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January 22, 2024 at 5:11 pm #160032
ParticipantAnother gentle story, about people figuring out their relationship in all honesty. Also sex.
And you can read it as your own experience! Nice, huh?The Message
Your wife left you after discovering your fetish of strong, masculine women. That was terrible for you, but now, a year later, she sent you a message. What might she have been up to?
This second-person style erotic fiction contains female muscle growth, futa and gender-blending. All characters are at least 18 years old.Read it in full here:
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1511148Here’s a preview:
Your wife finally wrote! You‘re so relieved. You thought she’d left you for good. Her reaction was bad enough. She found out about your fetish, and it was so embarrassing! To watch her face grow pale as she saw your search history made you want to run and hide. You tried to explain it away, to come up with some weak-ass excuse, but you could tell she wouldn’t believe you. There was no way for you to get out of this ever again.
You remember her look of absolute disgust, then she dropped your phone and fell silent. A moment later, she packed her things and left. You were alone. It wasn’t much of a change, after all, you had started to drift apart a while ago. But to find yourself exposed in this way? It stung terribly.
You were in a bad place. You couldn’t really tell people what happened, could you? Happily, she didn’t say a word to anybody. She just left. In a way, you were relieved. After all, she didn’t immediately divorce you. No official letters, no rough words, nothing. Just complete silence.
And now, after a year alone, after phases of total despair and hesitation when you tried to motivate yourself to go and find her and explain yourself, there was a sign of life.
You wondered what to do now.
Reluctantly, you picked up the phone and read the message:
“I’m coming back tonight. Be ready.”
Instantly, your heart started beating wildly. You had to get the place in order! Now was the time to fix everything! You wanted to write back immediately, but then, you caught yourself. Instead, you just confirmed that you’d read the message and got busy.
The following hours were a whirlwind of activity. You cleaned the whole house, you vacuumed everything, you dusted the place, you prepared a nice dinner, and you got some flowers, some chocolate, some fancy drinks! You shaved, you went to the hairdresser, you put on a fresh shirt, and you got the house ready to get her back. And if she didn’t want to stay, maybe you could just explain that you loved her!
This made you think of her.
When you saw her last a year ago, she was a bit out of shape, but you kinda liked her nice, big butt and her hips. Sure, her breasts had deflated a bit, her long brown hair had lost its shine, and she definitely no longer dressed up … but she could still make you hard with a little bit of work.
The problem was … Sure, she was a nice woman and everything, but … deep inside, you were into something else entirely. Something unspeakable. Something you could never say in public. During the year, you had been tempted several times to maybe find a woman who was into this and visit her for money. You never managed to summon the courage. What if people found out? And they invariably found out in your community. That was just the way it was.
It was bad enough that your woman had left you. Going after something crazy like this? That was a surefire way to be terminally ostracized.
You didn’t even dare say it out aloud.
Once, only, did you hide under your blanket, and you said to the world that you loved big, muscular, masculine women. Strong, hairy ones, powerful, dominant, but still female in their strange way …
You didn’t even dare look at stuff like that on the net for fear of getting caught again. There was no chance since you were alone, but still, it was almost impossible for you to ever go that way again.
Well, you had to banish any thought of that for now. For all intents and purposes, you had to be a very normal person. A regretful person that would never think about this again. A simple, honest man that any woman would like. Yes.
Everything would be well again. Even if it meant saying no to your innermost desires. You would fantasize about these women whenever you saw a sporty woman, a veiled woman, or really any woman that hid her body … Maybe she was just like that? You would have to look away whenever you heard a woman with a deep voice say something to hide your arousal.
You’d have to stick to that. Be normal. Be normal. Be absolutely normal.You smiled. You stood, ready to open the door for your wife. You lowered the lights a bit to build a bit of a romantic atmosphere. Okay. The nervousness got the better of you. You could feel your hands start to shake. It was bad. You had to make your shot count.
Outside, you heard a car roll up to the house. No … That was a motorbike. A motorbike? But … why would she ride a bike? That was odd. Maybe she had picked a ride with a biker? That didn’t make a lot of sense, did it?
You imagined your wife, with her loose, flowy clothes and her scarf, sitting on the back of a motorbike! It was ridiculous. A motorbike! Never. Maybe this was just someone else? But who in your community would drive a bike? That was ridiculous. But what if it were a gangster?
No. That was dumb. This was a nice place.And then, somebody knocked on the door. You froze. That was not a dainty little knock. This was a loud bump. You didn’t react. You just stood there, wondering what to do. Call the cops? Arm yourself? With what?
Another bang. In your mind, dozens of scenarios played, each one more terrifying than the last.
And then, you heard a voice:
“Come on, open up! It’s me!”
That voice. It was strange. Familiar. But … utterly unknown at the same time. It was deep, rough and powerful. And yet, there was a faint memory of your wife’s … Did she have an older brother you didn’t know of? An uncle? A cousin? Someone who came to finally punish you for your perversion?
You asked:
“Me. Open. I’m back.”
“But who are you?”
“Don’t you recognize my voice?” There was a hint of amusement in it. “Then just open. You’ll understand.”
“Okay …” You didn’t know why you would go for this, but you obeyed. This voice … It was so confusing. You had heard it a thousand times, but never like this.
You unlocked the door and opened it carefully.
Your eyes slowly went up. And up. Now, you’re not exactly short, but this person was bigger. Looking down on you by at least four inches was the most muscular person you had ever seen in your life. The most massive by far. The person was wearing a leather biker jacket and some tight pants, which were absurdly stretched by enormous thighs and calves. They wore massive boots, which wrapped themselves around those killer legs.
Your eyes immediately jumped back to the face.
Again, it was familiar. The person in front of you had a big, hard jaw, rough, with sunken cheeks, a square chin with a cleft, and a broad mouth. The nose was equally large, and the brow seemed to be broader too.
But the eyes … the eyes were your wife’s.
She smiled, her hard face shifting.
“Hello, love. I’m back.”
You collapsed.March 4, 2024 at 5:20 pm #160354El_Roy_1999
ParticipantHere’s a rather gentle story about two people finding their way to each other despite some hindrances.
I hope you’ll enjoy it!The Maid
Valeria starts to work as maid for a wealthy couple. The wife is … not a nice person, while the husband is charming. Seeing as he suffers from his spouse’s treatment, the maid decides to change things up a bit. Especially once she finds out that the husband is into female muscle! This erotic fiction contains female muscle growth and breast expansion. All characters are at least 18 years old.Read it here:
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1531584Here’s a preview:
Valeria blinked and realized her eyes had wandered to the end of the page without her mind registering anything of what was written. With a sigh, she returned to the top of the page. To herself, she whispered:
“Again …”
The text was pretty complicated, and her eyes kept glazing over. It was tough. After several semesters of college, she thought she would be able to deal with this style of textbook, but here, she was struggling. Maybe it was just the two shifts at the supermarket and the delivery service she had today …
Valeria groaned. It was way too much. Either she would find a well-paying job (ha!) or she would have to take a break and continue her studies once she had accumulated enough money. Of course, the longer this went, the worse her interest payments would get. She rubbed her temples and tried to look at the page again.
As she tried to make heads or tails of the case, her phone burped and she picked it up instinctively. It was her mother. Again. Apparently, there was this problem with the phone provider, and since her English was still, well, not too good, she insisted that Valeria took care of it. She wrote back that she would take care of it, but not now. It would have to wait until next week …
That was all she had to write.
Instantly, her messenger filled up with the usual confused ramblings about her being ungrateful and unhelpful.
Valeria waited for this to pass, then replied in English:
“I’m sorry, but I have to deal with so many things right now, and I’m running out of money. I can’t take care of this now, but I will do it next week. When I have a little breathing space.”
The reply was a cascade of passive-aggressive explosions in Spanish. Valeria just turned the phone over. She got up and wandered around for a bit. The reading room at the college was deserted at this time of the day and she could normally focus on her studies. Not with her mother burping on her phone, of course.
It was deeply annoying. She liked her life at college, and she didn’t mind holding down two jobs, but managing her family too … That was a bit much. Of course, she should be grateful. Her family had brought her and her siblings to the “Land of Opportunity®” to fulfill the “American Dream™”, but right now, it wasn’t getting her anywhere other than to crippling self-doubt and endless stress.
Did she even want to be brought here? It hadn’t been her choice, and her parents had just decided to give it a try, blinded by the promises of clever guys with trucks. In a way, it had worked, hadn’t it? While her mother and her sisters still struggled with the language, she had managed to sound quite fancy due to persistent watching of classic TV shows, and people usually thought she came from Europe or something. They certainly thought her to be of much higher class than expected.
And yet, she only ended up on shitty badly paid jobs.
Once she managed to get her law degree, everything would change. She would make some serious money quickly, be rid of her debts and then, she would set up her own office and finally get a nice and independent life for herself.
She closed her eyes as the phone’s burps slowed, imagining herself in a hip, elegant office, wearing a nice tailored business suit and telling an intern to take care of her mother’s legal troubles. That would be great!
Still, she probably had to handle this now.
Valeria picked up the phone again, and replied in Spanish that she would figure it out right away. Her mother immediately switched to aggressive thankfulness, so Valeria felt bad for not reacting immediately. Still, she was happy that the situation would not escalate further.
She returned to her textbook. Maybe she would be able to learn a little more before just falling asleep.
A week later, she stood in front of the mansion’s gate in her best outfit, trying to smile. She hated herself for being here, but what else should she do?
Apparently, her mother had understood the problem and had talked to it to one of her numerous tías, and one of them had recommended replacing her as a maid for the Taylor couple.
As a maid.
Just thinking about this made her furious. The last thing she had wanted to do was to work as a servant for one of those super-rich people that lived up in the hills above the city. This was not what she had in mind when she finished at the top of her class. To end up as a servant just like her mother, her aunts, her father and uncles …
And yet, here she was. She had to make some money quickly now, having accepted that stumbling along for the semester and ruining her grades on the last possible occasion would hurt more than just pausing.
As far as Tía Ximena had explained, those people were quite hard to please and while the husband was a gentleman, the wife was a real puta. However, the pay was good enough that she would earn more than on her two jobs combined, and still have some extra cash for Tía Ximena and her mom.
That had to be worth it.
She took another deep breath and hit the bell.
A moment later, a sharp voice asked:
“Yes? Who is it?”
“It’s me, Valeria. The new maid.”
“We will see.”
She was buzzed in.
Valeria walked up the driveway and the mansion door opened. The woman of the house waited for her. She was tall, very blond, with an elegant tan, perfect makeup, and an incredible figure. Valeria wasn’t jealous, but … impressed. The woman was wearing an asymmetric pastel pink dress with matching heels and lipstick.
She had this cute as a button nose, the perfect cheekbones, big, blue eyes, and just the right amount of jewelry to suggest wealth without looking cheap.
The woman examined Valeria with an air of disdain, then said:
“Ximena recommended you. I’m not sure I like what I’m seeing. You’ll have to show me that you’re acceptable.”
“You can trust me. I will work hard.”
“They all say that. But the proof is in the pudding. Get changed, and start on the living room.”
Valeria hesitated, but the Mrs. Taylor pointed at a door. Valeria slipped inside and found a small closet with a maid’s outfit. Something classical. A long black dress with a simple white apron. Reluctantly, she put on the clothes and put on the slippers that went with it.
Then she emerged from the closet. The woman eyed her skeptically and walked around her, pulling at the uniform to make sure it sat perfectly. She even inspected Valeria’s bun, tsk-tsking at two strands of hair that poked out of it messily. The maid put them back in correctly and did her best to look neutral.
Then the housewife sighed, clearly unimpressed, and said:
“Alright, then. Get to work. I want the living room to be spotless.”
With what looked like an enthusiastic nod, Valeria got to work. The living room was huge and there were plenty of fancy decorative objects strewn all through it. She started by carefully photographing the position of every piece of furniture, which did impress the woman a bit. Then she carefully set everything aside so she could vacuum. Once that was done, she dusted, and finally she washed up the parquet floor, before returning the furniture to its place. After an hour of work, she considered the room to be ready.
Taking up position next to Mrs. Taylor, she smiled.
The woman was not amused. Or interested, even. She wandered through the room, then put on a white glove and ran her finger over the inside of one of the picture frames, wiped the inside of a decorative owl’s ear, and returned a Japanese mask to its exact spot.
Then she returned to Valeria and said:
“That’s still dirty. Do it again.”
“But …”
“Do you want the job?”
Biting her tongue, Valeria mumbled:
“I want the job.”
“Do it again. Thoroughly.”
Valeria did another round, checking everything from every possible angle to get it even cleaner. At last, she considered it to be done. The mistress of the house walked through the room again, with another glove on, and promptly found another speck of dust on the inside of one of the sofa legs.
The maid was struggling not to explode as the other woman held the greyish tip of her finger under her nose.
Valeria nodded, and tried again. She cleaned and cleaned, even passing a moist towel between the minute cracks of the parquet before drying it with another one.
By the time this was done, her knees hurt, she was sweaty, tired, and furious.
The woman walked past her as she was still kneeling, and promptly found a line caused by the wiping on one of the glass sculptures.
Just as she turned around to address Valeria again, the mansion door opened.
“Dear, I am back.”
Mrs. Taylor turned around slowly, then managed a tired smile:
“So you are.”
A man came in. He was just short of six feet, slim, wearing jeans, a blue shirt and a tweed jacket. He had a short full beard and wore some wire-rimmed glasses, his brown hair parted slightly scruffily to the right. He got out of his leather shoes and put on some slippers, then looked at Valeria:
“Hello! I’m Julius Taylor. Pleased to meet you.”
She gave him a little bow, which she thought vaguely appropriate:
“I’m Valeria. Welcome home, sir.”
“Valeria? That’s a very nice name.” He switched to Spanish. “This all looks quite perfect.” He wandered the room, examining her handiwork. “Did you manage to work with all the knickknacks?”
Surprised by his lack of an accent, she replied:
“Yes, sir. They are fascinating. Did you travel a lot?”
“Sometimes. My wife is not much into tourism, preferring to just relax on holidays.”
“I must admit that either is better than just going home to clean another house, sir.”
He chuckled:
“I can understand that.”
She asked:
“Where did you learn Spanish like that?”
“Oh, I study languages. Romance languages are my specialty, mostly languages formed by creolization.”
“What is that?”
“It’s not important. It’s what happens when a colonial language is adopted by a non-native population that is mixing with a native population. Quite a fascinating process …”
“That sounds astonishing.”
The wife was starting to frown as much as she could now. Valeria was a bit surprised by the strange lines on her forehead. She probably had botox or something like that and couldn’t move her muscles much. The man asked:
“Were you born in the United States?”
“I wasn’t. I was born in Mexico …”
“Yes! How did you know?”
He smiled gracefully.
“You have the accent.”
“You can tell, sir?”
“It’s part of my job.”
He started mimicking the accent. She grinned:
“Sir, this is so funny!”
The wife had enough:
“Julius, would you stop fooling around with the maid? She has work to do!”
He blushed:
“Sorry, dear, I got carried away.”
“Yes, yes. You can’t leave any of these people alone for five minutes to do their jobs …”
“I … I’m sorry.”
She turned to Valeria:
“The work is barely acceptable. You will work for us, we’ll pay you this …” She spread a few bills on the table. The sum was … okay. It was a lot of money, but far from what she had expected. Valeria struggled not to show her disappointment. “… plus a bonus if everything is spic and span. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Very well. Then get busy and clean the whole place to this standard. I will check when I come back.”
Julius asked:
“You are leaving?”
“Yes, Julius. I’m meeting Joelle and the girls at the country club. Didn’t I tell you? I’m sure you forgot.”
“I thought we’d go to the exposition together …”
“You did? Well, I made other plans. You should have remembered.”
“I … I’m sorry. I was sure I …”
“Whatever. I’ll just get my things. And you …” She turned to Valeria. “Stop eavesdropping and start cleaning. Go.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Mrs. Taylor returned to Julius: “Give her the money when she’s finished. Also … make sure everything is clean and she doesn’t steal.”
And she was gone. Julius hesitated, then said:
“I’ll go to my study. Just … tell me when you’re done.”
“I will, sir.”
He nodded and left.
Four hours later, she knocked on the door of the study.
“Come in.”
She opened the door.
“Sir, unless you want me to clean the study right now, I would be done.”
“Ah. Good. Thank you. I … maybe leave it like this, I still have all the books and paperwork spread everywhere. Cleaning would be a bit of a chore right now.”
She looked at the books that were spread out everywhere. Most were in Spanish, some in French and Portuguese, a few older ones were clearly in Latin. There were plenty of neat folders filled with stacks of printed articles, all indexed with little colorful stickers. They were clearly about some complicated linguistic subject.
“You’re an actual professor?”
“So the students keep telling me, yes.”
“Wow.” She looked around. “It’s all so neatly ordered. I don’t manage to keep my own books this neatly.”
“You study too?”
“Congratulations. It’s fascinating. Both from a linguistic point of view and …”
He blushed.
“Sorry. I am keeping you from your work.”
“I am too.”
He made a dismissive gesture.
“Don’t worry. Ah. Yes. The money, right?”
He reached for the cash his wife had prepared, then thought for a moment and added a generous amount, putting everything into an envelope and handing it to her.
“There. I assume everything is perfect?”
“I did my best.”
