- This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 4 months ago by
magnus knight.
August 17, 2005 at 10:15 pm #11521
Warren Vehec
ParticipantHope you like it, it's got a bit of everything in it, BE, FMG, GTS, and SM
Tracy and Brian
Warren VehecThe sun was dropping into the horizon, marking the end of the day when Brian finally finished putting his wife’s, Tracy, computer together. The 5’4”, 38 year old high school Biology teacher looked forward to surprising his wife. He spared no expense in building a new computer from scratch.
For months, she complained about her faulty computer constantly crashing and locking up. It was well beyond old and obsolete. The parts to repair the machine were no longer available. The mouse was thrown out months ago; Tracy was forced to use the keyboard to navigate the ancient computer. It frustrated her to no end when the keyboard decides not to obey her direction.
Brian hated to see her in distress. With school out for the summer, he was forced to take temp jobs to make a bit of extra money. Just to see Tracy smile would have been well worth it.
He smiled at the layout on the computer desk. Two 25-inch monitors hooked up to a very sleek computer cache. With a high speed processor and the memory maxed out at the highest option was to insure the computer would never crash or lock up on her. A scanner and two printers were also added to the network. One printer was strictly used for Tracy’s work while the second printer is a photo printer, which would make any photographer proud to have. Tracy’s computer is also networked to his slightly older computer, which was equipped with a high speed Internet access. He knew Tracy would be trilled to finally have a high-speed access to the Internet.
Brian couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. The muscular man shrugged his feelings aside and picked up the empty computer boxes. Something rattled in one of the hardware boxes and fell to the carpeted floor. He stared at the CD packet that lay on the floor. He could have sworn that he emptied out all of the boxes when he assembled the computer.
After taking care of the boxes, he picked the disk up. “Super Morphing Goo” was labeled across the disk. His eyebrow rose at the title.
He chuckled, “Morphing, huh? This should be fun!”
While the program was installing itself onto the computer, the 5’4” tall man rummaged through the photos of his recent vacation. He and Tracy spent a weekend at a local beach resort. He managed to find a fairly decent picture of Tracy in a two-piece bikini and a shot of him in his shorts.
As much as he loved his wife, Tracy, he had an obsession for a large breast. Her C cup size breast was by no mean small, but it wasn’t enough to slate his thirst. He wanted to bring this to her attention, but he was afraid she’d freak out and demand that he’d be locked up in a mental institution for his obsession.
Brian was proud of his wife for sticking to her diet. To his opinion that it was a vast improvement on her body since the day they met. His sex life was amazing since she practically doubled her stamina. Tracy wanted to loose more weight. She’d been complaining about a few trouble spots on her body.After scanning in the pictures, the 5’4” man grinned as he played with his wife’s breast. He set the target and locked it. He couldn’t believe how easy it was. He made a mental note to himself to make sure he didn’t leave anything for Tracy to find on her computer.
For the final stage, he slid the mouse pointer over to the box marked ‘Morph’ and clicked it. To his surprise, instead of the picture refreshing, Tracy’s breast slowly expanded before his very eyes. His cock grew hard at the sight. The graphic seems all too real to him. Under less than a minute, the transformation was complete.
Suddenly there was a squeal of brakes and a violent crash. He ran for the window and saw his wife’s car smashed into the trashcan that was set out for the morning pick up. He could see Tracy’s surprised face. She looked like she was struggling with something. He couldn’t see what it was. She managed to get the car up further into the driveway, although it was slightly askew.
The 38-year-old man ran out to the driveway. The car didn’t look too damaged, but it was going to set them back a bit to fix it. The fender was crushed and scratched. It was going to have to go into the shop in a day or so.
He looked over to his wife and his mouth fell open in shock. Her shirt burst open and massive mound of flesh poured out over her tiny bra on to her lap and steering wheel. She looked exactly like the picture he morphed.
His 34-year-old wife snapped, “Will you stop staring at me and help me out of this damn car!”
After releasing the seat adjuster and raising the steering wheel, he was able to safely move her from the car. His wife’s eyes winced from the additional weight on her breast. She couldn’t balance herself proportionally.
Normally, Tracy was a couple of inches taller than her husband, but with her high heels on, she was a half a head taller than he. She staggered as Brian supported her to the house. Even though he was concerned for her, he couldn’t help feeling a little self-conscious about their height difference. He was grateful for the fact that no one saw what happened in the driveway. He made a mental note to himself to see about adjusting Tracy’s height so that she was shorter than he was.
They managed to make it through the house to the back where their bedroom was. After dumping her onto the bed, he told her that he’d be right back. He ran out and returned in a couple of minutes.
“Sorry, had to go lock up the car,” he said sheepishly. She laughed. She knew that she had married a practical man. Everything had to be done just right for him.To her surprised, her husband began to massage her massive breast in a loving way. From where she lay, she could see that his shorts were tight with his gorging cock.
“Like them?” She arched her eyebrow.
“Yeah!” he said softly.
“If I had known, I would have gotten implants years ago! I’ve always wanted to have big breast but I wasn’t sure how you’d react. But I guess this answer my question. I don’t think I would have gotten them this big…”
“But… What happened?”
“I dunno. They… sort of… exploded when I was coming up the driveway… Mmm… That feels so good, Brain!” she cooed.
“Like it, huh?”
“Like it? I love it! Don’t stop!” Her hands tried to rub her crotch but with her huge breast in the way, the angle was impossible. She grunted and tried to undo the button and zipper at the back.
Finally, Brian stepped in, “Here, let me do the honor.” In one attempt without moving her, he had her skirt off in half a heartbeat.
Tracy was surprised. “Ooh, aren’t you Mr. Smooth?” she teased him. She grabbed his free hand and guided it to her wet crotch while the other hand continued to massage her monstrous tit.
Their lovemaking lasted until late at night. Brian was exhausted, but totally in content. His wife, Tracy, was also floating in heaven bliss. She smiled as she stroked his hair. It struck her funny how much her husband looked so small compared to her enlarge breast. It was a feeling she enjoyed immensely. She played with the thought of her wearing her 10-inch platform around him. She knew he hated the fact that she was taller than he was, but with her new breast size, she just might change his mind.
