I’m off.

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  • #20592

    I have my own reasons, and I'm not going to explain them, all you need to know is I'm not going to be around here.

    Don't make a big deal or anything, you can live without one minor artist.

    But if not, you can catch my stuff at my muscle DA account. I don't think I'll leave there.
    [move] http://www.SyberStyk.DeviantART.com

    Maybe I will come back. I don't know.
    We'll have to see if I want to. Will leaving make much a difference to me?
    I don't know the answer to that. We'll see.

    I'm just not upto this place anymore. There are too many things I don't like.

    So yeah.

    Bye, I guess.

    Amazon Lover

    I'm sorry you didn't like things here… if it makes you feel any better, you were well-liked here.  Your artwork and commentary will truly be missed, and we hope you return some day!


    Thanks for sharing your art in the first place.

    Hope you get the bug to come back here someday and if not I wish you the best of luck in whatever you pursue.

    You have an interesting stable of characters as well.

    Always dug your command of colored pencils.  😎

    Will be keeping an eye on your Deviant Art gallery then.  :mrgreen:

    Muscle Growth Nut

    We'll miss you, Kulli.

    Don't make a big deal or anything, you can live without one minor artist.

    Minor, my foot. 😀 You beat yourself up too much; you're big around here. …Pun not intended.


    Aww man…well, I don't wanna be long winded like usual, so I'll keep it short.

    Bye Kulli, I'm watching your DevArt's as always, but you'll definently be missed here. Good Luck on whatever you do, art and life related.


    Well Durn It!!  You will undeed be missed Kulli, be aware that you are allways welcome to come  back!  😥


    I aint sure if there are any other Brits here, but this one most certainly doesnt want you to go, chook. Your art is brilliant, imaginative and fun to see. If ya do go tho',  I will miss ya and wish ya the best in every thing ya do.
    Pete XXX


    I like your style and all of your drawings. I hope that one day you feel that you can come back here.

    Thanks for all the work you've shared with us!


    We did enjoy your time here…and hopefully in the future, if you feel like it, you can return.  😀


    Oh man! That sucks. You're one of the best artists here (Minor? Yeah right :P)

    I'll be sure to visit your DA sites regularly, but I'll miss the rest of your forum activities.

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