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October 10, 2005 at 5:22 am #14965
magnus knight
[glow=red,2,300]100 posts[/glow]This is my 100th post to this forum, so to make it special for you as myself, here is Chapter One of my newest "growing" series. Please enjoy.
_M.Growing Anxiety
~by, Magnus KnightThe following story is rated Fiction MA and is not suitable for minors. Any similarities between people in this story and those in real life are pure coincidence.
Chapter the First
Tuesday afternoon at the Daystrom Psychiatric Institute and like any other day of the week the staff and team of doctors were busy helping out those in society who needed that little something extra to get through life. Some were depressed, others just a little stressed out. After all in this modern world who isn’t? Others were there for more pervasive disorders of the psyche. The staff was of course well trained to handle this and much more, but nothing could have quite prepared them for the man who just walked in the door.
He shivered and shook his head on his way into the office. His black muddy shoes made squishing sounds as he made his way past the other waiting patients towards the receptionist’s desk. The receptionist was busy typing on her computer when she heard a husky “Howdy Miss” which made her tilt her head up to the tall stranger. She turned to him and asked how she could help. He replied that he had never been in this place before but urgently needed to talk to a doctor. She of course told him how that wouldn’t work without an appointment, but just then remembered a recent cancellation she took down. She told him someone could see him but it might be a while. The next thing he said was if the doctor was a man or women. She told him it was a woman, Dr. Mary Nicolevie. He said he’d feel more comfortable with a male doctor, but in reply she said Dr. Nicolevie was fully qualified and if he didn’t wish to see her it would be another three weeks for an opening. Grudgingly he took the appointment. As the receptionist handed him the forms he was required to fill out before the visit an odd cold shiver ran down her back. She just shrugged it off and handed him a pen.
As he was filling out the forms he’d look up at the cute young receptionist and with each glance a shiver went down her spine. She figured the thermostat was messed with by one of the patients and so she got up and made her way around the desk to it’s location on the wall.She made her way through the waiting room to the thermostat and thought odd that it was at the same temperature it always was of 69 degrees. She turned it up anyways as another shiver went through her spine. During the walk back to her desk she felt the eyes of the man who just came in upon her body checking her out, which made her a little uncomfortable, but years of this taught her to just ignore it.
He was by all means almost entranced by this blonde’s beauty. It was a long time since he has seen a woman of such beauty. Her short blond hair, the white suit coat with its gold buttons she wore with matching white knee length skirt. The white hose that so elegantly encased her legs all the way down to the white slide pumps she wore to keep her postured in such a way that her breasts jutted out a little more to make her B cup hedge towards the C side. To him she was a princess in white with a cream complexion.On the way back to her desk the man filling out the forms reached out to hand her said forms which he just completed. As she took them she stumbled slightly, which she thought was odd because of her usual perfect balance. She excused herself took the completed forms and made her way back to her desk, all the while still feeling his gave upon her, though now it felt almost warming. The thing that neither of them realized yet was that her before mentioned knee length skirt was now just a tad ever so higher.
As he sat in the waiting room until it was his turn the mysterious stranger would glance over from time to time at the receptionist and just flash a casual smile. Automatically she would do the same as if there was some kind of preprogramming in her mind to do so. Every so often during this exchange she would get what could best be described as a shiver down her spine followed by a brief sense of confinement from somewhere deep with in.
After nearly a half hour of this back and forth courtesy exchange she began to feel a bit disturbed by the gentlemen. All he seemed to do was staring at her for a while, and then dart his eyes about the room nervously as if he expected something to happen at any moment. She knew she couldn’t really do anything about it so she just continued along with her work while from time to time played with the collar of her suit coat and slipped her feet in and out of her pumps as her feet ached slightly. She was going to go to lunch, but as she stood up she noticed how her skirt felt tight against her waist and so she decided she could maybe do without today. After all she wanted to watch her figure or else she might have to buy a whole new wardrobe.
