Here’s a question for all of you- who’s the forum favourite?

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  • #20548
    Amazon Lover

    Hmm… so very tricky… my top 3 are Andrah, Tetsuko, and Lu, but I can't choose!  No matter how I view them, from an artistic standpoint, from a character standpoint, or just from the standpoint of them being hot chicks, I can't decide.

    Andrah has a great "tough yet caring" attitude, and the best sense of humor of the bunch (Being married to Dr. Otto, she'd have to have a sense of humor!).  Her blue-and-pink color scheme, combined with her white mohawk gives her an exotic look all her own.  Though many a forum member will lament that we'll probably never see her naked like the other two, she's got enough character (Not to mention muscle and breast tissue), to entice us to return to read PCC each week.

    Tetsuko's the most gentle and innocent; like the girl next door on steroids.  She loves her muscles and breasts – as do we all – but all that power and size conflict sharply with her cute, wide-eyed, anime face, which reveals the calm soul within.  Still, she has her wild, sexual side as seen in many a picture of her.  What can I say?  She's cute, manga-style goodness, wrapped in a sexy muscular package.  Being a "Mr. Nice Guy" myself, I find her innocence very attractive.

    And last – but certainly not least – there's Lu, who may be the most complex character.  Being Kulli's RP alter-ego, her character reflects that of an actual person, and her range of moods – from rage to maternal joy to depression to confidence – shows that.  She's the most realistic of all the characters as a result, which is a very good thing.  She often stands out from the other two from a physical standpoint, as she's been pregnant quite a few times (A big plus, cuz I find pregnancy sexy!), and has been a guy on multiple occaisons (A bit of a minus, cuz that I don't find sexy.  Sorry, but guys don't really do anything for me).

    But how to pick a favorite out of these three?  Well, I can't.  If this forum were to have a Miss Amaz0ns pageant, I would not want to be the judge making the final decision.  However, I will give each of them the following prizes:

    Andrah – "Miss Congeniality"  She'd be a perfect friend to have, sexy, funny, and enjoys video games.  She's the type of girl that guys would like to hang around with.  I could see myself hanging around her in an arcade or playing laser tag.  This girl's definately all about fun.

    Tetsuko – "Miss Dateable" If I could go out on a date with one of these three, it'd definately be Tetsuko.  Since we're both "nice people", we'd be really compatable.  Andrah's sarcasm, rep for causing her spouse pain, and desire for sex of only the rough kind takes her out of the running, as does Lu's brashness, smoking (Sorry, smoking grosses me out), and being a guy sometimes.  And, as evidenced by some pictures that DCM drew, she's definately the type who'd like to just settle down and have kids.

    Lu – "Miss Personality" Like I said, Lu has the most character, cuz she represents part of a real human being, and often reflects Kulli's own moods.  She's multi-faceted – a rare trait in many cartoon characters these days.  She seems like the kind of person I could have a real heart-to-heart talk to.  I can talk to a lot of friends about video games, cartoons, movies, school, etc., but Lu is the type I could see myself discussing deeper issues with.  Her depth is by far her best non-physical trait.


    I dont have a fav either…although I love Tetsuko and Sheeri to death…im not picking sides. lol.


    I'm with you Kusanagi!  This smacks of Paris's fateful decision that started the Trojan War!

    Amazon Lover

    *Thinks he sees Andrah hide what he believes to be  a golden apple behind her back before she begins whistling innocently*


    I'm with you Kusanagi!  This smacks of Paris's fateful decision that started the Trojan War!

    The decision was not Paris' but the Gods.
    Such it is that we meager mortals cannot go against Wills greater than our own and must bow down to Fate.


    *Thinks he sees Andrah hide what he believes to be  a golden apple behind her back before she begins whistling innocently*

    A very amusing comment, AL, though it would be creatures such as we whom would use the Golden Apples. Such as it was when Atlanta was tricked during her race with Melanion, when he used the Golden Apples (granted to him by Aphrodite herself) to destract Atlanta by throwing them across her path, causing her to go pick them up and thus lose the race to him.

    Thus proving that mere men need the aid of a Goddess to gain the hand of an true Hunter/Warrioress.

    The Pimp NeonBlack

    Amazon Lover

    Huh?  I was making a reference to the previous comment about Paris and a certain beauty contest.  According to the legend I heard, Aeris (Sp?) the Goddess of Discord was PO'ed that she wasn't invited to this big party (I think it was a wedding), and in order to cause disharmony, she threw a golden apple with the inscription "to the fairest" to the earth.  The goddesses squabbled over who should take home the fruit-shaped trophy, and Paris was elected as the judge.  The main contenders promised him lots of cool stuff, but he went with Aphrodite, who promised him the love of Helen of Troy, which began the Trojan War.

    Though your story is also neat, PNB; I wonder if golden apples have shown up elsewhere in mythology and legend…


    Though your story is also neat, PNB; I wonder if golden apples have shown up elsewhere in mythology and legend…

    Don't know about mythology and legend… but in chapter 5, "Russian Roulette" in my story Power Play, I did name the characters' underground health club/hang spot… The Golden Apple. 😉

    I used that as a nod to the myth of Atalanta, and how those things were used to outwit and outplay a physically superior female.

    Though I didn't know there was more to the legend than that. 

    Oh, and as for my premiere forum fave… I'd have to give the nod to DCM's Dyna, the Damsel Dynamo.  I know, I'm biased that way since I wrote a story for her, and Mr. Matthews loved it.  But there 'tis.

    Though obviously, any artwork that can inspire a story out of me (Dr. Otto's catgirl from "Cats and Dogs") is an obvious fave. 😀


    Tetsuko thats all I can say who my favorite is, like it was said before, who can resist a blonde sexy muscle babe!!!!

    Though my fav artistS kinda goes on abit so I would have to keep coming back to this post and editing it ^^::

    David C. Matthews

    Though your story is also neat, PNB; I wonder if golden apples have shown up elsewhere in mythology and legend…

    Don't know much about history
    Don't know much mythology
    Don't know much about apples
    But I think I need to find out more

    [stops singing as an apple d'rotten is flung at him]

    Both tales are legit, according to my trusty paperback Mythology by Edith Hamilton. Although it isn't quite clear exactly where the man (whose name was either Melanion, Milanion, or Hippomenes) got the three golden apples he used to distract Atalanta and thus win his race against her (and her as his wife). The book says only that "by the favor of Aphrodite" he "gained possession" of the three "wondrous apples, all of pure gold". So this and the Judgement of Paris would seem to indicate that golden apples are a recurring theme.

    And as long as I'm on this topic… I'm very flattered by all the mentions of Tetsuko (and Dyna!) as a forum favorite. Thanks, everybody!

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