“Wonderful. Then … see you … I don’t know what has been agreed?”
“I am supposed to be here every day, to clean and cook.”
“Alright. Then, see you tomorrow, and have a nice evening.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Awkwardly, he gave her a little wave, then got up, accompanied her to the door, and let her out.
The weeks passed quickly. Valeria settled into the routine, coming in every morning, readying breakfast for the couple, then cleaning the house, taking care of the garden and preparing lunch, then returning to her cleaning, doing the shopping, before preparing dinner. Somehow, her job seemed to expand every week, but so was the pay.
Mrs. Taylor didn’t relax, though. She kept the pressure up, making her do some of the cleaning again, and again, refusing her cooking, and even once dumping dinner on the floor right in front of her. Valeria somehow managed not to explode into the woman’s face, instead apologizing to her for the inconvenience, and ignoring the woman’s derisive comments when she offered to prepare a new dish for her.
When Tía Ximena had told her that Mrs. Taylor was a puta, she had been gracious. This woman was horrible! It felt as if she was elevating being terrible to people to an art form. Not only was Valeria the target of her abuse, it was the same with Julius. No. With Mr. Taylor.
That was another problem.
Valeria liked the man. A lot. He always treated her with utmost courtesy. He made her little compliments, appreciated her hard work, and whenever he emerged from his study to get some coffee and maybe a snack, he would offer her some, including a break as long as Mrs. Taylor wasn’t around.
When she was, the man seemed to live in terror. She would make him suffer for every slight, real or imagined, and she would constantly keep him at arm’s length. Valeria found it very difficult to understand how these two had even ended up together.
They had nothing in common. Julius … Mr. Taylor liked to travel and go to cultural events, he would get into conversations with random people and listen to their life stories, and would busy himself with crafts or cooking. Also, he would just go to the garden and lie in a hammock, reading some complicated book.
His wife detested travelling unless it was to some resort, she would much prefer to go riding or swimming or even sailing, just as long as she didn’t have anything to do with the plebs and the weirdos her husband would talk to. She had no hobbies except for shopping and improving her beauty, and she absolutely detested that hammock. As she put it: “It ruins the entire garden!”
Julius would then go back out and take it off.
The problem was that Valeria liked the shy intellectual more and more. She caught herself watching his lectures when he streamed them online for his students. It was strange. The quiet, friendly man would suddenly explode into activity and passion as he talked about some minuscule aspect of a specific tonal shift in a very specific language of some small town. Even though she didn’t quite get the excitement, he somehow managed to get his students to feel the same. It was quite strange.
It was subconscious at first, but Valeria found herself taking care of her looks more when he was around. She dressed a little nicer, made sure her makeup was on point, though very reduced, and incorporated some traditional jewelry into her outfit she got from her mother. Also, she cooked for him and really made sure to hit the right spot.
It was just nice to see him happy, especially whenever his wife had treated him horribly again, even humiliating him in front of the couple’s guests.
Things came to a head when Valeria was busy cleaning up after a party. She was carefully loading all the dishes on the little cart when Mrs. Taylor brusquely showed up and growled:
“You stop this right now!”
In the first moment, Valeria was confused. The dishes?
Mrs. Taylor pushed her away, towards the wall.
“Stop trying to seduce my husband! He is mine.”
“Ma’am, I respect your husband, but I did nothing …”
She was cut off by the pink woman:
“Don’t you dare lie to my face! Do you really think I don’t notice your looks?” She grabbed the piece of jewelry in Valeria’s hair, and pulled it out, making the maid wince. Then she tossed it on the ground and crushed it under a pointy heel. “Don’t you think I notice?”
Valeria panicked.
“I didn’t …”
The woman growled:
“Stay away from him. I’m warning you …”
“I assure you …”
The slap came out of nowhere and it stung. The woman had struck her on the cheek, leaving a deep red mark. Valeria had to control herself, to really grab her own reins to not just strike back and punch that puta right in the face. Instead, she grabbed her dress and crumpled the fabric in her hands.
Mrs. Taylor was red with fury and hissed:
“Did I make myself clear? You will take care of our home, but you will not push yourself on my husband. This is the final warning.”
The woman’s face was a rictus of hate.
“Ma’am …”
The spit was even worse than the slap somehow. Valeria barely managed not to explode at her. Instead, she understood the situation and just looked down.
Mrs. Taylor took a deep breath and said:
“Good. And remember it well.”
Then she stormed off, not missing the opportunity to step on the trinket again.
Valeria was seething. She barely managed to finish the job before just getting out of this house and walking all the way home, her insides feeling as if they would explode any minute.
Her gloves hammered against the sandbag. She grunted and growled, raining blow after blow against the leather. Nadia, her study partner for international law, held the bag and watched Valeria attentively. She was a bit worried. Her friend was usually serious, but rarely angry. She was constantly busy and much more focused than Nadia, who basically studied out of a vague feeling of curiosity and sense of justice. She had never seen her furious like that, even after they both managed to flunk an especially annoying class.
After Valeria slammed her fist once more against the bag, she stopped and let her gloved hands sink, breathing heavily. She was all sweaty and obviously tired. Nadia asked:
“What happened? I’ve never seen you this angry and frustrated.”
“It’s just my job. The money’s great and everything, and the guy is nice … But his wife … I’m not gonna say it …”
“That bad?”
“You can’t imagine it. I don’t get why they’re even together. She’s always treating him like shit, and he just … takes it?”
“Some people are like that. You can’t know all the details, right?”
“Yeah. Probably. Still … She keeps bitching over my work, and nothing I can do is good enough for her. And she’s also massively jealous. The thing is … her husband … he’s charming, intelligence, a good listener, a …”
“Quit the job. Seriously. It’s not worth it. You’re going to ruin yourself on this. Just focus on the studies, get your degree and move …”
Valeria sighed.
“I know, I know. That would be the rational, intelligent thing to do. I put as much money aside as I could, and if I get back to my two jobs, I might have enough cash on hand to survive this …”
“I sense a very big “but”.”
Valeria looked away. She was embarrassed by this.
“I want to see what really makes him tick. Why is he like that? What is his thing? How does he manage to support all this without exploding? I need to know!”
Nadia shook her head:
“No, you don’t. Just … no. Leave those people to their unhappiness and make sure you don’t get sucked into it.”
“I should, shouldn’t I?”
“Yeah. Also … Get back to punching. Without the anger now. Keep up the rhythm!”
“Alright, alright, you taskmistress!”
“Ha! Yes! Obey!”
Valeria took up her stance again and returned to punching.
She really tried not to go deeper down that rabbit hole. She probably should have quit immediately, but she wanted to build a little more of a financial buffer. The last thing she needed was running out at the last possible moment. Not that she minded eating ramen for weeks, but … literally starving was not an option.
So she got busy, doing her best not to provoke Mrs. Taylor’s wrath. She worked hard, and of course, the woman had things to complain about, but in a way, it seemed as if she was doing most of that out of a sense of necessity, more than because of any actual problems. It stung, but not that much.
While Valeria was cleaning Julius, no, Mr. Taylor’s study, she found several boxes of magazines in the top compartment of one of the cabinets. Curious, she got them out under the cover of sweeping the dust out of the furniture, and peeked inside. She had expected them to be some kind of linguistics journals or maybe some hobby magazines which had ended up up there a long time ago, but no.
They were fitness and bodybuilding magazines. She stared at them, a bit surprised by this. Mr. Taylor was slim and fit, and he obviously kept in some kind of shape, but bodybuilding? That really wasn’t his type. Maybe they were Mrs. Taylor’s?
She leafed through the issues. Weird. She would have expected that Mrs. Taylor’s magazines would contain mostly fit men, but these were women’s mags. What was going on?
The magazines had been collected over twenty years at least, and the women on the covers and inside veered on the more muscular side of fitness. Those weren’t just bikini models, but real, actual bodybuilders!
She flipped through the pages with mounting interest. It was really bizarre, but fascinating none the less. Clearly, those magazines belonged to Mr. Taylor, since he had added various post-its and little notes in the margins. He seemed to be particularly interested in interviews with the various athletes, describing their training and the effect the workouts had on their lives.
It was funny. Matteo, one of her cousins, was really into fitness, looking quite buff and strong and being very athletic, and yet, some of these women at least looked as big as him, or even bigger. She wondered what he would say if she showed him these kinds of pictures!
Valeria quickly photographed some of the women in the magazines on her phone, then put everything back. She finished cleaning the room, then she suddenly thought of the computer.
She shouldn’t stick her nose where it didn’t belong, but …
The maid turned on the computer. The device asked for a password. Nervously, she looked around on the desk, but couldn’t find anything. Then she thought of the magazines. The bodybuilder that obviously fascinated Mr. Taylor the most was a lady called Ana Benitez.
With a chuckle, she tried “Ana_Benitez_1995!”. That was the year of the oldest magazine. That didn’t work, but she switched the separators around a bit, and then, the machine accepted “AnaBenitez_1995~”.
Valeria grinned. She was feeling very much like a hacker now.
Now inside the machine, she looked around, checking the man’s browser history and looking at his recent files. Despite knowing that either of the couple would take some time to come home, she was still terribly nervous. What she was doing was illegal, and definitely not okay, but she had to know!
March 18, 2024 at 9:06 am #160609El_Roy_1999
ParticipantA new story for the lovers of big musclemommies and their cute, helpless little sons!
Mother Knows Best
Cody’s mother Janice is worried. The poor young man is suffering terribly because he is so small and weak. If only she could do something to make him feel better and safer! Happily, it turns out that he is quite attached to his tall and strong mother. This work of erotic fiction contains female muscle growth (FMG), breast expansion, height growth and incest. All characters are over 18 years old.Read the full story here:
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1538055Here’s the preview:
Cody slipped inside the house as quietly as he could. He didn’t want to be spotted like this. The young man sneaked through the hallway and then up to his room. He was careful not to make the floorboards of the stairs creak. Then again, that was pretty difficult for him anyway. At 125 pounds soaking wet, he was way too thin and tiny to cause any noise.
On the upper landing, he looked around to see whether his mother was still awake. Once he was certain she was asleep, he disappeared into his room and closed the door as quietly as possible. Then he looked at the remains of his outfit. He sighed, deeply unhappy. The date had worked quite well, up to a point. Then, as they went to a club Leah had picked, he had bumped into a man while dancing. He had instantly apologized, but the guy had taken one look at Leah, then a look at him, and decided that he could make Cody suffer.
The young man had tried to apologize again, even going as far as to offer what little money he had, but the tall guy had just laughed and started to beat him up. By the time the bouncer arrived and separated them, Leah had left. He had to pay for her drinks, of which she had ordered a few more while he was getting his clothes ruined and his face roughed up, and then, as he tried to protest, he was thrown out and told to never show up again.
It wasn’t even his first shitty date, but this was the worst!
He threw himself on the bed and started to cry. As he realized he was too loud and would wake his mother, he whimpered instead.Outside, Janice was heartbroken. In a way, it was her fault, wasn’t it? If she didn’t have this strange fascination with tiny, cute men, this would never have happened. Cody’s dad had been perfectly up her alley. He had been 5’2”, slim, with short blond hair and the absolute minimum of body hair. Just a small, nice and friendly man. It had taken him a while to understand that she was into him. She had tried her best to send clear messages, but the little man had mostly been intimidated by this 6’1” lady. Janice had always been tall, and there had always been a lot of her. Up until her late teens, she had been fat, but as she matured, her breasts, her butt and her thighs had caught up, and she had found herself to be very attractive.
Eric had hesitated, wondering whether she was really into him. He had been trained that women wanted tall men. Well, not Janice!
In the end, they had a tumultuous relationship, with frequent fights and the occasional splitting up. But in the end, they had loved each other. When Eric died in an accident at work, she had been heartbroken. She had tried to be there for Cody and attempted to hide her sadness, but he had always sensed this, and had eventually grown distant, unable to bear this.
And now, he was suffering because she had picked a small, cute man!
She sighed. If only there was something she could do for him!
She returned to her own room, the floor groaning under her weight. Then she went to bed. She had hoped he would find a girl that would make him happy, but clearly, this had been a total failure.The next morning, Cody didn’t come out of his room. She had prepared breakfast for him, but he just stayed inside. She had knocked, but he had just told her to go away and leave him alone. She hesitated. Should she just open the door? She smiled sheepishly. There wasn’t much he could do to stop her …
Then she shook her head. Better leave the poor boy alone for now. She returned to her room and pulled up her phone. She really just wanted to waste a little time while she waited for her time to leave the house, but then she saw it. News travelled fast and she could see Cody getting bullied terribly. Someone had literally made a compilation video.
“Little man getting fucked up.”
She watched in horror as that big man punched Cody in the face, then ripped his clothes off his body.
“Oh my God … Cody … No!”
She was shocked. What could she do? The poor boy! How could she help him? If his life was like this, he’d never be happy and find a girl …
Then her phone beeped, telling her that it was time to leave. Through the door, she said goodbye and left.Janice returned much later. The day at the hospital had been pretty bad. As a nurse, she had to deal with plenty of little problems, none of which were particularly complicated, but over time, it tired her out. She opened the door and found that Cody had left. He had also eaten breakfast and lunch, but he had failed to clean the dishes, not even bothering to put them in the dishwasher. She sighed, and got to work. Better be rid right now.
As she cleaned them, she thought about the boy’s predicament. If his dad was any indication, he would never be strong or impressive. Eric had tried to do some bodybuilding for a while, but if anything, it had left him slimmer than before. So that was out. Cody would also not end up being rich. That was also obvious. He had managed school alright, not brilliant, and he had a crappy little no-future job at the hardware store. Not an option either.
Well … What else could he offer to some girl? He was rather cute. If he knew how to handle the house, maybe some woman would want him. Maybe that was it? If he were a great cook, an excellent caretaker and a well-dressed, cute man, it wouldn’t be hard to find someone, would it? She certainly would like a man like this!
Of course, if she came up with an idea like that, he would instantly dismiss her. He was still clinging to this classic manliness thing. She had seen the dumbbells he had ordered. He had tried to hide them from her, but since she cleaned his room …
She grinned: Okay, maybe this was the solution? She would “help” him become more presentable, and at the same time, she would make sure he was safe. It might be a little awkward for him, but she could try and handle it discreetly. Maybe pose as his bodyguard? She chuckled at the thought.
Suddenly, she felt all energized. She quickly went upstairs, slipped into his room and got the dumbbells out. Then, with a big grin, she did a few reps. It felt … natural? Sure, it was a little boring, but Janice found that she enjoyed the strain. Improving her fitness might actually be fun!Cody came back home. He had spent the day walking aimlessly around town. He was still deeply unhappy with what had happened, and he had no idea of what to do about it. With a sigh, he took off his shoes, tossed his jacket on the bench by the door and climbed the stairs to his room. As he walked down the little corridor, he heard grunts coming from his room. What was going on?
On tiptoes, he sneaked to his door and glanced inside. His mother was standing there, doing biceps curls with his dumbbells. What was she doing? And why? And how come she could move them this easily? He had tried to train using these weights, and he had been forced to just use the bars to even do the suggested fifteen reps, but she was using them with four pounds on each, and she didn’t seem too challenged!
He stared at her as she grunted along, then set the dumbbells back down. She checked her phone and said to herself:
“Okay, so these were the curls, next, I should do lunges with them … I get why the boys are all into this! It feels great!”
Cody watched as she trained, feeling increasingly annoyed. How could she do this to him? Was this some ploy to make him feel even worse? Why did she have to rub it in?
At the same time, he felt some strange tingling deep inside. Why couldn’t he just look away? Why did he keep watching as she sweated along?
Eventually, he managed to tear himself away from her and went back downstairs carefully, waiting for her to return.After a bit, Janice was done with her training session. She was quite sweaty now, and she definitely would have to buy some workout clothes, but she was happy she had completed the first stage. Now she needed to shower, and then she’d look where Cody had gone. She hoped he wasn’t in trouble.
Fifteen minutes later, she came down and found him sitting on the couch, playing on his phone. The shoes were lying around on the floor, the jacket was untidy, and he had his feet on the sofa table. She rubbed her temples.
He looked up:
“Hi, Mom!”
“Cody … Please … pick up your jacket, hang it up correctly, and put away your shoes.”
“I’ll do it later.”
“No. Now. Please.”
“Yeah, later.” “Now.”
The last word came out way sharper than it needed to. The young man got up and did as he was told. Once that was done, she said:
“I think I may have let things get out of hand a bit. It’s time for change.”
Cody gave her a look of dread.A few weeks later, Janice looked at her reflection in her big mirror. She quite liked what she saw. It had been a while. After Eric’s death, she didn’t find the energy or confidence to start dating again, and she had stopped caring about her looks. Sure, she still did her makeup and had her hair styled, but not in a big, fancy way as she did while he was still with her. When Eric was around, she always felt she had to make him happy, to make him feel a little horny …
Yeah. That had been their thing. He was all cute and nice, and she would make sure he never passed her without a twitch in his pants. She would wear outfits with a nice neckline that would give him an eyeful of her big cleavage, she would casually rub her big butt against him, and she would just sneak up to him and give him a sweet kiss on his head. Just like that …
After his death, all of this had disappeared.
And now, somehow, she felt it returning. Those workouts had certainly helped her build up her muscles and shed some fat. Her whole silhouette was changing and in a good way. She had gained a little bit in the shoulders, her waist had become trimmer and her back had grown a little broader. Oh, and her ass was regaining its former glory, becoming thicker and harder with every workout.