Forty-five minutes went by, and those minutes soon stretched into an hour then an hour and a half and the man waited patiently until he heard “M. Knightly” called by a nurse who remained unseen in the back of the office. He stood and nodded as if to say here and then proceeded to follow the middle aged nurse into the back of the office. There she led him past a series of rooms until they came to one marked Patient Waiting Area where she asked him in a most gentle manner to sit down so she could get some more personal information.
The man told her about his past medical history. He started back with High School where he told her how he used to get the worst panic attacks and deep depressions that would keep him out of school for days at a time. Then he went on to say how his feelings of intense anxiety and shyness around women eventually kept him from graduating with his class. She asked him about his insurance and he responded he had none nor has he worked for ten years. “How will you be paying for this then?” she asked. He responded by silently pulling from his pocket a roll of hundred dollar bills. She looked at him bewildered but accepted one of the clean crisp bills as payment in full. After getting some more back round information she thanked him for his time and patients and told him the doctor would be with him in about fifteen minutes. He thanked her and she left him alone.All the while he was in the room he kept going over in his mind if he should be doing what he is doing. Whether it was even safe for him out in the world, after all the condition he was here to treat was unique to say the very least. He also knew though that unless he went back into the world to test himself out and get any help left he needed that he could be forced to live in seclusion for the rest of his life. At any rate if anyone could be trusted with his secrete on the outside it would be a medical professional.
Knocking at the door signaled that the doctor was ready for him and as the door swung open he was a bit taken a back by her beauty for some one her age. She was a slender woman with short black hair neatly set to curl up at her neck slightly. She wore a black blouse with white stripes, solid black suit coat, and thick black belt which below had a matching skirt that dropped down to her knees. The skirt was some what loose but still form fitting in a flattering manner. Just below that her legs were encased in black nylons that went into her professional heels that had small criss cross in the tops to showcase her dainty feet. She wore a red pendant that hung from a gold chain and red nail polish and lipstick to match. “Hi, I’m Dr. Nicolevie,” she said with an outstretched hand. “You must be Mr. Knightly.” She smiles as he reached out to shake her hand. The only sign that this woman was in her forties was the single swatch of hair the came down and curled in the front that was white as freshly fallen snow. “Will you follow me please.” She said and so he walked slowly behind her down the hall into the office marked with her name.
As he entered the room he saw she had a nice leather couch at one end and across from it was her desk. As she entered she proceeded to take off her suit coat and hang it off a hook on the door. “Have a seat please.” She asked and as he sat down on the comfy leather couch she swung around to take a seat behind her desk. From this perspective she had a full view of him, but all he could see of her were the bottoms of her ankles and shoes and the upper part of her chest, which he guessed was a B cup which really wasn’t bad for the 5’6” woman, and her necklace in full view and above.
After some light banter exchanged between the two she looked down into the folder in front of her and pulled out a note pad and asked what brought him here today.
“Well you see miss,” he started but was interrupted by “its misses, but you can call me Dr. Nicolevie.” He blushed a bit from embarrassment but then continued after clearing his throat, “Dr. Nicolevie, I’m here to try and get control of my personal demons once and for all, my emotional problems.” She responded with a nod as she wrote all this down for later.“You see Dr. Nickolevie for a good number of years I’ve had a number of problems with depression and anxiety. More so then with most other people, and it has really hurt me when out in public or anywhere where there are woman around for that matter.” She looked up and said, “So you have relationship issues too then?” To which he responded, “Well yes, in a strange way yes I have.” “What do you mean in a strange way?” Was her reply. He seemed to avert his gaze and started to fidget a bit and during the silence his mind began to wonder.
Mean while backing the lobby behind the receptionist’s desk the young blond began to shift about restlessly in her seat squirming and trying to get comfortable. The nurse passing by asked what her problem was. “It’s these damn heels.” She replied looking down with a mixture of confusion and displeasure. “They were pinching my feet for a while, and then stopped, and now they hurt again.” The nurse just politely smiled, “Honey, when you get to be my age you’ll figure out it’s not worth wearing those things and switch to something better suited for yourself.” The receptionist just looked up at her and smiled as she tried to get back to work.