August 17, 2005 at 10:17 pm #11522Warren Vehec
ParticipantHere's 2nd part–
As part of a ritual, Tracy is up before her husband. With the additional weight on her chest, she managed to find a way to balance herself without putting too much strain on her back. Clothing herself wasn’t too much of a challenge. She found one of Brian’s old tank top that had thin shoulder straps. On her it looked more like a full body bra, but the front was cut down extremely low which is the way she liked it. She had every intention of using her breast to control him. For the bottom, she put on a pair of navy blue tight shorts.
This wasn’t something new for her to wear something sexy. Ever since she’d been shaping up her body, the 5’6” woman loved to drive her husband wild with tight fitting clothes. It had become a game between them to see who would be the first to loose control. With her new breast, it was going to be an easy win for her from now on.Also as part of her ritual, she made him breakfast and brought it to him in the bedroom while he slept. The smell of her cooking would eventually awaken him. Tracy loved spoiling him with her attention.
Tracy looked about the house to see what needed to be cleaned. She went from room to room; making mental notes on what needed to be done and who would do them. She neatly divided the work between them. At the top of her mental list, she really wanted to get Brain to clean the swimming pool. She’d been dying to take a swim ever since summer started.
She froze in her tracks when she saw the computer in her office. The busty woman smiled as she made a mental note to show him her appreciation. However her smile faded when she saw the image on the screen. Changing her thought, she was going to show him what a dead man he is.
Brian swallowed the last remaining bite of his breakfast. He couldn’t remember the last time he finished his meal this quick. He marked it up as his urgency to see Tracy’s boobs. Making sure it wasn’t a dream.
The 5’4” man rushed into the bathroom for a quick shower. He wanted to look his beast when he sees her. He didn’t care if he lost the game between them. She could win them all for all he cared.
He did find it a little disturbing that Tracy’s tits made her look bigger when he tried to cuddle up with her on the previous night. He felt more like a little boy sleeping next to his mom. The thought made him feel a little insecure, but he pushed those feeling aside. He grew excited at the thought of Tracy filling up one of his extra large T-shirt.
The insecurity began to grow when he found himself having to reach for his shampoo that should have been an easy reach. Even the shampoo bottle felt a little big and heavier. He struggled to push the feeling aside and continued to finish his showering.
After he finished rising himself and toweling the excess water from his lean hard body. He pulled his shaving kit out and set it on the sink. He frowned at his fogged up mirror. For the millionth time, he wished that he could afford an anti-fogging mirror. He reached up and wiped away the mist from the mirror.
He fell back in shock from his own reflection. The fact that stared back at him was not the face of a 38-year-old man, but someone in his late teens. He was barely old enough to grow a decent set of whiskers. His years of weight lifting were also gone. He was a spindly teenage boy. Tracy must have found the program.
The 4’10” tall boy ran out of the bathroom. He snatched up a pair of swimming shorts, but he felt like he was putting on his dad’s shorts. After pulling the drawstrings tight, it still looked too big on him, but at least they won’t fall down. He grabbed one of his football jersey shirts. Without his beefy muscles, the shirt was extremely billowy on his small frame.
Brian rushed out of the bedroom into the living room toward her office. “Tracy!” he called out.
“Don’t shout. I’m right behind you!”
He spun about and found her sitting in his lazy boy chair. Her arms were crossed over her massive chest as her legs. She didn’t look too happy.
“So, this is what you looked like when you were 19 years old. I’ll say you weren’t a bad looking kid,” she commented.
“Tracy let me…” he started to but she interrupted. “Explain? Tell me what? That you didn’t mean this to happen? Or that you had a picture of me with bigger boobs? Were you planning on saving this picture when you’re alone and masturbate?”
“Tracy, you know that isn’t…”
He stopped in mid-sentence when his brown hair wife stood up and up and up. Instead of her towering over him by 2 inches, she gain 8 more inches over him. The top of his head came up to her chin.
She growled and stepped up and gave him a hard push. His small thin body flew across the room. The 5’6” woman was a little amazed to see her husband flying to the other side of the room. Not only was she taller, but also she was also stronger than he was.
Her 4’10” tall husband struggled to stand up. Again she rushed to him and hauled his skinny body to his toes by his jersey. His face was almost leveled with hers. She could see that he was terrified not only by her height but also her strength.
The 34-year-old woman hissed, “You wanted me bigger, huh? I’ll give you bigger. I’m gonna be so much bigger that you’re not gonna know how to handle me, shorty!” With one hand, she yanked the sliding glass door open and shoved him outside. He stumbled into one of the patio chairs.
“Get the damn pool clean little man! And I mean now!” and she slammed the door shut.
Brian was visibly shaken by what has transpired. He and Tracy had spats before, but this was the first time she held the upper hand. It used to be that he’d take the beating from her and not be affected by it. Now with the weight, strength and body mass he was nothing more than a kid to her. And she handled him with no strain on her part.
Not wanting to anger any more than she is, he immediately began working on cleaning the pool. The short 38-year-old man knew he messed up big time with his wife. He hoped that having the pool cleaned might appease her a bit. She had been bugging him to clean the pool ever since the heat started rising, but he had putted off due to the fact that he was working a second job to get Tracy the computer she wanted.
Two hours later, Brian had the filter cleaned and the machine hummed as it cleaned the bottom of the pool while he skimmed the top with a net. His wife came out. He nearly fell into the pool from the sight of her.
She strutted out in a pair of high heel sandals, which easily brought her massive breast up to his face. A two-piece bikini strained to cover her body, especially at her bust. She carried a book and a martini glass filled with ice blue liquid. She turned her attention upon him. Her stylish sunglasses gave her a frosty look, as she said loftily, “Aren’t you suppose be doing something young man? If my husband catches you staring at me, he’s going to have your ass. And he’s much bigger than I am!”
Brian quickly jumped back to work. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her walking by him, with her hip swinging side to side sexily. Her high heels click banging on the concrete within rhythm of her hips. He became heady after catching a whiff of her perfume.
As she walked around the pool to the lounge chair, she called out, “Make sure you double check the chlorine level in the pool and spa. I don’t want my hair turning green!” She strutted about and set her things on the table. She made sure he was watching as she bends over showing him her ass. Then she straightens to her full height and strutted over to the chair and sat down. Slowly she crossed her long legs sexily. She stared at him frostily as she took a sip of her drink. Tracy almost laughed when she saw the bulge in his silly oversize swimming trunks.