She loved it, and she didn’t want to stop. Sure, the workouts could be boring, but she quite liked the time she would spend on herself.
Cody hadn’t resisted when she had terminally borrowed his weights and moved them to her room. She had researched a good, simple routine, and it was paying off.
She raised her arms, then brought them down in a double-biceps pose. A pair of peaks rose under her skin. She licked her lips. Nice … She felt powerful. She turned sideways and pushed her arm down. Sure, she wasn’t looking terribly muscular yet, but she liked how her body adapted to her training. There were these shadowy lines of upcoming muscle definition all over her. And this after just a little training … She truly had a knack for this!
Suddenly, she stopped. Cody was probably finished with his cooking, wasn’t he? She breathed in sharply, taking in the wonderful smell coming up from the kitchen. Speaking of knacks, the young man was clearly skilled!
Now she just had to shower, and then she would enjoy his wonderful cooking!Just outside the room, Cody was holding his breath. God, she was disgusting … but her pictures sold well! As his mother had started to work out out of nowhere, he had filmed her in secret once and put it on social media.
“Oh God, look at my mom trying to work out! Cringe! #oldpeople #fitness #oof”
However, after the initial blast of friends that had supported his position, some dude had sent him a direct message and asked whether he would take more pictures and make more movies. He would pay handsomely for that. The answer to “how handsomely?” turned out to be very satisfying, and Cody started sending the guy more stuff. Then more of these guys showed up, and in no time, he set up an account and started selling.
It was turning into real money pretty quick, and Cody took the opportunity to update his wardrobe, get a nice haircut and make himself presentable. And the best part was that his mom liked this! Sure, she made him cook and clean, and he was basically running the house on his own, but he didn’t mind. As long as he could keep filming her …
Fuck … Those poses … He was pretty sure those would sell amazingly well! He grinned in anticipation. The customers had been recently asking about this, and he had tried to sort of suggest some to his mother, but of course, he couldn’t address it directly.
During dinner, her had said something along the lines of “Hey, Mom, I tried one of your workouts!” and then he had flexed his biceps. Of course, she had answered with her own, and he had seen the mass of muscle swell. Okay, so his mother’s arms were twice as thick as his … She was so gross!
Happily, this had primed her for more posing, and now, it was paying off handsomely.
Cody had thought about maybe buying some outfits for her. If she wore them and he could take pictures, those would just mean extra money! On the other hand, he didn’t want to draw too much attention to …
She saw him in the mirror.
Cody tried to run. He stumbled as he turned around, dropping his phone and slipping on the floor, bumping against the wall.
He could see his mother come out of the room. She was a little confused by what had just happened. She had only seen a kind of blur in the mirror and had turned around to check what it was, and then, Cody had run away and knocked his head.
She saw him lying there, ignoring the phone completely. She bent down and caressed his cheek. “Cody, are you alright?”
He groaned, unable to stand. So, without hesitation, Janice picked him up, cradling him like a little boy and carried him to his bed. Cody snuggled against him with a mumble, her large breasts pushing against him. Once there, she set him down carefully, and added:
“I’m going to get you a bag of ice. Don’t move!”
Cody couldn’t have, even if he tried. His head was swimming. A moment later, she came back and set the cool pack on his forehead:
“Okay, I hope this helps.”
She sat down next to him, her hand on his. He groaned.
“What happened?”
“I … I can’t say …”
“You must have slipped. You poor little man.”
Cody felt a sting in his pride. Poor little man? Why couldn’t she just see him as a real man?
She brushed his hair to the side:
“You’re looking much better with the new haircut. I’m sure the girls love it!”
“Yes … I hope so …”
“Is there anything I should do about the cooking?”
“No, it’s fine … It can just continue like this …”
“I’ll still check it out. I’ll be right back.”
She got up. A moment later, he heard her outside:
“Cody, you dropped your new phone. Should I bring it to you?”
“Uh … Mom … yeah … please … but don’t …”
“Cody, why is there a video of me on this?”
The young man felt a wave of embarrassment well up inside him, which was instantly drowned by a tsunami of panic. She would find it all …
“Mom, it must be a malfunction!”
“There’s more of it … Wait … Cody, why are there so many pictures of me? Where did you put them?”
She pushed the door open.
“Cody … Why did you post those pictures online? And why are you saying you think I’m gross?”
She frowned at him. Cody’s headache had disappeared, replaced by the wish to just fade into nothingness and stop existing.
“Mom … I … I …”
She kept looking through the phone.
“You sold my pictures? To strangers on the internet?”
She was basically screaming now. Janice slammed the phone on the nightstand and got on the bed, pinning the young man under her. He squealed:
“Mom, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! It was stupid! I didn’t mean to …”
“You didn’t mean to? How dare you! You foolish little boy! How could you do this? You can’t just put people’s pictures on the internet! Not mine, not anybody’s! Do you have any idea what kind of crazy people are out there? And why are you insulting me? Me? What were you thinking?”
“Mom … I …”
She slapped him, her big tits wobbling impressively as her muscles tensed.
“Aaah! I’m sorry! I’ll take them down! I’ll remove them! Just give me the phone …”
Tears filled his eyes. He panicked. He could feel her closeness, her disappointment. He was deeply embarrassed by everything.
That’s when it happened.
Cody was getting hard. Fuck. He tried to hide it, turning sideways, leaning forward, somehow trying to conceal his growing penis. It was useless. A moment later, he was erect. He was about to cum … He desperately tried to get up, to run away and disappear into the bathroom, but Janice wouldn’t let him. She was still furious and shouted:
“Don’t you dare turn away now! Don’t you dare!”
She caught him by the arm, holding him tight and almost making him fall down from the bed. Then she noticed it.April 6, 2024 at 9:15 am #160783El_Roy_1999
ParticipantThis is a story for the fans of disgusting, hairy and rather abusive women who give their asshole partners their just deserts. Poor guy, really. He got more than he bargained for …
Girl of His Dreams
Noah is quite the hunk and Lucrezia adores him. It’s just that he wished she were fit. Maybe even muscular … The thing is, as he gets her to workout, she really starts to enjoy it. She gets quite addicted to pumping iron, and then, she starts to change! This erotic fiction contains female muscle growth, height growth, hairiness and personality changes. All characters are at least 18 years old.Get it here:
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1547446Here’s a little preview to whet your appetite:
“Hhh … hhh … hhhhh … Oh God … Hhh … hhh …”
The slapping sound of Noah’s hips hammering against Lucrezia’s was astonishingly loud, and the big man’s massive arms blocked her view to the sides. She moaned. Sure, Noah wasn’t the most courteous person and he could be quite rude, and he was blissfully unaware of any housekeeping tasks, but he certainly knew how to fuck. She lifted her thin arms and sank her long fingers into his muscle-packed back.
She squealed:
“That’s the spot … yes … yes … yessss …”
He kept on doing this, his glutes tightening as he pounded her. Then she felt him twitch. His cock seemed to shiver and swell, and then, he started cumming. She moaned and enjoyed it.
Eventually, he sighed deeply and laid on top of her, burying her in his muscles. The pressure was quite immense. Lucrezia was still impressed that this huge hunky dude had actually chosen her. She had been chasing after him for months, and he had barely noticed her at first. Then again, she was a bit of a wallflower. Lucrezia always wore big, baggy clothes, hiding her skinny frame. She wasn’t even model-skinny, even though she was quite tall. She was more … ugly skinny? Her face was rather bland, and she had these weird hips that protruded a bit.
She really wondered what this amazing guy saw in her. She kissed him:
“Thank you, Noah. That was amazing!”
He grinned and pulled out his thick cock. Then he gave her a smug grin and said:
“I know.”
He rolled to the side and mentioned at his cock. She looked at him hesitatingly. He gave her an insistent nod. Then she complied, licking it clean. The first time, she didn’t understand what he meant, and he had just gotten up and started to leave. When she had asked him what was going on, he explained. Apparently, he liked his cock clean, and it was his girl’s duty to make sure it was. She didn’t much like that, but what could she do?
So, again, she was sucking his dick and making sure it was spotless.Noah was busy wolfing down the food she had cooked for him. Lucrezia sat opposite him with her salad and tofu, while he gorged himself on the steak she had prepared. She smiled, happy that he liked her cooking.
He looked up and saw her smile. He grinned.
“That’s some amazing stuff, Lucrezia. You should be a chef!”
“You think so?”
“Yeah. Totally! It’s great! You should give it a taste.”
She shied away:
“I … I don’t like the taste of it. You know it.”
“Bah. You just never gave it a serious try.”
He sliced off a little bit and lifted it up on the fork.
“Try it.”
“I’d rather not.”
“Try it.”
“Try it.”
“I … I don’t want to.”
“I don’t care. Try it. You made it, you should taste it.”
“I …”
He gave her a serious look. It was the “I am disappointed that you’re not committing”-look. She hated that look. It always had this “I’m going to leave you”-aftertaste.
“Okay …”
She opened her cute little mouth and he put the meat in. She hesitated, he gave her an encouraging look, and she chewed on it. Okay, it was savory and it had this nice feel … But still. Should she really eat meat?
He raised an eyebrow.
“You like it?”
“I … It’s good.”
He finished up and said:
“I’m gonna hit the gym. You should come too.”
“But … I …”
“You should. I don’t want a weak girlfriend. I want a girl that’s fit.”
“But …”
“Oh, come on, stop this constant ‘but, but, but’! Let’s go!”
“But the dishes …”
“You can do them later. Now, it’s time to work out.”At the gym, Noah quickly put his shorts and tank top. He was amazingly huge, and he knew he looked good. He quickly got his pre-workout, and then he walked out, waiting for Lucrezia. It took her forever to come out, and when she did, she wore the least flattering outfit he could imagine. She was basically wearing pajamas. He sighed. The wide pants, the big hoodie, he could barely see her face.
She immediately noticed he disapproved, but what could she do? She really didn’t feel comfortable in this place. All those fit people in their skintight outfits! All those women with their perfectly sculpted bodies, their sexy bodies and their amazing makeup … And there she was, just a sack of bones.
She would have preferred to go home, but if she did, their relationship was over, right?
She managed a smile. He nodded:
“Alright, let’s get you pumping!”
Lucrezia followed him reluctantly and listened to him explain. It was strange. She really didn’t want to do this, but he was so enthusiastic … Eventually, he was done, and they started. He carefully monitored her workout, constantly hovering around her, and encouraging her to do one more, and one more, and a final one, and … one more!
By the time they were done, she was exhausted and he still seemed disappointed. Lucrezia tried to figure out what had annoyed him like that, but he wouldn’t say. Instead, he told her to get back to the dressing room and shower.
When she came back out, he was already waiting for her and asked:
“So, did you like it?”
She hesitated. If she said she had been bored out of her mind and was feeling tired now, he would probably just pack up and leave immediately, right?
“It was … okay? I … yeah.”
“Good. Tomorrow, we do it again. Chest day.”
As if to underline this, he flexed his pecs, making them bounce. She blushed. Okay, that was a look she liked. Maybe that was the price to pay?The next day, they did another workout session. And the day after that. And the day after. And so on. Lucrezia was getting pretty desperate. He just wouldn’t stop. Every day, except for Saturday, they would go to this gym and just work out for an hour. It went on and on. He insisted she “eat right”, as he put it. She was still mostly eating vegetarian, but he got her to add more protein to her diet.
And all the time, he kept looking at her as if he was expecting something special to happen. Then he would observe her, and be disappointed.
It was really odd.
The sex was still nice, and Noah could be very nice, but there was this nagging sensation that she was doing everything wrong. She just didn’t know what to do.After four months of working out, she was in the bathroom loading the washing machine. They were producing so much sweaty laundry because of all the workouts, it was a lot of stuff to do. She was in her underpants and her sports bra and he came in, grinning.
She was just stuffing this week’s heap of laundry into the machine and he observed her. Sure, the workouts had given her a little muscle tone, but it was still nothing! She was still as slim as the day he met her, and now, she didn’t even have her softness anymore. He sighed and she noticed he was there.
She looked up to him. “Yes?”
“I was just thinking …”
“About what?”
“About you.”
She smiled, a little skeptical.
“What do you have in mind?”
He got down to her and gently pushed her on the pile of laundry that was still left. She felt his heavy body on hers. He kissed her. She giggled.
“I’ve got to deal with this laundry …”
“Yes …”
He put his hand on her hip. She noticed his disappointment.
“Everything okay?”
“I just expected you to … fill out a bit more by now?”
“Uh … What do you mean by that? I’ve been working out all the time! You’ve been right there!”
“I know, I know … It’s just so disappointing …”
He sighed and looked away. It was clear to her that he was going to leave her, wasn’t he? “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to … Is there anything I can do?”
He shrugged.
“I guess you could try a cycle.”
“A cycle? A bike?”
“No. Steroids. Just like I’ve been using.”
“But … That’s bad for your health!”
“If you know what you’re doing, it’s no problem!”
He flexed his arm, making his large biceps swell up, a thick vein snaking over it.
“It’s amazing, and I’m sure that’ll fix you!”
“Okay …”
She really wasn’t sure about that …Noah set up the whole stack of gear in front of her.
“This is a simple steroid with little side-effects, this is something to improve your recovery time, this should allow you to burn fat quicker …”
He went on and on while Lucrezia watched and slowly spaced out. It felt weird. Was she really going to do this? Then again, it was clear that he would leave her if she didn’t at least give it a try. Maybe … She hesitated. He was usually nice to her, wasn’t he?
And if it didn’t work, maybe he’d give up on it and just accept the situation? She would try it, and then, it would fail, and he would understand. Right?
She mentally returned to the conversation as he finished and nodded vaguely.
“Okay, I’ll try it …”
He smiled. Clearly, this was what he wanted to hear.
“Alright, then let’s get you shot up!”
“Shot up? What?”
He was a bit confused by her reaction, but soon enough, the needles were in and Lucrezia was feeling a bit weird.
He smiled:
“Okay, then let’s see whether this works better!”
She followed him to the gym floor.To Lucrezia’s surprise, that stuff worked! A month in, as the first cycle wound down, she noticed her muscles had grown. It felt as if she had passed a plateau, and now, she was getting stronger by the day. The sensation was … interesting. At first, she had been a bit shocked.
She noticed the changes one morning as she brushed her teeth and she realized that her shoulders had become quite round and there was a noticeable thickness to her arm. She stopped in her tracks and flexed her arm. The electric toothbrush continued its humming, and she saw a tight, hard bulge of muscle grow.
The first thought was one of panic. What was happening? Then her rational thoughts came back and she nodded to herself. Okay. So those drugs worked. She tightened her muscles a little more, relaxed, then gave them another flex. Wow. She wasn’t huge, of course not, but … she was bigger.
Lucrezia thought of Noah and grinned. Okay. With this, he would definitely stay around. Just a bit of training with those drugs, and here she was. She was pretty sure he would love it! She decided to give them a little spin and show them off.Noah was sitting in the living room, watching stuff on his phone. He was a bit frustrated by the lack of changes in Lucrezia’s body. Those drugs hadn’t been cheap, and he felt as if he had wasted that cash. He wasn’t getting anywhere with this woman …
He was woken from his reverie by her voice.
“Hey, Noah, how did you sleep?”
“Uh … Good. It was nice. You?”
“Oh … I just might have had the strangest little dream …”
She put as much seduction as she could in her voice. He turned around to face her. She was wearing a blouse and some cute panties, and both were rather tight on her. He could see that the buttons were straining.
She grinned when she saw the glint in his eyes.
“Whoa … Lucrezia did you …”
“Get bigger? Yes? Maybe? I guess … I mean, I have been working out a lot lately, haven’t I?”
“Uh … Yeah …”
She bit her lips and flexed her back a bit. The blouse did its best, but it was tight, and expanding her lats like this increased the strain beyond its capabilities. One of the center buttons popped off. She giggled. She had planned for something like this, but it to actually happen surprised her. The button landed somewhere, but neither of them cared. Noah was completely enraptured.
“Oh my God.”
“You like?”
“I love!”
He jumped up, his cock already erect. She laughed and ran to the bedroom, him trailing behind her, horny and ready to fuck. Lucrezia kept laughing as she threw herself on the bed, wiggling out of her panties while he climbed on top of her, squeezing her butt cheeks. She kissed him and said: “Wanna see the rest?”
“Oh please!”
She breathed out, then breathed in again, flexing her muscles. The blouse lost two more buttons and her naked chest got into plain view. She grabbed the fronts of the blouse and tore them apart, feeling like a superheroine. Noah exclaimed:
“Fuck, you even got abs!”
She grinned and flexed them for him. The young bodybuilder was completely enraptured by her intensity. He kissed her muscular waist and licked her bellybutton, which made her go “ew!” and had her push him away. He apologized, and she declared:
“Make it up to me and lick me!”
He grinned and licked her bellybutton again. She squealed:
“No! You dumbass! You know what I mean!”
“Oh, you mean this?”
She felt his tongue dance over her pussy lips. She breathed in sharply.
“Yesss …”
He chuckled and asked:
“And this?” His tongue touched the tip of her clitoris.
“Yessss …”
Suddenly, he pulled back up and licked her bellybutton a third time.
“Gah! Noah! Stop it and do it right!”
