- This topic has 16 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 3 months ago by
November 20, 2004 at 10:45 am #1932
By Mighty Lingster“[Hic!]” Jennie gasped, realizing after her third spasm that she was having a hiccup fit. She was prone to them – she needed a glass of water, a paper bag and a feather to stop, three implements which were not available in the university newspaper office. She was laying out the campus daily on her Mac, but the spasms kept spoiling her intent, photographs and text columns were winding up all over the place.
“Damnit!” she said, frustrated with the distraction.
Lucy, a close friend of Jennie’s who was also an editor at the paper, looked up from her desk. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s these fucking hiccups. I always get them and [hic!] it’s such a nuisance.”
Lucy squinted at her. “Can’t you just hold your breath until they go away?”
“No, doesn’t [hic!] work for me. I need a glass of water and a paper bag. And a feather.”
“A feather?”
“Yeah, I drink the water, then [hic!]breathe into the paper bag while I tickle my neck with the feather. That always [hic!] works.”
“Ha! How did you figure out the feather part?” Lucy asked.
“My grandmother knew about it. Old Irish fol…[hic!] folk medicine or something. It’s always worked for me.” Jennie paused, “’Course, the old lady also said that hiccups meant there was a leprechaun or [hic!] a pixie around.”
“Ha! My grandmother always said that hiccups were a sign of changes in a woman’s body – puberty and pregnancy. If a young girl had the hiccups really bad, it meant she’d get big boobs and a sexy body,” Lucy said, smiling.
“Well, you must have been hiccupping like crazy!”, Jennie remarked, noting Lucy’s abundant curves. Then she looked down at her own spare figure and laughed. “I started getting these hiccup fits when I [hic!] was about ten, and I’m about as scrawny and flat-chested as I could be. So we can put that [hic!] wives’ tale to rest. I sure wish it was true, though.”
Lucy was about to say something when a shimmering light filled the room. Both women shielded their eyes, and when the light faded, a petite person, of unidentifiable gender, with smooth, freckly skin and shoulder length red hair was standing between them.
“Well,” he began, “I’ve been following you around for ten years and you’ve finally made a wish.”
Jennie stared for a few seconds, and then finally said, “This isn’t possible.”
“Oh, it’s possible. ‘Tis merely highly improbable!” the diminutive little creature replied. “So how shall we work this? We need some ground rules.”
Lucy finally spoke – “Wait, wait. You’re asking us to believe you’re, what? A leprechaun?”
“Something like that. Pixie, brownie, sprite, whatever you like. The point is, I grant wishes for a cost, and Jennifer here has paid quite a cost in ten years’ of hiccup fits. Now she gets to cash in. She wants boobs and a curvy figure, and hiccups are to be the mechanism by which she gets them.”
“Wait, wait,” Jennie said, accepting that the leprechaun was really present. “Can’t we just [hic!] throw the hiccup thing out the window and I’ll make a wish for what I want my body to look like?”
“I’m afraid that’s not how it works. The wish has already been cast, the die already tossed. Now we have to work out the small print. First off, what sort of time frame did you have in mind? Months, weeks? Or something quicker?”
“Ummm…quick, I guess.”
“How about an hour, coterminous with this hiccup fit?” the pixie suggested.
“I don’t understand.”
Sighing, the leprechaun explained: “Well, for example, you’ll get a certain small amount of, ah, bodaciousness with each hiccup, incrementally. When you reach your desired level of curviness, you end the hiccup fit and the spell terminates.”
“Umm, OK, that makes sense. Sorta.” Jennie agreed. (Lucy was still staring.)
“What’s your desired outcome? Is it porn star titties that you’re wanting?”
“Oh, God, no! Well, it would be kinda fun to be bigger than ‘Busty Betty’, wouldn’t it?”
Lucy woke out of her trance with that. “You should totally get bigger boobs than that bitch. She’s so high on being the biggest chested girl on campus.”
“So is that your wish? Who is this ‘Busty Betty’, by the way?”
“Nah – that would be too much.” Jennie decided, “She’s the president of her sorority, Mu Alpha Mu. And if I wound up bigger than her they’d probably want me to pledge, too.”
“Ah, Mu Alpha Mu. Now I understand,” the leprachaun said.
