Possible story idea: (slow-acting) FMG virus

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    Rob Smith

    Maybe one of you guys who (unlike me) have writing ability might be able to use this in something. It certainly has a lot of standard elements and is (I admit) derivative of many stories, but maybe there’s enough original there for someone to work with.

    I got the idea when reading that article over on Transvigor about Rebekkah Armstrong (former Playboy centerfold who got AIDS,and from that got into fitness, and by now has built herself up into a pretty large bodybuilder).


    A team working on an AIDS cure finally does it and cures the disease.

    Or so they think.

    Unbeknownst to them, their cure doesn’t eliminate the HIV in someone, but instead mutates it into another virus that at least at the moment is undetectible (though as time goes in, the new virus will eventually be discovered…and what then?) The new virus has all the same transmission vectors as HIV (bodily fluids, most easily transmitted M-F and M-M, can be transmitted F-F, but a lot harder to do, etc.)

    The new virus infects both males and females, but has absolutely no effect (good or bad) on males. Males are simply carriers.

    For women, the virus (surprise, surprise :)) causes muscle growth — basically makes women very "easy gainers". An average woman would develop into someone who currently looks like a muscular-end-of-the-spectrum fitness competitor. A woman who works out a bit would develop into a someone who currently looks like a pretty hard-core FBB. Like HIV, the effects are not hereditary.

    The virus is relatively slow-acting. Infected females won’t notice anything for 6-12 months and will then take 6-12 months to reach "full potential".

    Potential areas to explore:

      *Males who intentionally get infected in order to infect their girlfriend/spouse

      *Radical feminist groups who forcibly infect their "poor oppressed sisters", whether the infectees want it or not.

      *Females who get infected (however) and never end up liking what’s happened to them.

      *Females who get infected, hate it at first ("ewwwwww…muscles!") and end up coming to love it.

      *Infection/growth "cults"

      *Societal reaction, as females first slowly start growing, and then as time goes on, what happens once the cause is discovered.


      I haven’t though about whether the virus should also cause some breast/height growth (though I was definitely thinking this is much more of a FMG idea than a GTS idea). Likewise for whether or not the virus should cause increased libido/sexual aggression in females or if to the extent that happens in any female, it’s just due to increased confidence/better body image due to her new strength.

      Just trying to contribute in a way I can, since I’m a lousy writer.


      It remember me an idea I had had a few years ago when I thought I could be a writer, there was some different things. The new virus was create to distroye HIV and the consequence were enormous changes into our society.

      There were height changes after the second and third generation (Of course there was boobs growth too…) Sure my taste for enormous female muscle stories will cause most of the women to growth to enormous proportion.

      I’m hoping for someone (a writer) to think about your storie idea (it’s a long time work)

      Sorry for my poor english,

      X-Greg, the frenchy



      You say you aren’t a writer but you’ve already got one hell of an outline.

      Why not treat it as a science fiction piece then?

      The characters would be vehicles for you to explore the ramifications of this HYPER-HIV.

      While Michael Criton isn’t known for his ability to make sympathetic characters his precise style lends his tales at least some belevability.

      You could devote a ‘story’ to each aspect that you discussed. If you want it to have an anthology feel then make its backdrop an apartment building or small community. That way you have a society in minature and you can employ each character to a specific line of thought that you want to detail.

      I’ve only dabbled in writing myself so I’m no expert when it comes to form and delivery. However you seem to be a well read person and if you’re able to present your ideas so concisely in post format I’d love to see them as a story.

      If you don’t have the free time to craft a tale around these ideas bouncing in your head just say so 😉 I have the feeling that you’re a better tale spinner than you give yourself credit for.

      Give it a try man 8)


      Not to rain on your parade, and I rarely offer advice in the story arena, but since I’ve used similar related TF vectors in the past . . . 8)

      The characters would be vehicles for you to explore the ramifications of this HYPER-HIV.

      This is a pretty sensitive topic to be playing with, especially given the nature of what AIDS does to people in the real world. Instead, I’d suggest using another virus – if you got any real imagination it’s not difficult for someone to make up their own.

      The new virus infects both males and females, but has absolutely no effect (good or bad) on males. Males are simply carriers.

      Problem with this is that in reality viruses don’t distingish between the male and female sexes in infecting and affecting them any more then trying to engineer one to be used as a bio-bomb to exclusivly elimate specific ethnic groups. (Like chemical agents, they’re just too unpredictable – a danger to user as much as the target.) Trying to artificially limit it to females only would be too much of a plausibility stretch, especially if it’s airborne like pneumonic plague or the flu. You’ll have less of a problem if it’s transmitted by bodily fluids, but again, they don’t distinguish between the two sexes since manipulation of the DNA in the cells in order to produce more of themselves is the only goal of a virus.

      Rather, what you’re thinking of would be more akin to Gene Therapy to produce a desired result by correcting an inherent problem in a given indevidual or Nanotechnology where tiny machines manipulate the cellular DNA to change the structure of the body.

      “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
      ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)



      Are you really trying to say that a virus that affects only women are scientific impossibility? As opposed to what? Genies? Magical devices that women grow an men shrink? Chemical formulas that cause muscles to transfer from one person to the other?

      If this level of realism is so important to you, you should find a hard time reading 99.9% of the stories found on this forum on in any other FMG/giantess site on the panet.




      Are you really trying to say that a virus that affects only women are scientific impossibility? As opposed to what? Genies? Magical devices that women grow an men shrink? Chemical formulas that cause muscles to transfer from one person to the other?

      No, but what I am saying is that if you’re going to be using this particularly scientific formula as a means to an end – do keep in mind that a strong suspension of disbelief / leap of credibility is going to be required in order to create an aura of plausibility on the part of the author.

      Generalities, especially in technical subjects, always work the best in a sci-fi fantasy storyline.

      As for the rest of your commentary – it’s a non sequitur . . . 8)

      “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
      ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


      Alex G,

      Those are some very good points. The idea of a FMG inducing counter plague is somewhat horrifing on it’s own without bringing a real world affliction into it. The somewhat over enthusiastic adoption of "Hyper-HIV’ is now dropped from my suggestion roster.

      I should think a little harder on this.

      The Sci-Fi angle instead of Hard-Science Fiction does seem the better choice.

      Here’s hoping my thoughtlessness didn’t scare rsmith666a off from the idea of writing. 8)

      Thank you for the input. 🙂


      I still think this whole issue of virus only affecting females is no more unreal then ANY muscle growth EVER written in the history of FMG stories. There is NO SCIENTIFIC MEANS of enhacing muscle or strength in the level of these stories. The only means of a woman aquiring muscle, is for her to take massive doses of steroids, which most of the times will leave her looking ugly as dog! The only scientific possibility of muscle gain, that we know of, is by supressing the production of myostatin through gene therapy, which is something likely to happen in the next 10-20 years. Anything else, is fantasy. Pure fantasy!

      For the sake of argument, lets just say that the virus causes a genetic mutation. Since we know that there are certain gender-biased genetic diseases, maybe the mutation only affects females. Is that good enough?


      I agree. Let’s just say that something in the Y chromosome renders the cells immune to the virus.

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