- This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 5 months ago by
May 17, 2006 at 12:47 am #28408
ParticipantI'm also interested! As another of the few anime/manga FMG authors, you're welcome here! Can't wait to see what that dream will come to play into…
August 19, 2006 at 8:41 pm #28409joey7x
ParticipantHey all.
First off I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to read that little prolougue.
Second, I must apologize for taking so long in updating. Just
know that I really tried with this.So without any further prolonging…
August 19, 2006 at 8:44 pm #28410joey7x
ParticipantAnna felt like slapping someone.
The household had been in a state of chaos since early that morning. It began when Tamara decided to mop the floor. Her mind must have been some where else, as when she made the solution, she used entirely too much wax. Enough to land a groggy spirit medium flat on her back. To make matters worse, Trey and Lenny, Yoh's free-loading friends, had come over and were now arguing quite loudly. She didn't know what about but, knowing those two it was something as inconsequential as which side of the toast to butter. Then there was Yoh…
Ah Yoh, her Fiance and ticket to the title of Shaman Queen, and consequently, an easy life. To be fair Anna wasn't using Yoh. She possesed genuine feelings for him. Those feelings were hidden very well under a mask of emotionless ice, but they were there. The fact of the matter was, that for Anna, being Shaman Queen was a goal. And nothing stood in the way of anna achieving her goals. Not even the person achieving them for her.
"C'mon Anna. Can't you go easy on me for just today ?" Yoh was on his knees, hands clasped in the classic begging position.
"No." she responded coldly.
"Aww, why not? You saw what happened with Zeke. I think i'm plenty strong. Don't you agree…dear?" The last word came out awkwardly. It was'nt said often. It recieved well even less.
"And that's why I do the thinking for the both of us." Anna replied as she took a sip of her morning tea.
"Yes, Yoh, I did see what happened with Zeke. So did everyone else at the tournament.
Yoh's dopey grin began to fade at her second comment.
"Let me ask you something, 'honey'. Were it not you and instead someone els,. say, Len, who defeated Zeke. Would you have felt confident enough to face him in battle?" She took another sip of tea.
"Well, maybe…I…"
"Would you sit idly by, waiting for the Oracle bells to ring again? Just accept your inevitable defeat?"
"No, not..not idly…"
"Or, would you use every hour of every day to to improve yourself. To make your entire being strong enough so that you may stand victoriuos over the man who defeated the great Zeke Asakura, because he's 'plenty strong'" Anna crossed her arms as she looked at her dejected husband to be.
Yoh sighed.
"If you put like that…five hundred laps around the city?"
"With…?" her eyes glared at him matter of factly.
"With the fifty-pound weights"
Yoh's shoulders slumped as he turned towards the yard and makeshift training area. He had to admit that though her training methods violated a few geneva conventions, it was those very methods gave him the strength to face every challenge that popped up in the past year. That and the small glint of promise he saw whenever she looked at him with those eyes…
Yoh whipped around, suprised by the tone of her voice.
"Y-yes Anna" he asked sheepishly knowing damn well it wasn't going to be 'give me a kiss good-bye'.
"Take those two with you."
She jerked her thumb in the direction of Lenny and Trey. As usual with their arguements, the two shaman were within a hair's breadth of coming to blows.
"You classless mule. Proper etiquette dictates that buttering must occur in a top down fashion."
"Wrong again 'pointy'. Side to side is where it's at."
"Pointy? Me!? What about you and that spike bed you call hair?"
"Yoh, we need a ruling."
"Hmm, in my honest opinion…you're bugging Anna."
"Good enough for me." Trey exclaimed as he scrambed for the door. Yoh and Len soon followed after.
Hearing the door close, Anna exhaled deeply. At least one nuisance had alleviated itself. The only thing pestering her now was her throbbing head. That would dissapear as soon as the house settled…
"Tamara! what is wrong with you today"
"I'm S..s..sorry Miss Anna"
For the fifth time that day, Tamara was nervously muttering her apologies as she tried to rectify a paniced mistake.
Anna huffed exasperatedly as she attempted to thwart Tamara's attempts to clean up the multitude of rice grains, including those adherd to her person.
"Is there something bothering you, Tamara?"
"N-n-no Miss Anna" Tamara lied. In a way it was for Yoh's sake. If Anna became worried…if Anna became concerned about the well being of Yoh, there was no telling what heights she would step his training up to.
"Tamara! Stop…just…just go wash the dishes." Anna angrily got up from the table and stomped towads her favorite spot in the house…in front of the T.V., stopping only to slug a napping Yoh.
"Y-y-yes Miss Anna."