“What do you mean?” Lucy asked.
“It’s a charmed sorority. The ancient fertility goddess Ester actually runs the whole show, and bestows her favor on its members – big boobs. Any girl who manages to go in gains at least a full cup size. It’s part of the initiation process – every girl has to spin a wheel, it’s numbered one through five, with each number being half the size of the number below it. So “1” occupies a little over half the wheel, “2” is just a hair more than 25% of the wheel, “3” is half of that and so on, up to 5, which only one girl in about 1000 gets. They select their national executive board – the high priestesses of Ester – from the 4’s and 5’s.”
“You mean, each girl goes up in bra sizes equivalent to the number she rolls?”
“Exactly,” the leprechaun explained. “You don’t happen to have a branch of Delta Iota Kappa fraternity, do you?”
“No,” the girls agreed.
“Too bad for you,” it said.
“How come I never heard about any of this?” Jennie and Lucy asked, simultaneously.
“I thought it was common knowledge,” said the pixie.
“No wonder they get so many legacies!” Jennie deduced.
“You know – I think I remember Betty now, from freshman orientation.” Lucy said. “I didn’t make the connection to her face, because who looks at her face? She was a brunette, and I think she was actually, y’know, smaller than average up top.”
“And now how big is she?” inquired the leprechaun.
“Enormous!” both girls said at once, gesturing with their hands to suggest a bountiful bust.
“Sounds like a ‘5’. Ester must be pleased with her. Is that how big you wish to be?”
“No way! She’s [hic!] huge! Guys just stare at her wherever she goes! And it’s…it’s impractical! Like, where [hic!] would I ever find tops that fit? And what would my parents say if I came home super-stacked? My Dad would lock me in my [hic!] room until I was 30!”
“Well then what?”
“[hic!] This is really embarrassing, y’know…I guess something more reasonable. [hic!] On the order of a ‘C’ cup” – a full ‘C’. Let’s call it ‘C and a half’. [hic!]”
“I’ll be smaller than you!” Lucy pouted.
“Just a little! And it’s your [hic!] turn to be the small-breasted one. Oh! You can pledge MAM if it bothers you! If you rolled a ‘2’ you’d be one of the biggest MAMs on campus!”
“OK, back to business…” the creature looked up as if doing a calculation. “So that’s a little over two inches in the bust. What about how much weight you’re to gain?”
“Well, I don’t want to gain much in my tummy, or wind up fat or flabby!”
“Noted – no flab. Since you want to be toned we’ll add lean body mass only – except for your bosom. But how much do you want?”
“This can’t be happening,” Lucy muttered to herself, “How did I not know about any of this?”
“Ummm…well, I’m five-foot-five, and I don’t even quite weigh 100 pounds. I ought to weigh about 115, I think – that’s in my ideal BMI. And that’s [hic!] without, y’know…” She blushed, “…Boob weight.”
“Alright, then. You’re hiccupping about every seven seconds, which works out to about 500 hiccups over the next hour. So we’ll give you 1/256th of an inch on the bust for each hiccup. We’ll also add 1/2 ounce in totally unflabby lean body mass for each hiccup, which will work out to 16 pounds in an hour. The wish will last for the duration of your hiccupping fit. You must stop hiccupping to end your magical growth. Is this agreeable?”
“Yeah, I [hic!] guess so!” Jennie agreed.
“Excellent!” the leprechaun replied. “Perhaps I’ll be seeing you again some day.” And then it vanished.
"[Hic!]" Jennie felt a slight tremor pass through her body.
Both women stared at each other. “Maybe somebody put LSD in the water cooler,” Lucy suggested.
“Do you think it was [hic!] real?” Jennie asked, hoping against hope.
“I…can’t see how it could be anything else. We both saw it. You’ll know soon enough.”
“I don’t [hic!] feel any different. I guess you’re right.”
Jennie went back to her layout work. Though she was distracted at first, she soon was able to focus on it, despite her hiccups, which were coming a little bit faster now than before.
Jennie became aware of her chest pressing up against her blouse, and quietly reached and felt herself up. She was shocked to find that she had breasts – not the little pointy mounds she had before, but a handful of soft flesh. They weren’t large by any means, but they were noticeable boobs nonetheless. Her heart started pounding faster, and without realizing, she began to hiccup faster.
