If anyone wants to get in shape ? Read this.

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  • #102198

    Recently (2.5 months ago) i started doing P90X workout program, and the results are AMAZING.

    Ok I wont lie it’s not easy to stay motivated, and the workouts are an overkill.
    But so far i havent missed single workout, and im keeping up with the diet, and

    I really REALLY recommend this. I have toned myself down to 12% bodyfat, and
    gained about 5-7 pounds of muscle (hard to say since bodyweight changes everyday
    and waterweights are a major part of it).

    I’m not gonna post my pics here since this is a female muscle board lmao, but if
    anyone wants to see let me know and i will post them.

    Best regards Tigersan


    He’s right about this program, the only problem is you need an extreme amount of discipline to stick with it. It will definitely work for you, but only if you follow the program to the letter.


    Congrats on your progress thus far, TS!

    There’s no greater boost to the personal motivation dept then seeing physique development results, regardless if they are large or small.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Two and a half months? How noticable the changes can be?

    PS: Sucks to be an average joe.


    Very noticeable, the program is intense. Actually it’s more like torture.


    As long as we’re on this topic, one thing that’s really worked for me is the primal/paleo diet approach. I’d drifted up to about 20% bodyfat during 2010 but after six months greatly reducing almost all “added sugar” and “white” carbohydrates I’m down to 14% with no change in activity level. I’ve lost about 20 pounds and near as I can tell from the impedance scale, none or nearly none of it was muscle.


    Two and a half months? How noticable the changes can be?

    PS: Sucks to be an average joe.

    Well i considerED myself to be an average Joe as well, but infact its what you consider yourself to
    be, makes you who you are. I changed my attitude and took the main slogan of P90X to my heart.
    “Bring IT!” and “Do your best forget the rest” as long as you do your best and dont miss any workouts results will come… 100%.

    Find me on facebook (Les Brzostowicz) i got a P90x gallery there with progress pics so you can see
    what kind of results im talking about.


    Ok heres a little update on my workouts… After i finished p90x i got down to 9% fat,
    but i was too skinny. One of our models from female-power.net encouraged me to try
    bodybuilding. Since i did diet and workout consistently for 3 months nonstop on p90x i
    thought how hard can it be… not much different xcept workouts…

    So i started a training program under guidance of that model, and im on 16th week now
    and so far i have gained 20 pounds of muscle, some of it is fat and water. When i
    started this program i was at 12% fat now im at 15% i know i look more but its measured
    and its creatine that causes the water bloat thats normal… Water is irrelevant if u can see
    growth over period of time… ofc u gonna loose few pounds when u cut up because all that
    water is gonna go… but what stays is all you have worked for = muscle!

    Why I’m posting this… well maybe someone is interested on how to do this. I would be
    happy to share my routines diet and supplements I use…

    Heres my progress pic…


    Wow dude, congratulations! Very noticeable difference from your older pictures, great job man!


    Thanks 😉 i need 20-25 more pounds (so my trainer says) to do my first show in Mens Physique class… so we’ll see how that goes. Show is either in may or in november… We’ll see how fast i will gain the rest of the mass… 😀

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