Brian tried to ignore the uncomfortable stiffness in his shorts, but it came back every time he looked at his towering wife. He liked playing his wife’s fantasy games, but this one puts him on the edge. The pool boy and the older woman was one of her favorite fantasies. But he had to play this one carefully, because one wrong word would leave him standing outside. He had to play the role exactly right or he’ll be left with a raging hard on for him to take care of himself. Looking at her huge tits had him drooling like an idiot while she sat there ignoring him by reading her book and sipping her drink.
A few minutes later, Brian approached the enormous busty brunette, “Um. Ms. Silverstine, I’ve checked the chlorine and it’s perfect for you to take a swim. I’ll see you next weekend Ma’am. And I’m sorry for staring at you. It’s just that you’re really beautiful Ma’am.”
He turned to leave when Tracy spoke, “Young man, here’s a tip for you. Women at my age don’t want to be told that they’re beautiful. We want to be sexy. Beautiful might work for girls at your age, but I wanna know if I do turn you on.”
Before he could turn around and respond to Tracy’s comment, a pair of hands grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back. His head banged into something firm and round. Her arm snaked down and around to his crotch. Her hand grabbed his erect cock. He winced from her tight grip.
She giggled, “Oh my! You’re a big one! For a little guy, you sure are big!”
She forcibly turned him around and forced him to tilt his head back to look up into her face. Her sunglasses were tossed to the chair. Her eyes smoldered with desire as she looked down into his face.
Slowly she licked her lips, “I have an idea, pool boy. Why don’t you stay here and show me your stuff?”
The 4’10” man backed away from the huge woman. He desperately tried to keep his mind away from sex. He knew once that Tracy got started she would never stop until she was satisfied. At his size, he could possibly get hurt.
“Um… I don’t think I should Ma’am. I do have other clients that I need to take care of, “ he took a couple of steps back from her. Before he could turn away, he froze in his track. Tracy pouted and slowly caressed her massive breasts. Her eyes smoldering at the sight of him trembling.
Tracy thrusted her chest out and turned her body slightly to the side, showing him her curvy body. “But, you’re not done taking care of me. Do you want me to be a loyal customer, do you? I’m sure I can make it worthwhile, “ she undid the knot of her skirt and it fell to the ground.
“B-B-But what about your husband?” he stammered.
“If he’s good, he’ll be back tomorrow,” she smiled as she slowly steps towards him. Her smile reminded him too much of a cat whose about to jump on the bird.
“Um… You got him locked up somewhere?”
Tracy chuckled, “You could say that. So… How about it? Stay here with me.” She was already upon him. Her huge fleshy globes inches from his face. The fabric of her bra was stretched tight, outlining her shape. He could see the nipple stretching the material, begging him to touch it.
“I-I-I suppose it couldn’t hurt to stay a while.”
“Good! Now take off that silly football shirt! Honestly, I don’t know what is it with you men and your sports!” Her hand ran up his arm, shoulder and through his hair.
“It’s a baseball shirt Ms. Sliverstine,” he quickly unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside.
“Whatever! I don’t suppose you’re wearing a pair of swimming shorts?”
He shook his head no.
“Well, take them off! You won’t be needing them,” she glanced appreciatively at his lean upper body although there was no trace of muscles anywhere on his body. “My, my, my! What a handsome young man you are! Your girlfriend really must be dragging you off to bed every night!”
“Uh…” Brian started to say but he remembered the outline of his wife’s fantasy and tried to remember the details, “I don’t have a girlfriend.”
The 5’6” woman stepped out of her heels and smiled, “Oh? Are you a virgin? Tell me the truth! Don’t be shy!”
The 4’10” man did his best to blush, “No, I’ve never been with a woman.”
She squealed with delight, “That’s so sweet! You’re just a baby boy! I’ve got so much to teach you!”
Brian took a step towards and made a reach for her monstrous tits. The towering busty woman slapped his hand away. He stared up her in surprise.
She chided, “Don’t be so hasty, my young lover! Just because I want you, it doesn’t mean that you can start with the goods. You need to stoke my fire first. You need to show me what kind of lover you are, “ She took a hold of both of his hands and guided them to her curvy hips, “Keep them there, or you’ll never reach 2nd base with me. Got it?”
The top of his head barely came up to her chin. It was comical to her when he tried to kiss her. Even standing on his toes didn’t help him much. Gently, she grabbed his head and lowered herself to his lips. She felt his hands tremble to remain at her hips. She smiled inwardly knowing that she’s testing the very patience of her little husband.
Her long arms wrapped about him and pulled him in close to her thick body. Her passion rose knowing that she had complete control over him. Brian felt so small and tiny compared to her. If she wanted to, she could knock him down and force him to do what she wanted him to do. He grunted when she pulled him in tighter against her body.
Suddenly, the man in a 19-year-old body jump when she dug her nails into his soft butt. He tried to pull himself away from her when she dug even harder against his soft flesh. Her lips muffled his cries.
Tracy broke away and laughed, “Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were that sensitive! Here! Why don’t you sit down?" She guided the nude little man by this arm to a plastic arm-less char. To his unexpected surprise, the beautiful woman sat down on his lap. A pair of giant mammaries engulfed his face. She wrapped her strong arms about his head and held him in a tight embrace.
With all the strength in his small body, he couldn’t pull himself free. He tried picking his wife up, but he neither had the strength nor the leverage. Her buttocks slowly cut off the blood to his legs and soon the pain began to set in. His screaming couldn’t be heard through her breasts.
Then the 5’6” woman released him. He leaned back and took in a swallow of air. He whimpered, “Tracy, get up please! You’re too heavy!”
Almost immediately, his face was slapped twice. She grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled it back painfully. She leaned forward so that her bountiful tit flesh once again covered the lower half of his face. She could see the fear setting into his eyes.
“I don’t recall ever giving you permission to call me by my first name. You WILL address me as Ms. Silverstine or Ma’am. Do you understand me?” With little movement he had, he nodded his head.
“Second, you never tell a woman that she’s too heavy, unless she’s obese. Do I look obese to you? If I do, pack up your shit and get the fuck out of here. You’re fired!” her spittle sprayed over his face.
Brian shook his head side to side, trying to convene his message. But her massive breast kept his head in a lock. He used his hands to let her know that it wasn’t what he was trying to say.