“Well I’ll be dipped in shit!” Jennie exclaimed.
“It’s working?” Lucy asked, wide-eyed.
“[hic!] It is SO working,” Jennie responded, sticking out her chest so that Lucy could see.
Lucy gawked. “They’re almost a ‘B’, I think! It’s working pretty fast!”
“Boobs!” Jennie exclaimed. “I finally have [hic!] boobs!”
“Let’s get out of here. We can finish this stuff later,” Lucy suggested.
“O [hic!]…OK. Jeez, I’m [hic!] really hiccupping up a storm! [hic!]”
The two young women headed back to Lucy’s dorm room, because for the first time in her life, Jennie was going to need to wear a bra, and Lucy wore a 34 C, just a bit smaller than Jennie hoped to. She was so excited, Jennie’s hiccupping increased to almost triple what it had been earlier – it was happening almost every time she inhaled.
“Are you sure this is a “C”? Jennie asked.
“It’s what I wear. See on the label there? 34 C. Why?”
“Well, it fits a [hic!] little tight. And I wasn’t supposed to be this big for [hic!] another 10 or 15 minutes.”“Huh. I think you’re bigger than me already,” Lucy said, examining her friend’s bust.
Pondering this new development – both developments – Jennie reached up to scratch her head.
Lucy made an astonished face.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You’re buff, that’s why! Damn, I’ve been working out with weights for years and I’ve never had arms like that.”
Jennie flexed her arm experimentally and was surprised to see a substantial muscle rise up from it. “What the fuck? I didn’t wish for muscles!”
“Ummm…actually, you did. ‘Lean body mass’ – that’s organ weight, skin, bone and…muscle,” Lucy averred.
“Huh,” Jennie flexed and unflexed her newly-muscled arms experimentally. “Actually, it feels pretty cool. It’s really hard! I feel kinda [hic!] strong. Do you have a scale?”
“119 pounds! I wasn’t supposed to get this heavy! And uh, [hic!] your bra is starting to get more than a little tight. Are they supposed to be tight like this?”
Lucy looked down to see boob flesh welling out of the bra she’d lent Jennie. “Whoa, you’re gaining on Busty Betty pretty fast! Looks like you’ve outgrown me! You’re a big boob girl, now – you’d better take that off. If this keeps up, you’ll outgrow it soon.”
Jennie stripped off her friend’s bra, and Lucy was astonished to see how large and full her friend’s bust had become. Jennie had also developed fairly large pectoral muscles, to Lucy’s chagrin – they were much better developed than her own. And even relaxed, Jennie’s biceps and shoulders bulged noticeably.
“I don’t [hic!] understand!” Jennie exclaimed, her heart beating very fast, “It wasn’t supposed to [hic!] work this fast! [hic!] [hic!]
“122 pounds, now! I should [hic!] end this,” Jennie said, looking down at her big breasts. “[hic!] Oh my God. I forgot about the feather! [hic!] Do you [hic!] have a feather?”
“Um…I…I don’t think so.” Lucy responded.
“Oh, shit. That’s the only [hic!] thing that works! What about your [hic!] pillow?”
“No, it’s um…hypoallergenic fill. My roommate’s, too.”
“We have to [hic!] find one. Are any of [hic!] your neighbors home? [hic!]’
“I don’t think so! Calm down, you’ll hyperventilate with all that hiccupping. Let me run around and knock on some doors. Here…put on this sweatshirt and meet me in the hall.”
Lucy ran out the door and made a left turn. Jennie started to put the sweatshirt on, but had trouble stretching it over her chest. She remembered that this top always seemed to stretch very tight over Lucy’s bust, so of course it was now at least an inch too tight for Jennie’s swelling bustline.
“Oh my God I’m [hic!] hiccupping like crazy! Wait…that’s [hic!] probably why it’s happening faster than it’s supposed to. I’ve got to calm [hic!] down!” Jennie said to herself as she pulled the top on.
When she finally had the sweatshirt on, Jennie ran out into the hall, nearly falling over because of the unfamiliar jiggling in her chest. Lucy was four doors down, and looked back at her at first in disappointment, and then shock to see the dramatic swell of Jennie’s new breasts.
