like a blooming flower, ripping open to reveal a deep canyon of cleavage and voluptuous breasts! Her shirt blew off of her body and every single muscle that had grown previously on her mutated body grew even further than ever before turning the once frail Dr. Grace into an ultra muscular she-hulk of power! Her bra stretched to enormous lengths as nipples protruded within the fabric, a small bluish hint of veins could be seen on her gigantic breasts and behind those spheres huge concrete slabs of pectoral muscles pushed forward creating a rocky hill of chest muscle! Above her chest Sherrie’s neck thickened, as huge veins began traveling down her neck forcing her trapezius to push her head upwards and slowly thicken with enormous masses of muscle; as her neck thickened her short hair which stopped above her neck now grew out into a long, shiny, red mane of hair which dropped down to her lower back! Before her underwear could snap Sherrie’s growth had stopped and she was still gently holding the child within her arms! Sherrie’s rage EXPLODED out of her causing her savage alter ego to ROAR with incredible might sending powerful shockwaves that literally pushed people away from her! Sherrie placed the girl on the floor and stood up roaring once again as loudly as she could while flexing her arms in an intimidating monstrous like fashion! The riot quickly scattered several feet away from her and turned around to see the huge she-monster before them! Everyone around Sherrie fell silent and even the cops who were tempted to draw their guns stood their dumbfounded wondering if bullets would even work on the wall of muscle standing before them.
Sherrie stopped roaring and immediately looked around the crowd to make sure they were enough of a distance away. Sherrie then bent down towards the little girl and lifted her up into her hands. As she did this, the crowd whispered amongst themselves, “Oh my God, that’s the monster which killed all those students.” “I’ve seen her on the news before.” “I remember the military shot her with tank shells and she just kept on going.” “I saw the news feed where she starting tearing up a city intersection, smashing cars and destroying everything in her path.” “Jesus I can’t believe she’s here! I thought they got rid of her!” “But I thought there was a time where she did hero stuff?” “There was but I think she’s really pissed off right now!” As Sherrie held the child in her hands she gently pushed in her fingers into the child’s upper body like a gentle tap on a desk and caused enough force to dislodge the piece of food stuck in the child’s throat. The child started to cough and breathe again as she slowly became conscious and then looked up at Sherrie who was staring down at her with those white eyes of hers. The little girl said to Sherrie almost as if recognizing her and said, “You’re my mommy’s doctor aren’t you? Where’s my mommy?” Despite being completely irrational Sherrie smiled and pointed the child towards her mother. The mother quickly ran up to the towering Sherrie and held out her arms. Sherrie placed the child into the relieved mothers arms as the mother petted her daughter with tears in her eyes thankful that her daughter was saved.
The mother then looked at Sherrie, clearly intimidated by her gigantic size. Sherrie’s smile turned into a serious yet neutral frown meaning that she was wondering what the woman would say and was prepared for a negative backlash against her. The mother placed her child in one arm and slowly walked up to Sherrie staring into her white eyes. The mother gently wrapped her arm around Sherrie’s large muscular neck and said to her, “Thank you Dr. Grace you saved my baby’s life!” The crowd gasped and quietly whispered amongst themselves as Sherrie stood their completely dumbfounded by her reaction expecting the mother to start screaming and turning the entire mob against her. As the mother was hugging her Sherrie looked up towards the sky and immediately saw the space shuttle SCREAMING through the skies quickly making its way towards the very intersection in which everyone was standing in! Sherrie loudly grunted and gently took the mother’s arm off of her neck and immediately oriented herself towards the shuttle. Sherrie started flailing her arms in a “get out of the way” fashion but the mob in front of her didn’t seem to understand. Finally Sherrie roared at them and managed to scare the crowd away from being directly in front of her. Sherrie looked up at the space shuttle’s black silhouette in the sky and immediately started making a mad dash towards the ship! Sherrie’s leg muscles bounced with every impact she made on the pavement as her 1.3 ton weight made foot stomps across the floor.