As the warm water filled the sink, Tamara's mind became cluttered with different emotions and concerns. Who was that attacking Yoh. The only person who could possibly cause that much destruction was Yoh's brother, Zeke. But it couldn't have been him, Yoh had rid the world of his evil months ago. He still had five hundred years yet before his next reincarnation.
Whatever it was, Tamara had been filled with an odd desire since she had woken up. She wanted to protect Yoh. It stemmed from the fact that thoughout her dream all she could do was stand around in fear as her friends were mutilated. She didn't want that in real life Her miniscule furyoku level wouldn't deter her. Her frail body would be strengthened by her undying affection for Yoh. It was decided then. Yoh would come to no harm while Tamara drew breath.
But before she could do that, something had to be done about he was away most of the day training. If he and his friends were attacked by that monster ten miles from home, what good would her love armor be? Yoh had to be closer.
"Tamara! Do I hear water dripping on the floor?" The angry yell shook Tamara back to reality.
"N-no Miss Anna." Tamara quickly pulled the stopper from sink and shut off the water.
As she dried her hands Tamara began to realize that weakness as a shaman wasn't all that stood in the way of her new devotion. Anna would never allow to Yoh to stay home and train. She was probably unwilling to redesign a new training around it and there were just too many places for Yoh to fall asleep in.
"I still have to try." Tamara declared to herself as the sight of Yoh in that…things grip resurfaced in her mind.
Gathering her courage Tamara silently stood behind Anna as she engrossed herself in the soap opera on the screen.
She coughed softly in weak attempt to get her attention. Though Anna's body remained unmoved, Tamara could tell that an eyebrow had risen in irritance."What." came the annoyed reply.
"Anna…I need to talk….n-nothing…canyoupleasemakeYohstayhomeandtrainplease." Tamara exhaled loudly.
This earned a confused stare from the spirit medium.
"Miss Anna. I overheard you and Yoh talking earlier. About the other shaman getting stronger to beat him. I was just worried about Yoh."
"What is with Yoh's friends and their affair with doubting him? Yes, Tamara, it's safe to assume that there is no shaman fight participant out there who is planning the defeat of Yoh. The most any of us can do is believe in him and hope that he never loses his desire to win."
"I do believe. It's just…can you make him train closer to home?"
Anna stood to face Tamara. This was a concern that Anna had also been pondering. Of course she couldn't just outright say it. She'd rather play the sceptic angle, gleening ideas as the conversation went on.
"Just how do you suggest I facilate that?"
"I don't know. Oh! Maybe you could summon the spirit of a powerful fighter, then Yoh could just spar with him all day."
"Tamara, you're forgetting the very basics i'd need for that to work. Do I know any powerful fighters? And even if I did, who would volunteer to be it's vessel?"
Tamara suppressed the urge to shout 'me' at the top of her lungs. she'd do anything to spend more time with Yoh. Even if it meant he would be swinging a sword at her.
"Shikigami!." She blurted
"What about shikigami?"
"You could make a shikigami sparring partner for Yoh. He's used to training with them anyway. You could make it do anything. Even be a nap watchdog."
Anna had to admit that the idea of personalized shikigami was intresting. It would be good judge of his progress. When he's able to destroy it, she'd know he had gotten stronger. She toyed with the idea of making so that the sight of Yoh sleeping would piss it off as bad as it did with her.
"Tamara…I'm glad that Yoh has someone like you who cares so deeply for him. But your 'keep Yoh at home' idea is not an option right now." Anna walked past tamara towards the kitchen.
"Why not?"
"Well, a shikigami is a static creature. When it is created, it has a certain amount of energy and that's it. Once yoh grows strong enough to best it, it's beaten. There is no adjusting it's power in conjunction with Yoh's growth." Anna chose to ignore the puddle of soapy water by the sink as she reached for box of her favorite rice crackers.
"Couldn't you create new, stronger shikigami?"
"No. A shikigami is only as strong as it's creator. Given his current level, I doubt that I could create anything that would even phase Yoh. I would have to guess that only person who could provide enough power would be…No, a shikigami is out of the question." Anna plopped down again in front of the T.V.
Tamara could sense the finality in Anna's voice, so half of her plan was tanked.
"Um, thank you for listening Miss Anna." Tamara bowed and backed out the room.
There was no responce from the medium. Her eyes were locked on the screen, but her mind was focused on something else entirely….
As Tamara finished her chores, it gave her a chance to really think about her resultion. There were many conclusions she had come to. Yoh ws strong. Those who would see Yoh harmed were strong. She was not. It would suprise her if her furyoku level broke triple digits.
She was now in the back yard of the inn, hesitantly considering the various sized cement blocks that were Yoh's weight set.