Back in the doctor’s office the silence continued. “Don’t really feel comfortable telling me yet?” He looked up and went “Not that, but I doubt you will believe me if I tell you.” She reassured him that in her sixteen years of practice she heard everything. He smiled a bit sarcastically, and then asked if they could change the subject. “Sure, it’s your time and we’ll get through whatever it is eventually.” Meanwhile back out front the young blond woman stopped shifting and was finally able to get back to work. She thought about how all of this was so odd, but shrugged it of and went back to typing up the reports that the doctor sent out to the other doctors she shared patients with.
As the time ticked by the two continued their conversation in the good doctor’s office. He began to open up to her more and she responded with kind praise and smiles from across the room behind her wood desk. “So when did you first experience these feelings?” she asked him. “High School, junior year when I was working on a school play.” was his reply. She looked at him for a brief moment with an ah ha kind of expression. Then she quickly jotted something down on her note pad. “Was it stage fright?” she asked him as if she hit the nail on the head with her comment. “No, it involved a girl I knew.” was his response slightly blushing. “So it might have had something to do with acting with one you maybe had feelings for then?” she asked once again acting as if she figured out his problem. Turning a tiny bit redder in the face he responded to her with, “I had feelings for her but…” Dr. Nicolevie interrupted him with, “But you never were able to express them in person to her.” “Yes.” Was his reply and the two smiled as if some progress was just made. He began to feel a bit more at ease with her and told her the rest of the story.
“You see she was on stage practicing her soliloquy for our upcoming performance of Romeo and Juliet our school was doing. She was playing Juliet, while I was just the lowly stage hand helping to set up the lighting. Despite the fact I always had a crush on her I was always to nervous with her, no, make that every women I ever had a crush on to say or do anything. That day though, fate was about to deal a wild card to me that I was totally unprepared for. You see the other star Mike Michelson had come down with a cold and needed to rest this voice for the following week. The director needed some one to practice with her and so he called upon me. I was hesitant at first, but he coaxed me into it and before I knew it had a script in hand and was making my way towards the main stage. I was already feeling hot under the collar and sweaty in the palms as I approached. She seemed to pick up on this as she seemed to begin looking uncomfortable up there on the stage. I was told by my grandfather that women had a sixth sense and could register things like emotions without anyone saying a word, even from a distance, and I just assumed she was picking up my anxiousness from across the stage as I ascended the steps. It wasn’t until I got closer that I noticed things begin to happen.”
Jotting all this down the doctor looked up and asked him if it was something he did or she did that caused the problem for him. “It’s something she did.” was his response and he began to get anxious again as he was revealing more then what he was sure he wanted to. Meanwhile out in the lobby area the receptionist began to feel odd again, but this time a heat almost from within accompanied the other odd sensations. She began to sweat slightly and as she wiped her brow looked down with some confusion. Her feet hurt again, this time though the pain seemed more acute. It was coming from the fronts of her heeled slides.
Back in the office of Dr. Nicolevie the darkly clad gentleman was continuing with his story. ”You see she was fidgeting an awful lot up there in the spot light. It was like she just couldn’t get comfortable or something. I wanted to help her but I really couldn’t think of anything to do. She also seemed taller when I got up close as opposed to how she always looked in the distance.”
The doctor interrupted him, “Yes people always seem different from afar then they appear up close. It has something to do with the psychology of the brain and how it’s wired or something…”
“No you don’t understand, she was taller.” He chimed back in as his anxiety grew over the secrete he was so close to revealing to her. Outside the office at the receptionist’s desk the blond woman stood up and made her way towards the bathroom as she felt as if she was about to become ill. The heat began to flow through her sending odd tingling sensations and shivers throughout her body. As she made her way into the ladies room she shut and locked the door behind her and grasped the sink as if she was going to be sick.
Back in the office he finally told the doctor more of his story. “It was then she began to expose herself to me.” She looked up confused and asked, “You mean emotionally? He answered back, “No, I mean physically.” This new information took the doctor aback some what and she stopped writing her notes to look up and ask for clarification. “You mean as in a hug?” she asked him bewildered. “No, I mean as in her underwear.” was his reply which by the look on the doctor’s face just confused her even more.
