New story group on Yahoo

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  • #15435

    Hello everyone,

    I'm a long time lurker, but that is about to change. Recently, I tried to drag other lurkers along with me on the "A Growing Concern" group on Yahoo by using a ranting guilt trip. If you're curious, I posted under the name dragoon0123456789. The end result did not come close to matching my expectations. Regardless, I and a few other people have come together in a group that I have created on Yahoo to try to contribute to the FMG community by writing story series that spawn from a single story. The story is entitled "The Perfume". I already have the author's approval to do this. He's even a member of the group! If you aren't familiar with the story, then you can find it in one of Historian's posts here or on my group. The purpose of the group is to contribute, so, if you wish to join, please find a way to do so and contact me. For those of your that are interested, you can reach the group by going to

    I apologize if this little speech grates on anyone's nerves, but I lack any other way to say what said above. Thankfully, that does not carry over into my stories, even though they are a bit dry sometimes. Anyway, whether you read this or not, or are even interested, for that matter, thank you for your time.


    Hunter S Creek


    I visited your site. 
    I answered the three questions. 
    I am now waiting to find out if I am going to be allowed to pass or be thrown into the pit of eternal dispair.



    Quit griping, Hunter. I handle every application personally, so I know who I have appoved and who I haven't. I approved you already, so you should be allowed in.


    Hunter S Creek

    I wasn't "griping", gblock01; I was paraphrasing/referencing "Monty Python And The Holy Grail".  My apologies for my obtuse attempt at humor.



    I was paraphrasing/referencing "Monty Python And The Holy Grail"

    Some of us got it…  😉

    "And Saint Atila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'Oh, Lord, bless this thy hand grenade that with it thou mayest blow thy enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin, and people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large –"


    I got the joke, but it doesn't change the fact that I got a bitter taste in the back of my mouth from it. While the movie was funny, I thought that it was just stupid… Then again, it IS Monty Python. Despite the dullness of the movie, it has left me wondering one thing: what is the average air speed-velocity of an unladen swallow?


    David C. Matthews

    what is the average air speed-velocity of an unladen swallow?

    What do you mean? African or European?

    (sorry…couldn't resist…)


    if youre so uptight about something like monty python, you must not be very much fun. not a good way to persuade people to join something of yours. you attract more flies with honey and that whole load


    Sorry, I can't help it. I'm a very pragmatic individual and my sense of humor, while hopelessly twisted, is rather dry. It also has a bit of a cynical twist to it. Needless to say, I tend to be a smart ass, much to my own displeasure as well as others. Monty Python, while I admit is funny, simply lacks the ability to hold my interest. It is mindless humor that is good to relieve boredom. I prefer Mel Brooks myself.


    magnus knight

    spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam…
    everyone sing the spam song.

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