"If this is what it takes, then so be it." She mentally steeled herself for the journey ahead.
She bent down to feel the bar of the weight closet to her. It just so happened to be the heaviest of the set. She just couldn't imagine herself at a point where it would be easy to lift. With optimism in her heart, she moved to stand ver the middle weight. Gripping it firmly, she lifted with all her might.
Rubbing her shoulder she moved to the smallest weight. Feeling a little resistance, Tammy was actually able to lift home-made dumbbell in to the air.
"Startiing with the basics I guess."
Tamara stood for a moment trying to remember Yoh's form…er, his technique. Back straight. Lower the raise.
"Is this right. Yoh?" She asked as she repeated the exercise.
"I'm not Yoh, but I'd say good form for a beginner." A deep voice seemed to come out of thin air.
Tamara let out a paniced squeal as she hurled the dumbbell in the direction of the voice. There was a dull thud as the weight found it''s target. She gasped when she realized who the voice belonged to.
"Omygosh, omygosh. I'm so sorry Mr.Mikihasa."
"No, no. I should know better than to suprise you. And it's Mikihasa" The tall man felt for any cracks in his mask.
"Sorry." Tamara lowered her head.
"Anyway. I see that my future daughter-in-law has extended her influence?"
"What? Oh, no. This is something that has nothing to do with Anna."
"Oh? I think her fiance has somewhat of a connection to her. Don't you agree?" Mikihasa was a very perceptive man.
"How did you know I was doing this for Yoh." Tamara sniffled.
"Oh, I dunno, the fact that you do pretty much everything for Yoh."
"…" Tamara's face was almost glowing pink.
"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is it that you're doing for my son this day?"
"This morning I had a dream, more like a nightmare. It was about Yoh getting hurt very badly. And I let it happen. I couldn't do anything to save him. I want to be stronger. To protect Yoh. I don't want to be to frightened to avoid getting pounded on." Tamara looked up to Mikihasa, her eyes sparkling with determination.
"Hmm. A noble endeavor indeed."
"So…do you think it's a good idea?"
Tamara was answered by a round of hearty laughter.
"And just what's so funny?" She balled her fists indignantly.
"Sorry, it's just it very amusing. You want to be more powerful than one of, if not the, the most powerful shaman in this world ." Mikihasa had to hold his stomach.
"Hmph..", without another word Tamara picked up the second of the weights and began new routine again.
"Well, I can see that you are at least sincere in your determination and that's commendable. Except…"
"Except what Mr.Mikihasa?" She stopped to switch hands.
"You want to be strong enough to protect Yoh. That means not only equalng but surpassing him in strenghth. Remember though, Yoh did not get where he is overnight. He's been training for nearly his whole life. By normal means, you would have to train just as long and hard as he has. And by then what's there to protect him from?"
"What do you mean 'normal means'?" Tamara lowered the weight to rest.
"You caught that, eh? You want to make such a vast amount of improvement in such a small amount of time. Well, there exists a method…that would allow you to do just that."
"Really? Please, Mr.Mikihasa, tell me how!"
"I can. Before I do though, are you absolutely sure about this? You must be of unwavering resolve and never give in to whatever difficulty may arise."
"I'm ready."
"Tamara, I must warn you. This is not a simple training process. You will change in many aspects."
Tamara had an inkling of what he meant. She had no qualms about becoming one of "those kinds" of women. A while ago she had saw a report on T.V. about women who actually put on muscle intentionally. Some were actually quite beautiful. There's no they could protect the one they loved.
"I don't care. As long as Yoh will be safe, then I'll do anything I can."
"Very well then, follow me." With a great leap Mikihasa had dissapeared over the rooftop.
"Yoh, you will be safe, I promise." Tamara thought as she dashed towards the front of the inn.
"Will johnny wake from his coma in time? find out next time on "All the world of our lives."
Raising herself off the ground, Anna scanned for Tamara's presence in the vicinity. Perfect, she was nowhere to be found.
As she walked to her room, it was obvious she was having a having an intense mental conflict.
"He's just like any other spirit now. He has no power."
Entering her room she reached under her bed, feeling around for something. A moment later she pulled out what she was looking for. It was a medium-sized lockbox, simple in appearance. She drew the key from under her pillow.
"If he tries anything, I'll just break the link."
The lock was undone and she removed it's contents.
"Zeke's Tome of the shaman." she whispered.
"Now burn Yoh Asakura…"
And with those final word Zeke Asakura's third bid for the title and powers of Shaman King was ended. For another five hundreds years the shame of the clan Asakura was silenced. But not deterred.