He laughed and did as he was told. That felt great! Lucrezia moaned happily as he explored her pussy, rubbing her now stronger legs against his head. The young man seemed to appreciate it a lot, so she gave him little squeezes too. That only made him lick her more intensely.
She enjoyed what he was doing, and as he continued, she felt that she was about to cum. Noah was absolutely relentless. She hadn’t expected him to be so much into this. Up until now, most of their sex had been him doing his thing and her trying to keep up and find her own pleasure. Sure, he had a big cock and he knew what he was doing, but to have him do this for her was nice!
Having him please her with his mouth instead of having to clean his cock was a welcome change of pace. She wondered what would happen if she got even fitter?Lucrezia was at the gym again. Gone were the times when Noah had to pressure her more or less gently to make her come and work out. Now, she would usually be there before him to get a good warmup and prepare everything. She would make sure she was properly stretched, and she would load as much protein as she could before starting. After all, she liked the effects all of this had now.
It was still a bit surprising, she thought as she did her lat pulldowns, checking her movement in the mirror. Every time the weight went up, she admired her expanding, v-shaped back. Impressive. It was now half a year that she was on the juice, and it paid off big time. The drugs she used now were pretty tame next to the stuff Noah was shooting, and still, she was getting great results. She wouldn’t look out of place at a physique competition now, though some judges might object to her being a little too ripped in places. It was a thing that mostly affected her arms, and it was quite astonishing. She could really see her veins swell under her skin when she flexed her muscles. She wondered whether this would also happen to the rest of her body eventually.
She continued her set, her top feeling a bit tight again. That was another thing. She had stopped wearing baggy outfits a while ago, even if it meant that she now had to update her wardrobe more often. Then again, this way, she could feel even sexier. That was really nice. She had spent so much time in her life feeling like an ugly duckling, and for some reason, even though she certainly wasn’t a beautiful swan, she was slowly turning into a sexy terror-bird. She giggled at the idea. Lucrezia still was a nerd at heart.
Actually, her workouts and all the research required to make them more efficient had really upped the nerdiness. Not that she minded. Right now, she was wearing a tank top with “Pumping 26 Fe
55.845” on it.
She grunted as the weight went up again. The bite of the strain was just lovely … Also, Noah was going out of his way to please her lately, and she appreciated that a lot. She sighed as she reached the end of the set and lowered the weight back down. She breathed out sharply and stretched a bit. Then she said to herself:
“Nice. That’s that …”
She noticed again that her voice had gotten a bit rougher. She sounded like someone who smoked a bit too much. She had been warned about the side-effects of the gear, but to her surprise, she didn’t mind them all that much.
Just then, Noah came in in his workout clothes. She smiled at him. He wasn’t surprised to see her here already, but it was obvious he liked it. He came closer and kissed her. She noticed that he had this weird hesitation. Yeah. That was another thing. Somehow, those drugs had increased her body odor, and it did make him slightly uncomfortable. Lucrezia was amused by this. It had been his suggestion, after all.
Still, she probably should get a stronger antiperspirant. She kissed him hungrily and whispered: “Did you get it?”
He nodded conspiratorially.
“No problem. But it’s a lot of gear, don’t you think?”
“Are you having second thoughts? You’re not happy?”
“No, not at all, I’m very happy.”
“Good. Then wait for me in the changing room. I just clean this and you can shoot me up.”
“I can clean the place for you.”
“Nah, don’t worry. It’s my sweat, I should take care of it.”
He smiled and slipped away. She grinned. A year ago, he would never, ever have suggested cleaning the equipment for her! She liked the idea.Back home, she threw off her coat and kicked off her shoes. Noah was a bit surprised by this sudden move. After all, she would normally hang up her clothes correctly and put her shoes in the right spot in her big cupboard. However, she had removed a few pairs lately, unhappy about it, but they simply didn’t fit anymore. Still, she was horny now, and had no time to worry about her shoe plans.
Now, even before he could say something, she grabbed him and pulled him along. He kissed her, and a moment later, they were by the couch, trying to get their clothes off.
Lucrezia rubbed herself against him, and he got hard instantly. She moaned and whispered hornily:
“I don’t know … but … yes …”
She dropped on the cushions and spread her legs, rubbing her pussy and stroking her clit, which had gotten a bit bigger. She was a little nervous about it.
“Uh, Noah … you don’t mind this, do you?”
He grinned.
“Not at all … It’s just the roids. They do that to women …”
To calm her, he got down between her legs and gave her clit a long, slow, intense lick, then swirled around and went back down one side. Lucrezia howled with lust.
“Fuuuuck! Noaaaaah!”
He grinned, his face all wet, and said:
“Basically, that’s how I always feel. Welcome to the club!”
She gave him a horny stare and he added:
“How about you try being on top?”
She hesitated.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Sure! Come on, ride me!”
Lucrezia wasn’t all that confident, but she was also horny, so she climbed on him as he laid on the ground and lowered herself on his cock. She breathed in sharply.
“Oh Goood … I like that … It feels … so much deeper …”
She rubbed her clit and moaned. Instantly, Noah felt her pussy tighten around his cock.
“Mmmh … Yesss …”
A moment later, she was riding him hard, gasping and taking deep breaths as she brought herself closer and closer to orgasm.
“Fuuuck …”
Noah was in heaven. His girlfriend had turned from a skinny girl into a fit musclewoman, and she was starting to own it! He looked at her from below, his mind racing as he imagined the possibilities. The thought of her becoming a massive bodybuilder woman made him cum instantly.
Lucrezia didn’t stop. Instead, she grabbed his cock tight with her pussy muscles and rubbed her clit wildly until she followed with a loud grunt.
Then she landed on top of him and breathed heavily.
“Fuck … That was amazing … I’m still not sure, but I kinda like those roids … If they mess me up like that … I think I like being messed up …”
Noah caressed her and felt himself getting hard listening to her words.Time flew by, and Lucrezia kept pumping hard, building her body. The roids were doing an amazing job at expanding her muscles, increasing their girth and strength. She was putting on a lot of weight, but it was all muscle. It was such a strange shift in her way of thinking: Before she started working out, she had felt the duty to make sure she didn’t put on weight. Her mother, her grandmother, her aunts, basically every woman in her family had insisted that she stayed slim until she had her kids. Then, as far as they were concerned, she could let herself go. As her grandmother put it:
“When you are a mother, the men all go for your big milky breasts. They love them. Then you can relax.”
Lucrezia had always found these statements weird, and moving on beyond them was a nice thing. She just preferred being big. As to breasts … Those had mostly disappeared. The combination of drugs, constant training and her special diet meant that her breast tissue had faded quite a bit. She wasn’t flat-chested, though. Far from it.
She examined herself in the mirror. The weight training had done wonders to her body. She flexed her pecs and they swelled up nicely, covering themselves in hard lines. Nice. She grabbed them and sank her strong, rough fingers into them, feeling the resistance. She was still not as big as a true bodybuilder, but she had developed nicely. She could probably join a physique competition and place easily. Maybe even win it?
She released her chest and flexed each pec in turn, amusing herself with the bouncing. Then she took Noah’s shaving cream and sprayed a nice glob in her hand. She massaged it into her chest’s skin and took his razor.
It wasn’t as if she were hirsute. That wasn’t it. But she did notice that the normal little hairs on her skin had become a bit thicker and coarser. Removing them was logical.
She wanted to look good. Feminine. She was a bodybuilder, okay, but she was a woman. She was not trying to turn herself into a man. Yuck. That idea … Some people asked her about this. No. Seriously, just because she was getting muscular and because the gear made her face a bit harder, that didn’t mean she wanted to be a man!
As she dragged the razor carefully over her skin, removing those pesky little hairs and revealing her tough skin, she got angry again. Just thinking about her friends’ reaction annoyed her!
They had a girls’ night out, and she had picked a nice flowery dress. Cute, really. She put on a matching hairband, took her pumps and her handbag and headed out. Noah had complained about him wanting to spend the evening with her, but she just shot him down. She had told him about the date. If he was too stupid to remember it, that was his problem.
She met her friends at their usual spot, a nice café by the river. They hadn’t seen each other in a year, and Lucrezia was nervous about their reaction. After all, they hadn’t seen her since she started the serious part of her transformation.
Chiara stared at her.
“Lucrezia? Is that you? What happened to you?”
“Hello. I started working out.”
“Yeah, I guess, but … why?”
Alessandra cut in: “It’s a lot, isn’t it?”
Lucrezia sighed:
“It is, yes. But I feel good …”
Sara was skeptical.
“But … isn’t it too much? I mean, you’re looking stronger than my boyfriend.”
Lucrezia sat down with them:
“I probably am.”
She raised a hand to summon the waiter.
Chiara was still as much in shock as the others.
“But … But … What … how … how did you do this?”
“I went to the gym? This was hard work.”
“Okay … But what about Noah? Does he approve of this?”
“Chiara, do you think I need his approval?”
“No, of course not … I just thought … maybe …”
She gave her a soothing smile and put her own strong hand on Chiara’s.
“Actually, it was his idea. He suggested it and he encouraged me.”
The women exchanged glances. The word “pervert” was lingering, unsaid. Alessandra asked:
“Well, okay, I guess? It’s just surprising you went from super thin to … this?”
She made a vague gesture at her friend. Lucrezia chuckled and echoed the gesture:
“Yes. This feels way better than this.” She lifted the pinkie on her right hand, suggesting her thinness. “It certainly means less stress with food. I mean, actually, it’s complicated, because I now have to be careful to eat enough.”
The waiter showed up and she ordered a coffee. Alessandra couldn’t give it a rest yet:
“Okay … I get it. I just … are you using those steroids?”
Lucrezia was amused by her curiosity. Alessandra was always the one to go head first. She was curious, and she didn’t hold back. The young musclewoman grinned:
“I do. You’d have to have amazing genetics to get to my level without them.”
The three other women stared at her. They were obviously in shock. The waiter put the coffee on the table and left again. Eventually, Sara managed:
“So that’s why your face looks weird?”
“My face looks weird?”
“Yeah. It’s so … broad? I mean, you look so different.”
What she said was true, of course. Lucrezia had worked on her makeup to hide her growing chin and jaw. She made sure to contour it and reduce the visibility of her side-effects.
Still, the situation was uncomfortable. The other women looked at her in barely hidden disgust. She tried to smile, but after finishing her coffee, she “suddenly discovered” an important message on her phone and had to leave.
When she came back home, she was grumpy and annoyed. She was pretty sure the three other young women had spent the rest of the evening making fun of her.
Noah noticed her fury and asked: “Would you need a bit of pampering?”
She sighed, then nodded:
“That would be great.”
He got to work, starting with an emergency chocolate ration, then moving on to a foot massage. He hesitated for a moment. It was a bit of a weird experience. Her toenails were perfectly painted in her beloved deep red, but somehow, her feet had gotten wider and more massive. It was strange to touch them. They had gone from slim and elegant to strong and quite thick. Also, they had this odd smell … It wasn’t bad … It was just confusing.
Still, he busied himself, kneading her foot and softening up her toes. She sighed happily and leaned back, enjoying the treatment. Noah massaged her sole carefully so as not to tickle her. She stretched happily, her lats spreading out a bit. She wondered how long it would take before she would get close to his size …
Sure, after this experience, she wasn’t certain she really wanted that … Or was she? She looked at her buff boyfriend and thought … Okay. Maybe she did want that?May 9, 2024 at 10:43 am #161639El_Roy_1999
ParticipantButch x Bimbo – Issue 8
Apparently, I never published the end of Butch x Bimbo as a downloadable story, sooo …
Here it is:https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1562057
As always, it’s pay what you want, and I can only thank MisterSnrub for writing this with me!
May 21, 2024 at 4:34 pm #161950El_Roy_1999
ParticipantHere’s an intense one:
Noor’s Awakening
Since their parents died, Noor has lived with her brother Malik. He has been making her life a living hell. As she manages to win a tiny sliver of freedom, she uses it to break free and to change her life forever. This erotic fiction contains female muscle growth, height growth, hairiness, futa, gender blending, incest and rape. All characters are at least 18 years old.The story gets pretty rough, but the masculinity is intense!
Get it here:
Read the preview!
The last words of the funeral prayer were said and the body disappeared under a thin layer of dirt. Malik sighed, wiped his tears away, and adjusted his thawb. Then he walked from the grave. The women were standing around a little further away, veiled and sweating under the dark fabrics. It was a calm day, and there was not a breath of air.
Malik walked up to his wife and his sister and said:
“We’re leaving.”
Noor, his milk-sister, hesitated.
“Brother, can I at least look at the grave once more?”
“No. We’re leaving. We’ve wasted enough time.”
“But …”
Nadiah, his wife, took her sister-in-law’s hand. She gave it a gentle squeeze. She didn’t want things to escalate again. Despite being only 5’8” and rather wimpy, the man of the house was a sadistic tyrant that made them suffer for every slight, real or imagined. He treated Nadiah better than his adopted sister, but only barely.
Also, there was this unspoken shame …
A few years later, Noor was on her bed, her buttocks high in the air. Half a decade of being fed with all kinds of sugary and fat foods had made her balloon, just like Malik liked it. He was behind her and fucking her asshole with his cock, grunting happily as he penetrated her. His hand was set against the back of her neck and he squeezed it occasionally to prove his point.
Noor was disgusted by this. How could he? Why wouldn’t he leave her alone? He only ever took her from behind so as not to impregnate her, not that she would ever have a son that might hold some claim on her heritage, or become her legal guardian. No. She would never be free. She would exist only for his amusement, so he could make her suffer.
She groaned in pain as he switched positions and sank his fingers into her butt-cheeks, clawing at them as he pounded her harder. In the beginning, he had used some kind of lube, but lately, he went at it raw and with intense brutality. She wondered whether he was really only doing this to hurt her …
Malik growled and came. Noor felt the wet, sticky cum fill her butthole and the sad, out of shape man drop on her back. He gurgled and drooled on her back, then slowly got back up and said:
“Turn around.”
Knowing what would happen if she didn’t, she complied.
Like a dog, she followed his order. He was standing on the mattress, feeling powerful as he towered over her kneeling form. Noor hated herself. Why couldn’t she free herself of this man?
It was illusory, of course. Malik had every right to do this. She had nothing. She was a woman, and in this part of the Gulf, this meant she was barely better than property. Further by the coast, there were courts and semblances of modern justice, but out here, in the hinterlands? She was just a toy to be played with. Her father had thrown out her mother on some pretext, and she died soon after to fix her family’s honor. This had lead Noor to live with her aunt, Malik’s mother, and since that woman’s death, there was no one left to protect her.
Although, to be fair, Nadiah did her best. She was a gentle soul and tried to temper Malik’s aggression at first. When that didn’t work, she at least attempted to help Noor evade him. It wasn’t much of a success either, but it gave the two women the sensation of at least trying something.
Malik grinned sadistically.
“Lick it clean.”
Reluctantly, the plump young woman opened her mouth and touched the tip of his cock with her lips. It smelled horribly already. This was a new low. If this asshole would use his mind on something good, their lives would be so much better, but all he ever did was become worse.
He glared at her.
“Lick it. Now.”
“But Malik, I don’t …”
She couldn’t even finish the sentence when he reached over for his camel whip and struck her. It wasn’t at full force, but it hurt, forming a burning red streak across her back.
“Lick … it.”
Tears running from her eyes, she complied, hating him with every fiber of her being, but unable to do anything. She cleaned his disgusting appendage, just hoping it would somehow end …
Much later, she was with Nadiah, who was carefully putting an ointment on the red streak on her back. Noor sighed. The cool was a bliss. After hitting her with the whip, he had continued to attack her, then he had forced her to eat from a bowl like a dog. Whenever she tried to stop, he would hit er again, even kick her. Noor had started to cry, but that had only made him laugh. By the end of the ordeal, she was completely desperate and exhausted.
Just thinking of this now made her sigh. She smiled at her sister-in-law, who seemed just as sad about her mistreatment. The plump woman did her best to ease Noor’s pain.
“Thank you, Nadiah. I’m so sorry …”
“You shouldn’t be. I know he is trying to make us hate each other, but I won’t accept it. This is not your choice, but his. His games and his cruelty are wasted.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“Bah. We mostly don’t deserve Malik.”
“Shhh. Don’t say it this loudly. He’ll hear us.”
“I doubt it. He is probably in front of the big screen, masturbating to some western whore.” She grinned mockingly. “At least if he finds one that is fat enough for him!”
Nadiah looked at her big belly and her large bosom and sighed.
“I wonder whether I’ll be able to walk by the time I’m forty … At least if things go on like this.”
Noor sighed. Clearly, they were condemned to be forever confined to this place. Suddenly, Nadiah had an idea.
“I may not be able to get out of Malik’s way, but I might have found something that could help you …”
A week later, a very nervous Noor was walking towards the clothing store at the local mall in her full veils. Malik was walking in front, grinning as he looked at the butts of the women they passed. They stepped inside and the manager smiled at him.
“What can I do for you, sir?”
“Peace be upon you. I am looking for a job for my sister here. She is not good for much, and she should earn some part of the food she is eating, especially since she is unmarriable. Would you need someone to assist with sales?”
The manager looked at the chubby, veiled woman and shrugged:
“Can she read and write? Can she do sums and operate a computer?”
Malik nodded vaguely.
“I assume so. If she doesn’t, let me know, I will make sure she learns.”