“Are you trying to tell me that I’m not fat?” He nodded his head up and down. “You poor dear! I’m sorry for pinning you like this! Here, let me help you up!”
The weight on his lap disappeared and his face was no longer immobilized or was he suffocating. He looked up at his towering wife, wondering if they were going to continue where they left off.
“Thank you, Ms Silverstine,” he croaked.
“That’s all right, Brian. Now, why don’t we go for a swim?”
“But I…” before he could finish, she grabbed him by the neck. The next thing he knew, he was thrown into the center of the pool.
He broke the surface to see Tracy smiling down at him. “Better watch out! There’s a man-eating shark in the pool!” She dove into the pool like a seasoned swimmer.
He tried to back pedal away from her, but his legs was not responding well since he couldn’t feel anything. He didn’t get very far when she caught up with him. Due to his lack of experience, the 4’10” man wasn’t a very good swimmer. He had a horrifying thought that his wife would pull him under the water.
He felt her hands grabbed him by the waist. He tried to struggle free, but she held on to him firmly. Then something wet and warm slid over his shaft. He looked down and saw Tracy giving him a blowjob. Her head bobbing rhythmically on his member, bringing it to life. His eyes threaten to roll back into a blissful sleep. He wanted her powerful administration to overtake him, but his natural fear of drowning kept him awake.
The intense pressure began to build up within his groin, threatening to explode. He closed his eyes for the anticipated climax. His entire body trembled as he fought to keep himself in control.
However, to his disappointment, Tracy stopped and pulls his tool out of her hot mouth. His natural aggression fought to push her back down to finish the job, but he didn’t want to drown her. It was better not to piss her off.
He winced at each love bite she gave him as she worked her way up. He marveled at her complete control of being able to stay submerged for long period of time. The busty brown hair woman grinned when she finally broke to the surface of the water.
“This shark would have had you for a snack, little boy!” she pressed her large body against him and gave him a passionate kiss. He ached to put his erect member into her pussy but he could only rub it against her tummy without him submerging himself into the water.
She laughed, “Patience my young lover! Let’s go over to the shallow end of the pool, where we can finish the job!” He followed her eagerly to the end of the pool.
Unfortunately, Tracy stopped at the five feet mark. The water came up to her shoulder while Brian had to tilt his head back to keep his face above the water.
“Ms. Silverstine,” he pleaded, “I can’t do it here. Can we move closer to the steps, please?”
“Sorry, little lover! You have to work for that privilege. Show me that you want me, little man. Are you ready to show me that you can be a man?” She pulled him up against her. His head was neatly nested between her breasts.
He felt her hand guide his hard cock into her wet cunt. She purred, “Oh yeah, baby! Get ready to pump me!” She wrapped her long thick legs around his hips. It effectively kept him trapped with her.
His towering wife leaned back with her long arms resting on the stone edge. Brian felt strange having his wife so much bigger than before. He felt as if he were holding on to a pair of smooth logs that was her thighs.
With a bit of effort, he managed to keep his head partly out of the water while he thrusted himself into her. Well not exactly thrusting, but more like jumping. Even with his wife buoyed by the water, his legs threaten to cramp on him from the excessive jumping.
He felt so weak with his teenage body. It wasn’t long before he started to feel lightheaded from the jumping. His legs were starting to feel rubbery and more and more he stumbled when he landed on his feet. His concentration soon began to waver, but the 4’10” tall man did not stop. He knew that to get out of her hold, he needed to bring her to a climax.
Suddenly her legs tighten, locking him against her crotch. Effortlessly, she lifted him out of the water. Tracy softly stroked his face, until he opened his eyes. “C’mon baby, let’s move over to the steps. I don’t want you to drown. Carry me over there if you can,” she teased him. She knew nothing in the world would make him happier than to have sex where he didn’t have to worry about drowning.
After Tracy got comfortable on the steps, she removed her top and flung it over to the deck. She grinned at him, “C’mon pool boy! Show me what you got for mama!” She playfully shook her ta-tas.
The small man stepped between her long sexy legs and inserted his member into her hot box. His lean small body made it difficult for him to get his maximum peak. He tried to reach for her shoulders but they were a little bit out of reach and hard for him to hold on to since they were wet.
Tracy rasped, “C’mon little boy! Fuck me!” She grabby his narrow waist and pulled him in. She shuddered in delight when she felt his small body slammed into hers. She felt as if she were an amazon taking advantage one of the small village men. The top of his head barely reached the underside of her massive breast.
He struggled to get some sort of grip or leverage on this huge woman. He tried to get a grip on her, but it was like him trying to make love to his own bed. His feet kept slipping on the pool floor when he tried to push himself deeper into her. The lean man tried to stand up for a deeper penetration, but the 5’6” woman’s weight made it impossible for him to even lift her.
The top of his head kept pushing against her breast. The thought of how big and smooth nearly drove him insane with lust. He desperately wanted to suckle her sweet nipples. Her thick teat in his mouth. Feel the size and firmness with his hands. All he could do was rub his face in her tummy.
He felt a sudden pressure in his sax indicating he was close to climaxing. But before he could stop it or control it, his shaft exploded with white cum into his wife crotch. The small man felt all of energy and strength ebb out of his weak body. His eyes fluttered close as he sagged into her huge body. He would have sunk into the water if it weren’t for his wife holding on to him.
Tracy exclaimed, “Damn! That was quick Brian! That barely warmed me up! I hope you’re ready for another one!”
“I can’t Tra… Ms. Silverstine. I can’t do another one. I’m so tired,” he moaned.
“Bullshit, little man! I want to fuck some more! You must be really weak!” she grabbed him from under his arms and hoisted him upon the deck.
Brian yelped in pain. The stone deck was extremely hard and uncomfortable to his small body. Her huge hand grabbed him and forced him to lie on his back. He tried to roll back but Tracy easily kept him pined with one hand.
Tracy growled passionately, “Don’t worry Pool boy… I’m going to take care of everything.”
Brian groaned weakly, “No! Please, no!”
The beautiful woman ignored his plead and took his deflated shaft into her hot mouth. His small body bucked twice as if he were given an electrical shock. Her tongue expertly swirled around it, coaxing it back to a full erection. He felt a little odd with his wife being able to take his entire shaft in her mouth. He felt tiny.