"Just a minor setback. The genocide of the humans has merely been prolonged…"
As Zeke's soul drifted aimlessly through the blackness of the afterlife, his rage was interupted by distance sound. It sounded like a someone speaking…
"If this voice is heard over in the other world, stand up."
"Hmm, so this is what it's like to be summoned." Zeke smirked as he floated toward the source of the voice. He decided that he was doing it of his own will.
"If the sound of these beads is heard, come out now!"
"I am eager to meet one so bold as to invoke my power."
There's was a brilliant flash of light. Zeke didn't bother sheilding, he doubted he had to. When the light faded, Zeke saw that he was standing in a familiar canyon.
"I was summoned to fifteen-hundred years ago?" He asked the air
"No. Just to your memories of fifteen-hundred years ago." The air answered back sternly.
Zeke looked around confused.
"Show yourself…so that I may congratulate on a flawless spirit calling." Zeke said calmly
"I see through your facade. You are seething with rage inside. You wish to know who I am not to praise me, but to be able to visit bloody horrors upon me and those close to me. I will do as you ask and reveal myself to you. Rest assured that I do not fear you."
Zeke growled to himself, as the voice died down. He grimaced momentarily as a figure materialized in front of him. He regained himself when the he realized who the thin young woman appearing before him was…
"So, I see you've grown tired of my twin's antics. Called me for a dependable shoulder to lean on have you?" Zeke's smirk returned.
"You sicken me."
"You mustn't be so cold my dear. We'll soon be family after all."
"Wrong. I'll soon be married to Yoh, who was burdened to share a connection to you."
"Pleasantries out of the way, just why have you disturbed my rest?" Zeke found a large rock to sit on.
"I want you to surrender your furyoku." Anna was confident in her delievery.
Anna was known for making the impossible possible. Today she could add a new one to the list. She had dumbfounded Zeke Asakura.
"If you honestly believe that I am going to willingly give my power to that humanity sympathizing idiot, then you are insane as my family thinks I am."
"Don't worry Zeke. I know how much it would pain you to accept that my Yoh could surpass you. I'm not asking you to transfer it to Yoh. I'm telling you to transfer it to a shikigami. That you will create."
"I've killed for less insolence."
"The spirit of fire isn't here to protect you, so I'd advise to stop with any and all further threats."
"My my. As time goes by I see more and more why my other self keeps you around. Let see if I understand this. You want me to create a shikigami. This shikigami will then be empowered by my own furyoku in order to…" Zeke motioned towards Anna signaling for her to finsih the thought.
" Yoh will use this shikigami to train."
"…and in the end this will all benefit me, Zeke, how?"
"Think about Zeke. Yoh is your other half. The stronger he gets, the stronger you get when you next attempt to absorb him."
"You must take me for some arrogant fool. "
"You don't have to do it Zeke. I'll be just as happy to…"
"To what? Send me to hell? That doesn't work, remember?" Zeke quickly recomposed himself.
"You know what? My…brother defeated me and thus earned the right to the power of the great spirits. I would be glad to do my part in ensuring that those insignificant ants don't get in the way of that. Consider my furyoku yours." If Zeke had said that while living, he would have surely cracked several teeth.
"Why are you being so cooperative all of a sudeen?" With each passing moment Anna grew more and more wary of Yoh's insane other half. Even if she did command his spirit, it in no way meant she was in full control.
"Hah, worry not, young medium. The deal is done and our business is concluded. By the time you retun to the physical plane you will have yet another means in which to knock my foolish other half around." Zeke 's spirit began to waiver .
Zeke was known not only for being incredibly powerful, but also for being a very convincing speaker. How many vunerable shaman did he sweet talk into his dark fold ? Luckily, Anna was a very hard sell.
"You do mean an obedient shikigami, don't you Zeke. I warn you. Do. Not. Attempt to to cross me." Anna was probably the only person that could make a warning seem like a threat.
Zeke put his hands up in mock defeat.
"Oh, I'd never decieve you. After all you are the terrible and mighty Anna Kyouyama. You're so strong."
Zeke's last word's were but an echo of a whisper as the link between medium and spirit was broken.
Anna's eyes slowly opened. The light of the 1080 beads began to fade as they once more took their place around Anna's neck. They finally came to a rest with multiple soft clicks. She felt a little unnerved. She did not dismiss Zeke. He was one to break their link and returned her from the Tome. The feeling soon passed.
Anna scanned the room. Her gaze was met with just what she had expected…absolutely nothing. No horrible amalgam of teeth and claws. No small animal. Not even a puddle of semi-sentinent ooze. The Shikigami that Zeke said he would provide was nowhere to be found. Nothing showed up when she attempted the same summoning technique for calling Zenki and Kouki, Zeke's previous shikigami.