“Then I take her on trial. If she turns out to be useful, I will take her. And maybe we will still find some suitor for her.”
Malik signed “no need” and replied:
“Don’t worry. My wife just wants her out of her hair, and I don’t feel like wasting time and money feeding her for nothing.”
“I understand.” He turned to Noor. “Go to the back and ask Rania if you can help her. Go!”
Malik grinned:
“Very well. I will send a servant to pick her up later on.”
“Yes, sir.”
Then he left, taking time to walk along the mall to see some more ladies.
Noor proved herself to be useful at the shop and assisted Rania in the workshop, adapting clothes and even helping with sales. The manager stayed off the shop floor for obvious reasons, so she enjoyed being out of reach of any men for a while. Still, Rania proved to be quite the taskmistress, and more than once, she told the servant that Noor hadn’t worked hard enough, which the man dutifully reported. Malik took his usual perverted pleasure in making her suffer for this. To Noor’s surprise, it wasn’t just the whipping and the humiliation that she dreaded. It was the idea of having this stupid little freedom taken away from her and to spend the rest of her life in a cage, being hurt and raped by her brother.
Even then, this little bit of freedom was a godsend for her. When she could help other women try on the various outfits, she felt useful and happy.
Then, one day, a strange woman showed up …
Of course, Noor knew of the western women. Although she did live in something of a cage, she wasn’t completely detached from the world. Her family had taught her that those women were all easy and whores, and that they willfully exposed themselves to everybody. No wonder they ended up all tanned like peasants and slaves.
However, seeing one up close … That was strange and intimidating. The woman was wearing an abaya over her western clothes and had tied up her hair loosely in a scarf, from which quite a few strands poked out. She had also wrapped a belt around her waist, further emphasizing her sinful curves. Strangely enough, Noor was feeling … things with her as she saw her like that. She was so different …
The way she moved, the way she stood, the way she carried herself … It was sinful and unacceptable, but at the same time … Noor felt a kind of warmth within her as she watched her. Was it disgust? Was it envy? Or was it … desire?
She couldn’t put it in words.
Noor was torn from her confusion and internal struggle when the young woman addressed her with a big smile. Then she blushed, put a hand in front of her mouth and said:
“I’m sorry. Peace be upon you! Did I pronounce that right?”
“Peace be upon you too. Yes, you did.” Noor was surprised by the woman’s warm voice. “How may I help you?”
“Uh … I’m looking for some fancy outfits for a reception? I want to look good and fit in a bit.”
“Oh. What kind of reception do you mean?”
“I work as an engineer for the state company now and the … emir? I guess that’s what he is? He’s inviting the whole team. I don’t think I can show up in a pantsuit, right?”
“A pantsuit? No, madam, I don’t you should.”
“Exactly. So … what outfit would you recommend? Should I go all in?”
“All in?”
“You know, with the face veil thingie?”
“The niqab? Well … you could.”
“I’m not sure. Isn’t that appropriation?”
“I have no idea, madam.”
“I’ll have to try everything! Would you help me?”
“Of course, madam.”
It took a lot of work, but in the end, they managed to assemble an appropriate outfit for the meeting with the emir. It was western enough to not cause any confusion, but still modest.
What shocked Noor, though, was the woman’s shape. All the women she knew were overweight. That was the thing. As soon as you were of age, you were supposed to build up your body to bear big, healthy children and to satisfy your husband, or, as she thought with disgust, her brother …
This woman, though … She was thin and … hard? How did that even work. She had slim and hard muscles all over her body, and yet, she didn’t look like a peasant woman or a slave. Not at all. Instead, she looked elegant. Confident … She was powerful.
Noor was quite sure that no one ever mistreated her. For a moment, a thought flashed across her mind: What if she were strong like that?
The woman smiled:
“Thank you for all the help. I wouldn’t even have known where to start. And these things are a bit difficult to manage …”
The veiled shop assistant snapped out of her dream.
“I’m glad you found what you wanted.”
“Say … You know your way around here, don’t you?”
Noor shook her head.
“I don’t get out much.”
“Oh. Okay. Still, I think you’re a nice lady and I would be really glad to have some female company. People here are so … closed? Would you like to have some tea or coffee with me after work?”
It turned out that it was quite hard for people to say no to Sarah. That was her name. When the servant had shown up after work to bring her home, Sarah had somehow managed to talk the man into a corner, and he had reluctantly agreed to the coffee. He sat in the men’s section, vaguely uncomfortable as the women talked in the family area.
Time flew. Sarah was great fun and she was incredibly relaxed, listening to Noor talking about nothings. The veiled woman couldn’t just tell her what was really going on at home. For all intents and purposes, she lived with her brother until she would get married. When Sarah asked about what kind of a man Malik was, Noor just switched the subject.
Which brought Sarah to ask her whether they could do this again. Noor agreed that she would love to, but of course, she’d have to ask Malik. This certainly confused the engineer lady, but what could she do.
To her surprise, Malik was all for it.
Apparently, he too was invited to that audience, and the project Sarah was in charge of was pretty big and important. Of course, she always had an official male representative in front of her, but Malik quickly deduced that being able to indirectly talk to her would allow him to increase his clout on the emir’s court. That was more than worth it. His family was small and mostly irrelevant, but if he could gain some influence, he would maybe manage to reach the ear of the emir.
Noor was elated. Having some time with Sarah was great, and sometimes, even Nadiah would be allowed to accompany them.
During one of their tea and coffee outings, Noor finally asked:
“Say, Sarah … How do you do it?”
“Do what?”
“I … I hope it’s not too forward, but … how come you are so thin?”
“Thin? Oh. Well, I watch my diet and I work out. It’s nothing much, really.”
“Work out? You mean at the company?”
“No, work out as in train. I go to the gym, and I exercise. I have a pretty tough schedule, but it’s great to take my mind off work. You don’t work out?”
Noor blushed behind her veil.
“No, no. Not at all. It’s not something women are supposed to do.”
“Ah. That’s sad. Because I enjoy it a lot. I think you should try it.”
“You think so?”
“It might help you. You’re always so sad … Maybe training a bit would gain you some confidence. The gym I go to has separate areas for men and women, so you should be fine.”
“Okay … I could ask …”
“Don’t. He’ll say no. Your brother is a shitty guy. Just … come with me? I’ll pick you up tomorrow after work, and we’ll go together. Your nanny will have to tag along.”
“My nanny?”
“The guy who’s always looking after you. He’s not exactly bodyguard material.”
“Hm. I’m going to get in trouble.”
“Bah. It’s going to be fine. Besides, I just might get that appointment for your brother.”
“You would?”
“I might? Who knows? Would he risk not getting it?”
Noor couldn’t help but chuckle.
“You’re so confident, Sarah. I can’t believe it.”
“It’s nothing. Just come along, maybe you can pick some up for yourself.”
To Noor’s surprise, she actually had the courage to join Sarah after work. She even picked up one of those sports’ jilbabs they had ordered at some point and which had never sold, as well as some matching shoes and a special training niqab. She felt totally weird to take these things along, but Rania was just happy to be rid of them. Then Sarah took her along, followed by the attendant. Soon, they were at the gym and the man had to wait outside. She got dressed in the new outfit, which was a rather bold baby blue and silver. No wonder no self-respecting woman had ever bought that thing. She tied the weird niqab and went out to meet Sarah.
Then she stood and stared.
Sarah was wearing a pair of skintight pants and a top that left her belly exposed. Dancers sometimes wore stuff like that, but … those were not honest women. Besides … they never looked like that. Noor could see six hard blocks of muscle on her friend’s stomach.
“You like the look?” Sarah ran her hand over her sixpack. “That was a lot of work. It’s also hard to maintain, but I think it’s worth it.”
“It’s so strange … If I had a belly like that …”
“Well, then let’s get to work. You’re not going to earn it by waiting around.”
“But …”
“Go! With your outfit, you’re going to build up a nice sweat in no time!”
That evening, Noor was exhausted. She barely managed to do her chores, then dropped on her bed. Malik was irritated by the fact that she was so tired. While they ate, he asked Nadiah:
“What’s up with her? Is she sick?”
His wife shrugged:
“I don’t think so, husband. She was like that when she came home from work.”
“From work? Hm.” He snapped his fingers at Noor. His sister tensed and looked at him nervously.
“Yes, brother?”
“What happened at work?”
“I … It was just work. I worked. It was a lot. I am sorry …”
“Hm. That sounds bad. Don’t overdo it. I need you here. This is important, work is not.”
She had nodded vaguely and finished her meal.
And now, she was lying on the bed, beginning to drift away into sleep. She thought of Sarah. That woman … How could she be so confident? How could she dare just do things like that? How could she look like that?
Noor wished she could too …
To her surprise, Sarah showed up again the next day, but in the morning.
“Hi! Did you sleep well?”
“Like a log. I was so exhausted!”
“Oh, just you wait. You haven’t seen the rest of it.”
“What? What’s going to happen?” Noor was suddenly very nervous.
“Tomorrow, you will have the worst, and I tell you, the worst ache ever.”
“What? But why?”
“Because you really strained muscles yesterday. And now, they’re repairing themselves.”
“Okay … That doesn’t sound nice.”
“Don’t worry. That’s necessary to build your body. You have to make it suffer to grow stronger.”
“Yes. And you have to eat enough. A lot.”
“I thought I wanted to lose weight?”
“You have to eat the right things. So I brought you this.”
She handed her a bag full of boxes.
“I made sure these are halal and everything. Just eat them on the scheduled times. I’ll teach you how to prepare food to get fit.”
“Okay … There’s a whole science to it, isn’t there?”
“Oh yes! It’s a perfect nerd thing.”
Behind her veil, Noor smiled. She liked books and immersing herself in a topic. Maybe this would be even more interesting. Sarah grinned:
“Shahiyat tayiba! Did I pronounce that right?”
Noor made a vague gesture, but Sarah just added:
“I’ll see you after work.”
“Wait … we go again?”
“Every day, from now on. Be ready!”
June 17, 2024 at 5:13 pm #162488El_Roy_1999
ParticipantA classic fmg story, if you wish!
Tall Order
After her career as an organic chemist broke down, Carol tries to stay afloat as a cleaner. At the company she’s working for, she finds a very surprising project that just might make her body grow and regain her confidence … This erotic fiction contains female muscle growth, height growth and breast expansion. All characters are at least 18 years old.Get it here:
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1579037Enjoy the preview!
Carol looked at her phone and sighed. Another message from work! She rubbed her temples. The last thing she needed now was another schedule change. She hesitated for a moment, broke off another piece of chocolate and unlocked the device.
Of course.
The cleaning company was okay, at least mostly. There was little pressure except to work quickly and to make sure everything was done correctly. Nothing compared to her time as a college professor. The constant dog-eat-dog attitude there had finally broken her. “Publish or perish” was one thing, the way those jobs worked really just meant that you had to have a loving, doting wife at home who would clean up after you and bring you warm food if you had to work late, or just all through the night. She had done her best to keep up on her own, but finally, she had broken down.
It was one of these “everybody’s doing it”-problems. She should have known better. She knew better! But still, she needed those points, she had to have something to show, and well, what else could she do? It had been her last shot at tenure. A top-level article to round off her career, and then, a nice job for life, doing what she loved to do.
Organic chemistry research was an intense field, and whoever managed to achieve a breakthrough was safe. So she adjusted some results a little. She thought she was very clever. Just some tiny changes, possible, realistic, believable … She even suggested in her article that this needed further research. She had primed the project well, though, and of course, the journal gobbled it up. She got her paper published, the citations came in, and she was hailed as a genius, as the new rising star, despite her forty years. The idea was just amazing, and it worked!
Of course, it actually didn’t. It just looked as if it did.
It hadn’t taken long for first doubts to appear. By that time, she had already set up the necessary patents, and the college was very happy with the money coming in. There were a lot of nice, flattering articles in newspapers, she had interviews with both scientific media and regular TV stations and internet news.
The excitement had been palpable, and even though she hesitated at first, she finally fell for her own stupidity. She dropped all pretense of this being “possible”, “just a first model” and “something that needed further research”.
Now that she thought about her attitude back in the day, she was disgusted with herself. But she had started to believe her own hype.
By the time the doubts had spread, and she was questioned on her methods, it was too late. She got defensive at a hearing when confronted with the data and the manipulation, and then, it all came crashing down.
She even managed to get her face on one of the big news magazines.
It was over. The disgrace was total. The college immediately terminated all her contracts, the companies that had bought the patents sued her, she lost her home and had to file for bankruptcy. In a matter of weeks, she was out of a job, homeless, and unhireable. The same people that had cheered for her genius now distanced themselves from her and declared her as a persona non grata. They always knew what she was up to! They just played along! They were being pushed along by the mainstream! It had always seemed fishy!Desperate, Carol had changed her name to her mother’s maiden name, and had moved to a new town, far from the capital. She just wanted to start anew.
And now, she was Carol Boyle, a tired woman in her mid-forties, working for Sparkle BV, a specialized cleaning company for businesses.
Soon after, she arrived at B-Tech and checked in with the guard. Once inside, she quickly got changed into her cassock and took out her pearl earrings, the only things left from her short stint at a glamorous life. Carol had grown plump from the irregular work and the night shifts. One just ate random stuff at unusual intervals, and sleeping wasn’t always easy. She had never much liked her figure, but lately, her clothes were getting tighter and tighter, and she despised herself for her lack of focus and restraint.
She adjusted her large, curly bun and smiled at herself in the mirror. The round glasses still gave a semblance of intellectual brilliance to an otherwise boring face. Okay, courtesy of her mother, she had light tan skin, and through a coincidence, she had this beauty mark, but … it didn’t work. She was painfully single, even though she had tried to finally date someone after her life fell apart. In a strange way, she realized she had sacrificed everything for her scientific career, and it hadn’t paid off at all.
Other women her age were on their way to be grandmothers, to have a cozy job at some company, or to just be happy with some nice dude. She had nothing. And now that she was there, she wondered whether her search for scientific results had ever meant anything.
Bah. Enough frustration.
She tied a scarf around her hair so it wouldn’t get messy and got to work.Seven hours later, she was approaching the end of her round. She was tired and unhappy. The guys who worked here were real pigs. In the lunch room, there had been so much grime … it was sickening. Now she just had to finish up on the labs, and then, finally, she could go home and relax for a bit. She entered the lab and felt a shiver run down her spine. This was all so familiar … She caught herself smiling. Okay, now she was curious to see what they were working on!
She looked at the whiteboards and the notes and was absorbed back into her passion. Before she knew it, she had booted up one of the computer, having found the password on a post-it. Now she was looking through the reports and thinking about the projects.
One of them caught her attention. It was a concept to treat rare genetic diseases. Fascinating …
Apparently, the scientists here were working on a treatment for muscular dystrophy and metabolic diseases. The tests had been rather successful for now, but they still missed the human testing. There was just one report from a preliminary report that suggested that the drug caused improved metal metabolization and muscle growth. Further side-effects were expected, but not yet proven.
She looked at the data some more and nodded. As far as she could tell, this stuff was well-designed. She’d have to look further into it, but …
Carol snapped back into reality. She couldn’t just hang around here and look at other people’s science when she still had this place to clean!
She got back to work, but her mind went back to the project again and again. There was something that was annoying her about the molecule they had assembled. She booted the computer up again. She went through the material once more, then she tapped the screen. There it was. This couldn’t work like that!
She quickly opened a new file, imported the data and changed the assembly. A quick test and she nodded to herself. Yes. That was more like it.
Now … what to do with this? She couldn’t just leave it like that …
After a moment of deliberation, she saved her work to a novelty memory stick. Then she decided that she would use this as a blueprint and produce a batch of the material the next time she had to clean here. She wasn’t sure what to make of it, but the thought of getting back to her passion amused her.Three days later, the machine spat out a strip of vials. She had started the process the moment she had set foot into the lab, and after eight hours, it was ready. She took it out of the device, cleaned the machine and put it in her handbag. Carol still didn’t know what she wanted to do with this, but just working in the lab had felt amazing. She had tremendously enjoyed this.
Once everything was safely stashed away and all traces of her operation had been wiped clean, she left.
On her way home, she was getting squished in the tram and hated every moment of it. People had zero respect for her. When she had been a famous scientist, they had adored her, now some big idiot just trampled on her feet! If only she could get more respect!
She stumbled out of the tram and piled into the bus, and there, it was even worse. She hated this so much!
By the time she was home, the sun was up, and she was exhausted. Going to sleep now was stupid, but she had to. Otherwise, her next shift would be even more stressful. She quickly showered, trying not to look at her plump body, and then got to bed.
She couldn’t sleep. Whenever she wanted to, her thoughts returned to the vials. Maybe …“Screw this!”
She got back up, taking her decision. She took out one of the vials and picked up one of the syringes she had taken from the lab. Unsure of the exact dosage, she filled it up carefully, taking less than she thought would be necessary, and then hesitated. She sat in the kitchen, syringe in hand, and wondered whether this was a good idea.
As far as she could tell, the drug would work. It probably had some side-effects, but at this dosage, it wouldn’t cause any trouble. She shook her head, then took out some rubbing alcohol, disinfected a patch of skin on her thigh and carefully injected the drug.
