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  • #137005

    Most S.M. Stirling novels feature at least one buff chick.

    Yeah, I’ve mentioned his Draka novels in a previous post in this thread.
    The two that I recall that have descriptive muscle scenes in them are “The Stone Dogs”, and the spinoff book, “Drakon.”

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    _Conquistador_ has a gym scene with a female character lifting heavy.

    The Lords of Creation series had some, particularly the second novel, _In_the_Courts_of_the_Crimson_Kings_.

    FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder


    Another would be the Horseclans series of futuristic sword & sorcery novels by Robert Adams, which have an
    Edgar Rice Burroughs-like flavor to them. Almost all of them have strong female characters, and in the latter ones has a tribe of Amazons as central aspect of the stories. The Signet paperback editions have been out of print for many yrs.

    However, last time I checked @, Mundania Press had resurrected the series, along w/ his Castaways in Time series.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Not a novel exactly, but there was a book for the Call of Cthulhu role playing game titled “At Your Door” (1990, 4th edition, Cthulhu Now) set in modern day that involves the players investigating a female bodybuilder who (as it turns out) has been supplementing her training with drinking the milk from a cthulhu beastie. The investigators follow a trail of reports about her growing success, eventually catching up with her at an isolated farmhouse. Her transformation becomes unfortunately (but not surprisingly) slightly more monstrous, but the adventure does include amorous advances on a male investigator. Pretty spicy for a 90’s RPG.

    Jayne Greye

    There are a number of such books here. I’m working on a sci-fi one now. It may take the summer to complete.


    Another one that I came across, been out of print for a while, tho.

    Amazon Planet (1975) by Mack Reynolds

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Anyone know of any actual novels in print that center around Female Muscle, FMG, ans super strong women?  Novels that are like stories you'd find here, and at Brawna, and DTV.

    No muscle growth but definite superstrength in this one:

    Jayne Greye

    There is a new sci-fi fantasy coming out this summer called Awake (It’s not from me – I’ve been writing a book that is like 50 Shades of Grey for muscle called the Reluctant Domme.)

    Anyway, I’ve seen the rough draft and it’s good so I’ll let you know when the author releases it.

    Hiker Angel

    Here’s a romantic sci-fi novel about a college girl whose body begins to improve to superhuman levels. Moderate muscle growth, but strength feats and beauty enhancement included.


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