Lingire Model Muscle Growth

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  • #18745

    Has anyone seen a black and white picture of a lingerie model and instantly grows muscular in three scenes?

    I found one on a yahoo group, but I can't remeber where it was. So if anyone knows what i'm talking about, could you please post it on?   😉


    Sorry I don't remember anything like that, but if I find it, be sure I post it !
    But In France there was an Ad for 1 or 2 weeks about a woman watching her furnace and who had strong arms. The advice was so silly because it was for a product to stop her arm muscles and to bring back her tin arms ! Who wants to buy anything like that for his wife ??!!!!!  😕
    So I've been looking for on the french advices web sites but I've never find it any more !


    Is this it? If not, then you get a nice picture anyway. Enjoy!  😀

    Before I forget, I found this image on the "Female-Muscle-Growth" Yahoo group.

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