She put the syringe back on the table, securing it, and was suddenly hit by a wave of panic. What had she done? She reached for her phone. Maybe she could call for an ambulance right now? But what if it was too late? What if she had poisoned herself? She started typing the number as she felt a warm sensation spread from the injection site. She was panicking.
The drug was doing … something …
She hit the call button and the phone dialed. The warmth was turning into heat. She had screwed up, hadn’t she?
The phone rang. Then she heard the voice of the emergency service operator.
“City health service, what is your emergency?”
The heat washed over her, but it wasn’t painful. Or uncomfortable. No. It was … pleasant. Maybe … Carol hesitated again. The voice called out:
“Hello? Are you there?”
The sensation intensified, then calmed back down. She swallowed as her heart beat slower.
“Uh. Sorry. I … I misdialed. Yes. Sorry for the interruption.”
“No problem. Don’t hesitate to call in the case of an emergency.”
The last word had a slight accusatory ring to it.
“Yes, yes. I’m sorry.”
She hung up. Then she slowly got up and wondered what to do next.
Maybe she should work out? After all, this was what this drug was supposed to do: Help people build their strength. She looked up some simple exercise routines on her phone. She could try those, and then see whether the drug actually did something.A moment later, she was on the floor, doing the plank. The website said she should be able to hold it for a minute like this. That was one long minute. Fifteen seconds in, she was sweating. At thirty seconds, she started to ache. At forty-five seconds, she gave up. She landed on her rug and just wanted to die. What had happened? Why was she so out of shape? She had never been fit, but if the site said one minute and she couldn’t even reach that, then she was truly busted.
Well, so far, the drug wasn’t doing anything. She would have to try some more. The next thing was to do some crunches.
Okay, that was even worse. Her belly got in the way, she started to sweat terribly, and she had to stop eventually. Lying flat on the rug, she was exhausted by the warm-up of the routine already. This wasn’t going to work, was it?
She groaned. So much for that drug! What a waste of time! Groaning, she showered again and climbed into her bed.
Sleep came quickly and she dreamed all kinds of weird things. It felt as if she was on the run from something, and she really struggled to escape. She had to climb over things, she had to crawl through tiny holes, and she had to push against heavy, closed doors.
She awoke in the afternoon, completely wrapped up in her blanket.
Carol struggled to get out of it and landed on the floor. She managed to extricate herself and got to her feet. Dazed, she stumbled to the bathroom and went for her “morning” weighing.
“Okay … Looks as if I lost three pounds. That’s a surprise …”
She looked at her reflection. She did look a little slimmer.
“Can’t be all that exercise …”, she said ironically. Then she lifted an arm and flexed. As a joke. To her surprise, a little shift of her muscle under her skin was undeniable. “Whoa. Is that for real?”
She pinched herself. She was awake. This was happening. The drug was doing … something. She nodded to her reflection.
“Okay. I’m going to do this …”Over the next weeks, Carol continued using the drug. She kept the dosage low and did her best to be careful. She kept a detailed journal, measuring herself, documenting her development and her workouts as well as her food intake. That was the first indicator something was happening to her. She was eating so much! Carol had always liked to eat, even though she usually felt guilty after large meals. Now, she was eating like a horse, and it seemed to just disappear into thin air. She would eat large servings of pretty much anything, lean back, sigh, and feel hungry again half an hour later.
When she caught herself making an omelet with twelve eggs and feeling peckish after she had devoured the whole thing in a matter of minutes, she realized that this was going to get expensive!
Then again, the effects were showing soon. A week in, she had lost six pounds of flab and somehow built quite a bit of nice muscle. The minute of planking wasn’t a challenge anymore. She could do all the crunches the workout plan suggested, and she felt hungry for more. Now she would go on a run every day, not a walk, a real run, with phases of sprinting that got longer and longer compared to the average jogging.
She would end up at a nearby park every day and try the exercise equipment there. Two weeks in, she did her first pull-up. On her third week, she did five. After a month, she did fifteen.
The dudes at the park would watch her, surprised by her intensity. She was still looking like an old lady to them, even if she was in her mid-forties, but she was wearing a very old looking tracksuit and pumping out reps like there was no tomorrow.
Eventually, one of them walked over to her as she rested between sets and asked:
“Hey, lady, is that some kind of prank show?”
She turned to him and took a long sip of the protein shake she had brought. She was so hungry all the time, she had to bring plenty of food now. At work, it was a bit of a problem, but if she didn’t eat at least once every two hours, her stomach would gurgle loudly and it was very annoying.
“Prank show?”
“Yeah. You looking all old and shabby and still doing pull-ups like a pro?”
“Shabby? What’s your problem?”
She could feel a certain tension grow within her. What were those guys up to? Was this man insulting her? She gave him an intense glare. To her surprise, the man backed down.
“Hey, sorry. I … hey, I apologize. You do you, okay?”
“Yes. I think so. Get back to your workouts and let me do mine.”
“Yes, yes, okay …”
He left.
She shook her head and went back to training. As she slowly did fifteen more pull-ups, she realized that this wasn’t challenging her anymore. Also, the tracksuit really wasn’t looking good on her. She would have to update her wardrobe. This was all getting very expensive …June 21, 2024 at 4:14 pm #162573El_Roy_1999
ParticipantYou want stories about masculine women? You get a story about a masculine muscle woman!
Love and Gain
Daphne used to be a serious contender as a bodybuilder. She just missed the last bit of talent and genetic luck. Now she has left this behind, trying to deal with the fallout of her roid abuse. Unhappy with her looks, she meets Andreas, who is into them. This erotic fiction contains male and female muscle growth, hairiness and gender blending. All characters are at least 18 years old.Read it here:
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1580839The preview:
Daphne looked at her reflection. Yeah. She hated that face. Still, she had to deal with it, at least if she wanted to go out. She squirted some shaving cream in her hand and applied it to her upper lip and the sides of her face. She wasn’t going to have sideburns, was she?
She massaged her rough skin and then took the razor, carefully removing the faint shadow over her mouth and cutting down the hair that was growing out of her cheeks. Then she quickly shaved off the single annoying hair that had grown out of her chin. She wiped the remains of the cream off her face. That wasn’t much better. It just had to be done.
She rubbed her temples. Should she really go through the whole procedure, just to go out?
Daphne looked at the pots and pads of her makeup. It was a lot of work to turn her face into something presentable. She had to apply a good foundation to cover her skin impurities and the “pockmarks”, then she had to carefully contour it to make her jaw less obvious and to slim down her nose.
And when she was finally done with that, her face would look like a mask. Also, once she took it all off, her skin would erupt into one big, stupid red rash. It was so sensitive …
She sighed.
“Fuck this”, she said in her raspy voice. She took the styling gel and dabbed a bit on her fingers, then went to work on her hair, making it all spiky and cute. Then she looked back at her reflection.
So much for that.
She looked … weird. Masculine. Butch. Freakish.
Daphne just hoped she wouldn’t get laughed at. The laughter was the worst. The looks, she could deal with. The hissed comments too. But when people started to laugh, it hurt.She was out in the street. Daphne tried to look inconspicuous, but not too much. More than once, the cops had stopped her for “looking threatening”. She could see why. She was tall for a woman, 5’11”, and her time as a professional bodybuilder had improved on her already naturally wide frame. With her hoodie and her track pants, she looked like the archetypal thug. She had tried dressing girly, and it had failed horribly. She had felt so ridiculous, she didn’t even dare leave her apartment. The nice baby blue dress was still in her wardrobe, taunting her every day.
The musclewoman checked herself in one of the display windows. So far, it was okay. She looked like a rather feminine young man with a bad case of acne. Not a very feminine young man, actually.
She turned back to continue on her path to the supermarket, but because of the hoodie, she failed to see the lady that was just passing her and slammed right into her.
Without thinking, she blurted out a loud “What the fuck?”, her aggression instantly spiking. The moment she heard her rough voice, she panicked, took a step back and whispered an apology:
“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you …”
The woman glared at Daphne with unconcealed disgust. She shook her head and walked away.
With a sigh, she entered the shop and took a cart. As she pushed it through the aisles, filling it up, she couldn’t help grinning awkwardly. Back in the day when she had competed as a bodybuilder, she ate a cartful of food in a week, now, it usually lasted her two or even three. It was so strange to remember her time as an athlete. It had all started so innocently …
She remembered competing in track and field to moderate success. No world champion, but definitely a contender for serious competitions. Her parents pushed her, especially her father who had been a champion discus thrower. Her mother was more into acrobatics, and Daphne was pretty sure she still harbored some animosity towards her because the pregnancy had ruined her career.
In the end, she was too big for acrobatics and focused on heptathlon instead. Of course, this too went to shit. She had a career-ending accident and spent months recovering her mobility. Once that was done, she had put on way too much weight, and there was no way she would get back to any kind of sports.
Happily, she got into rehabilitation, and that’s when she found her new passion. She started weightlifting, and soon enough, she switched to bodybuilding, using her mother’s training as a gymnast to amazing effect. In no time, she was seen as one of the future champions. She pushed on, climbing through the weight classes and improving on her body.
Getting out of the beauty contests was great, since even then, Daphne wasn’t in any way attractive. She always had a bit of a horse-face, and she hated it with a passion. Also, while other female bodybuilders tended to a natural hourglass-shape that they could improve by training their glutes and their lats, she was always firmly in the triangle section. Broad shoulders, slim hips. Sure, she could build her stature easily, but she never was feminine.
For a while, she thought about implants, but in the end, even the falsies she tried looked stupid on her. Instead, Daphne tried to go for bigger, more defined muscles and better posing. She just hoped the judges would appreciate the dedication …
Her career ended when she got marked down for being too unfeminine. Okay, she was on the roids back then, but so were the others, even the eventual winner. Helen Costa was just way ahead of her. Like a nemesis, if you will. Perfect smile, perfect face, perfect body, perfect tits …
Next to a woman like that, a overly muscular, burly, rough person like Daphne was helpless.
Frustrated, she had given up.
She stopped training, she stopped the drugs, she stopped the eating. The crash was terrible. Again.
This time, though, she had to go through it alone, and it was horrible. Her parents had been unimpressed by her choice of bodybuilding, especially after she failed to make a breakthrough. To put it simple, Daphne was no longer on speaking terms with them.She finally reached the checkout. At last. Another shitty excursion into this idiot world ending. Of course, there was a line.
She turned around. There was a dude, kinda tall, not too shabby, long wavy dark brown hair, five o’clock shadow, rather fit … Instinctively, Daphne reached for her cheek to feel whether the stubble had already returned. The skin was rough, but she couldn’t feel any hair.
Hesitating, she replied:
She shouldn’t have talked to this guy. It would end in a shitty conversation.
“I just saw you picked the same protein thing that I took too. You’re into weightlifting?”
Fuck. This was literally the problem with living in a smaller town. There was no specialized shop for that stuff and thankfully, the supermarket carried a few fitness things. That stuff didn’t spoil, although Daphne suspected that she was the only person to buy it. Well, apparently, there was one other person.
“Just to maintain my level. Not competitively or anything.”
“Cool! Me too. Do you go to the gym in town? I’m new here, so I have no idea what it’s like?”
“No. I don’t. I just do some stuff at home.”
“Oh. Okay. I …”
“Oh look, it’s my turn to pay for my groceries.”
Daphne was so relieved that the cashier was willing to take her stuff. What was this guy about? Her reaction had pushed him away for now. Good.
She quickly got everything sorted out, put it in her bags and left. As she did, she looked back once more. The guy was nice to look at, after all. Of course, he immediately spotted her and gave her a little wave. Daphne went crimson and hurried away.Over the next weeks, she found herself running into the guy again and again. Was she actually trying to meet him? She did notice that she found more and more opportunities to go out lately …
Still, every time she saw him, she anxiously looked away. If that wasn’t possible, she managed to say a few words, blushed, and tried to get back out of the way. The idea that he would get a good look at her and instantly reject her was terrifying.
Daphne even tried the dreaded dress on again, but no. That thing was impossible. It was just not her at all.
And then, out of nowhere, he addressed her.
Just like that.
“Hi! We seem to be running into each other all the time lately, don’t you think?”
Daphne was just at the hardware store to buy a new frame for the aging bug screens in her bedroom. She smiled awkwardly and wanted to turn away and run, even without that frame.
Just as she was trying to escape, the guy said:
“Wait, stop. Please. Please just let me tell you my name, okay? It’ll make things less awkward when we don’t talk to each other the next time.”
She groaned and took a deep breath. Then she managed:
“Okay …”
She desperately tried to keep her voice down so he didn’t get spooked right away.
“Alright. I’m Andreas. Andy.”
She nodded:
“Okay. Got it. Andy.”
She wanted to head for the exit.
“Now you have to tell me your name.”
“I do?”
He nodded and smiled. There was some amusement in his voice. She rolled her eyes:
“Okay. It’s Daphne. Happy now?”
“Very happy.” She was surprised that he didn’t even react with skepticism at hearing a female name. “Soooo … Daphne. Now that we know each other by name, what do you think of coffee? You just get your stuff here sorted out, and we’ll go to the nice café on the plaza over there.”
“Uh …”
“I insist.”
He grinned. Man. The guy was attractive.
“Fine. Coffee.”
“Coffee.”The café turned out to be great. Andy got them a table a bit on the side, which meant that the waitress took some time to notice them, but at the same time, Daphne felt better with not being too exposed. Andy took care of all the talking and got them two cups of coffee, black. Once they had them, Daphne mumbled a “Thank you”.
“No problem. I just hope it’s good.” He gave it a taste. “Okay, it’s … alright.”
“I think it’s fine. It’s not the best coffee I ever drank, but … I like it.”
“Okay, now you gotta tell me: What is the best coffee you ever drank?”
She blushed.
“Weeeell … Back in the day when I was still competing … I really got into coffee. It’s either that or cigarettes and … Yeah. So I taught myself to make some pretty wicked coffee.”
He grinned:
“You know what that means, Daphne.”
“What? What does it mean?”
He chuckled:
“It means you have to invite me for coffee.”
“Are you always this straightforward?”
“Only with women I like.”
She breathed out sharply and smirked.
“Oh, come on. Are you for real? Is this a joke?”
She was unsure. At the hardware store, he had helped her pick out the various bits and pieces for the screens. They had talked a bit and joked a little. Ever since Fifty Shades of Grey, going to the hardware store with a guy always had this weird energy …
Still, she couldn’t believe that this guy was actually interested in her.
“A joke?”
“Yeah. Usually, it’s a prank or something. Some guy showing up and being all interested, and then, I end up on some video, getting laughed at. I fell for it twice, so obviously, that’s not a sign of me being too smart …”
He cocked his head:
“Could you stop selling yourself short? I mean, yes, you’re not a conventional beauty. That’s obvious. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be an unconventional one.”
“Okay, now you’re messing with me. Are you seriously suggesting you think I’m beautiful?”
“I’m a bad judge of beauty, but you’re certainly attractive.”
She pulled back the hood of her jacket. Her short, bristly hair and her strong jaw and chin were now fully visible. She glared at him:
“Seriously? Are you sure you don’t need to get your eyes checked? Or are you just trying to deal with the fact that you’re gay?”
He grinned then came closer, gently setting his hand against her chin.
“Let me ask you a question, Daphne … Are you straight?”
“Yeah … I’m into men.”
“Are you into all men?”
She jerked her head back a bit:
“Of course not …”
“Same with me. I like women, but not all women. Women like you … I like.”
She shivered. He was close to her, he was gentle, he was charming, he was hot …
“But … Come on …”
“It’s just my opinion, but that’s what counts, don’t you think?”
He leaned back and took another sip of coffee.
“So, about that special coffee …”It still took them a bit of time to get together. Andreas came over to her place and assisted her with the construction of the screens, which was mostly nice and did end with him getting a taste of the special coffee. He loved it. Daphne hadn’t oversold it. It was just amazing.
The next time, they went on a long walk together, far from everybody, just enjoying nature and talking about everything. It was very relaxing, and Andreas understood just why she was so uncomfortable with her looks. It was tough, but the idea of her roiding up … it just turned him on. Still, since he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, he tried to act as if it didn’t do anything to him.
Daphne enjoyed this time together. Andreas was a nice guy, respectful, clean, handsome … He was actually interested in her, and they even had things to talk about. They were both rather on the nerdy side, and talking about fantasy literature and TV series was great for them. Having him answer the “What is best in life?”-quote from Conan the Barbarian made her giggle.
It was so nice … She was falling in love with him. This wouldn’t be an intense, passionate love, but a slow, careful approach, one that would take its time, but probably last all the longer, like a hearth fire slowly growing from a small kindling.
The thing was, though, that Daphne was afraid. He was too perfect. There was probably some terrible perversion or monstrosity lurking in this man. It just couldn’t be true. There would be a reckoning, some insane confession, and it would all blow up in her face. She just had to stay at a distance …
For Andreas, it was just as difficult. He liked her a lot, her sharp, sarcastic sense of humor, her wide knowledge of weird stuff, her coffee … but he could feel the crushing insecurity and the desperation she felt at trying to be feminine and failing dismally. At the same time, he couldn’t just come out to her and just say: “Hey, Daphne, don’t worry. You being all masculine and butch turns me on. The actual thing you hate about yourself is why I love you. Also, I am not a pervert!”
It was unbearable. She kept covering up, hiding her physique, but whenever she made certain movements, he could see the suggestion of her muscles. She was clearly buff, but she wouldn’t let him see. Maybe he could ease her into it?