Slowly, Tracy was able to coax his penis to full hardness. He continued to struggle against her, but she held him down with ease. Knowing that she was able to that to her husband sent a shiver up her spine. She loved being stronger one between the two of them. For years Brain has always been the stronger than her. Even in the bed, he was always ready for more action. Now, she felt more like a tiger controlling her next meal.
“Tracy! Please…” she slapped his face before he could say anything else.
“Hush Pool boy! You don’t have to do a thing!” She looked gigantic as she straddled his thin body. Her massive breast dominated most of the view. He struggled to sit up but was promptly pushed back down.
She lean forward, her massive endowment hovering over his like a crane as she reinserted his erect member inside her wet pussy. The huge woman cooed when she pushed herself down on his shaft.
“Don’t you dare tell me I’m heavy little man! You should know by now, that I’m stronger than you are!” she warned him, “I could easily beat the shit out of you. Now I’m going to fuck you whether you like it or not.”
It continued to excite her, knowing that her husband was smaller and weaker than she. His hands were frantically trying to dislodge her from him. Her long legs kept him pined to the deck, preventing him from twisting side to side. His weaken state couldn’t lift her from the ground.
Brian fought to move his wife, but he lacked the strength to push her off. He tried not to panic and conserve his oxygen in his lungs. But her massive body humping his cock kept squeezing the air out from his lungs. Every which way possible, Tracy minimized the chance of his escaping. He knew that she love to go wild during sex. However, this time, she went to the extreme. In his old body, he could easily handle her, but now she had the advantage of being bigger and stronger.
Suddenly something popped from her crotch, and he felt a hot liquid trickling down his shaft. The giant Tracy shuddered and moaned. He knew all too well the signs that she had climaxed.
The 5’6” woman released his penis and rolled off to her side. Now he was able to breath better without her weight pressing down on top of him. She smiled as she wriggled down until their faces were leveled with each other. She puckered her lips indicating that she wanted to be kissed.
August 17, 2005 at 10:20 pm #11523Warren Vehec
Participant3rd part–
As furious as he was, he didn’t want to give in to her request. He knew if he didn’t, she wouldn’t be above getting physical and he didn’t want that. Not after what she did. He rolled over and gave his tall wife a kiss. Her arms and legs interlocked with his. She hugged him tightly to her curvy body. Tracy purred which eventually broke into giggles. She couldn’t continue to kiss him while laughing.
The 4’11” man broke off and looked at her questioningly. It took her a moment to compose herself.
“I just can’t believe how small you feel!”
“So I gather you’ll want me back at my normal size?”
“Hell no! Quite the opposite. I want to keep you like this forever and ever! I never felt so dominant with you! I love it when I can control you so easily! I’ve always wanted to play the older sexy woman with the pool boy.”
“So, I guess you’ll want the real thing now?”
“Don’t be stupid Brian! I’ll never open my legs to another man! Only to you! Got that?” she slapped his chest.
He winced from the slap. “Got it, Tracy.”
“Good!” she gave him a deep passionate kiss, which left him wanting more. “I’m going to take a shower, little man. Pick up my things and come inside. I’ll give you a nice little surprise.” The 5’6” brunette leaned over and nibbled his ear. The bite sent a pleasant shock down his back and aroused his deflated dick.
The large woman quickly got up and walked slowly with her hips swinging towards the door. If someone just happened to look over the fence to see her, Tracy would have given him the biggest show of his life. She wouldn’t have given it a second thought.
Brian, on the other hand, immediately found something to cover himself. He groaned in pain as he went about picking up Tracy’s discarded clothes, her book, drink and his shorts. He felt as if he had been the school tackle dummy for the football team. He knew by tomorrow the bruises will show up. He knew his wife was an aggressive lover from the day he met her and he loves for it. Now, he’s beginning to have second thoughts about it. At his current size, she’s going to be dangerous.
The 4’11” teenage man placed all of the items in a neat pile by the door. He groaned as he sat down on a patio chair that was within the shade of the porch. Last thing he needed was sunburn on top of his bruises. He smiled when the cool breeze wash over him.
He had to admit that the thought of it was exciting to make love to an ‘older’ woman as a teenager. Although it wasn’t fair for him to be weaker than she is. He couldn’t remember if he was that weak when he was 19 years old. All through his childhood, he had been athletic. He’s never been weak until now. He felt helpless against his wife. Maybe she should see what it’s like being helpless. Of course, he’ll have to be gentle. Roll back the clock on Tracy about 20 years, when she was 14. Give her large ‘C’ cup boobs. Tracy never had any tits when she was at that age. Brian can pretend to be her tutor. He knew that of his wife’s crush on a tutor she had when she was a teenager.
Brian smiled at the thought of his wife being smaller than him for a change. His shaft thickened at the thought. His hand rubbed his erected cock. Savoring at the thought, he smiled even more.
Quietly, the lean man went into the house. He could hear the shower running when he checked the bedroom. He knew she was still there. But for how long? He didn’t know how long she was going to be in the shower. He had to be quick and get in the office and reload Tracy’s picture and find the commands to make the necessary adjustment.
He made his way to her office. The screen was dark, but he could tell the computer was still on. He smiled, it was in sleep mode. All the more better. The computer beeped and the hard drive whirred to life.
His index finger clicked twice on the mouse to wake the computer from sleep mode. The monitor came to life with a flashing cursor asking for a password. Brian sat back in shock. His towering wife actually knew how to put the computer on a lock? She must have been learning things at work to do this. He felt confident that he could crack the code to get into the system. Tracy always made things easy for her.
He tried her birth date. The computer buzzed invalid password. His birth date. Invalid password. Her mom’s name. Invalid password. Her favorite numbers. Invalid password.
“I knew you were going to come back to my computer!”
He jumped at the sound of her voice. He faced her and saw his wife standing at the doorway. She had donned one of her sexy underwear and a shirt that was stretched to the limits with a logo saying, “I like BOYS!” that was stretched out that was almost unreadable.
“Oh hi! I was just on the computer to load up a couple more software for you,” his face was flushed with embarrassment.
“You’re such a lair! You’re trying to get back into that program! To what? Return yourself back to normal and make a few more changes to me. Right?”
“Uh-yeah… Can you blame me for that?”
“Yes, I can. I let you put these boobs on me. You should have been happy with that. So, what were you going to do to me? Make me… what? 16 or 17? Smaller and weaker than you? And pretend to be my horny boyfriend?”