"Zeke, I know you're watching me and I know you can hear this. When we meet again, you will long for the agonies of Hell." Anna thought as she closed the Tome. She had to restrain herself from putting the text through the wall.
Anna was half-through her spirit calling routine when her stomach lodged a very loud complaint against the action. Wincing, she glanced at the clock on her nightstand. It was just about the time she made Yoh or Tamara get started on dinner. Sensing that neither was home yet, she fumed at the prospect that she would have to make it. Partly because the dishes she prepared didn't exactly relieve hunger. But mostly she was lazy when it came to general housekeeping.
She suppressed a yawn as she exited her room. Which was odd as summoning a spirit never drained her that much. She didn't give the matter a second thought as she walked into the living room. Anna had to stop breif ly when her vision blurred.
Suddenly Anna lurched forward, a hand on her chest. A fierce sensation radiated itself through her. It felt as if her entire body was beating, as if tune with her heart. Her mind raced as she attempted to understand why it felt like her skin was stretching. Why was it getting harder to hold herself up ? Why was she not in pain? Breathing heavily She dropped to her knees. She went to put a steadying hand on forehead when she felt…it.
A solidness in her arm that she had never known before. Except for her rigorous training under Yoh's grandmother Anna had never exercised a day in her life, and yet her arm was as if she was a daily patron of the local gym. In defiant disbelief, she flexed her arm. It exploded with power…and was still gaining mass.
Anna hesitated to inspect further down but with warm feeling all over, she knew that change was evident in her entire physique.
Shoulders broadened, neck muscles thickened, her stomach tightened into an awe inspiring six-pack. Her breasts, which barely passed for B-cups, were quickly expanding past the D range, Their perfectly round softness complimented by the large pectoral miuscles building behind them.
Curiously, Anna stood to observe her lower half. Not suprisingly her thighs were balloning to tree trunk proportions. Her calfs became bulbous and heart shaped. Anna felt the softness of her dress against her hind-quarters. She cautiously reached down and felt…bare skin. Anna paniced as she realised she didn't own a thong of any kind. working in tandem with her chest to keep intact her femininity, her buttocks were becoming full, round eye pleasing orbs, they too affected by the energy coursing through her being
Gritting through the strain, Anna took a shaky step forward. Misjudging her new strength, her foot fall shook the inn almost to it's foundation.
"Come on Anna, concentrate" She chided herself for being caught off guard by…whatever was happening to her.
Uneasily she took more shaky steps. She slowly made her way to the the living room. Another wave of growth unsteadied her as she entered. She leaned against the door for support. It splintered in her grasp. Luckily her growth spurt seemed to be tapering off and any further change was coming to a halt.
Taking a few deep breaths, Anna once again began to try compose herself. She stopped breathing so deeply when she heard multiple ripping sounds. Sure enough, glancing down, she saw her dress had sufferd several stress tears. The most notable was one across her chest, giving a scant preview of her expansive cleavage.
Even though she was alone an intense blush spread itself across her cheeks.
"Thank goodness Yoh isn't here to see me like this."
Anna thought about what she had just said.
"…Like this."
Like this as in an a monster whose size would make the Mr.Olympia number one contender feel small and insignifigant? Or like this as in standing in her now barely there clothing? Yoh was a pretty tolerant guy but he was, afterall, a guy. What man would want a wife who could snap him in half if she wasn't careful…
"No. I shouldn't doubt Yoh like that. Even if I had grown a second head, he'd stil lo- He'd still like me…"
A loud cracking brought her attention back to the section of door in her hand. It was completely crushed.
"…If I don't destr-…" she yawned. "…destroy his home."
rubbing her forehead Anna realized that she was very tired all of a sudden. Extremely tired. Shaking the inn, she made her way to the living room. Once again with deep breaths, she she lowered herself to a sitting position as carefully as she could.
"Please don't let me crash through the floor, please don't let me crash through the floor."
She felt the floor around her. She breathed a sigh of relief upon finding no butt craters. As she laid back she tried to tug her dress down over her womanhood. It resulted in the exposure of her washboard stomach. Seeing that she was defeating her purpose she let go. She was grateful that her underwear had just retreated and not surrendered to her change.
Another yawn escaped her mouth.
"Yoh, please don't be mad when you come home."
She rested her head on the floor
"Yoh, please come home soon."
She closed her eyes.
And succumb to peaceful slumber….
August 19, 2006 at 8:50 pm #28411joey7x
Participant"And once again thanks to heroic efforts of the amazing Trey Racer, the day is saved. Now with the weak defended for another day, he retreats…to the little snowboarders room." Trey qucikly dissapeared into the inn
"Oh, come off it. If it weren't for the astounding teamwork of Bason and I, you'd surely be dining with your ancestors right now." called after him.