He suggested to work out together once, and she had immediately blocked the idea. That’s when he had an epiphany.
“Saaay … Since you know your way around the whole training business …”
She glowered at him:
“I already told you …”
“You do work out at home, don’t you?”
With a slight sound of exasperation, she replied:
“I do, but that’s just to maintain my basic fitness.”
“Well, I would like to get a bit fitter.”
“Andreas, you’re in excellent shape.”
“There’s always room for improvement. Look at these puny arms!” He grinned and flexed his nice biceps. It was nothing compared to her peak level, but still perfectly fine.
She rolled her eyes.
“What I’m saying is: Would you grant me a personal training session? Just show me how to be better at this.”
“Andreas, I really like you, but … I don’t want to do this in front of you.”
“Hey, I’m not saying you’ll work out. Just me, and you assist me and teach me.”
He smiled and gave her his best look. She sighed:
“Okay. If you insist.”
“I insist.”
She groaned and reluctantly accepted it.Andreas rang. There was some scuttling inside, and then, a rather stressed-looking Daphne opened the door.
“Hey. Uh … You’re right on time.”
“I try to. Should I take a little walk and come back later?”
“No, no, it’s fine. I just … Come in.”
She held the door for him and took the opportunity to check out his butt. Always nice to see a cute butt. Then she directed him to the basement.
“I have my equipment down there. It’s not creepy at all.”
He chuckled:
“Until you said that, it wasn’t.”
“It still isn’t. Come on.”
She walked down the stairs and Andreas was supposed to find a well-equipped gym. As she noticed his look, she said:
“I kept the machines and the weights. they’re still useful even if I just train to stay fit.”
“Got it.”
“Alright, enough chitchat. Get changed, and we start.”
“Okay. Should I go back up?”
“I don’t care. I’ll look away.”
He smiled and went to a corner. She peeked anyway. Nice …
Once he was ready, she started his workout. Andy was surprised. Her advice really made a difference. He had worked out at the gym for over a decade now, but this stuff was pure gold. Also, training like this was way more challenging. In no time, he was covered in sweat. Daphne was hard on him. She didn’t let him do any tricks or shortcuts, constantly adjusting his stance, reminding him to focus and correcting his grip.
By the time they were done, he was hot, exhausted and feeling pumped. He admired his muscles in the mirror.
“Holy … Wow. Thank you … That was amazing.”
She smiled. Then she added:
“There should be a massage to go with it.”
“Would you?”
“Do you want it? It’ll hurt like hell.”
“I guess? Please.”
She grinned evilly.
“As you wish.”By the time they were done, Andreas was smarting all over. He was also terribly horny.
Daphne smiled, feeling her clit pulse in her panties. Oh God … What did she do? She hadn’t touched another person like this in forever, and now … she was incredibly turned on. And Andreas didn’t seem to mind her looks or her ways at all. No. He seemed to love them.
This was so wrong. She was getting terribly nervous again. Running her strong hands over his skin, loosening his muscles, kneading them, hurting him to make him grow …
Now she missed this for herself …
What was going on?
Was she going crazy? Was this some kind of dream? Some insanity that was welling up from her subconscious?
He looked at her and she wanted to look away, but then, he said:
“That was incredible. I love this … I love you.”
The blush went up to her ears.
“I might also love you … But …”
“Enough with the ‘but’. Can we go upstairs?”
“Yeah … To do what?”
“You know it.”
“I do?” She corrected herself. “I do. Yeah. Come with me …”
He chuckled.
“You’ll have to help me.”
“Oh. Yeah. I get it.”
She assisted him on the way back. As they climbed the stairs, he said:
“I think you’re going to be on top for today.”
She giggled nervously. Then he gave her a sleezy grin and lifted an eyebrow ironically:
“Though I have one muscle that is still available …”
He stuck his tongue out at her and she snorted.Over the next weeks and months, their relationship deepened. Despite their mutual nervousness, they adored this. It was their time together at the gym that really brought them together. Every day, Andreas would come to her home, they would work out together, pushing each other harder and harder, then they would move upstairs and amuse themselves. Sometimes, they were a bit too exhausted to actually fuck, but just lying next to each other on the drapes and talking was just as amazing. Also, the two would cook together, slowly shifting their nutrition to a more protein-focused style. After all, nice bodies needed a lot of building materials.
To Daphne, this was incredible. She had never expected to find such a man again. No, strike that. To find such a man, and that was it. He wasn’t grossed out by her strange face. He wasn’t annoyed with her muscles. He didn’t even mind her body odor and her larger clit …
He was just happy to be with her and he was very, very horny for her without being creepy about it. Also, he was taking good care of his looks and he really put in the work when they worked out.
That was another thing: Since they started working out together in her basement, he was getting bigger, more muscular and more defined. That was a great look.
But so was she. For the first time in years, she was building her body again, and it seemed as if it had only been waiting for this. To her surprise, she went through a literal muscle growth spurt, recovering quite a bit of mass and moving back into the proximity of lightweight bodybuilding.
She loved it.
Daphne wanted to hate it, but she just couldn’t. After years of hating her talent, she was accepting it … well … a little. It was great. She still had to hide when she went outside, even more so than before, but she did enjoy the moments when she was at home with Andy.This was all fine and well, but it was just terribly unofficial and, for all purposes, not serious. They were having a great time, they were in love with each other, but neither of them had yet made a move. Then, one day, after a particularly hard workout and the following equally brutal massage, Andreas grinned at her on the bed and said:
She smiled at him in the soft light of her bedroom. The afternoon sun was shining through the blinds, and their freshly showered bodies were feeling a little cool, ready to warm up in a moment.
“I … Whoa. You know how it is … You prepare for a thing for days, and then, when it’s time to shine, you choke …”
“Happened to me once on stage. Yeah.”
“This is a little less public.”
She raised a bushy eyebrow. Her heart was starting to beat a bit faster. The cool air was making all those little hairs on her naked skin stand up. She had stopped depilating a while ago, and while she was hairy and it was visible, she didn’t feel uncomfortable with it. Well, not too uncomfortable anymore.
“Okay, here goes. I have two questions to ask you.”
“Please, go ahead.”
She started to grin.
“Daphne … Will you marry me?”
She seriously didn’t want to, but she found herself blushing up to her ears. She wanted to answer right away, but her voice broke a bit, making it difficult for her to say something. Instead, she produced a croaking sound, blushed even worse, then nodded furiously. She didn’t want this opportunity to pass!
As she recovered, she managed a very soft “Yes, I do!”
Andreas reached behind him on the nightstand and brought a little box close to her, then popped it open. There was a simple steel ring in it, a bit on the broad side, with a coiled pattern wrapped around it. She looked at it and he said:
“I thought about getting you a dainty little thing with a jewel on it as an engagement ring, but then I thought it would probably look weird on you. So, if you don’t mind …”
He took it out and she held out her finger. He put it on her ring finger and smiled. She admired it.
“I love it!”
“Oof. I’m so glad … I was afraid you’d say no …”
“Me? Say no to a man like you? Have you looked at the mirror lately?”
She caressed his strong chest.
Now it was his time to blush. She climbed on him, taking his cock and giving it a final rub to make it hard, then carefully started rubbing her pussy against it.
“Mmmh …”
He moaned as his hands went up her trim waist, up to her lats. As she made herself hornier and hornier, she asked:
“What was the second question?”
Andreas hesitated for a moment. The situation was too good to spoil it … But he just needed to say it.
He sighed.
“Okay … Please, don’t take it the wrong way, okay?”
Daphne slowed down. She was looking a bit insecure. What was going on? Was he … unhappy with her looks? Was this all an elaborate play to get to … something?
“What do you mean?”
He took another deep breath:
“I really enjoy working out with you.” She nodded slowly. “I enjoy how my body is changing.” She nodded even slower. “I also love how your body is changing.” She could feel a terrible tension growing inside her. “The thing is …” She was starting to feel crestfallen. What was he going to say now? “… I’d love to get bigger. Me. You. To really get into bodybuilding. To get huge. Both of us. Together.”
She stared at him. She was having massive problems processing this. What was he talking about? Was he serious? Was this a prank? A joke? Something she didn’t get?
Finally, she blurted out:
He smiled, still very, very nervous.
“I … I love you. I love your muscles, your look, your style, your hair, your big clit, your voice … everything. It’s amazing. And I want more. And I want it with you. I want to get big and muscular, and I want you to get massive too …”
“But … You’re amazingly buff as you are!”
“Yeah … Not quite. I mean, this is cute.” He made a gesture at his broad chest. “But it’s not much. And it’s certainly not too much. I want to get enormous. And I want you to come along and be gigantic with me. You know, bigger than ever. Heavyweight. Or even beyond that.”
Daphne was obviously shocked by this revelation. It was quite tough to process. Then she felt his hand on hers, touching her ring.
“I want this for the both of us because I love you, and because after months of training with you, I know you love muscles on yourself too. I understand why you wouldn’t be able to live it up until now, simply because society wouldn’t tolerate this, but … together, we could do it.”
“Andy … this is … it’s … I … But I … I just … I couldn’t …”
He kept smiling a little awkwardly, running his hands over her shoulders, along her arms.
“But … the side-effects …”
Now he grinned.
“You’re already thinking about it, aren’t you? I know that big, nerdy brain of yours. You’re running a plan on how to do it, right?”
She blushed.
“Come on, it’s … you can’t say something like that and expect me not to think about it. It’s like not thinking about the pink penguin.”
“The pink penguin?”
“You’re thinking of the pink penguin right now, aren’t you?”
He laughed.
“You got me.”
“Same with me. You can’t go on talking about getting massive in front of me and expect me not to figure it out.”
“And are you figuring it out?”
She gave him a sheepish look.
“I am.”
“There you are. So … are you in? Get huge, get married, us against the world?”
“And you’d be okay with the side effects? For you, it’s just going to be hair loss …”
He interjected:
“I’ll just shave it all off.”
“… bad skin …”
“I’ll have a wonderful wife to clean my back.”
“… bad temper …”
“Nothing a nice blowjob wouldn’t fix.”
She rolled her eyes.
“You might find it difficult to get a hard-on once you get off the roids!”
“I don’t plan to, and besides, how could I not be hard with a wife like you!”
She punched his chest. He felt her strength.
“Stop being stupid. This is serious. You must know that this will do weird things to me. I’m going to look really mannish. No more breasts, no more softness.”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
“I’m going to get hair all over.”
“Again, I would love it.”
“My voice … This is going to sound dainty next to what’s coming.”
“Bring it. I’ll sing a nice bassy duet with you at our reception.”
“My face is going to look all weird.”
He just shrugged.
“How … How can you be such a pervert, Andy?”
He rolled over with her and let his weight bear down on her.
“Takes one to know one, Daphne. Because I think you’re already sold on this, aren’t you?”
“Yeah …”
“I knew it.”
They kissed.July 18, 2024 at 10:42 am #164091El_Roy_1999
ParticipantA story for the lovers of infectious masculinization and massive hunks!
Out of Control
Heather gets passed over on a promotion again! Despite her great work, the company keeps pushing useless guys. Tired, frustrated and angry, she disappears in her lab and develops some odd substance. As she wakes up the next day, things are getting out of control! This erotic fiction contains female muscle growth, height growth, hairiness and sex change. All characters are at least 18 years old.Read it here:
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1591922Enjoy the preview:
Heather Jacobsen was fuming. She was standing in front of the bathroom mirror at Spiral Genetech and she was struggling not to cry. Her makeup was getting very runny, leaving thick black trails down her cheeks. She had barely managed to hold it together outside. When the CEO had announced that she would not be promoted to lab head, instead picking that fucking idiot Clive Ascott, she had been able to nod, smile, congratulate Clive, thank the CEO for the opportunity, and had exited the conference room with all the dignity she could muster. Her voice stable, she had said:
“Thank you all for considering me, I have to take care of a running experiment …”
Then, she left and briskly walked to the door. As she closed it, she heard the men laugh and one of them commented:
“Now the girl’s going to bawl her heart out. I’m surprised she managed not to cry right here.”
This was met with laughter. One of the guys had interrupted the others and said:
“Hey, stop that. We shouldn’t hurt the girls’ feelings. They deserve all the respect …”
There was a chuckle, and then, they laughed even louder.
Heather had disappeared into the bathroom to hide her feelings, her face, everything. She clung hard to the sink and tried to control her emotions, but it was just so frustrating!
Just then, Clarisse, the cute little woman from accounting, slipped in and said:
“I just heard what happened. Are you okay?”
Heather was starting to shake violently.
“No. No … No, I’m not okay. This is not okay. This is not okay at all …”
She felt Clarisse’s soft little body against her bony chest. The short woman hugged her and was just nice and warm.
“I worked on these projects for years. For years! I made this company millions! Dozens, hundreds of millions. I worked day and night on these sequences! If I didn’t work here, we wouldn’t have Ximerax, or Angeno, or Imuton, or literally any drug this company has produced in the last ten years! And they wouldn’t even give me a seat on the board!”
She took a deep breath. The tears ran in earnest and Clarisse handed her a handkerchief. The tall woman looked at her with grateful, terribly furious eyes.
“And the worst thing is, I would have accepted that they didn’t give me the board seat if they had at least picked someone better. Not that there is anyone, but who knows? No, they give the seat to fucking Clive Ascott. Clive fucking Ascott. A man whose only skills are nodding and losing at golf! Seriously? Are they trying to ruin this company?”
“I don’t know, Heather. It’s politics. You know how it is.”
“I know. I know! It’s just so disappointing. I work my ass off. And all I get is a pat on the head, and the moment I was out of the room, they were joking about me. They were joking! I could hear them. They didn’t even wait that I was out of earshot.”
Clarisse didn’t say a thing. She just stayed with her friend. Heather sighed.
“I’m so exhausted. This endless dickfest … No one cares what they’re actually able to do. All you need is a shlong, and if you manage to be hairy and look good in the gym, they’re all happy. The world is yours! But if you dare be a woman …”
“It’s not like that … I’m sure you could just start your own company and be successful …”
Suddenly, the bathroom was very quiet. Heather looked at Clarisse with an air of pity.
“Remember Jenna Moretti?”
Clarisse’s face fell.
“Yeah. Okay. You’re right. You win.”
“Exactly. I win. I win at losing!” Her frustration had shifted to fury. “You know, my life would be so much easier if I were a man!”
The accountant chuckled:
“Tell me about it. I literally earn more than Thomas, and still, somehow, I have to deal with the housework. I don’t get it. And when I try to address the issue, I get grumbled at, and it’s more work to get him to do the chores than doing them myself. Plus, he breaks things in the process, which I then have to replace.”
“He sure has a way of doing things in a way so you never ask him again.”
“Oh yes.”
Clarisse took out another handkerchief, wetted it and started cleaning Heather’s face.
“If you figure out a solution for this problem, count me in.”
“Maybe I will. Maybe I will.”That night, Heather was half-asleep in her lab at Spiral Genetech, wondering what she was actually doing here. Shouldn’t she be looking for a new job? This place was a dead end. Maybe starting her own company was too much, but Clarisse was right: She had to leave. Seriously. This was not getting her anywhere.
She groaned and looked out of the window. The campus was vaguely illuminated, and moths were buzzing around by the lamps. She sighed. She could probably find a new job easily. Of course, being recruited was better than applying. Plus, the Spiral Genetech guys would badmouth her. Especially Clive. He probably already had.
Leaving here was not an option. Not unless she had a new job all lined up. She took a deep breath and looked at the simulated molecules on her screen. This new tech was very promising. She had played around with it for a few months now. A quasi-parasitic delivery agent. It would be amazing for drug rollouts in remote areas or in crisis zones. One just had to insert some genetic code, and the delivery would be possible by air. Of course, it was all super-experimental, and she had no idea what it actually could do. There was no point in just developing a system to give everybody a rash.
She chuckled.
Then she looked back out of the window and saw her reflection on the dark pane. She had let down her long dark hair and taken off her blazer. Heather was tall, thin and plain. Now that her makeup was off, she looked even plainer. Always had. It felt as if puberty had just decided to skip her. No breasts, no butt, no nothing.
Being a man …
That was a weird idea. She grinned.
Yeah. If she were a man, she’d just be a gangly nerdy dude. Everybody would laugh, and he’d probably wear a bowtie. She groaned and said to herself:
“Heather, you’d be the worst man imaginable.”
She looked back at the screen. Then she had this weird idea. She started playing around with the program. Maybe she could just try something …Heather awoke when the phone rang. She groaned and opened her eyes, then sat up. The sun was shining and it was obviously around ten o’clock. At least, that was what the phone screen told her. Oh, and Clive was calling her.
Reluctantly, she picked up.
“Hello? Heather Jacobsen speaking?”
“CTO Clive Ascott. There has been a report of a security breach from your lab.”
“What?” She looked around. She had a bad case of keyboard face. “I’m right here, and everything looks normal. I … I would have noticed if something had happened. I was here all night.”
She couldn’t really remember what had happened during the night. She had worked on … something.
“Ah? Alright. That explains it.”
“It does? Okay. I guess that’s good, no?”
“No, it isn’t, Heather.” She didn’t like the inflection of his voice. “A security breach is inacceptable. Just because you had a bad day yesterday doesn’t mean you’re allowed to goof off.”
“Goof off? I was working here!”
