Re: Quadra-Blu by Lyman Dally

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  • #10534

    These are cool. I'd like to see more.

    Anyone know where I can get some more of this?


    Wow!  That's brilliant!  I'm amazed it made it into the vaguely mainstream media.  Thanks for finding it, Alex!


    realy nice find šŸ˜€

    gimme size

    Nice.  I remember those.  If I recall correctly, the author eventually had her make the shift from BB to fitness, a sad reflection of reality…


    Nice.Ā  I remember those.Ā  If I recall correctly, the author eventually had her make the shift from BB to fitness, a sad reflection of reality…

    That was because the strip was closing. In an interview at his site (I think it's down now, gotta check), he said back when MD had a directive or board change (or something like that), they told him that his services weren't needed any more, the maghazine was taking a change of direction regarding FBB, so this chartacter was not in their plans. It was something that happened very quickly, something like a week, and not very polite i think, so he said good bye with that strip.

    If memory doesn't decieve me, all that shift think was extremly ironic.


    That was because the strip was closing. In an interview at his site (I think it's down now, gotta check), he said back when MD had a directive or board change (or something like that), they told him that his services weren't needed any more, the maghazine was taking a change of direction regarding FBB, so this chartacter was not in their plans. It was something that happened very quickly, something like a week, and not very polite i think, so he said good bye with that strip.Ā  If memory doesn't decieve me, all that shift think was extremly ironic.

    I was about to relate the same info, but I see you beat me to it – albeit with this corollary.Ā  Lyman didn't abandon the strip, but tried to turn it into an independent series of graphic novels, including (if I remember right) having Quadra restored to her uberbuffed format.Ā  I believe that what's left of his Max Rep web site can be found linked onto the Truly Huge bodybuilding site.

    As for more, maybe when I have the time Iā€™ll attempt to scan-assemble the profile centerfold page that I have of Quadra, tho, I think Lyman vastly undersized her stated figures if you compare how he generally drew her while next to Max.


    Update – I checked at the Internet Wayback Machine Archive and what do you know, found it.

    The entry for October 18, 2000:

    Donā€™t know how many of the graphics are saved, typical only text is backed up there, but hereā€™s the complete list of saves by the Internet Wayback Machine incase anyone wants to have a go at it.

    You'll have to cut and past this one –*/

    ā€œI like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.ā€
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    I'd really like to get the comics and the stories he produced. Anyone know where I can pick 'em up? I tried ebay, but none there…


    I'd really like to get the comics and the stories he produced. Anyone know where I can pick 'em up? I tried ebay, but none there…

    Kind of a long shot, but after doing some digging you might want to try and write to this address and inquire if they're still even available for sale.

    Found it by clicking on to the moving Gif of Max squating the two comic book issues.

    ā€œI like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.ā€
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    I doubt that'll work. Dang.


    Well, here's the centerfold / spread w/ Quadra Blu – surprisingly, given my past (cussing with vulgar expletives) experiences with such, it assembled far easier then I ever expected, must be the Gods and Goddesses of Muscle smiling upon the work.Ā  Ā šŸ˜Ž

    Anyway, as I previously said, the stats of height and size as stated by Lyman, IMHO, are way off, especially in the light of how she was normally drawn in comparison to Max.Ā  But then, I've found the same thing happening with the Handbooks put out by Marvel or DC . . . is Jen Walters 5'-4", 5'-6" or at last count, 5'-10" when not the She-Hulk . . .Ā  šŸ˜

    As with any Marvel/DC et al crossover team up graphic novel, it would be interesting to have one with Quadra along with DCM's Tetsuko and Morrison's Andrah – the "Titaness Trio" as they save their respective alt-realties from a grand menace that threatens them all with utter destruction.Ā  šŸ˜®

    ā€œI like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.ā€
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

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