Yoh just as his friends argued over who claimed the glory for today's scuffle. As it turns out Anna was half right. A shaman had challenged Yoh, not to eliminate him, but for pure bragging rights. Yoh defeated him in seconds. The posse he had brought along ddn't fall so easy. If it wasn't for Lenny and Trey, he might have actually broken a sweat.
He joined lenny who was sitting on deck outside. They sat in silence. Lenny was still getting used to this having friends business. He attempted sto start a a conservation.
"So…" At least he ha gotten farther than last time.
"Hey Yoh, there's a passed out football player in your living room." Trey called.
Lenny thanked Trey mentally but in the real world….
"Trey, I know it's hard for you, what with your condition, but don't be stupid." Len said as he entered the inn, Yoh following after.
"Yeah Trey," Yoh said as he joined the snowboarder as he stood over the the mass of slumbering muscle.
"This person is clearly an incredible hulk impersonator."
"Dude. It doesn't matter what he does. What matters is who is this guy, and how the heck did he get in here."
"Maybe he's a guest of Anna's. Where is she anyway?" Yoh left the room in the direction of Anna's room.
While his pace wasn't a paniced one, it was certainly a notch higher than the usual easy going stroll he was known
"Ahh…she's probably just sleeping. Yeah, she stayed up waiting for me. To get home. to cook…din…" Yoh dreaded the conclusion that thought. If there was one thing he did not do, it was leave Anna hungry. and he definitely didn't let her go to sleep that way.
"Anna , you in there?" Yoh spoke as he gently tapped the door.
He more mouthed it as he tapped the air directly in front of the door. To his dismay the door slowly swung open anyway. He nervously peered inside expecting any manner of blunt object to come flying at him. The room was calmly still.
Yoh closed the door dissapointedly and turned down the stairs.
"I'd go ten rounds with your left hand if it meant you were okay."
"If you're not gonna do it then just say so and we can drop it."
When Yoh returned to the livng room, he was greeted with an all to familiar scenario. Trey and Len were deep in arguement.
"…I'm not saying I won't do it, it's just…what constitutes a nudge ?"
" What's so hard about nudge ? Take foot. Place against surface you wish to annoy in rough manner. Take foot away. Or, are you just scared?"
"Guys…" Yoh tried to interrupt.
"The Tao family fear nothing. Let alone some weight lifting fanatic."
"Then nudge him."
" I'm not nudging him, you nudge him"
"Nudge him."
" I'm not nudging him, you nudge him"
"Nudge him."
" I'm not nud-
"GUYS !"
"I can't find Anna." Yoh's tone lacked his usual cheery optimism.
"So, the plot grows ever thicker." Trey stroked his chin, going into deep thought mode.
"Don't be ridiculous. The only thing around here that's thick, er..besides this person's delt, is your skull."
"You wanna go?"
"Bring it, Ainu!"
"Guys!" Yoh seperated the two hot-heads. An action that got easier with repetition.
"You can kill each other later-"
"Deal !"
"Right now there are too many questions and zero answers."
"Answers only he…" Len nodded toward the snoring mountain of power. "..can provide."
"Rude awakening ?" Trey asked as he cocked his leg back.
"Yeah." Yoh nodded in approval. "Lets's beat some info out this skirt wearing oddball."
"Yes…skirt?" Len raised a confused eyebrow.
"He breaks into people's homes, does away with their girlfriends and then takes a nap. A little cross dressing weirdness is expected of people like this." Trey explained, beginning to wobble. "Enough talking, kicking now."
"Hold it.." Len grabbed Trey's ankle. "Yoh. When you were looking for Anna, did you see any sign of a struggle?"
"Well part of a doorframe back there is wrecked. Does that count?"
"Lenny, let go of my my leg, dude "
"If my hunch is correct, that's the last thing I'll do."
"What's up, Len?" It was Yoh's turn to quirk an eyebrow.
"Yoh…" Len gulped. "..take a look at our guest. A really good one. What do you see?"
"Well…" he startded at the figure's feet. "I see these huge well defined calf muscles. Uhh, thighs that just may be thicker than my…body. An aamzing six pack. I mean, I do six hundred sit-ups a day and mine doesn't go that deep. Let's not even get started those pecs. You know they have to be solid if their holding up the biggest pair of-"
Deep within Yoh's mind gears clicked, the mouse got it's cheese and little man was flipped into his bathtub.
"This is a girl." Yoh said weakly. He blushed slightly.