“You mean to say she took off her clothes right there on the stage and exposed herself to you.” she asked him while leaning in more as if the story just became more interesting to her, more so then before. “Well,” he stammered, “Sort of.” She had no idea what he meant by this and she asked him for some more details.
“Well, her top just sort of ripped open.”
“Oh, so it was some type of accident then?” she both asked and stated as if she were there. “No, it tore open because of pressure.” He answered and he could tell that this was confusing her even more. “By pressure?” she asked him now completely lost on what was going on in his mind.
“She was experiencing a growth spurt.” He answered as if that statement could just clear everything up. “Mr. Knightly,” she retorted, “No one experiences that kind of instantaneous growth spurt for no reason, she must have just moved the wrong way or something.”“No I’m telling you she grew, right there in front of myself and everyone else there that day.” the man blurted out. “But seriously, there is no way that could physically happen to anyone. You must have been having some sort of delusion or something.” she said while appearing to underline something on her note pad. “But it wasn’t just her top.” he said back becoming agitated by this woman’s refusal to believe him. “Her sneakers exploded too, along with her pants.” He told her trying to convince her it was true. “Exploded?” Dr. Nicolevie asked with a smug look on her face. “Well no, I mean more like burst.” He could see his story was getting an unwanted response and so he quickly added, “From the inside.”
The ladies room was filled with moans and grunts from the slender receptionist as she clung to the sink tightly feeling dizzy with a feeling of tightness as well. “Oh, uhh… what’s happening to me.” She asked while straightening herself and splashing cold water over her face to cool off. She began to feel off balance and as she looked into the bathroom mirror her hair seemed out of place with stray strand of blond color sticking out further then they should have.
“What you are trying to say is she grew, right there on the spot, right out of her clothes, and that’s why you have these emotional troubles?” Dr. Nicolevie both stated and asked at the same time. “Well yes, sort of.” he replied to her feeling more and more nervous, sweaty, and anxious as the two got ever closer to where this whole thing was going. “Mr. Knightly, these things you speak of are just not possible in the real world. What you more likely experienced was some sort of waking dream, or possibly a delusion, hallucination brought on by some type of sexual inferiority complex or overactive libido.”
All her talking did was increasing his sense of anxiety as he could see things were starting to get away from where he wanted things to be.Stretching and low grade creaking sounds began to fill the small bathroom in between moans of “uh, oh… make it stop.” As the blond receptionist felt increasingly uncomfortable her appearance began to grow disheveled as her clothes began to cling to her tightly. Her feet were slightly sticking out behind where the soles of her slides ended over the heels. Her skirt now looked a little too snug to allow for free leg movement, and visible gaps were forming in between the suit coats gold buttons. Her skirt even seemed to hike up a bit above her knees, and the coats sleeves were seemingly moving up her forearms of their own accord.
Back in the doctor’s office she kept on yammering on and on about how all this was in his head throwing in a good measure of medical and psychological jargon, which he felt was just tossed in to confuse him. All this made him fidget and feel more uncomfortable. Finally he could take no more and just blurted out, “Whenever I feel nervous or anxious around women,” he paused for a deep breath, “They grow.” This revelation caused Dr. Nicolevie to drop her pen and just stare for a minute jaw opened at the man sitting across from her.
“Pop!” back in the ladies room a gold button just shot off and hit the mirror, then landed with a clink on the floor.
(More to come soon.)
October 12, 2005 at 6:55 am #14966Cesar
ParticipantMagnus! My god!!! You're stories keep getting better and better!! I love this story and can't wait to see what else is going to happen. Too bad the good doctor isn't having a 'heightened' experience of her own! Please, please continue with your great works…i am enjoying it very much. I just hope many others are too.
Grey Deth
October 13, 2005 at 2:25 am #14967Deadly Pixxxie
October 13, 2005 at 2:29 am #14968Hunter S Creek
ParticipantGreat stuff, Magnus!
Thank you for sharing!
HunterOctober 20, 2005 at 3:52 am #14969nic2800
Participantmore please….I need more.
October 20, 2005 at 11:11 pm #14970Axel3.14
ParticipantI wonder if the women will try to start intimidating him on purpose.
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