“Well, not anymore. Security is on the way to escort you off the premises. Pack your personal belongings. Do not take any company property with you.”
“Seriously? You’re firing me?”
“I’m not firing you. HR is. Goodbye, Heather, and good luck on your next job.”
She stared at the phone. What just happened?
A moment later, two uniformed guards showed up. She wanted to say something, but they didn’t actually care. When she tried to pick up her things, not that there were many, they instead just grabbed her and pulled her out.
As Heather was being carried down the corridor, Clarisse showed up and asked:
“What are you doing to her? Stop!”
The security guys pushed past her.
“Make way. Please.”
Heather tried to struggle and free herself, but the men were stronger than her. She said:
“Okay, okay. Let me down. I’ll walk. I’ll walk!”
Clarisse kept up with them:
“What happened?”
“Clive got me fired!”
The security guys growled:
“Please be quiet. Do not talk about company business. You have all signed an NDA.”
They pushed harder and Heather almost fell on her face. She was itching on her arm. Something had happened. Something weird …
Clarisse shouted:
“I’ll come and see you after work! Don’t do anything rash! I’ll be right there!”
She watched as Heather was expulsed from the building. What happened?Clarisse arrived at Heather’s place in the evening. She had wanted to come earlier, but people at work had gone crazy and had decided they needed to review the accounting reports for the quarter, and wouldn’t stop. It had been exhausting, and Clarisse had found it impossible to concentrate. She tried to cut this short, but the whole thing spiraled into an endless debate on some details, and it wouldn’t stop!
When she finally managed to get out, she got an annoyed message from Thomas who wondered where she was and when she would come home. When she told him she still had to check on Heather, he grumbled and made annoyed sounds.
Of course, she had reacted by breathing out sharply, and that had been enough to make him angry. While she was driving to Heather’s, she had to listen to him gripe and complain.
She was thankful when he finally hung up.
The chubby woman groaned as she climbed the stairs to Heather’s apartment. Then she rang.
No reaction. Instantly, she felt a panic well up within her. What if Heather had …
No. This couldn’t be.
She tried to open the door. It was closed. Okay. Okay-okay-okay …
Clarisse nervously rang again. When there was no reaction, she went to the neighbor’s door and rang. A little later, an old woman opened. Clarisse explained her fear, and the woman nodded:
“Ms. Jacobsen gave me a spare key. Maybe try that?”
A moment later, Clarisse was back at the door and unlocked it, with the old woman nervously peering into the dark room after her.
“Heather? Are you there? Are you okay?”
She switched on the light. The first thing she noticed was the heap of fast-food boxes that was strewn all over the living room table and the floor. There was a lot of them.
There was a loud grunt, followed by a deep rumbling sound.
“Heather? Is that you?”
She stepped around the stacks of trash and saw her friend lying there, her clothes rumpled and covered in food stains. Behind her, the old woman asked:
“Is she dead?”
“No … Heather, are you dead?”
The lying woman suddenly opened her eyes. She stared at Clarisse like a madwoman. Then she whispered:
“I may have made a mistake.”
“What did you do?”
Clarisse realized that Heather’s clothes were strangely tight all over her body. She could see the spaces between the buttons on her blouse, and there was some scruffy hair emerging. Also, was it just her, or did her face look different.
“I can’t quite remember, but I might have created something … something I can’t get back under control.”
“What are you talking about? Did you make a disease?”
The old woman gasped. Panicking, she asked:
“Are we infected? Are we going to die?”
Heather slowly rolled to her side, then got up. Her clothes creaked as she shifted her position. She seemed even taller now.
“Clarisse, you should close the door.”
She complied. The old woman looked absolutely shocked. Heather groaned. Her voice sounded deep and full. Without thinking, she adjusted her skirt. It was tight and it was uncomfortable. All her clothes were. Clarisse asked:
“Please, can you explain what you did?”
“I’m not sure, but I might have created a parasite that changes people …”
Heather fumbled on her skirt again. Then, she suddenly grunted and bent forward, as if she had a cramp in her belly.
She screamed in abrupt pain, and Clarisse and the old woman stared in horror as she doubled over and the back of her blouse exploded, thick, heavy, swollen muscles erupting and spreading. The transformation spread, her arms exploding through the sleeves, her shoulders breaking the fabric apart and the collar getting ripped to shreds by her rapidly expanding traps.
The transformation continued, her glutes growing too, hiking her skirt up a bit before blowing through it.
The old woman retreated in panic, while Clarisse’s body shook, her mind unable to process what was happening.August 12, 2024 at 2:28 pm #164497El_Roy_1999
ParticipantThe Simple Life
Time for a romance novel! Jake is a farmer in the mountains, going through hard times. Steph is on the bus to far away from the big city. They are both looking for … something else. Will these two people find love and companionship and overcome their troubled pasts? This erotic fiction contains male and female muscle growth. All characters are at least 18 years old.
Get it here:
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1602894Read the sample:
Jake looked up at the stable’s beams. The place where the noose had been had somehow lost its color. The place was ancient, having been built by his great-grandfather and his brothers over a hundred years ago. The wood was dark and hard, all the softness and fragility having slowly faded from it over the decades. The farm was like that. This was a hard country, and it slowly ground the people down. They would go on and struggle, trying to make a living from it. They would prevail for a while, but eventually, the gnarled earth would break them.
His brother and his sister had fled as soon as they could. They understood just how horrible this place was. Jake had understood what was happening, but he had decided to continue the fight. His father had urged him to go too. Not with words. This wasn’t a thing a farmer could say. But with actions. He had asked him to learn as many skills as possible, to give him a chance at another life. He sent him away again and again, hoping that he would find some anchor to which to cling.
When Jake’s mother had died, he had moved back. His father had insisted time and again that he could manage alone, but Jake knew what was going on. He stayed, helped him wherever he could and fought on.
As the situation got more dire, his father sent him away once more to talk to the bank and when Jake returned, with a slightly improved credit plan, he had found him.Any sane person would have run like hell. Jake should just have packed his things and leave this godforsaken place. He couldn’t. He accepted the debts and continued. He persevered, working hard, breaking his back at this.
The thing was, he was a man built for hard work. He wasn’t too tall, but built like a bull, with huge shoulders, a massive belly and a heavy chin. When he came home after a day of labor, he would eat like a horse and fall asleep before waking up early and getting back at it.
Somehow, he managed to keep the farm afloat, although he was treading water.
There was just one thing.
He needed a wife. Any farm needed one. The bad thing was, the women had all left. All the way down to the valley, the only women left were the old ones who still fought on, and the few ones who had managed to get the wealthy farmers. All the others had fled to greener pastures.
It was bad.
The old women in the village talked about his fate and secretly prayed that he would find someone.
Online dating proved to be pointless. The moment the women saw that he was a farmer or checked where he lived, they dropped out. He managed to get a few dates, but by the time he showed them the house, they offered to stay friends or just disappeared.Steph stared out of the window. The landscape had changed ever since she had fallen asleep. The city and its suburbs had long since disappeared, and even the little forests and fields had stopped. Now, there were majestic woods and huge mountains on both sides. She looked around and realized she was the only person on the bus left. Well, except for the driver. The ancient woman in front soldiered on, driving the bus up in endless serpentines.
The young woman had just picked a place at random. The one with the longest ride, preferably. To just get as far away as possible. From everything.
She got up, eliciting a grunt from the driver.
“Am I really the only one left?”
“Do you see anybody?”
“Then you’re the only one, yes.”
“How long until we’re there?”
“An hour maybe. Fifty minutes.”
“And then the bus stops.”
“Yes, obviously.” The old woman glimpsed at her through the mirror, her tiny eyes still passively watching the curving road. “Do you even want to go to Scar’s End?”
“Uh … maybe?”
“Girl, I’m only adding this bit for you. I wouldn’t be giving the empty air a ride if it weren’t for you. I ain’t lost my heart to Scar’s End. Do you want to go there?”
“Yeah. I guess.”
The woman rolled her eyes.
Steph sat down next to her and asked:
“What’s in Scar’s End?”
“Nothing? A few farms, some woods, a couple of lakes. If you like it cold, you’ll be well served.”
“Okay. Yeah. Maybe that will be okay.”
“I’m driving up there once a week. If you get off today, you stay for it, understood?”
“Mhm. Got it.”
Steph wondered whether that was a good idea. Soon, she fell asleep again.“Hey, wake up. We’ve arrived. Get out.”
Steph grumbled and looked into the old woman’s face.
“Where? Where am I?”
“Scar’s End. Get out.”
“Okay, okay.”
She got up and grabbed her bag, then clambered out of the bus.
Scar’s End was a sad place. There were a few ancient houses, black and squat, which seemed abandoned. There was a kind of general store and an equally old church, more of a chapel really. She didn’t know where to go next, so she just wandered about for a bit, hoping to find someone to talk to. The bus had already left.
Slowly, it dawned to her that she was in a ghost village, without food or even a human soul around. Shit. This was bad.
She continued her exploration, growing more and more unsettled. One of the houses seemed occupied, so she opened the gate and walked inside.
Suddenly, she heard a voice call for her.
“Where are you going, young lady?”
She turned to face the person that had addressed her and saw a tiny, wizened woman. She was standing by the side of the house, bent and old. Her frail shoulders were covered in a large shawl and she was wearing a scarf on her head.
“Uh … Sorry. I didn’t mean to trespass. I … I just arrived and … I’m looking for a place to stay.”
The woman grunted at her:
“This is no hotel. You can’t stay here.”
“I’m … I can’t pay much, but I can work.”
“Work? You wouldn’t last a day.”
Steph was sure this wasn’t a good idea. There really was no point in antagonizing someone who might help her. Just as she tried to figure out what to say next, a pickup truck stopped on the road behind her.
Jake looked out of the window and asked:
“May I help you?”
Steph looked at him and sighed:
“Yeah, sorry for annoying you …”, she looked back at the old woman, “… but I’m looking for a place to stay. I can work hard for it.”
Jake looked at the woman. She was very thin and rather tall for a woman, and she looked quite lost. The long blond hair was rather unkempt and she seemed tired. She wouldn’t be much help.
“I mean … If you want, you can stay at my house. But …” He thought for a bit. This was a stupid idea. No sane woman would stay with him like that. To his surprise, Steph said:
“Okay. I’ll do my best to help.”
The old woman snorted and retreated behind her house. Jake opened the door of the car and said:
“Get in. I have to get to the store, and then we’ll head back.”
Then he chuckled stupidly and added:
“Oh, and I’m Jake. Jake Johanson.”
“Steph Moreno. Sorry for … I don’t know, being in the way.”
“You’re not. Relax.”
He drove to the store, called a number and soon enough, a guy showed up. He was a little shorter than Jake and quite massively overweight. They hugged, high-fived and awkwardly stopped when the other guy spotted Steph.
“Uh, sorry. Jake, who is that?”
“That’s Steph. She’s staying at my place until … By the way, Steph, what’s your plan?”
“I don’t have one. I just want to be somewhere safe, and I want to work.”
Jake shrugged:
“You heard her. Looks like I have a guest.”
The fat man laughed and replied ironically:
“You should open a bed and breakfast!”
“Fuck you, Aaron!”
“Fuck you too, Jake!”
They hugged again. Then Aaron unlocked the store door and they got in. Jake quickly told the other guy what he needed and once everything was there, he started loading the purchases on the car. To Jake’s surprise, Steph immediately went in and grabbed one of the bags and lifted them on the car awkwardly.
When he saw that, he said:
“Okay, get on the back and I’ll lift them up.”
“Got it!”
In no time, they found their rhythm and everything was stowed away. Steph had carefully arranged the bags and boxes. She climbed back down and Jake nodded. Maybe this woman would pull her weight.The drive home took a while. Jake glanced over to her occasionally. Outside the car, the deep forest loomed. The whole situation was getting more uncomfortable for him by the minute. He tried to suppress it, but eventually, he had to say it:
“Listen, I can bring you to another village … or to the next town with a hotel or something …”
She kept her eyes on the woods.
“No, no, I want to work.”
“But … This is creepy.”
“Creepy?” She looked over to him. “How do you mean that?”
Jake gripped the wheel harder and replied:
“Well … We’re driving through the woods together, and I’m a big hillbilly guy and you’re a … hitchhiker?”
She raised an eyebrow.
“Are you afraid? Afraid of me?”
“Er … No. Not at all, I mean, I just … I … I mean, I kinda … It’s the plot of a hundred splatter movies, right?”
She chuckled.
“Okay. But what if it’s the opposite? What if I’m the terrible monster in a young girl’s body, ready to suck out the lifeforce of strong young simple men?”
Jake felt a shiver run down his spine. His knuckles went white on the wheel. Trying to sound casual, he asked:
“Are you?”
“YES!!! Gaaar!”
Steph growled and rolled her eyes to show only the whites. Jake barely managed not to crash the car. Then she started to laugh. It was a liberating, happy laugh. The laugh of someone who hadn’t had a good moment in a while.
At first, Jake was shocked, then he chuckled, and then, he fell in. They sat in the stopped car, guffawing stupidly and just letting the tension ride out. Jake laughed until he cried. Steph squeaked something about having cramps and whenever she looked at him, it got worse. It took them forever to calm down.
At last, they managed to recover. Steph wiped a tear from her eye and sighed:
“Wow. I needed that, you know?”
“Mhm. Me too. Wow.” He grinned: “I still don’t know whether you’re a vampire psycho killer, but I think you’re okay.”
“For a cannibal hillbilly monster, you’re fine too.”
They both took deep breaths, laughed again and finally Jake drove on.They reached the farm by nightfall. It didn’t look too bad. In a certain light, anything could work. The main house was big, built for three generations to live under one roof, with a massive kitchen and a huge stove that could heat most of it even in the worst winters. Jake’s family had come here from Eastern Europe and they had known how to deal with bad cold. The stable, the various sheds, all that was … okay. Everything could stand a good coat of paint and quite a few things had to be repaired, but Stan had neither the time nor the money to do so. Behind the house, there was a large vegetable garden his great-grandmother had established and that had been tended over the generations. The plants that grew there were ancient, and although the yield was rather low, the taste was incredible.
Jake got out of the car and quickly showed Steph around. They unloaded the car, he drove it into the barn to make sure nothing went wrong, then they went to check on the animals. Jake had mostly taken care of that in the morning, but he wanted to make sure Steph understood what was coming up to her.
Deep inside him, he maybe wanted to sugarcoat this and maybe, maybe even get her to stay, but at the same time, he also didn’t want to get his hopes up anymore. If she accepted this, then he could proceed. It it was already too much …
Steph stared at the five pigs in the sty. They were big, heavy animals, slow and happy. The smell wasn’t too bad, but it was intense. She asked:
“Do they have names?”
Jake raised an eyebrow.
“Uh … no? I mean, they’re pigs.”
“Can I name them?”
“Sure. But … I don’t know, but you’re from the city. Will that be a problem with you eating them?”
“Eating them?”
He gave her a “well, duh” gesture. She pondered the question for a bit, then said:
“Yeah. I’ll think about it.”
He chuckled:
“Hey, sorry if I’m being this straightforward, but … I don’t want to create any false impressions.”
She nodded. In a way, she seemed to like this. He took her along, showed her the chicken, then the cows. He had two of them for milk, but they were no fancy five-gallons-a-day beasts.
“The big one’s Claire, and the small one’s Barbara.”
“So those get names?”
“We don’t eat them.”
Walking back to the house, Jake added:
“So that’s the animals. There’s a field in the back, for potatoes and beets and stuff. But the big thing is the forest.”
“The forest? I thought you were a farmer.”
“I am. For wood.”
“Wood. Wood? You’re a wood farmer?”
He chuckled:
“Where did you think wood came from?”
“Trees, no?”
“Yeah. And someone has to raise those trees and take care of them.”
She narrowed her eyes. It did make sense. It was just … unexpected.”
Jake raised an eyebrow and continued:
“Anyway, the farm is going to shit. I’m up to my ears in debt and it’s very hard work for little to no pay, but if you want, you can stay a while for room and board.”
She nodded slowly.
The young man was surprised, but maybe she would understand after a week or so.The next day, Jake woke her up rather roughly. He had given her the master bedroom and after a rather slim dinner, she had retired and fallen asleep instantly.
“Hey, Steph, wake up. It’s time.”
“Mff. What time is it?”
“Five o’clock. Get dressed. We need to take care of the animals.”
“Uh … this early?”
“Yes. Either come along now or go home.”
He knew he was overly harsh, but he didn’t want to get his own hopes up.
To his surprise, Steph did get up. He handed her some dungarees, a shirt and some boots.
“I just hope they fit you. We’re going to buy you new ones soon anyway.”
She tried them on:
“They’re okay, I guess.”
“Good. Then let’s get to work!”
“No breakfast?”
“When we’re done.”
“Oh. Okay …”
And they were off. Again, Jake found that she was serious about it. They fed the animals, got some eggs, milked the cows and did a little prep work for the day. At last, they ended up in the kitchen. Jake got to work, fixing breakfast. Steph devoured the food he served.
“Wow, Jake, this is so good!”
“You think so?”
“Yeah! It’s amazing.”
“You’re not trying to make fun of me, are you?”
“No, seriously. I love it! If you eat like this every day, you gotta be a lucky man!”
He didn’t say a word, just snorting with amusement as he finished his plate. Then they got back out and returned to work. -
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