Yoh moved his gaze from her chest to her face…her delicate face. The face which haunted his most twisted nightmares and yet fueled his most passionate dreams. The short blonde hair sent the realization.
"Anna." Yoh muttered in a barely audible whisper.
"Yeah." Len whispered just as weakly.
"Anna? That's Anna? Our quick to anger, quicker to violence, Anna?
Len and Yoh nodded solemnly.
"And I was going to kick her?" Perspiration was begining to appear on the side of trey's head (and in his eyes).
Lenny glanced at Trey's leg, his hand still had a death grip on his ankle. He glanced at Anna, memories of just what she was capable of came flooding back to him.
He glanced back to Trey's leg.
Back to Anna.
Trey's leg.
Without thinking, Len clamped his other hand over Trey's ankle and with every ounce of strength and self preservation he possesed, flung him clear across the room.
Trey was up and back over in a beligerent flash.
"Trey, you have to stop yelling." Yoh said calmly.
"STOP YELLING? STOP YELLING! He throws me at the wall at 90 miles per and I get told to stop yelling?
I'LL YELL UNTIL MY LUNGS-"Lenny's hand clamped tightly over Trey's mouth before he could make any more noise.
"You idiot. Shut up. We don't know the circumstances by which Anna came to be like this as such we don't how she will react when she awakens. So, it would be in our best interest to prolong that time as long as we can. Understand?"
Trey nodded angrily.
"Good. Now, I'm to take my hand off- Augh, you snow shredding sicko. Now I have to burn my hand." Len glared at the saliva slicked appendage with contempt.
"You idiot. Shut up." Trey said sarcastically. "Dude." Trey objected as Lenny wiped his on his jacket.
"Well Yoh, Trey started, she's your fiace'. What do we do?"
"We can't just leave her out here, that's for sure. Let's get her into bed..er…into a bed"
"Yoh…you never told me you had a forklift." Trey clapped in giddy anticipation.
Len introduced his palm to to the back of Trey's skull.
"Simpleton. Obviously, Yoh meant using a complex system of pulleys…right Yoh?" Len really wanted to believe his own rediculous theory. Deep down, he knew the real answer.
"We're gonna carry her."
"Ohh", Trey whined. "A disk just slipped in protest."
"Len, You and I will lift her shoulders. Trey, see if you can get a grip on her legs."
"Okay, Dude!" Trey rubbed his hands together. Yoh caught the glint in his eye.
"Wait. I'll lift her legs." He squinted his eyes. "And everything in between."
"Tou-chy.", Trey mocked as he and Yoh traded positions.
"Alright guys, on my signal." Trey cracked his knuckles.
"Heave and ho-ly crap this chick is heavy Okay yoh, she's up. Where we going with her? " Trey's arms were already screaming for relief."
"Ummm, Uh…this way, her room's upstair jus-"
"Wrong." Len interrupted. "I'm not lugging all this up any stairs. New, ergh, plan."
"Alright. <huff>, down the hall here."
At a pace slightly above that of a lethargic snail, the trio began to move towards a room for the extra large cargo they were towing. It was a sight to see. Three thinnish teen boys . In their hands, what appeaed to be a female professional bodybuilder, sleeping soundly. All moving one half step at a time.
"We have to stop a minute." Len huffed
"No, keep going", Trey countered.
In a flash Anna's arm had reached backward, her hand clamped onto Trey's face. With little to no effort on the medium's part, Trey was flung forward and violently slammed to the floor.
"Augh, get her off me." Trey shrieked as he tugged uselessly at Anna's arm.
"Before we can help you, we have to put her down first."
"Right." Len agreed
"Gently, easy-"
"Just drop her perfectly sculpted ass. She won't feel it." Trey tried to twist away but Anna kept an iron rip on his precious face.
When Len and Yoh set her massiveness down, Trey was left to wriggle like some poor creature in a predators powerful claws.
"You ready Len?"
"Actually, I'm rather enjoying this."
A paniced whine escaped Trey.
"You know.." Yoh scratched his head. "I don't think we'll be getting Trey free through normal means."
"So, what do you suggest?"
"Morty told me about this a while ago. All we gotta do is convince her sub-consiously to let Trey go."
"Okay. But what can we say to calm her down?"
"Not we…me. She has to hear a voice of someone close to her."
Knowing full well what this meant, Len stood courteously the side.
Yoh circle around to Anna's top . Sitting on his knee's craddled her head in his lap and spoke…
"Anna…Anna. It's me, Yoh. I don't know if you can hear me, but, for what it's worth, I'm right here. I don't know what happened while I was gone and if it was bad, I'm sorry I wasn't here to prevent it. Whatever's going on inside your head, just know that I'm with you right here on the other side and I'll be here whenever you're ready to wake up."
