How Many of YOU Are Muscular?

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  • #8863

    Post was deleted. I suggest, that to stop the flame war from continuing, you could also erase the elements that you've quoted from that posting.

    P.S. Saying "You're a great woman." is not sexist. You also don't have the context of the statement.  lol. I guess If I say to a woman, you're hair looks really nice today, that I'm a male shovenist pig and liable for a lawsuit? lol

    Also, Ironpumping panda. is this strawberry?


    Who is flaming?

    This whole thread is just a heated discussion.  Things have been pretty civil actually.  I feel the forum can only but gain from this discussion as a whole.


    Sorry. I didn't mean to say that you were flamming. What I meant was that maybe the elements you quoted in your previous post could be edited or deleted altogther so that they don't create their own seperate continuation or extraneous explanations.

    Before any restriction of activities for members that may have arose due to posts on the board, a private warning from the moderators or deletion of the entire thread might have been more prudent and might have resolved issues before the flames spread.



    I'm actually quite afraid to write anything on this…

    However.. I wanted to say something. Wether I will be badly recieved is upto you…

    Seems like most of you were getting youir knickers in a twist about next to nothing.
    Strawberry wasn't TRYING to bully anyone and she never was, I gave her an example of what some idiot had said to me and she just used it in context.
    I don't believe she does try to insult people.
    Hell, I know I've seriously insulted people in the past without meaning to at all, and I never even realised I did it :/

    I understand that people act and speak differently than other people and they don't always say what you want to hear.
    It doesn't make them a bad person.
    I mean hell, who's perfect?

    I think the board has gained an experience from this discussion because it goes much deeper than usual.

    Strawberry, if you bother to read these words of someone you clearly don't care about, you seem very concerned about the guys here. Okay fair enough they bothered you, but you said yourself you don't care, so if you honestly don't… why does it seem like you're so bothered about it?
    I think one thing that puts people off speaking to you is that you always come out as defensive, even when the person was just saying… I mean, you always seem to try very hard to justify yourself.. It just seems strange to me.

    And also, how Panda said about feeling sorry for women getting pestered by juvinile boys?
    Funny, the only person I've seen complain is Strawberry. Cause it sure as hell hasn't happened to me.


    Yay a voice of reason!


    I'm fat.  About 5'10", 245 lbs of blob.  Last time I was in good shape was about 20 years ago, when I was doing a lot of jogging and weighed about 140 and was "slender" (skiny, no muscle).  Now I look like Homer Simpson, but without his muscles.  I wish I was 140 again.

    Tiny Black Guy

    Many of you have mentioned to me that you're doughy, some said that you currently lift.

    So, I'm wondering: how many of you are buff? Since I can't make polls anymore, just write: Buff, Normal, Fat, Skinny.

    I would say Im slightly above normal muscularity, but not buff like you.



    Just some comments from your favorite forum member.

    I do find it odd that ONLY my comment was deleted, while the condescending comment which spurred me to write was left up there. Guess it just proves my point that these guys are just looking out for, and supporting the idiotic comments of, themselves. After all, we know that some moderators in this forum have some kind of chip on their shoulders when it comes to the comments I make, so it's no surprise that only mine would be taken down. It's like a "good ol' boys" club, except they're not good and they're not old.

    it makes me sad to see the pinnacle of a perfect community suddenly drop down to these petty levels of arguments.

    Rome fell.

    Also, Ironpumping panda. is this strawberry?

    Because anyone who agrees with me must, logically, be me. Kulli and Ironpumping are saying similar things, agreement + some critique, so I must also be Kulli. This is the only logical answer.

    For the record, I didn't see you calling me a nice woman sexist, but if I were concerned with being a femiNazi, I can see how that could be reasoned.

    KULLI: There you go…like I said on another thread, women understand what I'm saying.
    You do raise an interesting point about responding to those I don't care about. I think it's because I don't really keep tabs on a lot of people's names. By this, I mean if someone says something to me that is rude, but then posts a comment that isn't rude somewhere else, I won't know that the person was previously rude. Sure, I remember SOME names, but for the most part people can be rude or nice to me and I will respond as the situation deems necessary. This is also a benefit because it means I don't hold grudges (and even if I know the person's name/face, and they are nicer or something later, I still won't hold a grudge). If the dude that I was typing to here (I forgot his name and am too lazy to look it up) left some other comment, like a compliment or even just a well-worded critique, then I'll respond as if the rude comments never existed. Holding grudges only bothers me, and it limits my ability to fully enjoy a person. How do I know he just wasn't having a bad day and is actually a nice guy?
    A combination of not remembering a person's name and not holding grudges is the reason I read what they write.
    Merely wanting to make a sarcastic joke is the reason I respond. At first, I went back and restated what I meant because I honestly thought I had said something to upset the person, and that wasn't my intent (it never is). But after I realized that it was only a select few, and the only reason they were becoming mad was because they WANTED to be (overlooking things I had written, coming up with crazy assumptions and then getting mad at me for their assumptions, and some of the guys were actually the guys that had sent me the PM's that I made fun of), then I stopped responding seriously and just commented to get a laugh. I appreciate a good burn so I post for anyone else that is like-minded. Heck, I've had "flame wars" with people that were a laugh riot simply because those people were sarcastic like me. It happens a lot on dA, where I would leave a ridiculously over-the-top sarcastic comment, and they would respond in kind (or vice versa). Then I would comment on that, they on that, and it would go on and on providing a lot of laughter for both parties. A good burn is always funny, even if it's at my expense (these haven't been GOOD burns, or even burns, they have just been incorrect comments and petty whining).

    Anyway, Kulli, I hope that answers your question. I also hope that my response makes you realize that I'm extremely open to criticism, as long as it's not completely wrong or just being used as flame bait (although I have found good critiques in even the most outrageous of flames), so you shouldn't be worried that it's going to be badly received or be afraid to comment on this.

    Oh, as for justifying myself, it's because I believe in doing unto others as you wish to be done unto you. When people ask a question or state that they don't understand what I mean, I believe this means they are looking for an explanation. It's not me trying so gosh darn hard to justify myself, it's me merely answering their question because I would like for them to do the same. It's not me being self-righteous, it's just me extending a courtesy that I would like reciprocated if the situation was reversed.

    I just have to say something about this: "Funny, the only person I've seen complain is Strawberry. Cause it sure as hell hasn't happened to me." This, Kulli, is because you are a delight. You always seem to kind and light-hearted, whereas I do not. It's hard to piss people off when you've been nothing but nice 🙂

    Mark Newman

    I haven't deleted any comments. 

    If a moderator does delete a comment, I suggest he or she say so and state why.



    I haven't deleted any comments. 

    If a moderator does delete a comment, I suggest he or she say so and state why.


    There currently is no moderator for this thread, so there was no cause or reason for anything to have been delated.

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