“I was going to make you 14 with ‘C’ cup breast. And not as your horny boyfriend. I was going to be that tutor you had a crush on years ago.”
“You’re sick! I grew out of that fantasy years ago! And what then? Were you going to rape me?”
“No! I would never do that to you! You’re my wife! How did you know how to lock the computer? I never taught you that.”
“Nice to hear that, but I don’t think you were going to give me any choice on that. With you being big and all. I learn a lot of that stuff at work. Like voice recognition. Watch! Computer!”
The computer chirped.
“Password: private property.”
The computer chirped again and the screen came to life. Brian jumped and quickly hit the key that shuts down any running programs.
Tracy chuckled, “Sorry babe. I’ve shut down the mouse and keyboard function. I have it on voice commands only. I spent the better part of the morning training the computer to recognize my voice. Watch! Computer!”
“Load: Brian Toy!”
Whir! Whir! Click! Click! Chirp!
“Computer! Execute!”
The 4’11” tall man expected to see the program pop up, but none came. Suddenly, his shorts grew. Everything around him expanded. His huge tarp size shorts feel to the floor. The leather back of the chair moved back. The little man fell on his back into the seat of the cushion.
Brian squeaked, “Oh shit!” as his wife stepped to the chair. Her huge face gazed down upon him. Her breast looked monstrous from his viewpoint. It looked bigger than her face.
“How big…” he started to say.
“You’re eight inches tall, little man. You’re just perfect. I’m going to enjoy having you. You look so precious! Oh Yeeeah!” Her voice thundered, “Now, I need to do something first. Get out of my chair little freak!”
He knew she meant business. No games. The chair spun nearly knocking him off his feet. He turned to look up to see her thong bikini lined between the cheek of her butt descending down upon him. The shrunken man scrambled for the edge. He had no idea how much for her bottom was going to cover the chair. He made a dive for the arm of the chair, but he miscalculated the distance. His tiny body fell to the ground. He screamed as he fell. It was a miracle that he somehow survived the fall. The carpet shag cushioned his impact, but not enough to sustain the damage done to his body.
The chair screeched and cracked when the giantess Tracy moved it towards the desk. She didn’t even look down to see if he was OK. It was a clear indication that she was furious with her husband.
“Computer! Activate keyboard and mouse function!” her voice boomed. The keyboard clicked and clacked as her hands flew over it with practice ease.
After several minutes later, he heard her cooed, “Perfect!” and a few seconds. “We can’t have you in pain, if you can’t do your job ‘little man’. Let’s see if I can fix you up!”
The sound of the keyboard went on for eternity to the tiny man. He tried to make himself comfortable by shifting around, but all it did was make his pain more noticeable. He wanted more than anything was this pain to go away.
He heard all to well of Tracy’s voice thundering, “There!” and a final click. Suddenly his pain faded away as if someone took an eraser to it.
She chuckled, “Better thank your Goddess Tracy for that.”
“Excuse me? I am not going to call you ‘Goddess’ or any other supreme being name. Return me back to normal Trace! This isn’t funny any more!” Brian got to his feet and screamed at her.
“You’re right little man. This isn’t funny anymore. You’ve missed the point who controls your life now. I could go two ways on this. I could make your life pleasurable or I can make it painful. Allow me to demonstrate!” Her hand came down like a hawk and swept him off the floor. Tracy’s face loomed bigger and bigger as she brought him up close. The giant brunette smiled and her huge pink tongue came out to lick his tiny pecker.
Flashes of pleasure raced through his body caused his miniature body to jolt. He tried to hold himself perfectly still, but his nerves refuses to obey his will.
Tracy chuckled, “Wasn’t that nice? Or would you rather I do this?”
Brian couldn’t see what she was doing on the computer. He felt something like an intense heat on his arm. He looked down and watched his shoulder and bicep turn red like sunburn, then his skin smoldered as if it caught on fire. He screamed from the intense pain. A few seconds later the pain was gone.
“Pretty painful, huh?” she glared at the tiny man, “Then again I had the computer to do it. I really don’t need it. Watch!”
Her fingers and thumb bore down on his frail body. Brian screamed again and fought against her crushing grip. He looked up at her scowling face. Suddenly the pressure was gone. He felt a sudden drop of gravity and her hand dropped him a few inches to the carpet.
“Get up Brian!” her voice boomed, “Get up or I’m going to step on you right where you are!”
He looked up to see her foot swinging over him. He ducked in time as her foot sailed past over his head. He knew she missed by a foot, but she won’t miss a second time. His mind was in total chaos. He has no idea what direction he was running to but it was better than staying where he was.
His chest pain hurts so much that he wobbled when he ran. Tracy’s crushing fingers did more damage to him than he realized. He didn’t get very far when something slammed into him from behind. His body tumbled head over heel on the shaggy carpet. The room spun as he tried to get back up but he only fell over again. He tried to get up again but his body refused to obey.
“Gotcha you little freak!” the towering woman yelled in triumph.
Brian looked up in time to see her foot coming down. His legs cracked from her heel stepping down on him. He screamed while his leg laid there uselessly and bleeding. Convulsion ran through his body as he looked at the remains. His eyes threatened to roll back from the shock. He grabbed the carpet to pull himself up so he could run again from this woman. His body jerked and spasmodic but he couldn’t pull himself up.
“Computer! Load: Heal!”
Whir! Whir! Clack! Clack! Chirp!
“Computer: Execute!”
And the pain vanished. The diminutive man stared at his legs. His legs was whole, as nothing had happened. No trace of blood or damage remained.
“Do you need any more demonstration?” a voice asked above him.
The tiny man shook his head no, but he didn’t look up at her. Fear took a hold of him preventing him from looking up at his terrifying towering wife.
“Good! Now, what’s my name?”“Goddess Tracy,” he said in his normal tone of voice.
“What? I can’t hear you.”
“Goddess Tracy!” he screamed.
“Good! Now, you owe me an apology for doubting my power. I don’t like to get abusive, but I will if you ever disobey me! Now, come here and kiss my foot. Show me that you’re sorry!” She shoved her foot under his face. Her foot was easily longer than he was tall. To him it was roughly the size of a Buick.