“You try those doors!” Lucy said, pointing in the other direction.
Jennie started knocking.
Lucy came running up. “Did you find any?”
“[hic!] Does it look like I found any?” Jennie’s breasts were now just about a “D” cup, and her shoulders had grown broad like an athlete’s. Her legs were in places nearly stretching her formerly loose jeans, as her butt, thighs and calves filled out with curvy muscle. “Let’s just go back to my dorm room. I have a feather.”
“But that’s a ten minute walk! You’ll… You’ll be so busty that nobody will even notice me when we’re out together!"
"Yeah, I know. [hic!] Isn’t it great?" Jennie laughed.
"You’re actually enjoying this! Isn’t there another way?” Lucy protested.
“No other [hic!] way. We’ll run, [hic!] then.”
Jennie had hoped that the running would slow up the hiccups, but she’d had no such luck. At least it hadn’t made it faster, she reasoned.
As the two were riding up in the elevator, breathing heavy, Jennie said, “They were all [hic!] looking at me!”
“Who?” Lucy asked.
“The [hic!] guys!”
Lucy looked down at Jennie’s swollen bust, her broad shoulders, slender waist and generously muscled hips. “Yeah. I think you better get used to that.” Her shoulders slumped in resignation of her newly diminished status. Pledging MAM might be a necessity.
“OK, here it is, the [hic!] feather, and I’ve got bottled water in the [hic!] fridge, can you….? Thanks.”
Jenny drank 12 ounces of water, and then began breathing into the bag as she tickled her throat with the feather. After a minute with no hiccups, she stopped and smiled, took a deep breath and looked at Lucy. She said “[hic!] Oh. Poop.”
Lucy looked back, aghast.
“It didn’t work!” Jennie said, now clearly worried.
She went through the motions again without success, waited five minutes and then tried again. It still didn’t work.
“What am I going to do?” Jennie cried, lifting her breasts with her hands, as she felt the large, solid biceps in her arms swell with the movement. She hiccupped three times in succession, and actually felt the bunched muscles in her arms grow larger and harder.
“Maybe we should go to the hospital?” Lucy suggested.
“We don’t have the time! I’ve already turned into a big breasted amazon! I don’t want to be any bustier or stronger!”
“Your muscles are getting really big?” Lucy asked.
Jennie rolled the sleeve up on the sweatshirt, and flexed. Lucy’s mouth went wide, and she reached her hand out to touch the tennis ball sized mound a muscle that rose up.
“Oooh…muscles! And so hard!” Lucy cooed, as she tried to pinch the solid flesh with her fingers.
“You don’t think they look…manly?”
“Are you nuts? I would kill to have arms like that. You’re really buff! We definitely need to get your leprechaun back when this is all over.”
“OK,” Jennie half-smiled, “I guess we can take the time to go to the hospital.”
Melinda Johnson was working behind the counter at the emergency room when a young woman ran up to her. She looked healthy – in fact, Melinda did a double take because the woman looked very, very healthy. The young woman clamored to speak with her, but Melinda was busy with an elderly gentleman who was suffering palpitations. She assured the young woman she’d be with her in just a moment.
“How can I help you?”
“Umm…I have [hic!] the hiccups really [hic!] bad, and I can’t stop them,” Jennie said.
“Have you tried…” Melinda began, when Jennie said, “I’ve tried everything that normally works. I really need to see a doctor.”
“Well, umm, normally we deal with more serious conditions here, but if you’re…”
“[hic!] Desperate!” Jennie said.
“…desperate,” Melinda continued, “I’m sure I can have a doctor take a look at you within the next hour or so. You’ll need to fill out these papers,” she said, as she handed Jennie a veritable stack of documents.
Jennie looked at Melinda, and then at Lucy, who had just arrived after parking her car and was, like nearly everyone else in the emergency room, staring at Jennie’s nearly ‘F’ cup bust. Jennie could think of only one thing to do. She pretended to faint. Lucy tried to catch Jennie as she fell, but she’d gotten so heavy that Lucy fell on top of her! Unfortunately Jennie couldn’t pretend to lose consciousness for long, because her hiccups wouldn’t stop.