The space shuttle was practically 30 seconds away from crashing onto the street and the landing gear was fully extended, but at the speed it was going there was no doubt that it was going to crash and explode onto all of the people there. The group of people immediately scattered as far away as possible as Sherrie leapt up into the air and wrapped her body onto the front of the space shuttle! She pressed her giant hands into the plates of the shuttle crushing the material just enough to make large handholds for her hands to grip onto. The space shuttle’s landing gears immediately broke off upon hitting the surface skidding along the street as Sherrie lowered her body just enough until her feet could touch the pavement. She dropped her legs and feet down onto the floor like anchors and immediately started tearing through the pavement like a meteor crashing onto the earth. Rock and dust billowed up from underneath her feet forcing Sherrie to tap into all of her strength to stop this shuttle! Sherrie roared in agony not from the pain of the pavement but rather the sudden exponential growth of muscle that begun to overcome her once again! Her leg muscles engorged into car length sized huge muscles causing her height to increase very slightly to sustain the new mass of muscle! The elastic on her panties snapped off causing the fabric to get stuck between Sherrie’s vagina dangling off of the lips until they fell off from Sherrie’s release in muscle tension.
Sherrie’s nipples grew too large for her bra as well and literally pushed the bra off forward causing all of the straps to snap off all at once! The elastic of the straps dangled off of Sherrie’s arms as she used all of her might to slow the space shuttle down. Her armed bulged to the size of mini coopers as her entire body and its muscles grew to the size of a cement truck! Sherrie roared loudly as her naked body continued to exert an abnormal amount of super human force onto the space shuttle miraculously allowing the craft to begin slowing down! All of Sherrie’s muscles flexed into full size as the space shuttle and even Sherrie’s own body plowed through cars flipping them high into the air knocking down light posts, trees, and anything that stood in its way! Worst of all the street was on a hill, meaning that Sherrie was attempting to stop this craft while at the same time going down a hill which would keep its inertia and momentum at a consistent pace! Finally Sherrie just locked her legs down as far as they would go gripping the space shuttle tightly almost ripping off the panels exerting as much force as she possibly could to stop this space shuttle from continuing any further! Sherrie roared loudly as the shuttle continued to decrease in speed and eventually her efforts were rewarded! After her, own body broke through a tree and a few cars the space shuttle had finally stopped moving. The dust and rocks billowed like a cloud and for a few minutes completely engulfed the area in a small dust cloud.
As the cloud began to dissipate and settle Sherrie released her grip off of the shuttle and dropped down onto the ground face first literally unconscious. Everyone slowly began to gather around where Sherrie was but still kept a huge distance gap between themselves and Sherrie in case she was still conscious. Everyone stared as Sherrie’s massive body lie there lifeless without any hint of movement or breathing. Eli quickly ran to a nearby fire truck, which had come along with the police and grabbed a brown blanket to take over to Sherrie. As he began to head in her direction Sherrie suddenly woke up and immediately held herself upwards with her hands as if she were doing a push up. She then brought her knees and legs inwards so that her left leg was facing horizontally with the foot on the ground while her right leg was tucked underneath her facing vertically with her foot resting horizontally on the ground. She placed her left elbow onto her left leg and covered her face with her hand as her long hair draped over her head hiding any facial expressions she may be making. She began to quietly groan and moan as her body literally began to shrink in front of everyone’s eyes. Her hair began to shorten back into the top portion of her neck while her monstrous biceps and inhumanely thick legs atrophied losing more and more muscle mass by the second. Her gigantic vagina and enlarged butt began to shrivel as her thick abs, broad back, and global breasts deflated and reverted back to their original size.
Sherrie had turned back into her normal human self and had already regained her rational state of mind once she had awoken. Sherrie slowly opened her eyes and looked around noticing that EVERYONE had seen her revert back into her human self. Tears began welling in Sherrie’s eyes just as Eli ran up to her and covered her in a blanket. Sherrie began to cry as she realized that it would only be a matter of time before the military shows up to try to eliminate her; forcing her body to change into her hulk like version in order to destroy the opposition. Eli quickly hugged her and pulled her closely to his chest and quietly said to Sherrie as she softly sobbed in his arms, “It’s going to be okay sweetie, it’s going to be all right.” Eli quickly looked towards the crowd and yelled loudly so that everyone could hear him, “You know who she is now! But you don’t need to be afraid! She just risked her life to save a little girl and saved all of your lives by stopping that space shuttle! She saves your lives as a medical doctor on a daily basis just to make sure that you can live to see another day! Dr. Grace is not a monster, she’s a human being like you and I with a terrible illness! All she wants is to live a normal life without fear of persecution! She has done more for you than Uncle Sam ever will and all she asks is that you keep her identity secret so that she isn’t chased away by tanks or people who want to kill her! There is no reward for her capture; she is already dead to the people who wanted her! Please… don’t tell anyone about Dr. Grace and she will continue to take care of all of you!”
