How Many of YOU Are Muscular?

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    Beanpole skinny myself. Only guy in town who can eat 5 pounds of cheesecake and loose weight. πŸ˜€ : (mmmmm. Cheesecake.Yummy.)  πŸ˜€ :


    Define muscular in the broader sense?

    I's have traversed many scales and sizes.
    From slim to bulk, to toned to rake and back through again.
    Currently, I's would be called buffed because I's have a good "pump" size but relaxed I's merely appear as toned and slightly (to use the pun if ya'll have ever seen my's flesh) chisled.
    I's am cursed with a hyper-rated metatabolism which can chew through muscle as well as fat at an alarming rate. Couple this with former addiction issues and it never bodes well for your physique.
    Also, I's lost a large ammount of mass when I's last received a near crippling and fatal injury and my's right leg was so damaged that the doctors thought that they may have to amputate. Since then, the chances to fully regain all that I's have lost have been few but I's remain fit through work and other activities -even though my's physical mobility is limited by 35 years of irrevsable damage.
    Though it all remains well.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    I think the funniest thing about this thread is that I asked you guys to use a certain group of words to describe yourselves and next to none of you used them. πŸ˜€ That just made me laugh for some reason.

    One interesting thing is that most of you are not buff. Only one of you answered that he actually body builds and looks strong (one of you isn’t muscular but is strong, and another only looks muscular after lifting). This begs the question: if muscles look so good, you admire people that take care of their bodies, and muscles are sexy, then why do most of you not have them or even strive to have them?


    I quite like girls with large breasts too, but that doesn't mean i wast them….

    I'm quite fit, very healthy, do get alot of exercise, and am happy with how i look. I think what I'm trying to say is our views of what looks good on other people we don't necessarily want for our selfs.


    I'm fat. Ayup. About 250 I think? o_O I'm not good with pounds, I'm not american XD Heh, and no I'm not ashamed or shit, cause I'm a confident person.

    I'm not just fat though, I have a stocky build (broad shoulders and broad hips) even though I'm only 5'4''.. and I seem to supprise people with how strong I actually am XD I do have decent muscles, you just can't see them XD

    Oh and Straub? It's cause I like fat women too. πŸ˜€


    I think the funniest thing about this thread is that I asked you guys to use a certain group of words to describe yourselves and next to none of you used them. πŸ˜€ That just made me laugh for some reason.

    Easily corrected, my Lady – Buffed and Very Strong here.  πŸ˜€

    And 'tis my pleasure to bring some amusement into your day . . .  😎

    β€œI like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Ok that's the easiest question in the world to answer. Time and Effort. Working out takes time and in this hustle bussle world time is a rare commodity. You can always say people need to make time but life seems fill up your days very quickly. Now this may not apply to the younger crowd as much , when I was in my late teens up untill my early 20's it was easy to find ( make) time for working out and I did to the extream, but then you get married have kids and oldman time really compresses the 24 hour day for you. Effort – well that's the real killer for the over 30 or ok in my case just over 40 crowd. Between work and all the resposabilities of having two teenaged daughters I'm exausted all the time. Do I think I'm rare in this, no I don't. You have to admit that working out is a very selfish endevour. It is you putting yourself ahead of everything else in your life for a finite amount of time. Now if your young and single or even in just a casual relationship it's easy to make that time, you have tons of it and your resposabilities are few. Now I'm not trying to give people who don't work out excusses but most of the time it's not becouse they dont want to but rather that they just cant fit it into their schedules. I myself jog every day but I have to get up at 5:00 a.m. to do it, and try not to wake my wife up or their be hell to pay. I hit the gym three times a week only becouse it's between work and home so it wont kill me for time. My workouts are the most intense 30 minutes of my day becouse that's all the time I can give them. In my youth I was 6'2' 185 of rock hard shredded muscle , my body fat was difficult to measure I was so lean. Today at a compressed 6'1" 200 I'm happy to just look mildly athletic. That's my rant for the day it seems I've run out of time.


    Amen, Ristard!

    I consider it an accomplishment that I'm able to stay in decent shape all year round.  I work about 50 hours a week, sitting at a computer screen.  There isn't a lot I an do about that.  I spend another 10 to 20 hours a week performing firematic activities [which *may* help].  I have one practice and one game a week during softball season – so add in another 5 hours a week or so. Add in 8 hours a day for bedroom related activities πŸ˜‰ and 30 minutes a day for bathroom related activities. 

    That leaves me with 34 hours a week [less than 5 hours a day] for breakfast and dinner, property maintenance , and trying to have a life [spending time with my fiancΓ©e and family, parties, nights out, getting out on the boat, scuba diving, etc.].

    I have also adopted the philosophy that bodybuilding is a sport requiring narcissism that I can not afford.  I would stop short of calling a bodybuilder β€œvain” but that is pretty much the nature of the beast.  If you can afford the time or can do it as a profession, then more power to you!  For me, bodybuilding simply does not suit my current lifestyle.

    I guess this is why I can appreciate the hard work required to look the way that professionals do.  I WISH I could look like that.  I WISH I had the time.  I WISH I could put myself ahead of others.  I just don’t.

    Maybe in another life I will come back as an NFL linebacker or WWE wrestling sensation.  Maybe new discoveries in nanotechnology and nanobiology  will unveil a way for an average schmoe to become a Greek god. Until then, I’m happy to be healthy.


    Beanpole skinny myself. Only guy in town who can eat 5 pounds of cheesecake and loose weight. πŸ˜€ : (mmmmm. Cheesecake.Yummy.)  πŸ˜€ :

    Amen to that.

    I'm a long distance athlete, two hour mountain bike rides, four hour road bike rides, hour and a half trail runs, that sort of thing including Orienteering races on a National and International Level.  Orienteering is the sport of navigating through unfamilliar terrain at a full run using only a map and compass. 

    As to lifting and building muscle, i've tried and although i am male and have the hormones, i don't gain bulk, i become very toned and cut, but that's it, so using my body type to my advantage I focus my training on the endurance sports, instead of the power sports.


    I suppose Im what youd call muscular. Not big and bulky, but muscular. Ive only worked out for the last year, but Ive managed to gain about 25lbs of muscle in that time span. My metabolism is rather high and Im naturally lean, so musculature is very apparent on me. Im one of the few people that never has to diet, and never has to work their abs. I know, I know, you guys hate me. πŸ˜‰

    I have to admit though, I work out 5 days a week… and understand how difficult it is for most people to find the time.

    Kinda off subject, but nice avatar Iceman75… Im a big Queen fan myself.

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