GTS Collage – Santa Monica Souza

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    As you can see, its always wise to being packing a camera – you never know what you'll encounter, especially in the early morning mist along an ocean shoreline.   😎

    Model: Santa Monica Souza

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Thank you, dear Alexander, for delievering to us a construct featuring on the most stunning female bodybuilders of all time -Santa Monica Souza.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    Lovely morph!  I'd never heard of her before, but she looks amazing!  Thanks, Alex.


    Lovely morph!  I'd never heard of her before, but she looks amazing!  Thanks, Alex.

    It's not surprising as she never quite received the coverage that she should have had in the magazines (just before the Internet explosion in the mid 90's).  But then that's par for the course for the time period of the late 80's / early 90's with so many gorgeous looking Amazons hitting the scene all at once – then dropping off the radar map never to be heard from again.

    She's from Brazil and competed for a time in the United States – about the only pictures I've seen of her were some few that were posted in the news groups.  If you're looking for more, check the WPW website, there's a pair of gallery pages from the video and magazine interview that they did with her at the time.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    rowan morrison

    Excellent pic as usual, Alex! I love the shadows you are able to create…really makes the collages seem real  😀

    Many moons ago, on the newsgroup, I too ran into the handful of her pics out there and used the same photo you did to make a She-Hulk manip of Ms. Souza. I think it first appeared up at Unzipped's old "Homage" site.
    You can see I made her suit a darker yellow (can't remember why) as well as airbrushing out her jewelry (which I do with all my She-Hulk manips).


    Excellent pic as usual, Alex! I love the shadows you are able to create…really makes the collages seem real  😀

    One of my personal favorates in that regard was the one I did w/ Amber Deluca portrayed as the 150-Amazon movie poster that I posted here a long time back, I think when it was still She-Grew.

    Many moons ago, on the newsgroup, I too ran into the handful of her pics out there and used the same photo you did to make a She-Hulk manip of Ms. Souza. I think it first appeared up at Unzipped's old "Homage" site.
    You can see I made her suit a darker yellow (can't remember why) as well as airbrushing out her jewelry (which I do with all my She-Hulk manips).

    Darkening the suit color?  Probably because it helped to better contrast it against her body.  I've done something similar with one using Tazzie Colomb, but the reason for changing the color of her posing suit had to do with the context in which I was placing her as a member of the Fantastic Four, complete with the white Number 4 emblem on her chest.

    Oh what the hey, here you can take all look and see what I mean –

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Ms. Souza is just impossibly HOT.


    I concur!

    Moreover, I've never seen this bodybuilder before, and she looks exactly like the mental image I had when I was writing that nurse story!  😮


    I concur!

    Moreover, I've never seen this bodybuilder before, and she looks exactly like the mental image I had when I was writing that nurse story!   😮

    Its been a very long time since I read the interview she did with WPW, but I seem to **think** that she also has a sister (or maybe it was a cousin) that's also involved in female bodybuilding.

    I'll have dig that particular issue out from my archives here and recheck.  😎

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Santa Monica was something else!
    I hear she was very sweet yet very competitive and love to workout with the boys ;D
    A wrestling promoter almost set up a match between her and the Mighty La Tigra The Conqueress; both women were excited but the investers backed out at the last minute 🙁

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