Brian could smell the richly scented soap she uses when she bathes. Her toes were neatly pedicure, but there was no nail polish. The tiny man lean down and gave the top of her foot a quick kiss and stood back up. He found that was a mistake.
“What was that little worm? It doesn’t seem you’re very sorry! I think you need another sample!” she roared as she pulled her feet out and hovered over his tiny body.
Brian cowered as he expected her foot to come down on him any second. He screamed, “I’m sorry Goddess Tracy! Give me another chance to show you! Please!”
The foot moved down in front of him. He launched himself at her foot. His lips kissed all five of her toes and he hugged her ankle. Tracy giggled as she watched him try to please her.
After a minute of watching him kissing her foot, she said, “Ok, that’s enough. Now back up. I want you to watch my transformation!”
Brian moved back until he reached the far wall, which was only a few feet from his wife. He had no idea what to expect. He knew Tracy’s idea of transformation could be anything minimal to extreme.
“Computer: Load Goddess Tracy!”
Whir! Whir! Click! Click! Chirp!
“Computer: Execute!”
For a long minute, nothing seemed to happen. Until her soft fat tummy began to recede, making her looks toned and thinner. The towering brunette moaned softly. As her body became lean, her massive breast almost seems to grow. The cellulite on her inner thighs vanished without a trace. The muscle tone on her legs became more and more pronounce. Her underwear that was once stretched to the limits was now barely hanging on to her as her body slimmed down.
The biceps on her arm slowly grew. Even relaxed, Brian could see the definition on it as it expanded. It grew thicker and thicker, until Tracy’s hand couldn’t even cover much of it.
Her shirt that had been originally been straining to cover her massive knockers was now loosing the battle to contain her chest. Oozes of flesh were slowly sliding out from the top and bottom of her latex shirt. Slowly the seems began to rip as her shoulders became wider. A tear began to form at the center of her chest. The sides also began to break apart. Tracy winces with a bit of discomfort, as the shirt grew too small for her expanding body.
The eight inch tall man watched in fascination as his wife grew bigger and bigger. Even from his angle, he could see that she was getting taller and taller. The top of her head inched closer to the ceiling light with each passing second.
All this was too much for the latex shirt to handle. Section by section, the shirt fell to the floor. What was left of it, the muscular brunette tore off. She chuckled she spotted her tiny husband hiding behind a chair. His head was popping out every few seconds from behind the chair.
“You can come out little man, “ she smiled. “Oh man! I had no idea what it meant having all these muscle would mean! God! What a rush!”
The miniature man made no move towards her. Tracy was in no mood to coax him out. “Brian! I told you to get your ass over here! Do I have to convince you?” her voice was the edge of screaming. It was enough to bring her husband out.
His naked little body scurrying towards her. Funny. He looks a lot smaller than he did before. Instead of 8 inches, he looks more like 6 inches, she thought.
The muscular Tracy swept her tiny husband up off the floor before he could reach her. She giggled when she heard him scream. He struggled against her fingers. She tightens her fingers about him, which made him scream even more.
“Stop it Brian! I’m only doing this so you don’t fall out of my hand! Now behave!” She flicked her finger on his twig-like thigh. He screamed in pain.
She walked out of the office and made her way towards their bedroom. Everything looked different to the towering Tracy. It was almost as if she stepped into an elaborate playhouse for girls. She had to duck slightly to prevent her from banging her head into the top doorframe. The furniture looked almost toy like. The 8 feet tall woman felt a sense of phobia with the walls and ceiling closing in on her.
With her new stature, she could easily touch the ceiling above her head. With her long legs, she easily traverses across the living room with a few steps. With her new muscular strength, she could easily tear down the house with her bare hands.
She saw her husband staring up at her. “You know, you look so small! Even my breast are so much bigger than you are!” she brought him closer to her bouncy massive tits. There was a considerable difference between her boobs and the little man.
Her little husband looked as if he were trying to hit an imaginary brakes to avoid a collision with her chest. There was fear expressed on his diminutive face. Tracy decided to have a little fun with him.
August 17, 2005 at 10:21 pm #11524Warren Vehec
Participant4th part–
“You know, Brian, I’m getting so wet just from seeing how small you are! Oh yeah!” with her free hand, she fondled with her nipple and she pressed him closer to her breast, “I wanna play with you little man!”
Brian screamed, “Tracy! No! Please don’t! You’ll crush me! Oh god! Please stop!”
Tracy’s voice boomed with laughter, “Oh Brian! I’m just teasing you, hon! You must be totally worn out from all this excitement! I’m probably too much for you! Aw hell, I know I’m too much for you! Your body isn’t in any condition to run marathons you know! As for me, “ she flexed her biceps, which exploded into impressive definition, “I can do three!”
The giantess stopped at her dresser and opened the top drawer which was filled with her personal sexy bra and matching underwear. She gently deposited her husband in the middle of her colorful collection of underwear, “Now honey, I’m going to put you in my drawers where you can get some rest.”
“No Tracy! Don’t leave me in here! I’ll be good! I promise!”
“Sorry hon. This house is simply too big for you. I’m not taking any chance on you getting lost in here. If I don’t know where you are, I just might accidentally step on you! Now, be a good boy and get some sleep. If you’re good, I’ll have a nice little reward for you when you wake up!”
He tried to run to the edge of the drawer, but the sea of underwear’s impeded his movement. He was thrown back when the giant Tracy closed the drawers. She left drawer open just a crack to allow fresh air to flow in.
He heard his towering wife swear, “Oh damn! I don’t have anything that will fit me. Brian, I’m going to borrow some of your clothes! Okay? Have a nice nap!”
He tried to say something and realized the full futility of it. There was nothing more he could do now. He was nothing more than a gnat to her now. The tiny man took his wife’s advice and began arranging the thick fabric of her underwear into a comfortable bed. He did feel tired and worn out. The smell of his wife’s scent was strong from her underwear’s and bras. It was a smell that could easily turn him on and put him to sleep. With one hand on his cock, he stroked himself as he lulled off to sleep.
A few hours later, his make shift bed is dragged out in the light the light flooded the box and nearly blinded the tiny man. Brian screamed as he trolled over to bury himself deeper in her silky panties.
A voice purred, “Aww, it’s that sweet! C’mon honey. You’ve slept long enough.“ Tracy’s voice was extra loud and chipper.
As the giantess pulled him out of the drawer, Brian manage to hold on to one of her many color panties. He continued to bury his face in the warm scented fabric.