“I need a doctor!” Melinda shouted.
A few feet away, a young resident named Malcom Biggs had been carefully eyeing the spectacularly stacked woman at the check-in counter. He was at her side immediately.
“Can you stand?” he asked.
“Yes, I think so, [hic!]” Jennie said, surprised to find a very good looking man kneeling next to her.
“OK, let’s get you over to that table over there.”
Lucy grabbed Jennie by the upper arm to help her up, and let out an “eep!” at the thick, rock hard limb that met her grasp.
Jennie flexed and Lucy’s eyes bulged even wider. Lucy stutterd, “You’re arms! You’re really…”
“Strong,” Jenny finished. “And getting [hic!] stronger all the time.” She smiled and followed the doctor.
“OK, so you came in for treatment?” he asked, once she was sitting on an examination table.
“Yes. [hic!]”
“What for? The hiccups?”
“[hic!] Yes.”
How long have you had them?
“About two [hic!] hours. Almost [hic!] exactly.”
“Well, that’s not really within the bounds of what we call ‘intractable’…”
“But I [hic!] I’ve tried everything [hic!] that normally works! I need to stop them…I can’t explain, but I [hic!] have to.”
“OK, OK. I actually read something about this recently in a medical journal. It’s an off-label use of the drug, but a small amount of benztropine might end your hiccups.”
“Oh, thank [hic!] God.”
“I don’t have any here, but the hospital pharmacist should. And in the meantime we’re going to need to examine you and you’ll need to fill out that paperwork.”
“Oh. [hic!] OK.”
“Melinda, can you bring that clipboard over?” Biggs semi-shouted over to the check-in desk.
“Alright, could you roll up your sleeve, I need to take your blood pressure.”
Jennie rolled it up to her elbow, but couldn’t raise it further – her muscular upper arms now impeded the progress. She sighed. “Can you [hic!] close the curtain, I need to [hic!] take this off for you to do it. [hic!]”
“Oh, um, alright. If you’re uncomfortable, I can have a female nur…”
“Oh, no! [hic!] That’s [hic!] OK,” she said with a seductive smile, but he was so cute that she felt nervous anyway.
Getting the sweatshirt off was even more of an ordeal than putting it on, and Jennie was a little embarrassed when her breasts – which were now definitely in the range of ‘porn star titties’, to borrow the leprechaun’s phrasing – sprung free and bounced around for a good three seconds before coming to rest. In fact, just about every move she made caused them to jiggle around. She looked up at the doctor and saw him swallow hard with his eyes closed, and mouth what looked like “I am a professional.”
Biggs seemed to be working very hard at looking at Jennie’s face as he attached the blood pressure cuff. But finally he looked down because he was having a problem with it.
“Wow,” he said. “You must, ah, you must really work out.”
Jenny looked down at her arms. She knew they had become far more muscular than they’d been when Lucy had first commented on them an hour earlier, but she was surprised to see how much her muscles bulged, even when relaxed. At first she was a little embarrassed, but then she saw that the doctor was blushing and seemed just as excited by her hyperdeveloped physique as her huge bust.
“Oh, [hic!] you mean these [hic!]?” she said, and raised the arm and flexed her bicep, as she’d seen boys do. Even she was startled to see it rise and rise – her arm looked to be substantially thicker and more muscular than her last boyfriend’s – who was always working out and drinking protein shakes, to no effect. It gave her a little thrill to think how jealous he’d be of her new strength. She realized that she had probably gained about 35 pounds of lean mass by now, and at 5’5”, that was a lot.
Dr. Biggs made a funny choking sound, then said, “OK, umm…where was I…yeah, the b-blood pressure cuff. I’ll just, ah, let it out a little.” She smiled when she realized his hands were trembling.
“OK, you seem to be very, ah, very huh-healthy,” Biggs said, “I’ll see if the pharmacist can get me that, um, that stuff. What was it again?”
“Benz [hic!] trophy?”
“Benztropin. Right. Thanks. You can, um, ah, put that back on now.”
“[hic!] Actually, I’m not [hic!] sure I can. Can you [hic!] get me a hospital gown, [hic!] maybe?”