Yoh exhaled deeply. For good measure, he gave his trademark smile. A moment passed in silence."Come ON. Let gooo.."
Relative silence.
Anna's brow softened and she unceremoniously released Trey. The poor boy just happened to be pulling backward at that exact moment and was sent backward into the wall.
With her head resting peacefully in his lap, Yoh appeared to be the picture of content. But on the inside, his mind was ablaze with activity. Emotions and concerns he never knew he could have were making themselves known.
How did this happen? Who did it it to her? Why her? Would other adjust to the new her? Would she adjust to the new her?
So many questions and yet, Yoh couldn't reach any sort of conclusion. Not now. Not with her just lying there. Not with all that…obnoxious laughter in his ear. He looked up towards the sources.
"Oh, Anna. I wuv you this much." Trey teased as he held his arms as wide they could go. "Even though that won't fit around even one of your hard beefy thighs. Anna, my mighty amazon, take me in your big bulging arms and crush me to yourself so that my last moment between your big luscious bo-"
"She's waking up…" Len announced stoicly
"It was all Rio!" Trey exclaimed in mid stage-dive.
The snowboarder hit the floor cowering. This was not the way he wanted to go out. At the giant hands of a despotic uncle, maybe. Staring down the barrels of a bunch of religous zealots was almost satisfactory. He'd even be fine leaving this mortal coil by the Hell fire of a reincarnated genocidal ancestor. But pounded into slush by your friends Bulked up fiancee, just 'cause she can't take a joke? Where's the honor in that?
It was no use pondering alternatives. Wasn't like he could stop her anyway. He had carried her. He knew that soon all of that vast weight be put behind an angry fist, aimed directly at his soft spots. What felt like hours passed as Trey waited for the sound of bones shattering. It never came. Curiously, he peeked over his shoulder. He was met wby the sight of Anna, still silently slumbering and being comforted by a smiling Yoh.
Len chuckled to himself, pleased with his prank.
"You guys are jerks." Trey remarked as he dusted off his jacket.
Taking their positions, the three teens once more hoisted Anna's frame into the air. And with a an applaudable amount of effort actually began to move towards a room..
"Slow down…" Len ordered.
"Oh no. The last time you piped up, I almost became the shaman without a skull. I will not be the one to find out how hard she can kick." Trey protested.
Ignoring Trey, Len adjusted his grip on Anna.
"Yoh…did you feel that?"
"Yeah. Her furyoku increased, then she got heavier."
"If she's putting on more pounds…" Trey hypothesized.
"That means…" Len's conclusion was interrupted by the a loud stretching sound.
It was just as the tempermental boy realized…Anna was growing again.
It was'nt as extreme as earlier but the spirit medium was indeed increasing in size. Her arms were contracting and releasing every few seconds. Everytime they relaxed, the softball biceps came to a rest at slighty thicker and thicker sizes.
The thin straps of her dress strained to near breaking by the pulsing of her shoulders bulking up and out..
"Hey, this is kinda cool…" Trey didn't bother wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth.
"Trey, if your looking where I think you're looking, I'm going to let Lenny bop you one."
"I'm offended, Mr.'aluva sudden I'm super possesive of my girlfriend now that she can squat a semi-truck' Well, you'll be happy to know I'm not staring at her chest. I'm staring at the hole over her chest."
"Len.." Yoh sighed.
Lenny gave an acknowledging grunt before delievering a perfect headbutt.
Yoh didn''t like to encourage Len's violence outside of battle but right now was not the time to be distracted by karnal pleasure. Anna's balloning thighs were easily defeating his grip on them. And though it of been on account of his teen boy imagination but their erratic growing pattern actually seemed to pulling him towards…
"Guys. Now. Moving. Please."
"Don't let urgency spoil your grammar." Len chided.
Everyone's mind focused back on the task at hand, the group manuevered into a nearby room. After a moment of considering logistics and angles, Anna was finally laid down on a comfortable mattress. The bed creaked at the strain of it's new load.
The room was silent as the friends stood waiting for something to happen. Bored with watching Anna's cover rise and fall, Len turned to Yoh.
"Hey, Yoh."
"Would you…would you want to die like that?"
"You know. Like this vulgar idiot described…er.well..ahem."
Yoh moved a few strands of hair from Anna's face.
"In her arms? Sure."
September 1, 2006 at 5:53 pm #28412Vollar-Tile
Participant"Heave and ho-ly crap this chick is heavy." đ
Very enjoyable, don't know what more to say. Great lines, nice plot, and it does seem similar to the show. Could so see all this happening. Someone like Rio would be especially tough for me to write. I'm really diggin' this. ;D
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