“Will you stop that!” the blanket size garment was yanked away from. The light painfully stabbed his senses. He quickly covered his eyes with both of his hands. Even with his eyes shut, the light was still penetrating. He tried to blink away the brightness but the light was too bright for his senses to adjust.
He screamed, “Tracy! The light! Turn off the light!”
He was promptly set on the edge of the drawers. A strong smell of cooked meat assaulted his nose. With the light blinding his eye sight, he couldn’t tell where it was coming from.
With his eyes shut, Brian felt the light dimmed. He sighed with relief when the pain faded away. He opened his eyes but it took a few seconds for his eyes to focus.
“Is that better, honey?” Tracy hovered over him. Truth be known, all he really could see was the underside of her massive breast, which was encased by a white t-shirt. The shirt looked more like a tent covering her massive breasts.
“Here!” a huge white tank roughly about the size of a car dropped next to him. He recognized it as a burrito. His favorite. Her huge hands reached down and ripped off the wrapper and a sizable chunk of flour and meat poured out of the opening. “Eat! I know you’re hungry!” He stared at the huge amount of food that was being offered to him.
Little meatballs rolled out form the burrito. His stomach growled in hunger as he picked up the hot steaming meat. He ate like a ravenous animal that hasn’t been fed in days.
Tracy chuckled, “I figured you’d be hungry. I got you another gift!” Her building size body moved away from the dresser.
As she moved away from him, he was able to get a better look at her. His cock stiffen from the sight of her outfit. It was just like her to show off her new body. Her white top was actually a wrap around halter top with plenty of tit flesh protruding over the top of the low cut collar. He drooled at the thought of rubbing his hands over her overly endowed breast and her curves.
Her bottom half, not being out done by her top, left nothing to the imagination. Her muscles rippled under the stretch tight fabric. He couldn’t tell if she was wearing extra tight spandex or if her clothes were actually sprayed on.
The giant Tracy brought out a cloth covered object and placed it behind him on the dresser. The dresser rocked a bit from the additional weight of the package. With a tug, Tracy revealed a 3 story high birdcage.
“Ta-DAH! Your new home Brian!” she squealed in delight.
The eight inch tall man was flabbergasted. He was going to live in a birdcage?
“B-B-But Tracy! Aren’t you going to restore me back to normal?” he shouted up at her.
“Nope Bug man! You’re being punished. I meant every word I said earlier. I can’t have you sleeping in a drawer full of my smelly underwear and turning you loose in the house is out of the question. Besides, isn’t this neat? While you’re in there, you can do your exercise You can have your own place decorated any way you want it. I know I wasn’t being fair when we first moved into this place and I took over the decoration and threw out your favorite chair and other things. Here, you can keep the things you wanted and decorated it as a bachelor pad.”
“But what about my job? Surely you can’t keep me at this size forever? I have to be ready to go back to work in about a month.”
“You think they’re going to give a teaching job to a 19 year old boy? I like the thought of having a younger lover. Think of all the things I can teach you. Beside, even if they were willing to let you have your job, I don’t trust those high school sluts. I’ve seen those girls that attend your school. They look like hookers. So, no way if you think you’re going back to teaching.”
“But Tracy, that job pays for our house, cars, and vacations. What are we going to do for a second income? I know we can’t live on your salary.”
The huge woman’s face dropped down to the dresser’s height. She smiled, “You can be my assistant. You’ll attend to my every needs. I’m going to start a web page. A web page that’s going to make us a lot of money!”
“A web page? A web page about what Tracy?”
“About me, silly little man. I’ve got a software that can make me look anyway I want to. Slim and tall. Short and busty. Fat. Muscular. Blonde. Redhead. Brunette. As the money rolls in, we can buy props, clothing, and other things. Hell, we could create a giantess photos that would knock the pants off these guys. Just think! The possibilities are endless. We get enough money rolling in, we could buy a place in the mountains that would guarantee our privacy and possibly do some outside scene and shots. What do you think?”
“Well, um…”
His wife stood up until he was looking directly at her massive tits. Before he could do or say anything, he found himself in the valley of her mountainous knockers. One alone easily dwarfs his tiny body. That made him very uncomfortable. Her warm breath washed over him.
She breathed, “You know it’s so easy to swallow you with my boobs. There’s a lot of men who would kill to be where you are and at your size too. And I’m pretty sure I can drown you between my breast. Do you want to find out?”
“Tracy! Please! I’m having enough trouble breathing here.”
“Do I need to convince you of my idea?”
“No ma’am! It’s a wonderful idea! When can we start?”
“Good boy! Now for your first duty as my assistant, your job is to make me a happy woman!” her huge fingers plucked him from his ledge on the dresser and he was deposited in the middle of their king-size bed.
Within seconds, the giant Tracy had stripped herself of her tight fitting clothes. Her muscular 8 foot frame barely fit on the king size bed. She smiled at the memory of the bed being so huge to her this morning. Now it looked more like a bed for children. She made a mental note to herself to experiment with the software to see if she could also alter the size of the bed. Might save wear and tear on the bed if she could.
The bed cracked and rocked as the huge muscular woman crawled to the center of the bed. She took great care not to crush her husband in the process. She giggled thinking that she must look like a 747 airplane coming down for a landing. After positioning herself, she picked up Brian and placed him between her long thick muscular legs. She waited for him to get his bearings.
“Well little man? Get busy!” she tapped her huge finger on his back which promptly knocked him into her wet crotch.His head poked up above her bush, “But I thought you wanted me to suck on your tits.” His voice sounded as if he had been sucking on helium.
“Address me as Goddess Tracy, little worm! You’re not off the hook. Serve me first and if you serve me well, we’ll see about getting you some dessert. Now, get to work!”
Tracy smiled as she thought up some ideas for her website. She could taste the success of her website. She purred as she felt her husband’s tiny body pressing up against her crotch.
August 21, 2005 at 5:15 am #11525y498yates
ParticipantI was wondering where you went! I haven't read anything by you since "Popped!"
Anyway – great work as usual. Maybe one of these days the guys in your story will have a happier ending!
September 29, 2005 at 9:07 pm #11526magnus knight
Another brutal one. I'm begining to sens a pattern here. Keep it up. My only little comment is less SM and more CB (clothes bursting).
_M. -
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