“See what I can do. I’ll just be a few minutes, um, fill out those sleeves, I mean, um, those bras…papers! Papers! Fill out those papers, please. Just a few minutes.”
A nurse slipped in through the curtain with a gown. She said, “Dr. Biggs asked me to give this to oh my GOD!”
“[hic!] What?” Jennie asked, a panicked look crossing her face.
“Oh, sorry. Nothing. Just…well…DAMN, girl. You’re a brick house! I’d love to have a body like yours! Here’s that gown.”
“This [hic!] is amazing! [hic!] People keep telling me [hic!] how terrific I look!” Jennie muttered to herself, her excitement was returning full blast, and her confidence was growing even faster than the rest of her. She felt so powerful!
“Knock knock”, Dr. Biggs said, as he cautiously pulled back the curtain.
“I’m [hic!] decent,” Jennie said.
“OK, I had to do some smooth talking with the pharmacist, but he said we can give you the….” He trailed off in mid-sentence.
“[hic!] What’s wrong? [hic!]”
“Ummmm…nothing. That gown just makes you look…”
“Bigger? [hic!]”
“Well, ah….”
“More [hic!] muscular?” she asked, flexing her now Ms.-Olympia-class arms.
“Even [hic!] bustier?” she said, and stuck her chest out as far as she could. The paper gown tore at the neckline.
“Oh. My. God. You’re…just…” he began. She could see he had an erection threatening to burst his pants. “Look, ah, the pharmacist wants you to read and sign this disclaimer everywhere there’s a blue checkmark, before I can give you the injection. I’ll be back in just a few minutes, and ah, this isn’t really professional and I could get in a lot of trouble, but if you could write your phone number on this piece of paper, too, I would be really, really, REALLY happy.”
“No [hic!] problem, sweetie," she said, and contemplating the effect that her increasingly bodacious and buff body was having on him, added "Take your time.”
“OK, I need to give you a shot.”
“Oh [hic!] no! I hate [hic!] shots!”
“It’s just a little one, in the….”
“In the [hic!] what?”
“Arm. In the arm. Jennie, are you getting bigger every time I see you? Because if you are, you might be having some kind of allergic reaction to something, making you swell up.”
“No! [hic!] Don’t be [hic!] silly! Just please, give me the shot! [hic!]”
“OK. If you say so.”
“OK, there you go.”
“Oh, thank you! I really think they stopped! [hic!] Oh.”
“It doesn’t work that fast,” Biggs explained.
“[hic!] It doesn’t.” Jennie said, monotone.
“No,” Biggs said.
“How [hic!] long does it take? [hic!]”
“We’ll definitely see results within an hour. Or 90 minutes, tops.”
[hic!] “Hahaha!”
“What’s so funny?”
“You’ll [hic!] see.”
“They stopped! They finally stopped,” Jennie said, relieved.
“Great, great,” Dr. Biggs said. “So, you’re sure it’s OK if I call you?”
“Are you kidding? My mother would do cartwheels if she knew I had a date with any doctor, much less such a great-looking one.”
“Ha. Well, I’m just starting. I have years of residency left. Oh, by the way, I forgot to weigh you when I did the initial exam. I need that, or you could just tell me.”
“I have no idea how much I weigh,” Jennie said, giggling.
“Really? OK, step up on the scale.”
“Oh, OK. Do you have a tape measure, too?”
“Uh, yeah…why, may I ask?”
“Oh,” Jenny said, “I’m just a little bit curious about my measurements. I only recently finished developing.”
“173 pounds. That’s not too bad, I guess. It’s all in the right places, isn’t it?”
“It really, really is,” Biggs said, “Your body is…amazing. I’ve never seen anyone as…developed…as you. You’re a wonder.”
“Do you want to measure me? Let me slip out of this gown. Are you OK? Are you choking?”
“[cough] I’m [cough] OK. Just a…air went down windpipe wrong. Just a second.” Deep breath, “OK. I would swear you’re….”
“Even bigger?” Jennie asked, smiling.
“Well, normally women don’t want to be told that.”
“Oh, it’s OK. I like it. I didn’t always look like this. And I didn’t think I would ever want to be so…so large breasted, and I never even imagined having such a muscular, powerful body, but this…” she inhaled deeply so that her breasts surged outward and flexed both arms down at her sides, “…this feels really, really terrific.”
