Looking For Stories

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  • #166682

    Looking for some stories that I seem to have lost when my old computer died :/

    Most of these were from old Yahoo Groups, so not sure if anyone still has them. One was an Altawoman fanfic, which it looks like there was another topic about that no one found a copy of it
    (https://amaz0ns.com/forums/topic/looking-for-an-altawoman-story/). I remember it was on one of The Manic’s groups and was by the same author that had done some Tawn fanfics of his character.

    The other was titled something like Aggravation Air and was about a woman hulking out on a plane. There was a handful of stories by the same author… one about a woman growing on the side of the road and her metal jewelery breaking off. They were fairly short, but I haven’t had much luck turning them up.

    I think I found everything else so far, but if anyone randomly has a copy of these I would appreciate a repost!

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