Everyone was silent and merely stared at Eli and Sherrie. Sherrie still had tears coming out of her eyes and could see the masses of people staring at her in her blanketed body. After a few minutes of silence a clap was heard from the mother whose child Sherrie saved, following the mother the officers began to clap and once the officers began to clap everyone else began to clap and cheer. It was ‘understood’ that Sherrie’s secret would be something that this small town would keep to itself, never telling anyone who Sherrie truly was and what she is capable of. They also knew from what they learned on the news, not to try to exploit her super strength for personal gains as Sherrie is known to have lack of control over her savage self. The police force brought the issue to the chief of police who told the mayor and eventually a secret agreement was made to protect the identity of Dr. Sherrie Ann Grace. Sherrie smiled to herself and started walking with Eli when Eli whispered to her, “Are you going to let me take care of you now Sherrie?” After all Sherrie’s been through she remembered that Eli had been with her every step of the way since they’ve met, and now that Eli has protected her current life so that she doesn’t have to run away from death and change her identity. Sherrie said to Eli quietly with her voice cracking, “Okay.” Eli took Sherrie to her nice home, took the towel off her body and was ready to bring her new clothes when Sherrie stopped him.
Eli said to her, “What’s wrong?” Sherrie pulled him towards her body, her breasts pushing up onto his chest and her vagina rubbing against his “phallic” parts and gently kissed him in the lips wanting to do that to him ever since she fell in love with him on that one particular day. Eli returned the kiss as he embraced Sherrie tightly as Sherrie said to him, “I’m so glad that you’ve saved me from all of these terrible times I’ve been through.” Eli said to her, “I want to be with you all of the time Sherrie, ever since you were my girlfriend and even when you left me to go into hiding I’ve always thought about you, wishing that you were still with me by my bed side. I even asked you to stay with me forever and you said no.” Sherrie stopped kissing Eli and looked into his eyes with those soft innocent blue eyes of hers and said to him, “Ask me again.” Completely ignoring the fact that this gorgeous woman was standing naked in front of him, rubbing herself on his body Eli said to her, “Sherrie, I loved you with all of my heart since the first day I laid eyes on you and I’ve always wanted the chance to be with you. Sherrie Ann Grace, also known as Sherrie Mahalo *chuckles* will you…” Sherrie kissed him again with those full lips of hers almost as if she were too impatient to wait for him and said, “Will I what?” Eli smiled and said to her, “Will you marry me?” Sherrie had always wanted this handsome man to ask her that question, and the second time was even better than the first. But this time Sherrie had an answer and she knew it was the right choice; Sherrie looked into his eyes and said, “Yes, yes I will marry you.” The ring Eli had kept with him since the day Sherrie left him once again came out of his pocket and onto Sherrie’s finger. He pulled his fiancé over to the bedroom and closed the door as the next chapter of their future gets written behind closed walls.
-End of Part II
Hope you folks enjoy!
June 19, 2005 at 5:15 am #657000tree
ParticipantGREAT STORIE!!!
June 19, 2005 at 12:47 pm #6571TC2
ParticipantThanks a lot for the comments again guys I really appreciate it. Though I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think this is going to be my last story for a while as I’m not really quite sure what to write about next. There can easily be a part III to this which would be the very last one but all the details haven’t been worked out yet inside my head.
Anyway really, thanks a lot for the comments they sure as hell help a guy get his work done much much faster!
June 21, 2005 at 1:49 am #6572gaiusmaecinas
ParticipantAny chance anyone could link or post one of the earlier chapters to this series? The story and characters are great, and I would love to read more about them.
June 21, 2005 at 3:33 am #6573Matthew Lim
ParticipantNot to break your heart buddy, but the series doesn’t get any earlier than what’s posted her.
June 21, 2005 at 4:10 am #6574TC2
ParticipantActually Maniac…
The prequel to this is The Rage Within, which is still an uncompleted story in the series.
June 21, 2005 at 4:25 am #6575Matthew Lim
ParticipantCollector, I can’t believe I didn’t recognize that. Geez it must have been over a year since I’ve read Rage Within. Wow I’m embarassed 😳
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