“Ah [cough] yeah. It looks pretty terrific, too. You talk as if these were all recent…developments.”
Jennie laughed. “I guess being built like this feels brand new everyday.”
“[cough cough choke] OK. How do I do this? Quickly, before I die of overstimulation.”
“First the chest – under the breasts first, then over their fullest part.”
“OK, that’s 40 inches, and…48 over the bust. Waist is just 24, and the hips are 36.”
“I’m a little top-heavy – I think that’s an ‘H’ cup.”
“Oh, you’re perfect. Better than perfect.”
“I’m a regular ‘Busty Betty’?” she asked, smiling.
“I think this Betty person probably looks like an flatchested runt compared to you,” Biggs said.
“Well, I guess it’s her turn. It’s only fair. Could you do one more thing?”
“Measure my arm?” Jennie flexed her right arm again.
“Seventeen [cough] inches.”
“That’s really big, isn’t it?” Jennie asked.
“It’s certainly [cough] larger than average.”
“Above average for a girl?”
“For a girl it’s…astonishing. It’s above average for men,” he said, adding, “It’s above average for men who work out with weights. It’s bigger than mine. A lot.”
“Wow. I bet I’m REALLY strong now,” she mused. “We’ll have to arm wrestle on our date.”
Biggs looked at her and smiled dreamily. Then his eyes crossed a little and he fainted. He wasn’t pretending.
Jennie grabbed his shirt with one hand, and effortlessly held his limp form from falling. With both hands she grabbed him under the armpits and lifted him back to a standing position. She didn’t realize it at first, but she had actually lifted him off the ground, so that just the tips of his shoes were touching it. “Whoa. I could hold him like this for hours – he feels so light! Make that REALLY, REALLY strong!” She looked up at the bulging muscles of her arms, and then down at her massive, dramatically contoured thighs and smiled.
“Oh, I better get help for Malcolm,” she said, and eased him onto the exam table.
“I need a doctor!” Jennie yelled, as she slipped the XXXL hospital gown back over her porn-star-and-then-some-breasts, her broad, strong shoulders, and outrageously curvaceous hips and muscular rear end.
“Lucy is gonna be soooo jealous.”
The End
November 20, 2004 at 2:51 pm #1933Richard
ParticipantPart two : Lucy and the Hiccup pixie ?
November 20, 2004 at 6:54 pm #1934recycle456
ParticipantNice story Lingster!
November 20, 2004 at 7:49 pm #1935Cowprobe
ParticipantYou’ve done the Hiccups as growth device genre proud.
It’s especially cool how you lure the reader in by having everything be so controlled, so specific by the Magic person only to have Jennie’s biology be the culprit in her amazonian development.
Using Ester was a really nice touch. As far as goddesses go she doesn’t get much airtime in fantastic stories.
Cool beans and nice story 8)
Also her final result is a dreamy Tina Lockwood/Yulia Nova bodytype hybrid for that I thankee.
November 20, 2004 at 10:41 pm #1936Trent Harlow
ParticipantYes yes a Lucy meets the pixie part 2 would be awesome
November 21, 2004 at 2:09 am #1937Lingster
KeymasterThere’s not going to be a sequel, but I’m glad you liked this one enough to suggest it. I might write a Feminox story next. I’ve always wanted to and I have an idea that could resolve one of the main logical holes in the "Feminox Universe" – the permanence or transience of the effects. I like the math in Feminox.
November 21, 2004 at 3:59 am #1938recycle456
ParticipantQuick somebody introduce Busty Betty to that imp!!
November 21, 2004 at 6:53 am #1939Trent Harlow
ParticipantOh man I love Feminox stories. I also loved the Feminox render you did, I wish it had a little FMG in it though. I’m working on my own Nox story but sadly, I suck as a writer and it’s not getting anywhere. But if it does, this’ll be the 1st place I post it.
November 21, 2004 at 11:32 am #1940temugen
ParticipantHighly entertaining story – good humour and scene depiction. An instant classic! 8)
November 21, 2004 at 8:45 pm #1941tuwar1984
Participantgreat work….. as usually 😀
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